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A Forbidden Love: Fraser Crime Syndicate, #3
A Forbidden Love: Fraser Crime Syndicate, #3
A Forbidden Love: Fraser Crime Syndicate, #3
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A Forbidden Love: Fraser Crime Syndicate, #3

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Enjoy this dark mafia romance from USA Today Bestselling MC romance author Jessica Ames...




I'm a little bird, trapped in a gilded cage. My mother keeps me like a doll, pretty and silent, ensuring I will become a good wife and further my family's legacy. The Fraser name needs to live on, no matter what. My freedom of choice, my ability to marry for love, are stripped from me. Until him. Ryan Malone is my brother's bodyguard and the man who I'm falling in love with. If we're found out my brothers will kill him, but when my mother tries to force me down the aisle, I'm sent into hiding with Ryan. It will test both of our resolves to keep away from each other.




I shouldn't look twice at Aurelia Fraser. She's a mob princess and she's completely out of my league. Touching her is a one-way ticket to dead, but when I'm charged with her protection I can't keep my hands off her. Beneath the front she puts on I find a damaged, scared woman who I want to protect--even if it's from her own parents.


All books in the Frasers universe can be read as standalones, but are better enjoyed read in order. This is a dark romantic story with a guaranteed happily ever after. It does have strong language, graphic violence and content that might be triggering.

PublisherJessica Ames
Release dateNov 5, 2023
A Forbidden Love: Fraser Crime Syndicate, #3

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    Book preview

    A Forbidden Love - Jessica Ames



    The hall is grand, sickeningly so. There are large columns lining the edges of the room; marble floors and gold inlay on every single item of furniture. It is an illusion, one created to make people believe the wealth and security of those in the room. Even I am dressed up like a doll, made to appear more than I am.

    The black dress I’m wearing was hand-picked for me by my mother. It’s modest, but it also shows my figure in a way that will enable the pariahs who want me on their arm to circle me. It makes me available without making me seem easy.

    Everything in my life is a show.

    Everything is designed to make the next move on the chessboard that my mother has set up.

    I am a pawn, positioned only in ways that I can make my family more powerful than they already are.

    No, not my family.

    My parents.

    My brothers don’t care if I never marry. They don’t see me as a way to collect allies. I wish they could get me out of this, but they have to tread carefully. Charlotte and Anthony still have a lot of power within the syndicate. That puts my three brothers in a dangerous position, and I will not allow that.

    I always knew I would marry for my family. Just as my brothers did. Naïvely, I never really understood what that meant until the last six months.

    My mother has a turntable of suitors she is working through. I have no interest in any of them. My brothers are working on a plan to get me out of the house. They can’t seize me directly, not without coming into direct conflict with our parents, but they tell me they are working on it.

    I trust my brothers, but I wish they would hurry up. My mother is growing desperate, and I worry she will force me to marry in secret.

    I sip my champagne, seeking out Graham.

    He is close by and that makes me relax. My current bodyguard was handpicked for me by my brother, Kane, so he’s loyal to my brother, not my parents, though I’m still wary of him. The last bodyguard I trusted handed me and my sister-in-law over to an enemy syndicate.

    I know my brothers would not intentionally put an enemy in my sphere, but Charlotte is a devious bitch. She knows the game and she’s smart enough to outplay us.

    I try to ignore the looks that come at me from men twice my age, all hoping to get a ring on my finger. I feel like spectacle, which is exactly what my mother wants. She would love nothing more than to have a room full of suitors arguing over me.

    Speak of the devil…

    The crowd of people part as my mother steps towards me. Her dress is exquisite, showing off her tanned legs and finishing on a pair of skyscraper high heels. Her blonde hair is scraped off her face in a clip at the side of her head. The silver in it catches the lights as she moves, making her sparkle. That was probably her intention. She likes to be the centre of every room.

    Tonight is no exception.

    Darling, I have someone I’d like you to meet.

    No, thank you, I say, taking a long sip of my champagne. She digs her fingers into my arm, pressing so hard it feels like she’s going to snap my bones. I try to tug away, but her grip is solid and I’m unable to move without causing a scene.

    As much as I don’t care about that, I do fear what my mother will do to me in private if I overstep. It might be my father who sits at the head of the table, but I have no doubt it is my mother who controls everything he does.

    I have to be careful, at least until my brothers can find a way to get me out of the house.

    You will talk to him. You will be polite, and you will make him feel wanted. She releases her hold on me, and I resist the urge to rub my arm. If you do not do as you are told, there will be consequences, Aurelia.

    I give her a death glare, wanting her to know how much her words piss me off. I’ve already told you, I’m not marrying some crusty old man that you pick for me.

    Still smiling, she leans into me. You will do what is expected of you to protect your family. All of your brothers married to make alliances.

    Hardly. Zeke ran off and married Bailey. Luke only married Sariah because he was in love with her. The only person in our family who married because of someone you picked is Kane. I throw my hands up in the air, feeling frustrated. You don’t even need another alliance. You have plenty of friends.

    It is true, she does. The marriages of my brothers had, unintentionally perhaps, brought alliances and bonds with other syndicates and gangs. Bailey is the sister of Nox, the vice president of the Untamed Sons. The motorcycle club has chapters right across the UK and abroad. Kane’s marriage to Elena strengthened ties with the Adams syndicate. My brothers have carefully and swiftly removed the threats to our family.

    The only one that remains is our parents. They are a far greater risk to our safety than any outside force could ever be.

    That was before your brother made us a new enemy.

    What new enemy? I keep my smile in place. As much as I despise Charlotte Fraser, I can’t show the world that. I learnt the hard way that my name is the only thing that protects me. I saw Jeremiah Wood attack and try to rape my sister-in-law. I knew the only reason it wasn’t me bent over that desk, his hardness pressed against my arse, was because of who I am.

    Frank Maloney.

    My brothers try to keep me out of their business, but that I do know about. Kane killed Maloney’s son after he carved up Elena. I’ve seen the injury she has. The son deserved to die, but I don’t understand why my mother is worried about some local government official. We have more power than they do. If you ask my opinion, Kane was very reserved in his anger towards the man. He should have gutted him.

    Charlotte clucks her tongue, disapproval crossing her face. Frank Maloney is an incredibly powerful man. He is already squeezing businesses in retribution for what your brother did. We need alliances that will keep him off our back.

    I am not marrying Frank Maloney. I can’t keep the disgust out of my voice.

    I’m not suggesting you do. Maloney can’t be bought now. His anger at what Kane did is not going to be easily papered over.

    Then what are you proposing?

    I want you to meet Lord Huntsville.


    I wasn’t asking, Aurelia. This man has power and connections. Legitimate ones. He has a seat in the House of Lords. His son is best friends with the current Prime Minister.

    I snap my eyes towards my mother, feeling irritation growing inside me. If he is so powerful and influential, why would he want his wife to be the daughter of a mobster?

    She gives me a thin smile. Clearly you have no idea how corrupt this country is. The men in power are no better than the thugs on the street. They all have their fingers in dirty little pies that the general public would lose their little minds over. You want to know who really runs this country? It is those with the money. Men like Lord Huntsville.

    I’m not marrying anyone. Least of all some stuffy old Lord.

    You will come and you will meet him or I will make your life a misery.

    You already do that.

    Believe me, Aurelia, I have barely scratched the surface of what I can do to you.

    A shiver runs through me at her words. I have little doubt of the danger and threat my mother poses to me. Until my brothers can get me out of this situation, I have to tread carefully. So I will go along with her charade, because if I don’t, I’m scared what the outcome will be. As much disdain as I show my mother, she has the power to truly hurt me without even laying a finger on me.

    With no choice, I gesture for her to show the way and trail after her. Graham follows us, careful to keep his distance but remain close enough should I need him.

    Charlotte leads me into a small room off the hallway. I feel the first tendrils of fear as she shuts the door behind us, locking Graham out on the other side.

    Anthony is standing by the desk, in conversation with a grey-haired man. I can’t deny he is a good-looking man for his age, but he is at least forty years older than me. My mother can’t possibly think this would be a good match.

    Ah, Lord Huntsville, my father says, finishing his conversation. Please meet my daughter, Aurelia Fraser.

    The older man turns to look at me, a smile crossing his face. It isn’t sinister, or lewd. There is kindness in his eyes, and I wonder if my mother has made a mistake in judging him. Please, call me Edward. He doesn’t reach out to touch me, as other men have when my mother has introduced them to me in the past. Instead, he just inclines his head slightly. Miss Fraser. It is a pleasure to meet you. His voice drips with money. I can hear his wealthy upbringing in every syllable.

    It’s nice to meet you, Edward. Has my mother discussed rings with you yet?

    Lord Huntsville looks confused. Rings?

    My mother steps up to me, grabbing my arm and squeezing it so tight I almost cry out. I block it out and focus on the man in front of me instead. She is on the hunt for a husband for me. I look him up and down, taking in his expensive-looking suit and the Rolex on his wrist. Clearly you fit the criteria.

    Lord Huntsville turns to my mother. I think there has been a misunderstanding. I’m not in the market for a wife. Even if I was, Miss Fraser here is a little young for me.

    Charlotte laughs, but I can hear the discomfort in the sound. The younger they are, the more easily tamed they are. And who doesn’t want a pretty young wife?

    Unease ripples through the man. I think we have our wires crossed here.

    You can sample her before you decide.

    My stomach contracts. I turn to glare at my mother, unable to believe that she just offered me to this stranger.

    There will absolutely be no sampling of anything. My voice tears out of me, sounding a little panicked, but also resolved.

    I go to the door and try to open it, but it’s locked. My finger trails over the keyhole, which is empty. Open the bloody door.

    My mother ignores me, turning back to Lord Huntsville. This would be a good match for both of us. You get links to our enterprises, and we get support back from you when it is required. Aurelia is very pretty. Don’t dismiss her quite yet.

    Lord Huntsville glances at me before bringing his attention back to my mother and father. You want me to marry your daughter?

    Would that be so terrible? Anthony asks.

    Lord Huntsville glances down, and I wonder what he’s thinking. Panic starts to rise inside me. Is he honestly considering this? This isn’t the fifteenth century. We don’t force women to marry for political gain.

    Unlock the door, Charlotte. I try the handle again but it doesn’t move.

    Lord Huntsville, there are certain… things in your life that you have tried to keep hidden. Certain events that could see you stripped of your peerage, even sent to prison. Don’t sit there and act holier than thou, when underneath all the fancy robes and titles, you’re no different from us.

    You can’t blackmail me into this. He snarls out the words, and my heart starts to pitter-patter. What dirt does Charlotte have on this man? And how prepared is she to use it in order to get him to do as she bids?

    Oh, but it’s not blackmail, darling. You are going to agree to our terms and you are going to marry Aurelia in a lavish ceremony that will get tongues wagging no doubt. It will legitimise Fraser Holdings even further and it will give my family access to areas we never had before.

    I shake my head. There’s only one problem with your little scheme. I’m not marrying anyone, certainly not somebody you have chosen for me.

    Charlotte crosses the room, anger lining every inch of her face. I brace for the strike, but it is my throat she grabs. She slams me against the door, forcing the air from my lungs. Her grip on my neck is so hard, I can barely breathe. Her rabid eyes fill my vision as she moves barely a scant inch from my face. I’m tired of your childish tantrums. You will do exactly as you are ordered to do, because that is your duty. If you don’t, it is your brothers who will suffer the consequences of your actions.

    A chill races through me at her words. Someone hammers on the door behind me. Graham, I think. He puts his full weight against the frame, trying to break the door down. It slams against me, but I can go nowhere as Charlotte is still holding my throat.

    You will let this man do whatever he feels the need to do in order to cement this marriage, and you will be happy about it. I found you a wonderful match, Aurelia. A Lord. You will be Lady Aurelia Fraser. How could you ask for more?

    She releases me and I step away from the door, which continues to thunder with each kick Graham plants against it. I meet Lord Huntsville’s eyes, and I see the strain in them.

    I’m sorry, he murmurs. There are things that need to be kept secret.

    My stomach sinks. Charlotte moves to the door and unlocks it. It flings open and Graham is standing on the other side. His eyes shift me before coming back to my mother.

    Miss Fraser, is everything all right? he asks.

    Everything is fine, Charlotte interrupts before I can respond. I don’t know why you felt the need to bang against the door like some kind of animal. Your services are no longer required.

    Graham’s back snaps straight. All due respect, Mrs Fraser, I don’t take my orders from you.

    I thought you might say that.

    Charlotte’s men step into the room, sucking all the space out. Graham twists as he’s encircled, but he has to realise he can’t take on all of them.

    This is not going to end well for me, and I know it. My only chance of survival is to run. While my mother is concentrating on what is happening in front of her, I slip out of my heels. I dart for the door, hearing raised voices and feeling fingers trying to grab me. But I’m small and fast. I also have the benefit of adrenaline pumping through my body. I rush into the hall, ignoring the eyes that come towards me. Desperately, I scan the room for the exit and run in that direction. I can hear feet behind me, heavy boots on the marble, but I don’t stop moving.

    I hit the doors out of the room at full speed, jarring my elbow. I make it into the foyer, still ahead of my pursuers, and see the front doors just metres away. I hit them hard, and stumble out into the night air. The concrete ground is freezing beneath my soles, but I’m in a fight for my life. I run, pounding up the street like an Olympic athlete chasing the gold medal.

    Crossing the street, I feel the kiss of a bumper as a car gets too close. Horns blare, but I ignore everything except the need to escape. Whatever it takes to keep my freedom.

    I slip down a narrow cut through between two buildings, which opens out onto a courtyard. The quaint little row of shops is probably delightful in the daytime, but right now, everything seems sinister. The shadows seem to chase me deeper into the corners of the courtyard as I realise I’m trapped.

    I duck down to the corner, drawing my knees to my chin, praying to every God I can think of that no one finds me.

    I’m not sure how long I sit there for, hardly daring to breathe, but the air becomes frozen around me and every breath hurts. Knowing I need to keep moving, that I need to find security and safety, I use the wall to help myself up. My body aches and my bones feel stiff.

    I move to the mouth of the small ginnel and peer out. There is traffic, even a few people around, but I don’t see any of Charlotte’s henchmen. I slip out onto the street, ducking my head and wrapping my arms around my freezing body. Barefoot, I start to walk in the direction of Luke’s penthouse. He is the closest place of safety I can reach.

    I’m sure my feet are bleeding, but I don’t pay them any attention. I make my way down side streets, avoiding the main roads for fear of being caught. When Luke’s building finally comes into view, I want to cry.

    I rush across the road, nearly getting hit by another car, and push through into the foyer. Luke’s doorman tries to stop me until he realises who I am.

    Miss Fraser? What happened? I cling to his arm, terror making me needy.

    I need my brother.

    He extricates himself from my grasp and rounds the desk to pick up the phone. I sink onto one of the sofas lining the foyer and try to calm my breathing. I don’t allow myself to relax until the lift pings and Luke steps off it.

    Our eyes find each other and I see the anger flare in his as he takes me in. He drops to his knees in front of

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