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Logan's Got the Runs
Logan's Got the Runs
Logan's Got the Runs
Ebook38 pages26 minutes

Logan's Got the Runs

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Logan lived his entire life devoted to The Regularity, a concept of civilization that structured everything. Most importantly, when to go. But once he discovers a contrarian populace in the bowels of his Utopia, can he come to terms with a renewed, feel-fresh appreciation of another culture’s way of life?

PublisherDick Midnight
Release dateOct 11, 2023
Logan's Got the Runs

Dick Midnight

Dick Midnight is a badass.He is also the master of pseudo-biographical mythological erotica, or mytherotica, for short. His stories have been must reads among an established cult following that discovered the works in the recesses of the deep internet. Now, for the first time, the extensive Dick Midnight catalog is gradually being made available in more accessible online venues.For centuries, eons even, artists like Dick Midnight have warned of the dangers of the creatures of our mythology, looming in the shadows, on the fringes of civilization. But as science and academia have taken hold and proclaimed Gods and beasts as little more than figments of our active imaginations, we have let down our guard. When an unexplained abduction occurs, and Dick Midnight's services are requested, his double duty begins. He is at once monster slayer, damsel rescuer, and entertaining, engrossing, erotica wordsmith.A complex personality with his own inner demons, Dick Midnight can be aloof and distant, intense and quippy, and often seemingly on the verge of spinning out of control.But damn, can he write.

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    Book preview

    Logan's Got the Runs - Dick Midnight

    Logan’s Got the Runs

    By Dick Midnight


    The Regularity made everyone feel their best. It was a system of precision. A benefactor of genetic engineering.

    The source of constant happiness. No backups. No discomfort. Just pure, blissful release. Right on cue. In very specific intervals.

    A population of vibrant exuberance. They lived well with the understanding there would be no extended interference in their day-to-day routine. Residents knew when they were scheduled to do their timely expulsion. They could set their watches to it. More accurately, their watches were set for them.

    Because in The Regularity, nothing was more important than cleansing the system. And once the process was done, residents could return to the boundless happiness that occupied another solar revolution in this world of wonder.

    A world they would enjoy to the fullest for their 30-cycle requirement.

    The Regularity was like a flower in full bloom. A peacock with feathers a-flutter. Proud. Full of life. Ready to embark on the many wonders that awaited, unrestricted, unfettered by any prospect of intestinal uncertainty.

    The ultimate peace. A world without fear.

    Like nearly everyone in The Regularity, Logan embraced his days. But he also had to be on watch. His was a very important job. For even in a true paradise like The Regularity, there were those who didn’t appreciate the benefits provided.

    Logan worked in the police department. Police was too strong a word. So was law enforcement. It generally wasn’t a very strenuous job. When nearly everyone was happy, there was nearly nothing to enforce. Nearly nothing to police.

    But nearly everyone isn’t everyone. So now and again, Logan and his co-horts would be called to dispose of a situation. They were what slang parlance referred as The Backdoor Trots. Usually, these unappreciative residents were just anxious about their looming advancement to the next realm, in the form of a momentous event referred to as the Ceremony of the Swirl.

    A celebration of one’s time in The Regularity, and progression to the next phase.

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