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14 Days Of Mantras: Tap The True Power Of Your Mind In Two Weeks Or Less
14 Days Of Mantras: Tap The True Power Of Your Mind In Two Weeks Or Less
14 Days Of Mantras: Tap The True Power Of Your Mind In Two Weeks Or Less
Ebook74 pages42 minutes

14 Days Of Mantras: Tap The True Power Of Your Mind In Two Weeks Or Less

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Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey toward inner peace, self-discovery, and personal growth? Imagine a life where you can manifest your deepest desires, overcome challenges with grace, and radiate positivity from within. Unlock Your potential by reading and embracing the power of Mantras and Meditations because this book 14 Days

PublisherDavid Kennedy
Release dateDec 1, 2023
14 Days Of Mantras: Tap The True Power Of Your Mind In Two Weeks Or Less

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    Book preview

    14 Days Of Mantras - David Kennedy


    The Journey Begins

    This journey to self-discovery begins with a challenge to oneself. This challenge is straightforward but very profound at the same time. It involves doing a mantra every day for 14 days. Two weeks is not a long time until you attempt to do something consistently for those two weeks. Then you really find out just how long two weeks can be. It takes skill and dedication to complete this process.

    But completing the process has extreme benefits, and every one of them will push you in a good, wholesome direction. Understanding and using the power of mantras, meditation, and self-focus is the first step along the path to what we like to call self-enlightenment.

    Before we begin, I must tell you this can be a very emotional journey. Some of these mantras may push you outside your comfort zone and even hit a sore spot. You may find some of these mantras extremely difficult to say to yourself for the first time. But you must push through it. It’s important to realize that personal growth is a gradual process that depends on the effort you put into it. Simply confronting yourself on some of these mantras will force you to grow beyond who you are right now. You see, most individuals spend most of their lives avoiding or denying parts of themselves that they don't like or that challenge their ideas of who they are.

    But by confronting and breaking through these areas of uncomfortable reality, we will be liberated from our limitations and tap into a new level of personal power. So, focus on putting as much of yourself into the program as possible because the more you put into it, the more you will get out of it.


    What's The Difference?

    Many people ask what is the difference between a mantra and meditation. Although they are very similar in their concepts and structures, meditation usually involves focusing and calming the conscious mind through mindfulness. Conversely, Mantras can achieve the same result but are more or less a brute force attack upon the self-image. This strong-arm tactic uses positive affirmations repeated over and over again, allowing you to unlock your true self in a very short time.



    Whenever I say the word mantra, individuals get the mental imagery of a monk chanting away in some isolated location. Because of this misunderstanding, there are many myths behind mantras. But the truth is mantras are nothing more than a tool that lets you tap into the power of repetition.

    Repetition is the mother of all skills, both mental and physical. The more you repeat an activity, the better you get at that activity. The more the activity is reinforced, the more one can believe in the truth of that activity. So, the more you repeat a specific phrase to yourself, the more that phrase becomes a part of you on a subconscious and conscious level.

    When a mantra is repeated enough, it becomes part of your internal mental dialogue, and it is that dialogue or script that you follow daily to create your life.

    So the better you write that script and the more positive focused it is, the more happiness and joy you will have in your life. Repeating a mantra over and over again will restructure your thinking and replace old negative thought processes with new positive ones. You will see positive changes in your life through nothing more than the power of repetition.



    There is no true mystery

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