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New Boy
New Boy
New Boy
Ebook35 pages25 minutes

New Boy

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About this ebook

And they were roommates...


Sean's new roommate, Adam, is mean, pretentious, and about as sociable as a cat.


Naturally, Sean falls for him immediately.


(This is a short prequel to Rent Boys from Sean's POV!)

PublisherHadley Field
Release dateNov 8, 2023
New Boy

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    Book preview

    New Boy - Hadley Field

    Chapter One

    Well? Jason shoved himself into the flimsy chair beside their breakfast table.

    Sean wrinkled his nose. Jason was all right as far as roommates went, but he really needed to shower after he hit the gym.

    You fucking reek, man.

    Jason laughed like he’d made a joke. Sean shoved a forkful of scrambled eggs into his mouth and chewed.

    He’s a dick, right? Jason insisted.

    He was talking about Adam, their new roommate. And he wasn’t wrong. Adam was aloof, kinda pretentious, and more than a little mean. Like a stray cat, he was rarely home, only appearing in the corner of Sean’s eye whenever he least expected to see him.

    Sean liked him immensely.

    He’s better than that fuck-face you found online.

    C’mon. I had no way of knowing he had a pet snake.

    I’m pretty sure that’s one of the first questions you should be asking potential roommates.

    The pet snake hadn’t been the dealbreaker, although Sean had been shocked at how badly snakes smelled when the cage wasn’t clean. It was the infestation of crickets after he’d had a bucket of them delivered and then dropped it.

    And then he’d gone on vacation, leaving them both to clean up the mess.

    Sean had been most upset that he hadn’t told them how to feed a damned snake. He’d been even more upset after a cursory internet search told him that snakes required mice, not insects. By the time the guy came back and told him that the snake had already eaten that week, and that the crickets were for his (now missing) tarantula, he’d worked himself into such a tizzy over it that he’d gifted the snake to his brother, Andrew, who liked those sorts of things, and told the roommate that his snake must have also slithered away.

    The roommate made a stink about it to their landlord, who informed him that having a snake on the property was a violation of the lease, and then, like some sort of miracle, Adam Brown had walked into his life.

    They still hadn’t found the tarantula yet.

    Anyway, Sean was pretty sure Adam hated

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