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The New Human Race: PUEMA Freedom Fighters Sci Fi Adventures, #1
The New Human Race: PUEMA Freedom Fighters Sci Fi Adventures, #1
The New Human Race: PUEMA Freedom Fighters Sci Fi Adventures, #1
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The New Human Race: PUEMA Freedom Fighters Sci Fi Adventures, #1

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THE NEW HUMAN RACE, The Next Generation. The first book in the PUEMA Freedom Fighters Sci-FI adventure book series.

Humanity is in danger. Whistle blower, Christian Storm takes PUEMA FREEDOM FIGHTERS, special agents, Simon Trevelyan, Naomi van Dijk, Charley and Thabo Stone on a dangerous mission in a thrilling, action-packed adventure, across three continents, to the remotest place on Earth, the hostile continent of Antarctica to expose a Top Secret programme of human experiments being carried out, in hidden, underground bases at The South Pole, by secret service agencies and governments in collaboration with an ancient civilization of extraterrestrial beings, to create a programmed AI super human race to take over humanity's role on earth and birth the next generation of the human species. PUEMA Freedom Fighters are on a mission to expose these experiments and the forces that are in control of the planet and ultimately free humanity from the encroaching grip of extinction. 

Culminating in a full frontal battle with this reptilian species, will all of the PUEMA Freedom Fighters survive? So much is at stake! With AI one person could take over the world!


Release dateNov 11, 2023
The New Human Race: PUEMA Freedom Fighters Sci Fi Adventures, #1


The Creators of PUEMA Freedom Fighters, PeaceWarrior & Crystal Dolphin, along with their wicked sense of humour have a powerful message for the youth of today, which they hope is expressed through their writting. PeaceWarrior is a native of Cornwall UK. With Celtic blood running through her veins. A nomad at heart, she has travelled the World, living in countries of diverse and colourful cultures, where she interacted with the indigenous peoples to expand her knowledge and importance of preserving the ancient wisdom so vital in continuing the circle of life on the planet. Using her background in Shamanism she visits sacred sites on leylines around the World to hold healing ceremonies. After spending many years living in the Mayan jungles of The Yucatan, Mexico and The Hawaiian Island of Maui she became fascinated with the legends of Atlantis and Lemuria and is hoping through these works of ficiton that she can bring back to life those long lost lands into the hearts and minds of her readers. Crystal Dolphin, a native of Galicia, Spain. From the picturesque village of Remuinos, close to the World famous Santiango de Compostela pilgrims route. She is passionate about her Celtic heritage and ancestral roots. Crystal is a keeper of ancient wisdom and a gifted healer who travels to sacred sites around Europe using ceremony to energetically cleanse the leylines and earth grids. With her deep understanding of the meaning of life and her connection to mother earth and all life forms, she is on a quest to assist humanity in coming back to their center, raising their awareness by exposing the truth about the mind control taking place in the human race. When not travelling Crystal, lives in her adopted home in The Netherlands with her son and two guinea pigs.

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    The New Human Race - PeaceWarrior

    Category (Upper-Young-Adult. 18 yrs and over.)

    Genre (Science Fiction/ Adventure.)

    Plot Summary

    PUEMA FREEDOM FIGHTERS, is a secret undercover organisation set up by the Former President of USA and first Native American President, Joseph Stealth in 1978 after the murder of his close friend, anti apartheid activist Steve Bambo, by corrupt South African security forces. The organisation enlists, elite special agents, who are ex-military intelligence personnel, to fight for justice and exposing hidden Top Secret projects from corrupt government establishments and secret service agencies.

    Special agent’s Simon Trevelyan, Naomi van Dijk, Charley and Thabo Stone team up together in a thrilling action-packed adventure across three continents, intertwined with suspense twisting plots as they expose and dismantle the programme of human experiments being carried out by an Ancient Civilisation of extraterrestrial beings, who invaded this planet hundreds of thousands of years ago and have power, dominance and control over all life upon it. Through the information from a whistle blower and a series of past lifetime experiences where they travel through time, space and dimensions they discover that these experiments have been carried out for hundreds of thousands of years in hidden underground bases in collaboration with global leaders and secret service agencies, working together to create a controlled AI super human race to take over humanity’s role on this planet and outer space.

    Movie documentary producer, Phil Bainbridge, after experiencing a strange E.T. anomaly whilst working on location in the Isles of Scilly, in which their helicopter, that Simon Trevelyan is piloting, almost crashes after seeing flashing lights and flying silver disc like UFO’s coming out of the water. Phil wants answer’s to what happened and what is going on under the water in that location, he discovers that there is more to all these activities and that Naomi, Simon, Charley and Thabo have information about this, that is highly top secret. He realises if he can gain access to their information and make a movie documentary about this, selling it to the highest bidder, he could become a very wealthy and famous man and pay off the huge gambling debt he owes to loan sharks who are threatening the lives of his family. His actions place the PUEMA mission in jeopardy and humanity in grave danger as he stalks the freedom fighters across three continents and watches their every move. This ex royal marine commando uses military style tactics to put them all in danger as they enter the hostile world of Antarctica and the secret hidden underground Alien base where the experimental laboratories are kept out of sight.

    Culminating in a full-front battle with this alien species as they try to destroy The Base and its experiments and ultimately free humanity from the encroaching grip of extinction and the birth of the next generation of the human race.

    Will the PUEMA Freedom Fighters succeed ? Will they all survive? Who will live and who will die in this race to save humanity and the planet from extinction.   

    PART I


    ONCE UPON A TIME IN a land long forgotten where legends were born and truth has been hidden:


    A Fateful Journey

    A KING SLUMPED OVER the lifeless, limp body that lay in his arms, weeping and sobbing, rocking back and forth, willing the life to come back into his beautiful wife. He rocked her in his arms as the sea pounded the causeway and lashed over him, one angry wave after another.

    Racked with guilt and shame over so much loss of life from the catastrophic wave that had engulfed the lands and swept away the communties. Arthur felt this loss deeply, it was too much to bear and he knew his life would never be the same. He could never come back from this and gain the respect of his people, he had failed. Failed his people, failed his community and now failed his own family. Why did he wait so long? Why did he delay in warning the community about the coming disaster, so that they were prepared? Why did he allow himself to become distracted over lies and betrayal? Now it needed a new leader to rebuild on what was left of this once vast majestic land with a remnant of the community who had survived.

    Arthur had once been a great leader over a vast Kingdom, a wise and just King. He was the King over the Kings. Leading a peaceful realm until the invaders arrived from a far-off planet and infiltrated their society, breeding with earth women, as many as they wanted and creating a hybrid race of giants, who were huge in stature and ferocious in temperament. The lands became infested with these notorious beings who brought terror and war, greed and jealousy and sort power and dominance over earthling man. King Arthur and Queen Guinevere were forced to become Freedom Fighters and built armies to help them travel through the lands trying to maintain order and stability and keep the original teachings and wisdom alive. The teachings of living within the universal laws, that are so vital for all life forms on this planet. But these invaders came with new ways and new technology that went beyond the boundaries of those universal laws. They started experimenting on humans in vile and disgusting ways, learning how to control and manipulate the small human species to be their slaves and do their will. They went beyond all the boundaries even crossing the human genes with animal genes and creating grotesque beasts, half human and half animal. Until eventually the world was filled with rampant violence, greed and corruption. And so, an ongoing battle had raged through out the Earth. A battle between good and evil. King Arthur and Queen Guinevere and their Knights had become the mortal enemy of the invaders and their followers.

    Arthur and his wife, Guinevere, were rebuilding peaceful, law abiding communities from the pockets of good-hearted people who still existed across the world, resisting the control of the invaders who lived side by side with them. Betrayal was rampant in those communities as spies infiltrated and tried to lead the good hearted astray in their attempts to topple the leadership of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere. No one knew who their friends were....... Disaster was creeping ever closer to the door. Arthur with the help of his sage and mentor Merlin, could read the signs, he knew the planet was about to go through a change of immeasurable proportions but then it came like a thief in the night without warning, taking the good and the bad without regard.

    Arthur lamented as he held his dead wife, why had he not acted sooner and warned his people days before to evacuate to high ground. He had been so enraged and distracted by rumours that he instead became focused on revenge. And now the man, his best friend, the man who had betrayed him, stood over him and bent down to touch Guinevere. Arthur sprang up in grief filled rage and drew his sword. He struck Lancelot in his side with a grievous wound and this well-trained Knight reacted, he drew his blade and drove it deep into Arthur’s chest, wounding him mortally. And that day the world lost its rightful King and Queen.

    The following day, Merlin and the Knights with the royal court watched solemnly on the shore as the burial barge, taking the King and Queen to their final resting place, floated out to sea with only the healing maidens escorting them. The mist quickly surrounded the barge as it disappeared from view and the King and Queen were never seen again.

    As the barge made its final journey to the sacred burial grounds, a gigantic, tall ship with broken masts and tattered sails emerged from out of the fog with a ghostly presence. The young maidens on the barge shrunk back in terror at the sight of the angry, menacing, gigantic men on the massive ship, that pulled their small vessel out of the water and cast those screaming maidens into a watery grave, taking the bodies of the King and Queen to a far-off land.

    Hundreds of Thousands of years later King Arthur opens his eyes and looks up at the blurred, shadowy, figure of a man standing on the ice above him. He raises his armour clad arm and mouths the words, Help me!

    A few weeks earlier in the vibrant and majestic Kingdom of Lyonesse:



    LOOK ME IN THE EYE and tell me the truth, have you betrayed me with my best friend? the tall, handsome man casts a shadow over his wife, in the flickering candle light, as he leans over and stares into her beautiful eyes, are the rumours true that you are having an affair with him?

    Really! you need me to look you in the eye to answer this? can you not feel my love for you? can you not feel the love we have for each other? our connection is so strong Arthur, can you not feel it? it hurts me so much that I have to look you in the eye to answer this. It shows me that you can no longer feel the deep love that I have for you. I love you so much, tears start to fall upon Guinevere’s soft, round cheeks,  oh Arthur, I am deeply hurt that you have listened to those rumours and could even believe them,  Guinevere throws back the bed covers and quickly gets up from the bed, her blonde hair falling gently down her back, her angry footsteps thud heavily on the stone floor of the castle as she moves like a storm to the open window.

    Do you remember Arthur, that we always say we are one soul and nothing can come between us, she says harshly to her husband without looking back at him, trying to maintain her composure and not react explosively. Desperate to conceal the anger she feels towards her husband’s accusation she breathes in the fresh air from the window and wipes her tears.

    The cold high mountain air takes her breath away at this early hour. They were woken up from a restless night of sleep, by the sounds of two of the knight’s arriving in the courtyard on horseback. Guinevere knew something was on her husband’s mind when he hastily called a meeting with his most loyal knights to discuss what preparations were needed for a disaster, that Merlin had warned him about, that was coming to these lands. She and Arthur had left Pendragon castle and ridden on horse back for four days to arrive at Star Castle and prepare for the knight’s arrival. Guinevere guessed that it was Lancelot who had arrived early this morning. She sensed that he must be feeling uncomfortable about seeing her and Arthur.

    Deep in thought, Guinevere is framed by the window as she draws back the heavy gold velvet curtains and looking out over the high forest clad mountains that surround this fortress castle, she remembers how they always felt safe in the isolated beauty of this majestic building. Which was built to keep out the marauding giants that live in these lands. Guinevere turns to her husband, who is now standing behind her. Seeing his tall frame, that always made her feel protected, she looks up into his aquamarine eyes and sinks into his open arms. His strong body holds her tightly to his chest and she feels that familiar comfort of his heart beat. The warmth of his body and his masculine scent that so attracted her. She feels their strong bond of love and her tears fall upon his chest. His soft golden red beard brushes her forehead as he lower’s his head to comfort her.

    Remember Arthur, that we have many betrayers surrounding us, there are many who would like to separate us and destroy our relationship and the communities we work so hard to build up. Many people are jealous of us, of your leadership and want to have our power and position.

    Arthur nodded in agreement of the truth in her words. He felt thankful to feel the connection again that they have always had and that he can still trust his wise and reliable wife. Her heart of gold always shines love in a positive way to even the most difficult and hurtful situations. I believe you Guinevere. I can feel your love. Thank goodness those rumours are not true, Arthur let out a sigh of relief, this means that I can still trust my close and loyal friend Lancelot. I have been so distraught these past days not knowing who I could trust. It’s a terrible feeling Guinevere when you think that you have been betrayed by your wife and your best friend, the two closest people to me. My heart was so heavy with sadness and grief. I thought I had lost you. Please forgive me for doubting you.

    They looked out of the window together and up at the moonlit sky, shining brightly in the clear mountain air. The aurora borealis was dancing its majestic vibrant light’s brightly over the Ocean. The colour’s had become more intense in recent weeks and were not normally visible at Star Castle. This deeply concerned Arthur as it was confirmation of Merlin’s warning that a catastrophe was approaching. Then distracting himself from those thoughts he points to the star’s, showing his wife where their home planet used to be in the beautiful star constellation of Lyra, shining brightly next to the full moon.

    With his mind still wandering he says to Guinevere, I think Lancelot just arrived with one of the other knights. I could only hear two horses; the knights were all meant to come together. Why is he so early? Arthur says curiously as he continues to point to the stars

    This was a special night astronomically; the moon was full and all the planets were in alignment. Guinevere watched for a moment but felt a discomfort rising from her stomach and resting in her throat like a heavy stone almost blocking her voice. She knew that she had to speak it out and tell her husband what happened after Lancelot had rescued her from the Tower of London, where she was held captive by Mordred, the nephew of Arthur.

    Oh, Arthur I don’t know how to tell you this.

    What Guinevere, what’s wrong, did something happen? Arthur asks, looking deeply concerned.

    Lancelot is not so innocent, he betrayed us both. He humiliated me and hurt me deeply.

    Arthur stood back from his wife and felt the tension in his body, anxious for what his wife was about to tell him. He knew her beauty tempted many men to flirt with her. It was always a challenge for him to control his emotions and not become jealous, what did Lancelot do Guinevere? how did he harm you? how has he betrayed us? Arthur looked intensely into her face.

    Guinevere’s blue eyes darkened as the memory of that night returned to her. She took a moment to compose herself and control her emotions before she had to relive the memory of that night. She had dreaded the moment coming when she would have to tell Arthur this story. She swallowed hard and holding back her tears, she bit down on her bottom lip as she started to speak in a low voice, after several days of riding we had finally arrived, exhausted, at Lancelot’s Castle. Lancelot’s behavior was as normal, he was very respectful and treated me kindly. But, during the evening, at a banquet held to celebrate the success of my rescue, there was too much drinking of wine and dancing taking place. Causing Lancelot and the other knights to become high and in frivolous spirits. Then, after the celebration ended, I found myself alone in the banquet hall with Lancelot. I was about to leave to go to bed when Lancelot’s character suddenly changed. I was very afraid because he became like a man possessed with desire. He forced himself upon me and his strength over powered me, I could not fight him off. I kicked and screamed as he tore off my clothing and raped me.

    Arthur felt every muscle in his body go tense as he listened to his wife, and witnessed the pain and suffering etched on her face and in her voice. He felt his rage rising within him like a Lion ready to pounce on its prey. He sprang up and sprinted to the heavy wooden door. Drawing his sword from its sheath, ready to confront Lancelot and defend the honour of his wife.

    Guinevere ran after Arthur and managed to get ahead of him, blocking him from leaving the bed chamber, Arthur please, not this way, this is not the way, revenge is not the way. Please listen to me. Lancelot realised his mistake and was full of remorse. He fled the castle in shame that night and I have not seen him since.

    And you Guinevere, how were you afterwards? was anyone there to assist you in your distress? Arthur holds his wife tightly as he comforts her, gently stroking her soft, golden hair.

    Yes, my lady in waiting, Anna, was there and witnessed it all, Guinevere replies as she relaxes into her husband’s loving embrace.

    Anna??, but she was the one who told me the rumour of your affair with Lancelot, Arthur looks down at Guinevere in surprise.

    Guinevere felt sick to her stomach as she realised her most trusted loyal servant and friend had told Arthur lies and betrayed her. She always wondered why Anna never tried to stop Lancelot from raping her. Now the answer was clear. She was a betrayer who wanted to cause trouble.

    Arthur and Guinevere looked at each other in despair, as they realised the people closest to them were their biggest betrayers.

    Guinevere taking Arthur’s hand leads him back to their bed. She smiles into his handsome face in the candle light and says, come, my husband please let’s rest and try to sleep a little longer before we meet with Lancelot. We need to have clear heads to be able to control the emotion this traumatic incident has caused, Arthur felt his anger subsiding in the warmth of their love. Knowing that as long as they have each other they can overcome every obstacle.


    The Betrayer Arrives

    LANCELOT ANXIOUSLY paced, backwards and forwards, along the rampart wall, on the roof top of the watchtower. The sound of his heavy footsteps echoed loudly, striking the stone floor of the castle. He and Bors, his cousin, had arrived at Star Castle in the early hours of the morning. Lancelot wanted to arrive ahead of the other knights. Nervously eager to know the mood of the King and why he had called this meeting in such haste. He hoped he could have a quiet moment of privacy with his best friend, to make a confession to him about a matter that was laying heavy in his heart. He stopped pacing and grabbing Bors broad shoulder’s like a bear. He peered desperately into his grey eyes Bors what do you think is on Arthur’s mind right now? he anxiously asked his cousin, do you think it’s about Guinevere? do you think he knows what happened at Bamburgh Castle after the Banquet? my foolish mistake. ......

    Bors pulls back from Lancelot’s grip saying angrily, that was no foolish mistake, you knew exactly what you were doing. Arthur could send you to the tower for this. But why would he call so many other knights to the meeting if it was about a personal matter. Surely that is just between the three of you to sort out, Bors yawned, he was quite annoyed that Lancelot had pressured him to travel by night. It had been a difficult journey. Travelling through the mountainous terrain at night was dangerous and the horses had lost their footing a few times in the dark. But not only that, it was always perilous to travel at night in these lands because the giants were active then and tended to behave more ferociously at that time of day. Daytime would have been a far more prudent time to travel, when most of the giants were sleeping deep inside the caves avoiding the sun light which drained their energy. But Lancelot was so intent on arriving before everyone else that he had told Bors he would go alone if he had to. This would have been far too dangerous and so Bors had reluctantly agreed to ride with him. Now, he looked at his cousin with pity, as he saw this normally heroic, brave man racked with guilt and remorse for his actions against his best friend’s wife. Placing his arm around Lancelot’s shoulder, Bors wondered, "how will Lancelot be able to look Arthur and Guinevere in the eye this morning?"

    Lancelot leaned over the high wall rampart of the Watchtower, sinking his head in shame as he thought about that night he raped Guinevere, oh Bors, how could I have done such a thing to our beautiful Queen. I should have been protecting her not taking away her dignity and honor......Her screams and ferocious fighting will stay me forever. I still bare the scar’s from where she bit me. She struggled with all her feisty power to get away from me but that just made me desire her more. I pinned her down like she was a rag doll. There was no pleasure for me in my actions. I just wanted someone I knew I could not have. I feel such an evil man for what I did. I have always been jealous of Arthur for having the most beautiful woman in the land for his wife. I know my own wife, Elizabeth, is a very handsome woman too. But I have little feeling for her. What’s wrong with me Bors, why can I not treat women well and with kindness like Arthur does.

    Well for sure you are not a romantic man Lancelot. There are many men, including myself, attracted to the beauty of Guinevere. So, I understand your desire for her. But she is and always has been devoted and loyal to King Arthur, her husband. That in itself is enough to make any sound thinking man, who wants to keep his head, to leave well alone. But you, Lancelot, have always been too hot headed and arrogant. Taking what you want without asking. That’s the price you pay for being a tall, handsome knight. Your ego is your downfall Lancelot. I speak to you as your cousin and someone who loves and cares about you. My advice is to pour your heart out to Arthur and Guinevere and show them your remorse and plead for their forgiveness.

    Yes, you are right Bors.This has been a big lesson for me. I was wrong to sneak up and watch Guinevere bathing in the river on the way to Bamburgh castle. From that moment of seeing her naked beauty, my desires grew stronger and stronger and that night after the banquet I became like a man possessed. An evil dark force entered me and I could not control myself even with Anna, Guinevere’s lady in waiting being there and seeing everything. In fact, if I think about it now she seemed to actually enjoy watching.

    Oh, I didn’t know that anyone else was there, Bors says with shock, I thought Anna was Guinevere’s closest friend, how horrible that she did not help her and try to stop you. What kind of friend is that?

    I actually think Anna is jealous of Guinevere and secretly wants Arthur for herself. I think I should go now and see if I can speak with Arthur and Guinevere and get this over with. Maybe I will not live much longer if Arthur is very angry, for sure he will want a fight

    Trust me I think Arthur will be very angry but I am certain that Guinevere will keep him calm, Bors reassures his cousin.

    Lancelot stands up and towering above his cousin, he stretches his muscular body, throws his head back, shaking his long dark curly hair allowing the early morning breeze to blow through it, he breathes in deeply and turns towards the west door. Patting his cousin’s shoulder as he sets off to find the King and Queen.

    Bors looks into his cousin’s dark brown eyes and wishes him luck as Lancelot goes to the stone staircase.

    Lancelot stops for one last glance at the magnificent view that reaches far out to sea.

    Bors call’s out to his cousin, don’t be too hard on yourself Lancelot. We all know that women are your downfall, that you cannot resist them. But you are a brave and courageous man, always fighting for justice and what is right. Tirelessly helping to protect the communities from the dark practices of the giants. Your family love you very much and you are a good father to your son, Galahad. With your guidance he has become an honest, brave and courageous young Knight. You are a fine example Lancelot, don’t forget this.

    As Lancelot turns to thank his cousin for those uplifting words, they both hear a loud noise and feel the castle tremble and shake violently. They look at each other with surprise.

    Did you feel that Bors?

    Yes, it felt like a tremor coming from below ground.

    Lancelot turns and looks out at the landscape. In the distance, out at sea, he notices that something strange is happening, my goodness Bors, look, look, where did all the water go, the sea is disappearing from the coast, it’s being sucked away. What on earth is happening.?

    A loud roaring sound coming from the ocean fills the air and thunder bolts rage angrily in the early morning sky.


    The Depth’s Of The Earth Rumble

    MEANWHILE OUT IN THE Atlantic Ocean there was a rumbling and shaking from the depths of the earth as the tectonic plates of the southern edge of the grand banks, 280 km South of Newfoundland, erupted in a submarine slide triggered by an unusually large magnitude 9,5 earthquake. Which would cause a mega tsunami of catastrophic proportions to move rapidly Eastward gaining momentum as it moves across the Atlantic Ocean.


    Magnetic Disturbances

    FROM THE WATCHTOWER, Lancelot looked out to sea again and panicked as he saw a huge wall of water was moving rapidly East towards their lands. He realised that this unstoppable catastrophic wave was coming and would bring destruction. He knew every second counted as time was running out. Then, in the near distance, he hears a sound he recognises, panicked horses neighing loudly, he looks to that directions and see’s the other knights who were coming to the meeting, riding towards the castle, struggling to control their frightened horses. With only one arm, Sir Bedivere is toppled from his rearing horse and quickly Sir Kay is on the ground helping him. Lancelot sprints to the Bell Tower and starts ringing the heavy metal bell with all his might to get their attention. It was urgent that they arrived at the castle as soon as possible.

    Bors starts yelling out to the knights with a strong powerful voice.

    The loud clanging of the bell carried on the morning breeze with a long resounding echo that moved through the mountain range, filling the valley. The five knights looked to each other in surprise after already feeling the forces of the tremors from the earthquake they realise something very dangerous is occurring in these once tranquil lands.

    I fear we just experienced a major Earthquake, something very serious must be coming for them to be ringing the bells at this early hour, it must be a warning, Sir Ector says to the other knights.

    My God! that looks like Bors on the wall rampart, he’s shouting to us, Sir Kay says to his father Ector.

    And that’s Lancelot in the bell tower ringing the bell, he looks frantic, Sir Tristan says to the other knight’s.

    Something serious must have happened! Come on, let’s get there as fast as we can, Sir Bedivere shouts out, now back seated on his horse, he gallops on ahead at speed, the empty sleeve of his missing arm flapping in the wind behind him.

    As they get closer to the castle they can hear Bors shouting, watch out! danger is coming from the coast! Move, move, come fast, Bors is relieved as he sees the knights galloping at speed to the castle, they’re almost here, he calls out to Lancelot, who is still ringing the bell and cannot hear even his cousin, who has the loudest voice of all of the Knight’s.

    KING ARTHUR WAKES UP startled by the loud noise of the Bell and the voices of Lancelot and Bors shouting, danger!! he leaps out of bed and stumble’s as another strong tremor from the ground rocks the castle again. Instantly he realises danger is coming....... this is the strongest earthquake he has ever felt. He shouts to Guinevere, wake up, get dressed, we have to move, the moment has come, we have known for a while that these lands were in danger.

    King Arthur and Queen Guinevere dressed quickly into leather tunic’s and breeches and strapped on their swords. Running into the courtyard, King Arthur drives his crystal embedded sword into the special crystaline stone in the ground. At the same time Queen Guinevere raises her sword to the universe. They connect the handles of their swords together and the crystal imbedded blades vibrate and change colour. Using the crystal energy Arthur is able to read the frequency change in the magnetic field. He knows immediately that a very large earthquake has occurred. They have been feeling the changes in the magnetic field for several days and the intensity of the aurora borealis had confirmed that something was going to happen. The magnetic field in this region was normally very strong and the reason why the energy in those lands was so different than the other lands where they both travel and teach. However, in recent days the vibration of the magnetic field was weakening and lower than normal. It was an indication that the Earth would experience a shift and the tetonic plates would react.

    Guinevere point’s her sword now to their powerful home planetary star system of Lyra and asks for strength and protection. A beam of light energy comes from the universe and surrounds the castle in a strong rainbow colour of iridescent light.

    When the five knights arrive they gather around King Arthur and Queen Guinevere in the courtyard, waiting for instructions.

    Meanwhile, Lancelot and Bors sprint down the stairs from the Watchtower to meet the rest of the group, their heavy chain mail suit’s clattering on the stone steps.

    Arthur and Lancelot meet eye to eye. Arthur’s rage rises in him and Guinevere touches his arm to calm him, as Lancelot tells The King that a huge, catastrophic wave of water from the ocean is moving rapidly this way. He then, glances at Guinevere to see her reaction and feels her coldness towards him. He realises that Arthur knows what happened as his friend would always embrace him when they met but not this time. Then he moves his focus back to the pending danger and listens as Arthur tells the plan to warn the people in the communities that they must evacuate to the castle.

    King Arthur calls to his servants to come and gather with them. He needs everyone to help as the castle is going to be the place of safety that everyone in the villages must come to. He tells the servants to keep ringing the bell, to sound the alarm. The vibration from the bell will resonate far throughout the mountain ranges and reach the ears of many people. And that they should remain on look out on the watchtower. While, he and the Queen, with the Knights will go to the villages and tell the people to go to the castle for safety, please be ready with warm food and blankets for the many people who will be arriving. Any who are too weak we will bring them on horseback to the castle. Please make sure to keep a fresh supply of horses for us, Arthur then turns to Sir Tristan, Sir Bedivere and Sir Gawain., you must ride back quickly to your kingdoms to warn your communities to evacuate to safety. Go now without delay as there is no time to lose. Stop at any villages along the way and go to the churches or castles there and tell them to ring out the bells to warn the people to come to safety, Arthur feels the weight of his responsibility in his heart as he order’s the three young knights to ride directly into danger. He then turns to Sir Ector, Sir Kay, Lancelot and Bors and asks them to stay with him and Guinevere, we will ride from the castle together and spread out in the large valley below and warn the communities, spread out far and wide, that they must come to the safety of Star Castle, no one must be left behind, these are good people.

    As they prepare to leave, Queen Guinevere leads a Druid ceremony of prayer and protection for the safety of them all. They all raise their swords and point them to the universe and the powerful rainbow light surrounds them in protection



    TOM AND HIS WIFE SADIE almost tumble from the bed as their small farmhouse rocks and shakes from the earthquake, the screaming coming from the barn freeze’s them with fear as the animals kick at the barn walls and doors, frantically trying to escape.

    Tom leaps out of bed, stares in shock at his wife and shouts, what’s going on? maybe the barn is on fire, he dresses quickly and runs out of the room, calling his eldest son Peter to get up right away, he needs his help.

    He runs outside and hears the bells ringing from the castle.  As he reaches for the barn door, he feels the earth shake vigorously again and realises this is not a fire but a disaster coming from nature itself. The bells must be warning the communities in the valley.

    Sadie joins Tom and Peter in the field as the barn door is opened and the animals are set free. They watch in disbelief as all their livestock run in the same direction up the mountain towards Star castle.

    Animals are clever, Peter says, smiling, they know where to go for safety, they will all be fine and we can get them back later.

    As they watch the animals quickly disappearing in the distance Tom shouts out to Peter and Sadie, look! look! the King and Queen with their knights are riding very fast this way.

    Sadie stares at her husband in a daze, her voice quivers with fear, I must go and wake up the other children while you and Peter decide what we are going to do. Are we in great danger Tom? Do we need to leave our home?  I’m very afraid, this is all I have ever known, she hugs her husband and her son, lifts her long, grey, skirt above her knees and runs back to the house.

    Tom calls after her, Sadie, please be strong for the youngsters. he gazes nervously across the lush green valley, to the other homes in the villages and communities. He can hear people shouting, waking up their families. Everyone in the valley is waking up to the unknown. He wonders if his beautiful homeland will ever be the same after today. Then the sound of the galloping horses brings Tom back from his thoughts. He hears the sound of the horns of his King and Queen blasting out and the shouts of the knights warning the people that a disaster is coming from the sea, a huge wave is coming towards the land, everyone must evacuate to the castle, immediately without delay, time is running out! he sighs and his arms hang limply by his sides.

    Lancelot arrives at Primrose farm and calls out to Tom, come on Sir, it is time to leave, without delay. You must all move to higher ground. The castle is the safest place. Please make your way there right now.

    Sadie rushes out of the house; the gale force wind takes her breath away as she tries to shout out to Lancelot, we have 5 young children that cannot make it up that mountain. We will stay here and take our chance that our faith in our creator will protect us, she cowers in fear as a loud thunder bolt cracks above the house.

    Lancelot pleads with Sadie, madam, there is no time to lose. Bring the children and I will take them on my horse for you. Believe me, both the good and the evil will perish this day, no one will be spared as the land’s need to be cleansed.

    Tom looks at his wife and says, it’s time to go, he enters the house picks up his young children and struggles to hand them to Lancelot. Turning to his wife he says, they will be in safe hands, the children grip tightly onto their father, with their arms and legs wrapped around him, he has to use all of his strength to pull them off.

    No.... Mama, Papa.... don’t leave us!! don’t send us with this man, please, please let us stay with you, the three young girls grip onto Tom’s neck with all their might.

    Lancelot rip’s the three young girls, still kicking and screaming, from Tom. His horse, Gringolet’s, well balanced temperament, calm’s the children and he lower’s his head as they are placed on the front of his strong, muscular body. The two young boys, dazed and with ruffled hair, climb on the back. With a

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