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Project Willow
Project Willow
Project Willow
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Project Willow

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An alien-human hybrid is a dangerous woman on the run and a worldwide military weapons mogul wants her back. With the help of the handsome Stone Larson, and his team of elite bounty hunters, they must do everything they can to find her. Little does Stone know; the project is about to turn his life upside down and threaten the world as he knows it. Will he mend a broken heart that he had been fighting so hard to protect when it's revealed she is his eternal flame?

While doing his job to retrieve Project Willow, the bounty hunter is drawn to the woman who he's sworn to protect. When Vega Enterprises uncovers that he's hiding the unique woman with superhuman abilities, they want her back. But he won't give her over so easily when his own past is connected to the confidential military operation and testing at Area 51. As his love for Willow grows, he must work to protect her at all costs, while preventing the world from falling into the hands of a group of new world order terrorists.

Release dateNov 13, 2023
Project Willow

Loretta Kendall

Loretta started her life with a dream and a story in her mind. For as long as she can remember, she was a storyteller, sharing tall tales with her friends from an overactive imagination. Twenty-two years as an image consultant in the entertainment industry, she revisited her love of books and writing. She is also the Editor-in-chief of Lux Local Magazine, a makeup artist, photographer, and graphic designer. She has been writing since 2017 and has a passion for creating happily-ever-after romance stories with the perfect mix of steamy and slow-burn moments. A hopeless romantic, she lives her own happy ever of twenty-four years of wedded bliss.

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    Book preview

    Project Willow - Loretta Kendall

    Chapter 1

    The top floor office towered over the Rochester, New York skyline. Billionaire weapons mogul Alister Vega's corporate dynasty was a high-tech haven of wealth and opulence; an idol worship of Alister's own vast achievements and overblown ego. Outside the building stood a statue of his own likeness, a testimony of how much he relished in his own glory. The monument shadowed the city streets, in full view of the sky-high window panorama that arched around the room.

    His office had a cold, stark business appearance. Yet standing out from the office's white, black, and chrome contemporary decor, stood a portrait of the only thing in the billionaire's world that he loved more than money. His family.

    As he listened to reports from his staff, he admired the large red framed, black-and-white portrait of his loved ones that hung over the marble fireplace. There were the smiling faces of his wife Lydia, son Shane, and his pride and joy - his youngest daughter, Monroe. The painting stood out as the only personal item that adorned the walls of Vega Enterprises. He didn't permit employees to bring in photos of their own families or anything that changed the pristine aesthetic of his treasured castle of money and greed.

    A handsomely distinguished man to the public eye, Alister was the silver fox of the corporate world. To the public, they deemed him a hard-hitting genius icon. With the help of his publicist, he allowed only the most upstanding image of himself to be seen to those on the outside world and was vigilant about maintaining his reputation.

    Those who knew him well saw him as he truly was, the ruthless business owner that never took no for an answer. Only his family witnessed his true, loving nature. Kindness that seldom came to light unless it involved them. This was especially clear when regarding his daughter, Monroe, the epitome of a spoiled daddy's girl.

    Alister paced behind his desk with his hands clasped firmly behind him. Determined to push forward with his biggest project to date, he was in no mood for incompetence and felt the project had stalled as of late.

    I want the new testing done this week to increase the project's mental strength. She needs to move bigger objects and push her powers to the limits. We've wasted enough time on this venture, as is. It's time we see some actual progress being made.

    The CEO of Vega Enterprises turned and hit his desk with a loud bang to make his point. Everyone in the room jumped from the sound that reverberated off the walls as he glared at them with stern intensity.

    Father, our test subject is responding well. By the time I get finished with Project Willow, we will have the biggest weapon in military history. My team is ahead of the training schedule, Monroe boasted, sitting back on the plush leather couch as she crossed her long, lean legs while giving a sexy wink to the security officer in the far corner.

    Shane Vega, son of the CEO, adjusted his lab coat with nervous tension. The oldest of the Vega siblings, having taken after his mother, grew to be a caring, yet serious, man. Unfortunately, he lacked inheriting his mother's social graces. Knowing Shane's dedication to his work, Alister trained him to be an obedient minion to the cause, and he did just that. He knew to keep his focus on the job and not ask questions, no matter what. The socially awkward man would do anything to please his father in hopes of gaining his affection. Unfortunately for the devoted son, he lived in the world of a weapons mogul. Their work left little room for the feelings and emotions that he craved so deeply.

    Shane was a technological genius and the company's biggest asset to his father's pet project. He seldom got the credit he deserved for his part in the company because of his sister's overwhelming need to suck up all the attention for herself.

    Increasingly concerned about pushing their test subject further, he grew frustrated with his sister's dismissal of his warnings. Project Willow was getting stronger, and the thought of the subject being released into the world terrified him. He had even had some regrets about his own involvement overall. The guilt weighed on him day-in and day-out. Regardless, he remained loyal to his father.

    Shane shifted in his seat next to his sister as he watched her sending flirty signals to the security officer.

    Shane huffed in annoyance and interrupted, Dad, I have to be honest. I think the more we push Willow, the stronger she's getting. This could be dangerous for all of us. Even our security is having a hard time controlling her. Right, Chris?

    The security guard grumbled under his breath as he ran a thumb over his black eye. His last run-in with the subject didn't end so well. Security was quickly learning to not take the woman for granted, constantly staying on guard.

    Monroe scowled as she elbowed her brother in the ribs. Stop being such a worrywart. We have it under control. Are you getting soft again, Shane? Worried poor little Willow will go rogue?

    She's our sister. Have some damn compassion.

    Adopted sister. She's a freak. Dad says she needs to be pushed harder, so do it.

    But Dad, you don't understand. She torched the new brainwave system and -

    Monroe glared at him, daring him to speak another word. As always, the mild-mannered man cowered before his bossy sister.

    Alister lifted his chin, questioning, Is there a problem, Son?

    Looking at his sister's intense glare, Shane shook his head. No, Sir.

    He felt sorry for the test subject under his sister's watch. Being put through such rigorous training was a lot of physical and emotional stress for anyone to endure. Even someone as powerful as the young woman, Willow.

    Shane hated the whole idea behind the project but knew there was no use arguing with his father when he had his mind set on something. Alister had become a power-hungry monster, but it wasn't always this way. What started with an idea to correct the world of its violence and self-harm turned into a power-hungry grab for dominance, led by Shane's own sister.

    Everything's fine, Daddy. Shane is just being melodramatic, as usual. Don't worry. I have everything under control, Monroe said with her typical know-it-all smirk.

    Shane rolled his eyes as his jaw clenched in disgust, thinking, If she wasn't my sister, I'd knock her out right now.

    As a child, he was close to his sister, but power and money changes people. She had grown to be a heartless tyrant. Emotionally distant and greedy, Monroe was more concerned with power than being a decent human being. The test subject was the future of military weaponry, and that was all she cared about.

    Alister couldn't help but notice his daughter's demeanor and knew her well enough to see she was talking over her brother for a reason. That's a little hard to believe, Monroe. Shane's right. You push her too hard and she's going to buck against us. You came up with the idea to start the project while working alongside the military. They gave you the boot for thinking you were a threat to military security. If they only knew how right they were. Get this straight, daughter. You seem to think I don't realize you feed into my ego to allow you to head this venture. This is the most controversial weapons project known to man, and you're using your adoptive sister as a guinea pig.

    But Daddy, she's the world's first human super soldier, with superhuman powers and abilities. You know as well as I do how amazing this is. Boasting, she lifted her head as if she was already queen of the world, taking credit for her part in the plan. Code Name: Project Willow. The goal - to control Willow's powers. The world will bow to our will. With a woman with extraordinary skills under Vega's stronghold, nothing would stand in our way.

    Shane mumbled, You sound like a supervillain in a damn cartoon. Now who's being melodramatic?

    Monroe Vega was a weapons design specialist, inheriting her talents from her father. After working alongside the US military as a liaison, they forced her from her former position when it became clear she was a potential security risk. Now, she was the heiress to the multibillion-dollar Vega Enterprises under the cloak of being a run-of-the-mill accountant for father's firm. Because of her past discrepancies, it forced Alister to keep his daughter's real work top secret. If anyone knew the truth, it would be the end for them all.

    Vega developed weapons for countries all over the globe, but there was also a dark side to the business that was growing by leaps-and-bounds behind the scenes, all under Monroe's watch. The power of the company extended to all corners of the globe, with governments in their back pockets. Even crime syndicates, who could afford to pay their high prices, were at their doorstep waiting for the next massive weapon of destruction. Nothing was beyond Vega's reach.

    Everyone in the weapons game knew Alister was a force to be reckoned with. People died under his watch or came up missing without a trace. No one questioned Alister Vega.

    No one dared.

    That's enough from you. I'm sure our partners are more interested in hearing progress than you two bickering all the time.

    The two men who were sitting quietly in the room agreed.

    Instead of allowing his children to speak, he decided it was best to explain things himself. It was clear he was getting nowhere at this pace. Gentleman, Monroe recently developed a new device that will use Willow's mind skills to control people through various media outlets with the help of your joint ventures. We will use her device with Omega Communications Worldwide as a catalyst. It will magnify her power through all forms of media communication. With your help, we can carry her message across the globe. The people will not even know what hit them.

    Mind control? I like it. One man asked excitedly.

    Yes, and that's only the beginning, Monroe said with a maniacal smirk, knowing of the secrets behind the scenes that required Willow to be in her captivity. Not even Alister himself knew of the extent of his daughter's warped plans. He didn't even think to question her. Monroe was daddy's little girl and would never cross him.

    Or would she?

    Time would tell.

    Chapter 2

    After listening to the ramblings of his sister for the last hour, Shane became irritated by the sound of her shrill voice. He hadn't had time to speak the whole meeting. There were serious issues that needed addressing, and Monroe often spoke over him or disregarded him entirely.

    The young scientist had spent the past five years with Willow, working to strengthen her gifts. He held a special place in his heart for the girl, especially since she was family. Naturally, he cared for her as much as expected, given the circumstances. She was still first-and-foremost a weapon and showing weakness in his line of work was frowned upon.

    As the meeting adjourned, Alister sat back in his desk chair, pleased with the future.

    If there is no other business to address -

    Finally, Shane stepped up in a commanding tone. I have something to say.

    Yes, Son?

    Monroe gritted her teeth. You have got to be kidding me. I have a hair appointment in an hour.

    Shane scowled back. Then go. No one wants to hear any more of your whining, anyway.

    Daddy! Did you hear that?

    Monroe, that's enough. This is a business meeting. Stop acting like a spoiled brat. Shane, go ahead.

    Shane sighed in relief as he continued, Thank you, father. There's something I need to talk to you about. Willow is becoming more rebellious, and I'm concerned about everyone's safety. We've had three men on my team out this week for injuries. We need Monroe's team to develop something to keep Willow in check with her fire abilities. At some point, we won't be able to control her anymore.

    For now, she thinks we're just studying her special abilities, Shane. She hasn't even started any of the major training yet. She's under my control, trust me. Willow thinks I'm her bestie, Brother. Monroe scoffed with a snooty arrogance, making Shane cringe.

    Each time she said his name in that mocking manner was like nails on a chalkboard.

    She thinks we're using her powers to help people. She's so damn gullible. Relax. It's fine. You're always being such a drama queen.

    Narrowing his brows, he gave his sister the same snarky attitude back. Willow's smart, Monroe. What if one day she gets through the mind block device and figures out what's really been going on here? Then what, genius? She's not the monster you want her to be. She's innocent and loving. She would never agree to any of this if she knew the truth and you know it.

    She's just a goody-two-shoes because everyone babies her. She needs to learn to be a woman and stop being so damn childish.

    What do you expect from her? Willow's been hidden away her whole life. She hasn't gone to school or had friends like we did. She's never been on a date or even lived a normal life. You expect her to act like you? A stuck up, self-righteous bitch.

    You piece of shit. I'll... Daddy! Do something. Are you going to let him talk to me that way?

    Alister rubbed his hand through his hair, taking in his son's warnings. Shane's right. We need to take precautions. I want her to be ready for the first big round of controlled testing soon, but we need to tread lightly. I think we need to test some small towns first. Just to see how things go with mind control. We can target someplace no one would notice any changes. For our safety, it would be good to know we can control her outside the facility.

    How are we going to convince her to take mind control over people anyway, Dad? Shane asked. When she senses any fear in them, she's going to fight against this. She's very in tune with emotions.

    He was getting progressively more worried about the whole idea. Shane was on board with the plans, but it was harder than he had prepared himself for. He didn't feel comfortable with the potential of hurting anyone, nor treating the woman he thought of as a sister to be just a science project.

    The wealthy partner and business executive, Ray Sampson, laughed from across the room. Until then, he had been fairly quiet. Looking out over the city, through the massive office window, he seemed to find this all amusing. Ray owned Omega Communications Worldwide and was a big investor in the Willow project. They promised him the opportunity to rule his own country when the plan was complete. To no one's surprise, that was his only request. He already thought pretty highly of himself, so why not rule like a king, feeding into his massive ego?

    Ray turned to Shane with a smirk. I've been working on Little Miss Sunshine's personal problems for a while now. Willow thinks she's been seeing a therapist to help with her past trauma from her abusive parents. A little mind control of our own is in play. In reality, we're convincing her that Alister is the one who saved her and can save the world.

    Alister sat at his desk, resting his chin over his laced fingers while tapping his thumbs together. Humm. Brainwashing. You're feeding her propaganda.

    Exactly. She thinks you want to help people by showing them a better world. We just keep telling her stories to convince her what we are doing is for the betterment of humanity. We have her convinced the Vega empire will protect everyone on earth from people like her parents. That's what we are doing here anyway, right?

    Alister nodded. In theory.

    How do you think you can pull that off? She's not an idiot, Ray, Shane snapped.

    You poor clueless boy. My team already has. We have shown Willow ongoing videos of war, famine, and pestilence. She especially hates the visions of dying animals and starving children. We've convinced her we are here to stop the world from destroying itself. When we're done with her, no country in the world will stop us. Vega Enterprises will become the new world order. Earth will soon become The Kingdom of Vega, just as planned.

    Shane pursed his lips in a tight line, watching the man dramatically express his sentences with grand gestures, as if he was advertising a new movie. It was all a new exciting TV show production to him. It always surprised Shane that Ray hadn't mentioned turning this all into a reality show to begin with. He didn't dare mention it. Shane knew Ray would be on the idea in a second, turning the whole thing into a ridiculous media spectacle.

    Ray and his close business partner, Miles Harrison, merged their Fortune 500 level businesses to Alister a few years before, to gain more power in the business world. It had served them well. They became richer than they had ever imagined, allowing Alister to be in charge while they raked in loads of cash. It was the best idea they'd ever come up with. Ray's Omega Communications Worldwide took care of mass media control, while Miles Harrison's Environmental Core dealt with the world's environmental needs. The trio of powerful entrepreneurs made a pyramid of global enterprise to bring the world to its knees.

    Taking over the world governments would be easy with the mega-company merger, making Vega Enterprises the biggest threat known to man. All military and government-based businesses were far behind Vega Enterprises expertise, allowing them to step in with ease to control the masses in ways never seen before. With their top-secret project, the world was their oyster, and it was just a matter of time before they ruled.

    Shane sighed, talking to himself. This is a nightmare. What have I agreed to?

    Monroe grumbled, What are you going on about?

    Nothing. It's nothing. Shane ignored her as he stood to walk from the room.

    It was all too much for the timid scientist. Too... wrong.

    Chapter 3

    A sheltered woman, about the age of twenty-six, sat in her quarters making origami butterflies before her handler showed up for her morning meal. Willow was a beautiful sight to behold. Long pure-white hair, pale sky-blue eyes, and rare white porcelain skin. The beautiful woman with albinism was like looking into the face of an angel. If the angelic being had powers, that would scare the devil himself.

    Willow was intelligent, and despite her lack of social interaction, no birth certificate, and no trace of her existence. She lived in the attic as a child of her parents' old house, only going outside to her fenced-in backyard to play. Her only friends were her books and a little bird that would visit through a hole in the attic ceiling. Her mother, who was the least vial of her parents, would sneak her in books that allowed Willow to learn on her own. And that she did. Willow took in information like a sponge with her eidetic memory and an astounding grasp for learning.

    She hadn't seen her birth parents since that day Alister took her under his ward, nor did she care. Although she had a nice living area, access to computers, and luxury accommodations far better than the old musty attic, she still was a prisoner of her

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