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His Majesty's Dragon
His Majesty's Dragon
His Majesty's Dragon
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His Majesty's Dragon

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Tom Thunder tells his wife Victoria recording his tale about a fictionalized historical legend off planet story about a dragon rider named Ian learning how to ride dragons while being accepted by both humans and dragons.

PublisherBeth Hoyer
Release dateOct 28, 2023
His Majesty's Dragon

Beth Hoyer

I'm currently owned by a cat who considers me hers.I love to type stories on my computer for hours.I like the science fiction fantasy genre with romance thrown in it when it comes to my stories.I like to take hikes through forests snapping photos to use as my covers for my stories.I'm an aspiring author of science fiction fantasy.

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    His Majesty's Dragon - Beth Hoyer

    His Majesty’s Dragon

    Edenia Series

    By Beth Hoyer 2023

    Tom Mindbender Thunder was grumbling I hate my mind.

    He heard his wife Missus Victoria Katherine Thunder say in response Don’t dwell on that subject your mind is giving you. Just tell me the fictionalized legendary story His Majesty’s Dragon focused on character Ian Carrick’s tale as you know the story as fictionalized. I was taught by my schooling in writing classes about that story. I would like to know what your memory gave you a version is. The story is ordered passed down as insisted people to remember the story’s liner word to word.


    Tom obeyed speaking Ian Carrick was left lying on a bed of construction garbage in the workers’ dumpster with a lidded part slammed over him. This hiding was when the dragons attacked Paisley City. Ian’s mother appeared to be abandoning him in there as found by rescuers.

    There’s a black dragon declared a male given the name of Hades by the humans. Hades is noticed causing deadly trouble for humans as in leading packs of dragons to attack humans living on Idalia Island like king as leader of them.

    The humans were said What are we supposed to do with the dragons?

    This led a great debate till the humans said, Leave Idalia Island alone as forbidden for humans to live there.

    The command was obeyed with a few humans going to Idalia Island to live said I’m taking my chances among the dragons.


    Ian was hearing screaming endlessly making him wail Wah!

    He quieted down then the dumpster’s lid was raised up followed by a black reptilian scaly giant lizard head of a dragon with black eyed eyeballs head peering into the dumpster eyeing him. Ian didn’t cry, instead cooed giggling like he found the dragon agreeable as a door flashed into his mind.

    The door had writings said, Hades’ Rider.

    Ian by instincts mentally unlocked the door in his mind making a faint roaring noise sounded into him.

    The black dragon shifted eyes to blue colored eyeballs then sounded mental voice in a male voiced tone into his mind as said, I accept you as my rider so go to sleep little one, you’ll be found by loving hands who’ll take care of you for you to join me when its time.

    Ian by instincts obeyed to shut his eyes sleeping silently hearing singing noises sounded like a lullaby into his mind making him calmer and able to reform the mental door into his mind. He was among the natives of the city of Paisley City found on the island continent named Idalia Island, being the lone survivor of fiery destruction of dragons attacking the area. Paisley City was the capital city of the Idalia Island on a chain of mountains dubbed the Three Sisters’ Mountain for having three mountain tops in a row. The humans, as natives of Paisley City’s habitual life, were murdered by dragons breathing fires spreading their fiery destruction throughout the city.

    The humans elsewhere said, Paisley City isn’t for us to live but for dragons they can have the land as their home.

    There are no known survivors of Paisley City except rescuers going through the destruction that found Ian later.

    Ian heard a voice said, Wake up make noise!

    Ian obeyed to cry wailing loudly Wah!

    Wah! the noises sounded both in the rescuers’ minds and in their ears making them think Baby dragon?

    The rescuers go to a garbage dumpster that’s scorched but contains something inside from the noise. They open and see inside among the garbage containing a crying Ian as a one-year-old human big sized appearance age but biologically younger. The rescuers lifted Ian up who sensed he’s comforted enough to quiets down like domesticated by humans. The rescuers examined the garbage dumpster and realized that someone put Ian inside to save him from fires’ destruction of the dragons.

    The leader of the rescuers said, Let’s take this baby with us and go elsewhere.

    The rescuers obeyed the command by seeking to get out of the city to elsewhere after dragons’ fiery attack onto humans made them avoid the city’s location.


    Ian grows up to adulthood’s size within one standard year of the planet, finished an orbit around the sun.

    Ian’s growth is said by medics Shocking he grew that fast.

    The medics said involving Ian This one has a weird body form that’s unusual for Humans to have from his tall height of six foot five inches. He has a rare muscular bulk of muscles not known among tall humans being over six foot who are normally reed thin in muscles and barely bulked up thick sized. He has huge inhuman strength to physically lift humans by hand onto the neck dangling feet without indicated winded tiredness.

    Teachers in school teaching Ian mental subjects of the mind have reported This student’s mind is unusual for him easily remembering information from schooling as he learns. The smarts aren’t known among humans who are tall for they focus on physical sporting events and looks than the mind’s thinking.

    Tom said, Also like me with the growth of growing one year to adulthood with the body size and thinking mind.

    There was a male said name of title Sensei and name of Liu who said towards the medics Let me take responsibility for this one I’ll teach him how to handle his physical body while encouraging him to think of solutions. He’ll make a good Samurai’s commander from his thinking mind.

    Tom said, Samurai is the planet’s name of the peacekeeping military group as named which is true here planet side where we are.

    He continued as said Sensei Liu got the okay said towards Ian grasped speech I’m your parental raiser your guardian for I take care of you.

    Ian said, I like you.

    Sensei Liu said when raising Ian put emphasize You to learn physical combative arts of karate to practice your body’s size and strength while thinking of how to physically do solutions.

    This happened to me which I currently have focused physically on karate to practice and move while I keep myself physically healthy. Tom said as he continued the tale.


    Ian at school he was declared stupid by students thinking his tallness height focused onto stupidity when that was the other way around for, he’s smart.

    The students focused onto the boys have said themed talk Stay away from us your stupid beanpole! You keep your stupidity out of our sight!

    Ian had tried multiple times to said to the boys I’m smart not stupid!

    The boys refused to be friends with him instead said Take your stupidity away from us!

    The girls he found weren’t interested in being friends with him said Friends, yes?

    The girls instead ignore him by talking to each other You hear of Travis and Trina making out behind the school during recess?

    He found one girl went to the teacher she said loudly He’s bothering us get him away from us!

    The teacher glared at him as said Get over here and leave the girls alone. You go play with the boys.

    Ian went to the teacher as he said, Boys won’t play with me for they think I’m too stupid to be played with.

    The teacher said Go play with the boys anyway. Show your athletic way from the tallness of yours should impress them.

    Ian found the boys rejected him again refusing to be friendly with him by said, Take your stupidity away from us!

    He is forced to sit on a bench among the playground watching the girls gather while boys run around doing tag games. He felt frustrated that the students from the school refused to accept him with the friendship card. Ian sat till bell rang is when students ran inside, he joined them to pick up his backpack from the lockers set aside for students to use for their school things to carry class to class between breaks of eating lunch in the lunchroom and being outside socializing with each other.

    The teachers of each of his classes said, You’re sitting in the back for your size requires this.

    He found the sporting event of basketball in gym his lousiest sport he couldn’t do to land the ball into the basket properly. Ian was clumsy running around tripping a lot with the basketball to the exasperation of the coach.

    The coach said after Ian tripped repeatedly You to go sit down and watch this for the remainder of the gym period.

    Ian felt frustration obeyed to sit watching the boys play basketball like expertly getting the movements and making baskets.

    I want to be good at a sport. Ian thought to his frustration I’m a klutz with basketball and sporting events I feel frustration with.

    Ian was joined by a blue eyed male with brown hair pulled back into a braid appearing shoulder length while clad in a loose blue wrap around top and loose white pants baring ankles with sandals for his bare feet. The outfit was a karate uniform as the male was known for his look and his uniformed clothes. He was identified as Sensei Liu, his parental raiser who arrived to sit next to him.

    Ian confessed later I didn’t recognize you at first as my parental raiser till you talked is when I recognized your voice and realized who you were.

    Ian was sent to a school that boards students after send away from his parental raiser once he grasped speech to think.

    Sensei Liu hung around like watching and spying onto him even after recognition was making him think What’s going on with my parent spying onto me?

    Sensei Liu he learned was the name of the teacher who after viewing the game got up and went to the coach. Ian saw them have a whispered conversation followed by the coach blowing his whistle. He got up standing behind the back of the ten students semi circled around the coach and Sensei Liu.

    The coach said, Their all yours Sensei Liu.

    Sensei Liu said, Spread out till your not touching each other.

    Ian found himself on the way back to the grouping viewing Sensei Liu standing facing them.

    Sensei Liu added Copy the movements I give you.

    He found he was natural with kicking by foot as the boys indicated they were off balanced something he was naturally balanced to do the karate drills with the feet. Sensei Liu appeared to scrutiny him by eyes glancing his way whenever he did the karate.

    The boys whined complaints I don’t want to do this movement! This is useless to learn! I want to practice basketball!

    Sensei Liu said, Alright gather in line to attack me.

    Ian found himself last in line by boys said towards those joining the line Here get in front of me!

    He felt annoyance being last in line last in anything such as picked for sporting the coach coached the students to put the boys on separate teams to play basketball. The boys went to attack Sensei Liu who defeated them all except when it came to him. Ian fought with Sensei Liu, both having stalemate.

    Ooh wow! Ian thought he heard, the boys said.

    He found his memory easily gave him calculations to counterattacked Sensei Liu’s movement of trying to knock him down onto his seat he avoided and fought back.

    Sensei Liu signed Time out!

    Ian was itching to fight some more to knock Sensei Liu down.

    The ball rang Ring a ding!

    The boys scattered going into the locker room.

    Ian got from Sensei Liu Your done fighting me I’ll teach you more at another day so go into the locker room.

    The coach standing nearby said Sensei Liu you take this student in your physical education classes. He’s got potential to become a Samurai from the way he fought you off.

    Ian didn’t hear Sensei Liu’s reply, instead went into the locker room to exchange his tee shirt and shorts for khaki pants, white long sleeve button top and blue jacket with school’s symbol of white jagged line badge on one side. He stuffed his clothes into his bag including his backpack carrying his school workbook. He was ignoring the conversations among the boys talking about basketball.

    The boys said themed talk I’m hoping to make the basketball team.

    Ian left the locker room entering the gym to see Coach and Sensei Liu both conversing that appeared to whisper when he walked by them. Ian ignored them and went to the computer class on the other side of the school building near the front entrance.

    He got inside as the bell rang signaling Break time done schooling resumes!

    The computers’ teacher spoke jargon that made him confused about what she was saying.

    This made him think Bah hah computers are useless for me!

    Her talk was frustrating him on learning how to use a computer to type homework assignments.

    Ian thought I hate school with this computer assignment status of typing homework when I’m a lousy typist.

    The teacher said Students are free to stay after school to use the computers to type homework assignments if they need to do this. The computers are first come first get services so good luck when you come back.

    Ian found frustration when he couldn’t type his homework assignments after school was done for the day by students’ using the computers too long.

    One student was rude towards him by saying to another student arriving to the room Come here I’m done your turn!

    Ian was seated at the table with the other students waiting to use the computers he blocked from use. The students were rude towards him by getting an arriving student to use the computers or having a student sitting at the table shortly after arrival use them leaving him frustrated having to write down his homework assignments.

    The teacher, taking pity on him handed him a note Come before school starts and use the computers to type your homework assignments. None of the students should be around for that status. They always sleep later in morning from complaints.

    Ian found that accurate as the teacher was in the room seated at her desk typing onto her computer device refer as a laptop. Ian went to a computer and typed his homework assignments which he managed to finish as the bell rang for students to start their schooling. The teacher ignored him typing his homework assignments he finished to his relief. He went to his locker next to the classroom to find students arriving with tiredness sensed from them.

    Your disgustingly early! said one student noticing him that walked by yawning loudly Ugh I’m tired!

    Ian found his computer mind kept him awake than asleep from analyzing information he found focused on dragons like that was his obsessive subject.

    We should be friends with dragons. His mind analyzed the information gave him thinking thoughts of They want to be friends with us.

    Ian’s homework assignments for language class themed dragons as the subject that caused the teacher to rant at him Think of another subject!

    Ian said like always from each rant I like dragons enough to learn about them.

    The teacher gave up with his ranting instead had said Your being graded on formation of the language for your homework assignments so keep up the typing.

    Ian felt relieved that the teacher stopped ranting at him with his obsession involving dragons like dropped the subject. The teacher had always given him a lowered grade of C average for each of his paperwork involving dragons. He got a higher grade of B average whenever he typed assigned essay paperwork to explain themed subjects. His grades in schooling were between B’s and Cs for computers and languages in essay questions.


    Victoria said, That’s a memory not Ian’s story.

    Tom kept verbalizing the tale ignoring Victoria’s comment he sensed she was correct for he was speaking a memory of a schooling out loud as Ian’s story.


    His history teacher handing out finished tests said towards him See me after class.

    Ian found he scored a perfect score in the multiple-choice test from his mind giving him the answers. The teacher when he went to the desk to hand in his test gave him a glare of accusation.

    The teacher said, You cheated for you couldn’t have scored perfectly on this test.

    Ian spoke begging I didn’t cheat I remembered everything you taught me to score perfectly.

    The teacher said No uh huh. You expect me to believe that from the looks of you as a stupid moron focus on physical looks? You obviously peered over students’ shoulders while doing your tests and cheated. Admit this cheating or your having detention for the remainder of school’s semester.

    Ian said, I didn’t cheat I recalled everything you taught me.

    The teacher refused to believe him instead picked up his cellphone dialing a number while speaking onto it Master Edwards I have a recommendation that this defiant student take detention as punishment for the remainder of semester. He has refused to admit he cheated or tell me how he did it when he obviously cheated peering off the students’ shoulders from the looks of him.

    Master Edwards was the headmaster of the school a bald male with facial hair of mustache and beard unruly style was always clads in a brown robe with a belt clasping it together hiding if the male was wearing anything underneath.

    Rumors said, He’s naked underneath that robe!

    Ian got from the teacher Get out of my sight and report to detention after school for that cheating defiant attitude of yours.

    He grumbled to himself on the way to gym I didn’t cheat!

    Ian went to gym and cladded himself into his gym clothes then walked out feeling frustration hitting him enough to need a physical outlet. Ian found to his relief Sensei Liu was there in the gymnasium with the coach both give exercising orders.

    The coach ordered boys like always You to stretch before you exercise.

    Ian obeyed, finding he was naturally limber enough to do a perfect split on both sides including flattening himself facing forwards with legs spread on both sides of him. He got up acrobatically like habit ignoring he could get up normally he refused to do that movement. Sensei Liu with the coach holding up a computer tablet device with red light jutting from it signaling filming for recording.

    Sensei Liu said towards Ian and the boys Watch me doing the karate pattern for testing your memory recall when it’s your turn to do this.

    Ian watched as Sensei Liu did the complicated movements while filmed by the coach using a tablet’s camera. He found Sensei Liu focused onto both sides of the body than one side dominant. He was dominant on the left side with his left hand for writing including used for punching fists and kicking with the right leg while balancing on his left.

    Sensei Liu admitted to Ian later I knew from teaching of karate that you had accusations of cheating against you. I thought you must have a thinking computer mind by not easily forgetting the movements as taught only once. I had coach film you to test this theory out with the filming to give support to show Master Edwards.

    Ian was able to recall the movements after watching Sensei Liu doing the karate only once in front of him once and copy the teacher automatically.

    Sensei Liu finished the movements and then the teacher said, Now one at a time you do this to show your memory recall for your minds. Mister Carrick your up first.

    Ian’s second name was Carrick, but it didn’t stop boys from teasing him with question of Hey beanpole what’s thundering around?

    The question made him rage I’m not thundering around so stop that joke!

    The boys kept teasing him by said Sure you’re thundering with that hissy fit of yours.

    Ian obeyed Sensei Liu’s order to do the complicated movements of the karate his memory recall easily remembered each movement. He did the pattern exactly as formed according to Sensei Liu from his memory. He found he was naturally able to do the movements easily without mistakes to his confidence. Ian, while doing the movements, let his mind wander as he analyzes with his computer. His mind realizes what areas the dragons are attacking makes him think.

    Figures because the dragons are attacking. The dragons are saying not proper environment for them to live with humans. Ian said towards Sensei Liu who ordered him You to keep on practicing the movements.

    The boys snickered Dragon lover!

    Sensei Liu humph noise then spoke What makes you think of that?

    Ian said when doing an upper jab fist thrusts up to hit an imaginary chin thrusting the head backwards Areas where the dragons attacks are civilization like areas where dragons can’t socialize with humans. I figured the dragons are complaining of wanting to socialize with humans but can’t cause the area where their hoping to do socializing isn’t suitable.

    Sensei Liu said Enough of the talk! Just continue the pattern!

    Ian obeyed but he noticed the coach recording him had bushy eyebrows raised like the male was shocked despite wearing dark tinted sunglasses like habitually worn.

    The boys looked annoyed blaring themed talk He remembered all that?!

    Sensei Liu said, Interesting now it’s your turn.

    The boys grumbled Argh!

    The coach once each boy had their turn said, I’ll show the recording to Master Edwards.

    Unnecessary. Sounded Master Edwards arriving in the room from standing in the doorway who said, I saw everything.

    Sensei Liu said to Master Edwards Your ear in private for something involving a student?

    Ian frowned watching as Master Edwards agreed followed by both men having a whispered talk by hand covering mouths to cup it onto the other man’s ear.

    The coach was signed by Sensei Liu to join them Come here!

    The coach obeyed with whispered talk then went to show the two the recording on the computer tablet while both were scrutinizing its video with narrowed eyed looks.

    Master Edwards blared "Impossible!

    The coach said loudly Not a joke on what I filmed on this device.

    Sensei Liu said nothing in response, but Ian caught the teacher smirk like expression I’m right when your proven wrong.

    Master Edwards loudly said, "Interesting I’m surprised this

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