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Whispering Glades
Whispering Glades
Whispering Glades
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Whispering Glades

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Welcome to Whispering Glades, a town that adores mysteries and puzzles. Next year marks our 100th anniversary, and we're excited to welcome two new neighbors, but there's a catch—they must unravel the Christmas Mysteries about their cabins to join our community.

Release dateNov 14, 2023
Whispering Glades

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    Whispering Glades - Angelina Kerner





    Whispering Glades

    By Angelina Kerner

    Editor - Tiffany Purdon

    Editor - Maggie Kern


    Book Cover Designed by – Angelina Kerner, A.K. Designs

    Whispering Glades

    Copyright © 2023 Angelina Kerner

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, either electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the Prior permission of the author.

    Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.



    To those who love holidays and solving mysteries.



    The Golden Ticket

    To Whispering Glades

    The Clue Costs $10

    Tell the Truth!

    Work Together

    Waiting for the Morning Sun


    Searching for a Snowman

    A Slice of Apple Pie

    Youngest Mr. Glades

    The Next Clue

    Neighbors and Pies

    Cabin’s Secrets Unlocked

    Digging in the Snow

    Mystery Munchies Diner





    Thanks to everyone who has kept me going through writing this novelette. Particular thanks are due to the following:

    Thank you to Tiffany Purdon and Maggie Kern for editing and providing feedback. You guys are amazing, as always.

    A thank you to the Alpha readers.

    A thank you to my Book Angels (The ARC Team).

    Thanks to my inspiring readers. All of you are important to me. 

    Finally, I’d like to give a special thanks to my family for supporting me and believing in me.


    Songs to listen to. None of the songs belong to me and are just listed for your enjoyment.

    Michael Bublé - Winter Wonderland

    Lindsey Stirling - Crystallize

    Ed Sheeran & Elton John - Merry Christmas

    Lindsey Stirling - Carol of the Bells

    Ariana Grande - Santa Tell Me

    Lindsey Stirling - Christmas C’mon (ft. Becky G)

    Shakin’ Stevens - Merry Christmas Everyone

    Lindsey Stirling - Snow Waltz

    Brenda Lee - Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree

    Lindsey Stirling - Santa Baby

    Britney Spears - My Only Wish (This Year)

    Lindsey Stirling - You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch (ft. Sabrina Carpenter)

    *NSYNC - Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays

    The Golden Ticket

    Hazel O’Neill

    There were no random coincidences, only planned evil plots. I wished I’d known this before meeting Rina Weiss, my best friend.

    Rina and I came from similar backgrounds – middle-class families, both without siblings or extended family. She popped into my life out of nowhere in the eighth grade. The girls and I were enjoying our pizza for lunch when Rina slid on spilled juice and fell right into my back. My body hit the table pretty hard and, for a moment, I felt dizzy. Rina, of course, apologized and started crying, spewing lots of words. I honestly don’t remember much of them.

    At this point, things in my life began to sour, my awareness eluding the changes.

    Rina started eating lunch with me every day and calling on weekends. She invited me to do our nails at her house, watch movies, and play video games. She slowly took over the life I led after school. The girls who I had been friends with before started to eat as a group, excluding me. In the past, I attributed it to us drifting apart, chalking it up to the typical changes of middle school. However, as an adult, I came to understand that it was all a result of Rina’s influence.

    Why did she target me? When do girls transform into evil bitches? In middle school? Or maybe in high school? Did I give Rina too much credit for how we met?

    I only knew she wasn’t my friend now. I was watching from behind a building while she flirted with my doctor boyfriend. She was sitting on his lap and whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

    As I watched him laugh and intertwine his fingers into her brown curls, more memories of high school and college surfaced.

    During high school, I had a total of four boyfriends, which meant I wasn’t labeled as promiscuous or subjected to any of the derogatory terms that some girls used to mock others. Those relationships didn’t last. Rina would come running to me in tears and tell me things about the boys – how they cheated on me or she saw them flirt with other girls. I believed her because of the sincerity behind her tear-stricken eyes.

    I lived in ignorance.

    She groomed me to trust her. I never had any other friends besides her, and I found happiness for ten years with just her by my side. She never saw me cry over the boys and the boys never questioned why I stopped talking with them. They just moved on as I did.

    My current boyfriend leaned into Rina’s neck and inhaled her scent.

    I felt disgusted. I had to get away. I needed to move out of the apartment I co-leased with Rina and get away from all the drama in my life.

    But how?

    I had nowhere to go. My parents lived four hours away, so showing on their doorstep wasn’t an option. Before falling into that last resort, I had to figure things out on my own.

    Rina’s loud giggles made me shake my head. I walked away from the scene and into the mall’s air-conditioned food court. My stomach churned at the smell.

    Win a weekend getaway to a cabin in the woods for Christmas! a loud voice boomed throughout the court. Two lucky winners and two cabins! Are you guys itching to know the best part?

    I walked over to the announcer, picking up a brochure of a pretty cabin next to lots of trees, surrounded by a snow-filled landscape.

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