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Your Soul's Information
Your Soul's Information
Your Soul's Information
Ebook88 pages1 hour

Your Soul's Information

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The premise needed here is to accept that your Soul directs your reincarnations. That here in the Physical you are a consummation of your parts which include mostly your Higher Self. That Higher Self is who You are at Soul level. That Higher Self is NOT at all directed by your Physical Self.
From where we are now, we can not be totally aligned with who we are at Soul level.
We are still inclined towards wars, selfishness, and winning.
Even so, we can know more about our Higher Self than we do. Each of us can become more aware of our Soul's characteristics. You can get more of your Soul's information through the assistance of someone like Frank who can read the Akashic Records with specific intention for that purpose, as he explains in this book.
When we discover that we do not neatly fit into those categories traditionally presented to us, we then will not seek superiority nor constant attempts at winning.
There is so much more to us all as truly equal Spiritually inclined individuals.

PublisherFrank Morano
Release dateNov 12, 2023
Your Soul's Information

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    Book preview

    Your Soul's Information - Frank Morano

    Also by Frank Morano

    The Addiction To Win

    Soul Information

    Spiritual-osophy & Fraudulent Concepts

    My Soulmates Turned Against Me

    Your Soul’s Information


    As a prerequisite consideration for a book of this type I want to set forth the following parameters.

    In our consumer driven cultures people expect to be coddled.

    Many seek to be insulted or offended so as to barter for a better deal.

    There is none of that here.

    If you are inclined to find things harsh, this is not for you.

    I am not profiteering by this work.

    I am doing what I do.

    This I do for me, even though others may benefit from it.

    That is a good example of an appropriate exchange of Life Energies.

    The Soul of the individual decides to incarnate based mostly upon things we cannot possibly understand from our position here in this 3rd dimension.

    The veil that separates us from having more familiarity with our Higher Self is there because we are not qualified with the Wisdom needed to understand.

    It exists therefore to protect the integrity we need to live this lifetime regarding Temperance. (Give us this day our daily bread).

    When we contemplate the reasons we desire to know more than we can, they lead us to admit we focus on getting, having, and winning.

    But there is information about your Soul Self that you are indeed entitled to know.

    It is not about who you are here.

    It is about who You are at Soul Level.

    Thereafter, it becomes about who you are in total, both here and at Soul Level now.

    There are obstructions in place that block our ability to use our inherent Intuition in that regard, but they are self-perpetuated.

    The Information about your Higher Self is available in the Akashic Records.

    This book is an explanation to what can be known, and what is offered through my website

    Many people disdain the idea of their own Spirituality, and instead focus on an organized religion as a proxy.

    But you know you are an individual entity, and therefore no group can intercede for your Spiritual benefit.

    To be alive here we must possess a Soul.

    Before the Soul incarnates here, we do not exist as we sense ourselves to be.

    After the Soul removes itself from this place, It continues to have reality, but not as the sponsor of this lifetime.

    That experience has completed.

    From the shallow perspective of the 5 senses, it is all ended then.

    For most people, they can allow for the idea that there is a point to being here.

    And probably that point is to experience things, because, after all, that’s what we do here.

    We learn from those already here to apply our logic towards efficiency and despise exertion, which in our time is measured as painful.

    Therefore, the experiences we are to have become thwarted by our predetermination to not exert ourselves while we are here.

    That includes actions and thoughts!

    The most logical and efficient way to reason this out is to conclude that someone put us here without processing it all to a supported conclusion.

    It seems that They actually have us wasting our Life Energies here just to survive instead of thriving.

    We may deduce then, with our modern and superior intellect, that somebody somewhere has made a big mistake.

    It is a drastic notion to some people, but you are doing what you had put yourself to do.

    You are attracting experiences, for the most part, that you have already decided for yourself to experience.

    Your being here has you focused on this physical existence, but it is your own Higher Self that has secured your part that you are assigned.

    You have aligned yourself to experience certain things on purpose.

    It is not within your scope to have anything or anyone else behave in accordance with your purpose.

    But your reaction to things is an expression of who you are, also considering who You are at Soul Level.

    But since we do not sense that from here, we have always disregarded it with our use of efficient logic.

    Therefore, it is not destiny, or fate, or predetermination by outside forces that cause our experiences.

    It is our own attraction to Life Lessons and Soulmates and such that we have designed for ourselves, by our Selfs, which gives us the freedom of choice to react to whatever happens here.

    As we dwell in the Physical, we wrongly presume that the Spiritual part of the Self has the same parameters.

    For perspective we can appoint the 5 senses we are familiar with as our relationship with the 3rd dimension.

    Our thoughts and emotions we play with are then considered to be the start of the 4th dimension, the lower part.

    Our Higher Emotions and Thoughts exist in the higher part of the 4th dimension.

    They are closer to our Spiritual Self which can be related to exist at the 5th dimension.

    There may be many more dimensional parts to each of us, but from our position here, we may not fathom that.

    The 4th dimension is where the blending of our lower and Higher emotions and thoughts meld to give us Love, Compassion, Enlightenment, etc.

    Those attributes are from Us at the Higher Self Level: Not from this place here.

    Important to realize is that you exist in the 5th and Higher NOW, but you cannot feel it here.

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