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The Addiction To Win
The Addiction To Win
The Addiction To Win
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The Addiction To Win

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What are the characteristics of power today? Who is deciding for us our morality and ethics? Why do our political systems continually produce the same disappointing results? We strive to be working on human equality, race relations, helping the poor and sick, and yet we never actually achieve gratification. Meanwhile, our "leaders" seem to be toiling diligently at destroying our cultural ethnicities and traditions. How can our logical reasoning perform within the confines of particular discriminatory prejudices while being constantly refocused against those deemed inferior according to the political trend of the moment? Currently we pride ourselves on our courageousness and furious self-independence while we hide in our homes watching the media portray our society as mostly rapists, murderers, cheaters, and thieves with every sort of depravity. This contrived reflection of us allows those in power to consider our group to be made up of mostly ignorant dishonest miscreants. And since they have bartered away our occupations, trades and livelihoods, they then consider us to be lazy and deceptive, seeking their undeserved assistance. Same as it ever was! As Barbara Tuchman wrote years ago, "History never repeats itself. Man always does". Why does this happen? Because of our Addiction To Win.

PublisherFrank Morano
Release dateMar 11, 2015
The Addiction To Win

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    The Addiction To Win - Frank Morano














    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12

    CHAPTER 13

    CHAPTER 14

    CHAPTER 15

    CHAPTER 16

    CHAPTER 17


    There can be no total awareness in the Physical. Your senses would overload; there is no place to sustain all that is, as we presently exist. It would be constantly painful to feel the atmospheric pressure on our skin, or even the movement of our teeth as we chew, for example.

    Everything would be perceived as negative. In essence, we shut down some of our sensitivity.

    There is a place where we decide the bar is set to be the threshold of pain and pleasure. When each of us arrive here, the group conscious has already set in place the ideals of good and evil.

    We spend our lifetimes maneuvering through this physical place that seems to have been set-up for us automatically.

    From here we view everything that came before to have been progressively evolving towards now. We cannot advance forward, though, because we are stalled at this point.

    The potential for our progression is like a vacuum beckoning patiently. When you allow for the sensation, you will become aware of it, if you are not already.

    The obstructions against our natural development are of our own doing, as a group, and individually.

    Once you have opened a door, you cannot unsee what you saw. It does not relatively change your life, but simply adds to your experiences, as all the other doors you have opened. Each one alters those experiences, cumulatively.

    Every day is different. You have never lived with yesterday as part of your experience until today. You can lump all your days together, but in reality there is only today. Tomorrow is only a presumption. Every one of those days were different because you were only in the perception of each as it occurred. It was unique because each carried the new experience of the new total.

    You may be 40 years and 10 days old. Then, 40 years and 11 days is all of them, plus this one more. Then, 40 years and 12 is 40 years, plus 10 days, plus that new one at 11 days, and now another totally new one added, each day having its own peculiar experience of seeing things from that point. The very next day is entirely new because you have never seen it, and you have never seen it all from there, again.

    You may apply an obvious similarity to each moment and realize that you only exist now. Each moment is unique, not because it is new, but because you have never seen everything else from that perspective. Your moments are not a total of added moments, but are an accumulation of every single unique moment, each with an individual regard. Every door is different because you have never opened it before, even if you had.

    Having supplied individuals with their Soul Information from the Akashic Records does not allow for easy explanations to which doors were opened when.

    I cannot aggregate from this position here to reason out each step without branching postscripts ad infinitum. Our language is similarly difficult because everything is explainable only as better as or worse than something else, and would also need to be postulated to an unappealing degree.

    I do not write this to others, but to my Higher Self. I assert what exists as my thoughts present, limited by the language my logic presumes to be commonly used. The words we use are usually not the words we mean. And the words we mean are only representative of a self-image tiered in that moment.

    Without a doubt, as written, I am not decidedly right; but also, I am not wrong.


    I have lived so far, a somewhat regular but raw life. My career was spent on the railroad. I worked for most of those 30 years as a Signal Inspector. The distinctive aspect of this position was that I had to understand all the other positions, and the perspectives of those who knew nothing about railroad operations. I needed to comprehend the different ways others viewed things from their own unique positions. My job was to protect the public and the company’s interests. I originally started out on a freight railroad, which was run as an actual company. Later, I transferred to a passenger railroad, which became a state run agency.

    The railroad industry is a very independent, politically connected, powerful entity, embedded in the history of America. The originals were the offspring of the major canal companies. Many railroads have their own police force, their own courts and trials, and much of railroading also has its own language, including specific hand signs.

    An example of differing perspectives is that most people regard a railroad crossing as a warning for them that a train is coming. The railroad regards the same crossing as a warning to you to get out of its way. Even though you may consider it a public area, from the railroad’s point of view, you are a trespasser. Even in the courts, laws affecting railroads are unlike all others.

    Being outside for 30 years afforded me the opportunity to hobnob with thousands of people from all different walks of life, in many varied situations.

    I had been inspecting some apparatus in one of the affluent towns at the Jersey Shore, when I came across a guy walking in the center of the tracks. He was wearing headphones, and his back was toward the normal flow of train traffic. He bristled when I blocked his way and he had to remove his headphones. I explained the obvious danger when he retorted that he knew the timetable, and I should mind my own business. I made it plain that a train can move in any direction on any track at any time. He snorted and kept walking.

    So, what should you do? Once qualified, and having the integrity of confident knowledge that comes with real-life experiences, you can take the appropriate reaction to the situation you find yourself in.

    I would say this here; that whenever you hear of a train accident, it will never be represented as it really occurred. Beside the power and influence of a railroad company, it would take years for you to be able to convert their terminology and manners of operating into a decipherable understanding. Even afterwards, the reality of what happened could not compare with the frenzy and shock that the media portrayed following a train calamity.

    I liked being responsible for the publics’ safety, especially without the drama associated with their awareness to my purpose. I worked with characters, some of which should not be unsupervised, and squared off with a few. I had, a few times, been threatened by the higher-ups that tried to have me alter some assertions, and I had even been fired on Christmas Eve.

    I will insert here a clarification that this book is not about my connection to the railroad. But it has affected me as a very real and raw experience, demanding the logical thinking of moving things from A to B, as quickly as possible, safely.

    Although there can be a crossover in philosophy, there is no correlation between that very physical world and the spiritual one. And, this is the larger thesis of this book; there is an interconnection between the physical and spiritual, regardless of cognizant acceptance or not.

    What prevents us from being continually aware of our existing as both? You are always, when you are here, spiritual AND physical. You may deny the spiritual away, and discuss it as if you are entitled to reject it, but you can never arrive at the point of being not part spirit. Most people are averse to admit they have a duality, and they toil endlessly to narcotize that part of themselves.

    To clarify another point, I do not consider the notion of Spirituality to have a reciprocal connection to any organized religion. Let’s be clear here; the only authority anyone has over your life is the authority you yield to them. And that, my friend, is what makes you valuable to them.

    When your ideal is other peoples’ safety, there is no place to entertain emotionalism. The reality of the potential danger that exists affords only a contrary position to frivolity. You cannot accomplish tasks in reality while hindered by emotionalism, and one learns to focus with a mind towards hierarchal importance. Walking across high-speed tracks near a curve does not allow for pausing to see the girl saunter by in a pretty dress.

    There were many situations with a pronounced sense of compassion, but not pity. The ability to ascertain the difference comes with a depth of integrity, and the desire to see things as they really are.

    I recall working at a crossing in the depressed city of Asbury Park, N.J. during 102-degree heat. Some apparatus needed to be tested, and the condition was that once started, it could not be paused. When working outside, we learned to stay aware of our surroundings, cautioned that certain situations can pop up at any time.

    I had noticed a group of high school girls walking by giggling, probably at how silly we looked drenched in sweat. It was one of those times when you imagine yourself on a poster that says, Stay in school, or... with an arrow pointing at me.

    After 10 minutes, one of those girls returned. She held out a large, clear plastic cup filled with ice, and a sealed bottle of iced tea, smiled and said Here, this is for you. She took the trouble to not only walk in the heat, but also removed any doubt of trust, using a clear cup and a sealed bottle. We both recognized the gesture, and I said, Thank you.

    Absolutely nothing else was said, nor was it warranted. She knew she did something for another human being, and so did I, and we were both aware that the other recognized that.

    I think it is conventional for humans to have a desire to seek out the connection to their spiritual side, their soul, their Higher Self. As a matter of fact, I think it is a constant gnawing at a person because we are in continual denunciation of its existence. The admittance of your Soul’s being is the most courageous act one can perform in this physical world.

    It is an unfamiliar approach to contemplate because we are inundated by the group logic of conflict for achievement, but the most powerful means of doing, is to let a thing occur. And God said, ‘Let there be light’, and there was light.

    The duality of every human is their physical and spiritual parts. As the physical is favored to be considered, the spiritual does not sleep or cry out to be heard. No, and worse for the human, it incessantly exists, and is always there. To approach this dichotomy from common reasoning, we want to fight to cause one side to win, and the other to lose. Pick a side, choose an enemy, get it over with, and then move on. But your soul does not regard your physicality as an enemy, and will not engage with you on those terms. Even more worse is the fact that it cannot lose! We are then left to become tempestuous because we have decided to maneuver within the parameters we have already defined. It infuriates us to share a space with another who will not abide by our rules, when we know that we are right; God damn it!

    I have tried for the allowance of the expression of my Higher Self throughout my life, albeit guardedly.

    Many of our words have been deviated from their true meaning so to be misused for the application of televisions’ sitcom thought-process’. Regardless, being open to the possibility to the supernatural is a prerequisite for letting things exist that are unknown to our 5 senses.

    The wonderment of Einstein and his Relativity is not that he was a genius. It was that he could convey his findings to regular people, AND they could understand them.

    I recall the first time I witnessed a person dowsing with 2 metal rods to locate underground electrical cables in a Hump yard in Newark, N. J. Sometime later, I was then open to the idea of using a pendulum to find a set of lost keys. When it worked, I found myself happily surprised, but also trying hard to justify the occurrence within my known sensory experiences.

    Acceding to each small step, later I became comfortable, and then quite adept at using Tarot cards. People I would read for were generally always seeking to benefit without investment. Similar to newspaper horoscopes, they presume that the stars and planets are moving in the universe so that they will have a good day, while their lucky numbers are 8, or 3, or whatever.

    Since I didn’t read for money, I had no reason to be patronizing. When a person develops the ability and integrity to read the cards, they cannot be wrong. As in life, if you have honor and wisdom with your self-authority, you may not be right, but you are never wrong.

    People are open to the notion of meditation, but usually for a preconceived benefit. Look at the reasons they will invest a few minutes, which takes away from something else, only if it promises to alleviate their symptoms of bad health, or can give them an image of the storefront in which to buy winning lottery tickets.

    The ancients admonished against living our life without meditation, but we do not heed them from here in the West. Thinking hard about nothing, is, to us, time that should be better spent getting stuff. You will be hard-pressed to convince someone that doing nothing is conducive to a fulfilling existence, when there is no benefit sensed. There must be a getting of something, and it is only desirable to us if that getting involves less giving; i.e. winning.

    Our organized religions have no interest in true meditation because they themselves are not in fact spiritually inclined. When you read the teachings they refer to as their doctrines to their authority, you will find cautions advising us to be wary of those very same types of institutions.

    To our own detriment, we encourage our spiritual and physical parts to be categorized separately, and with different levels of importance. Many of those labeled as a philosopher were actually expressing spiritual impressions. Socrates, Tolstoy, Thomas Paine, Gandhi; Martin Luther King has been portrayed as a Civil Rights leader, resulting in our loss of his spiritual advisements.

    Recently, all our spiritual proposals were offered from the self-help section of the book stores, where they would sell to us the secrets of the ages for the price of a paperback. The common denomination, though, was the idea that a gimmick provided would allow the lucky purchaser, for the small monetary investment, a considerable return. Positive thinking, it is supposed, not only makes one feel good about themselves, but also attracts from the universe Cadillac’s, big-note monies, and very attentive, good looking spouses. Big wins with no losses.

    I think it becomes important to note that the more spiritually inclined one becomes, the more they mark the distinction between what is popularly accepted, against what in reality actually is.

    The logic that must be applied to be able to watch television has an influence as to how we think. As you are introduced to things over and over, you begin to rely on that logic to explain to yourself the way things are. Ghosts, witches, vampires, and such are presented in a certain predictable manner. If confronted with a real witch, you would respond from your relative experiences derived from the silliness of television. The desire of them that provide the monies to cover the cost of producing television presentations demand to reach as many of us as possible. They have purposely lowered the standards of the offerings so that there is no other channel appealing to some and not others.

    If we physically go to see the Grand Canyon, we will have the wisdom of our experiences. If we have only seen it on television, there is no integrity to that experience, but we will surmise to have knowledge of it. Also, the interested parties will attempt to convince us that we are better off, and have won because it is cheaper and more comfortable to see it as they present it to us.

    Things are not actually as they are presented on the screen, but people nevertheless invest themselves as if they are, in order to be able to enjoy the process of tv viewing. The people we see the image of are not those characters in real life, but we accept them into our reality as if they are. This can explain how we have elected actors as politicians, and then become perplexed when they send our real sons and daughters to fight and die in real wars. We cannot elect the character portrayed because he does not exist.

    To recognize how our natural thinking process can be convoluted to be used against ourselves, note the idea of identity theft. For most people a bank exists solely to have the responsibility to protect their money. Taxes are collected from the group to supply police and military forces for their protection. Yet, somehow, even while the politicians use the authority of our government to collect every minute detail of our lives’ information, the powerful try to allay their responsibility of protecting our monies onto us. It doesn’t even make sense! If I receive an email with a $1000 check attached, does that make the bank responsible to me? How can there be any sense of fairness, or even standards, when culpability is rampant against the powerless?

    In this physical existence we move linearly. We go from A to B to C, and use a tool referred to as time to mark notations. As such, we distinguish consequences to situations that our logic prescribes.

    This work is not about gambling, but I will reference it here metaphorically.

    Try to remove your thoughts from the idea of getting stuff during your movements through A to B to C. It’s not about accumulating, or using your fears as justifications. Many use the end-around approach, blaming their fears for their reasons as to why they don’t have what they want, and therefore justify the taking of it.

    Life is not about amassing stuff, but about the going from A to B to C. Give us this day our daily bread is a prayer for linearity.

    We understand how gambling works, which until our present day, was considered immoral. It’s almost patriotic now, including the native Indians, to support our governments through its profits. Gambling, with respect to linearity, can be fun. It is not fun if you intend to profit from it, and neither was it designed for that feature. It is set up to get the house your money while you get entertainment. What happens, though, is that people want to accumulate the money chanced. It becomes more than fun. Using forethought, many claim a need to gamble, and thereby allow themselves to must gamble. Then it becomes a fun that they refuse to disengage from, keeping the handicapped card up their sleeve, so to speak.

    Regarding gambling, in the big picture, the best thing to hope for is to be on the cusp of winning and losing. Otherwise, you cannot understand either side’s experience, and the participation in it would be silly. Simply winning, or even losing, would have no point. Even winning is only good just up to a point where you still have the concept of loss. If given a choice, though, you would presume to always desire to win, but only because you know what it is like to lose. To lose, then, is what gambling is. The chance to win is what gives it value. The fun is to participate linearly. Driving to the casino to hand over a total of what you would have played, and their handing you back a percentage, ruins the concept because you have had no experience in the involvement.

    As in life, the best most people strive for is the entertaining involvement at the cost of their life’s energy, and the hope to end it all as a winner.

    Consideration must then be given to your idea of winning and losing. They are only explainable as relative to what others have and don’t have. To be a winner is to get more than the other, and here is a crux of the matter. It’s not about winning or losing against the house. It’s not about accumulating money or stuff. It is only about the winning.

    You have your money, and you can try for more, and maybe get less, but that’s it with gambling. But the real reason to play is that it’s about getting more than the next person. It’s about others losing while you win, otherwise, it has no value. That is the thing about the horse races; you have a chance to be one of the very few who picked the winning horse. Getting the money is the reward factor, but the real prize is winning against other people. The prize is worthy only because most of the others lose. Professional sports has lost its integrity because the loser will still retain his exorbitant salary to enjoy after the game.

    We are not concerned in this work with the notion of gambling. It is not about winning and losing in that sense at all. But it is about what happens as to the why a person gambles, and that becomes a representation as to why a person voluntarily enters into that predicament. Why would you participate in it when you know the whole premise of it is to remove your money from you? Indeed, why would anyone choose to participate in their own demise?

    The concentrated attention, while devoting one’s life to winning, forces the meaning of that life to be concerned with the shedding of perceptual loss. We become immersed in this ideal to the point of rearranging the premise of life. To focus on winning also allows for the built-in denial of reality, which then causes seemingly painful anguish. Hurting, of course, is relative to a place of not hurting. Not hurting does not indicate a condition of wellness, as we are all too familiar with today by constantly narcotizing our symptoms. Numbing a pain does not repair the causation, and always adds to the destruction of the organism.

    Our thought process, though, is focused on benefitting at the least possible cost, and pharmaceuticals very well suit that lifestyle. We are not occupying bodies that are more sensitive to pain than our ancestors. But we trade great amounts of our life energies to appease our demand to avoid hurting / losing.

    We do not allow, then, for the reality of anything that causes us to seemingly suffer.

    I use the example of the World Wars of the 20th century. We have now progressed so far in time from then, that we have the ability to allow us to comprehend the horrors that actually occurred. Instead, we continue to view childlike those times as romantic and patriotic. I will say, though, no matter if you choose to not allow for your consequences, they will still occur. The Universal Law of Consequences does not regard your denial. Clinging to a childlike demeanor does not alter your responsibility in life.

    Assigning the attributes of Santa Clause to God does not cause Him to be so. As long as we disdain the spiritual, there can be no high integrity to our lives. The problem for people is that the Spirit in themselves cannot be petitioned to leave. We cannot kill it, and indeed, would not exist without it. It is always there.

    As we seek to win in life, the spiritual part of us does not punish us. In our perceptual experience we maneuver in a punitive existence; if we are caught doing something wrong, we should expect to have a loss. When there is no sanction against us, we

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