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The Curse of Zainab, Deity of Torment: Son of Chaos, #4
The Curse of Zainab, Deity of Torment: Son of Chaos, #4
The Curse of Zainab, Deity of Torment: Son of Chaos, #4
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The Curse of Zainab, Deity of Torment: Son of Chaos, #4

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Part 2. Deity of Torment
In this world, beginnings decide your fate, and many times, heroes are made from very strange beginnings, a mixture of cruelty, pain, and loss.

After the exciting events of the first novel "Zero Moment" and the second "The Sect" of the Son of Chaos series, it is more necessary to know this unidentified hero, so what is his story? Where is he from? And how did a man who could manipulate others become like this?

To know him well, it is necessary to know his history, not only from birth, but even a hundred years ago and more, that is what we will find out in this novel.

Between Pharaonic curses and Turkish-Arab origins, there is a dangerous secret that men gave their lives decades ago, to preserve it, a story of violence and madness was born to create an exceptional situation.

The past has not yet concluded, you have a right to know the circumstances that led to who you are now, including those that started more than a century before your birth.
Although this book is a part of the Son of Chaos series of novels, its events do not take place in the same setting as those in the other books in the series or even during the same time period. Instead, they occur very far in the past in the fictional timeline, where the beginning, which was inevitable, to make its hero, is a moment on the fabric of time, which we cannot ignore.
If you love the character of Baibars from the book Zero Moment and are eager to read the rest of his story in the book The Moment of Baibars, the final book in this series, then, my friend, you have the right to know who he is. In order to get to know someone well, you need to be aware of their past, which spans many years before their birth.
Your destiny is determined by your beginnings, whether you like it or not. The past hasn't passed away, and you have every right to know the events that contributed to who you are now, even if they started more than a century before your birth.

Your future is determined by your beginnings.
Oftentimes, heroes are born out of the most unlikely beginnings.
Do not concern yourself with who you were or how you came to be.
What is important is who you are going to be tomorrow!

-The thief of memories came to me and offered me a number of alluring contracts, promising to remove all of my terrible memories. When he eventually departed, I felt like a lump of joy and pleasure, and I was just about to accept his offer when I suddenly thought of you.

-He was struck by chaos, polished by randomly, wrestled with him and wrestled with it, wrestled with it until he tamed it, and he became its brother, friend, and son.

-From an early age, he did not enjoy safety and stability, he lived in the midst of hurricanes of chaos, and the heart of randomness. He became the son of shadows and their master.
He deserved the nickname he called himself "Son of Chaos."

Release dateNov 16, 2023
The Curse of Zainab, Deity of Torment: Son of Chaos, #4

Ahmad I. Alkhalel

I want to stir up that madness within you, who you have always been told, would be the cause of your ostracism, and your expulsion, out of the herd. When I was a child, I made sure to write down all my concerns, wishes, and aspirations, which were not always childish, or perhaps even so childish, that would occur only to a child who was naive enough of his peers, and then I burned this paper, believing that this would make my words merge with the whole universe so that it, in turn, could react to them as it sees fit. Since then, I have lived a life that may not be successful to the standards of many people today, but it is very exceptional, and the difference between success and exception is a thorny dilemma, with a slight difference. Every exception is a success, but not every success is an exception, at least this is how I see things from my own perspective. And the problem with exceptional people is, that many people are not qualified to see success behind their exceptions. If we wanted to group people according to their academic success, every few million of them would be grouped into one group, and for me, my goal in this life was not to be in a crowded group. In my opinion, the real success lies in the memoirs. If you ever decide to write your own memoirs, do you think that it will be exceptional from the rest of the memoirs of millions and millions of people crowding into your group? You own the answer.

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    Book preview

    The Curse of Zainab, Deity of Torment - Ahmad I. Alkhalel

    The Conclusion. In the novel's opening section

    In the First Part of the Novel

    The ancient Badarians of southern Egypt held a belief in Pharaonic curses and the afterlife.

    Finding an ancient Badarian or Pharaonic tomb might transform your circumstances from poverty to wealth with just a flash of good fortune. These tombs are packed with priceless artifacts, but you also need to be cautious of the ancients' curse.

    Over the years, there have been numerous rumors spread concerning the mysteries surrounding the tombs. To safeguard their valuables, the ancients used a different kind of curse on their tombs.

    One of them is a curse that you must flee from since it resulted from the execution of a person within the tomb using hidden talismans and rituals, which makes him the guardian of the tomb for all eternity.

    The year is 1910 AD,

    Fatima is a young girl from southern Egypt who was burned in a clay oven after being raped and sexually exploited by an elderly man who claimed to be wise. This happened during a ritual to remove a dangerous pharaonic curse from her, which was said to have inhabited her after escaping from an ancient burial after her father discovered a crypt in their home.

    In the process of accessing the crypt, her father's avarice caused her little brother to pass away and the entire cemetery to be destroyed over his head.

    Ten-year-old Zainab, her sister, was present for all the horrors that befell both her and her brother. The evil old guy wanted to do to her what he did to her sister, raping and torturing her while claiming that the curse that had been cast on her sister Fatima's body was now invading her youthful body.

    The omen of the curse soon started to come true! She became her close friend who made up for her sister's absence and strengthened her despite her early age. She meets her regularly and talks to her about a wide range of topics.

    Hatshepsut, a pharaonic belle who was married to a wealthy man, was more driven by her need for sex than by her love for him.

    She deceived her husband, who sent for the priest and gathered all of his priceless gifts for her, buried her in that crypt, and then slaughtered her in a special ritual, turning her into an eternal curse—at least, that's what Hatshepsut allegedly told Zainab.

    For Zainab, what once appeared to be a hallucination created by the villagers' imagination has turned into an unquestionable truth, and the curse resides inside her.

    Hatshepsut made the decision to depart with Zainab, distant from the entire village, on a dreadful night in southern Egypt as the young girl grew more resilient and courageous.

    Hassan, a wealthy young nobleman who is an Ottoman Turk prince's descendent in Egypt, defended her.

    In Assiut, he concealed her inside of their palace, and either good fortune or a curse may have been on her side. However, the outcomes were beyond anything Zainab had anticipated.

    Magical talismans have been used that would not be shared with the young girl, Zainab. Zainab eventually got married to Hassan and took over as the palace's first lady.

    As a result of her actions, everyone suffered from strain, nervous exhaustion, and psychological torture. She also looks to have acute schizophrenia, and inside of her, is a poor child who is trying to escape from a furnace and death, in addition to Hatshepsut, the rebellious, haughty, and arrogant curse that thrives on tormenting others, enjoying their insult and humiliation, a sadist that nothing deterred her from physical and psychological torture.

    She expanded her power to include her husband and everyone else. Hatshepsut was charming, vile, and playful, in contrast to Zainab, and she was particularly adept at getting a guy to ring on her finger.

    She dances all night for her husband in a short blue dance, her skinny waist swaying between the silk curtains. He once fell in love with her and her femininity, and he afterward endured the agony of her rage and oppression.

    As it appears that some sort of curse lives in her body, Hassan soon realized that the legend of the old curse might not be merely a fabrication of lies.

    During their passionate romance, he started to see Hatshepsut's visage. Hatshepsut lost control of herself during the height of her orgasm, and some of her facial traits emerged in Zainab's face.

    He adored Hatshepsut! Yet, he is no longer aware of which of them is his cherished, precious, delectable, naughty wife! And who is the lady who is callous, yelling, crafty, dishonest, deceptive, self-centered, and spiteful?

    He made an effort to figure out what was going on, but quickly gave up and accepted the scenario as it was as Zainab strengthened her grip on everything.

    She took advantage of the wealth to buy loyalties from the neighboring tribes and villages, gangsters and bandits, so that he did not dare to do anything of note when she was accused of killing the old wise man when he was found burning in the same old clay oven in which her sister Fatima was burned.

    Evidently, Zainab is not the only one in the room who is hiding something. Hassan maintained the place of the box inside his chest a secret. It was stashed away in a covert safe in the palace's basement.

    A box carrying the records of the Yildiz dervishes, the forerunners of the Yildiz Intelligence Service, which Sultan Abdul Hamid II founded in Istanbul before losing control of the country and the Ottoman Empire at the start of the nineteenth century.

    The biggest mystery in the life of this family is that Hasan's mother and father had positions in the Yildiz Intelligence Service.

    The archive was moved to Upper Egypt by Sheikh Omar, the leader of the Yildiz dervishes in Istanbul after a secular movement in Istanbul overthrew Sultan Abdul Hamid in order to protect it and the potentially hazardous secrets it held.

    The most significant of these is the one that discusses a covert party in Malta that played a significant part in the fall of the empire in order to avoid falling into the hands of the putschists in Turkey.

    The box was kept in a concealed safe in the palace's basement, where it eventually ended up after all the dervishes were murdered in Istanbul.

    Curses, unlike people, never fade away!

    Hatshepsut looked for a child of Pharaonic blood who was a Zainab offspring so she could move to that child once Zainab died; else, she would be annihilated.

    They were unable to have a child who was mobile despite their best efforts. On their father's side, all of the kids resemble the Ottomans of their grandparents.

    Despite their best efforts, they were unable to have a kid that is appropriate for transfer. All of the children resemble the Ottomans of their father's ancestors.

    Hatshepsut murdered the young Qamar because, on her father's side, she resembled her grandmother, and after years of failure, she finally gave in to the inevitable. They are surrounded by a large number of kids, all of whom are sprung from the Ottoman blood of their father.

    Hatshepsut's charisma began to fade, and she developed an introspective demeanor as if she were preparing for her impending destruction and predestined end.

    In an unexpected turn of events, Zainab gave birth to a Pharaonic-blooded baby girl named Alara at a later age.

    The daughter of Hatshepsut, a pharaonic beauty who passed through time, a belle with all of her particulars.

    They lacked the time to raise the girl to lead an ideal life.

    Beginning in the second half of the 20th century, Egypt experienced a revolution against the monarchy led by the Free Officers Movement. Egypt then entered a period of military coups, during which the military, with their ignorance and stupidity, controlled the state and its citizens as well as the majority of the Arab states around them.

    This phase, which placed the Arab nations in the area at the bottom of the list of developing nations, is heading straight for devastation.

    The aristocratic family's property and assets were all seized, they were driven from the palace, and they were subsequently relocated to a small Cairo home.

    However, the Yildiz dervishes' box was miraculously retrieved from the hidden safe the night the palace was seized. Hasan took it with him and buried it close to the clay oven in Zeinab's family's abandoned home.

    His son Fouad assisted him in concealing the box, and the Yildiz dervishes' greatest secret was buried in a deserted home in southern Egypt; only the father, Hassan, and Fouad the son were both aware of its whereabouts.

    Hatshepsut too had a spiritual task that she was constantly focused on.

    preparing Alara for her upcoming move in the wake of Zainab's passing.

    Alara must be distinguished since she is brilliant, gorgeous, and shining.

    While adjusting to life with Zeinab, Hatshepsut struggled with bewilderment and made a lot of poor choices.  Alara is her daughter and from her flesh and blood, therefore she shouldn't have to deal with any of these.

    The process of settling in and preparing the girl is underway.

    The brilliant, astute, and lovely, Alara.

    Alara, The Deity of Agony!

    Alara, The Deity of Torment.

    Read The Full First Part. Pharaonic Blood. Kindle

    Chapter I. The Sacred Mission

    The Faggala district in Cairo's Bab al-Shaariya neighborhood, which is close to Ramses Square and is known as the intellectuals' zone, is teeming with bookshops, publishing firms, and stationery businesses.

    The family relocated to a small home with outdated furnishings on the first floor of a four-story structure in one of the Bab Al-Bahr Street alleys that branch off from the Bab Al-Shariya area. It has two rooms and a hall, which is hardly enough space for them.

    Really ironic, a large part of this region belonged to their great-grandfather, Prince Ismail, confiscated by Muhammad Ali Pasha following the prince moved to southern Egypt, and after nearly a hundred and fifty years, Gamal Abdel Nasser confiscated all the property of his grandchildren; To find themselves where it all began again.

    Contrary to expectations, Zainab and her character were not dramatically altered by what occurred to them. Still, Zainab, she is. As long as she breathes air, the tyrant inside her will not rest until he does not disturb their lives every day. As if she is a weapon of mass destruction. There is no purpose for its existence except suffering, a parasitic being that feeds on the suffering of others. There is no escape from her, no way out for salvation, and the only reason it exists is to cause agony.

    Screaming and cussing can naturally break out at any time for any reason!

    -Mother, why don't you notice how we're doing? What happened to us, then? Relax so that we can think.

    She doesn't care about them or their circumstances and keeps getting into fights with everyone over the little things, sometimes needlessly.

    Perhaps it is a result of what happened to us! Her nerves could not bear the change in the situation and the recent changes in our lives so quickly.

    This is the children's hypothesis, but Hassan, the father, who is the most experienced and knowledgeable about her, knows that this is not the reason. He immediately realized that what made matters worse was the absence of servants, who did not exist to unleash her tyranny on them! This energy of tyranny, destruction, bullying, and enslavement, must find someone to empty them into, and it is no longer in front of her except for him and the children.

    They had the impression that they were just getting to know Zainab because the servants' presence kept her away from them. Yet despite everything they had endured from her during their upbringing, they had just recently realized that it had been a paradise of bliss in comparison to what she is currently doing.

    The vulgar woman thrives there, as if she has just discovered her ideal environment for growth, on the small balcony of the house, standing and cursing the neighbors, with the most horrible words, if anything disturbs her. This is typical of Cairo, where a narrow lane, close buildings, and converging balconies are the scolder's ideal setting.

    More often than not, you get into trouble with them; To practice her sharp tongue against them, and what is different here is the presence of some scolders as well in the near and far honors, and it is only moments, until a long link of vulgar words and insults begins, raining down from all sides.

    But Zainab, a strong sharp-tongued, soon the rest surrendered before her sharp-tongued, she has crowned the queen of all scolders, everyone loathed her, hated her, avoided talking to her, even looking at her.

    An aristocratic family that was once prominent. They were taught virtue and manners by Hasan. Now they are embarrassed by her. The populace attests to their high moral standards. They are perplexed as to how this gentle and honorable dad and his good and intelligent boys could coexist with a woman like

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