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Something So Lovely: The Neutrality Saga, #1
Something So Lovely: The Neutrality Saga, #1
Something So Lovely: The Neutrality Saga, #1
Ebook479 pages7 hours

Something So Lovely: The Neutrality Saga, #1

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Kalliope has been content spending her days in Heaven's library with her best friend, not that she was given a choice. Unable to leave and with no idea where she came from, answers are not forthcoming until she finds herself in the path of Emmanuel, the first evil in creation, and his ambitions to replace their long absent God.


Kalliope finds that she is all that stands between the Realms and Emmanuel's desire for destruction. Thrown headfirst into a destiny kept hidden from her, she now must ascend the deserted throne of Purgatory and harness a rare power she never knew she held.


Her saving grace comes in the form of a flirtatious prince of Hell, Asmodeus, whose immediate attraction to her serves as an attractive distraction from certain ruination. A figure from her missing past, she is immediately taken with him and finds solace in his arms. He comes with his own set of problems, though, as his secrets might just be Kalliope's undoing.


Kalliope's problems only start with Emmanuel, as he might not be the only one the Realms need saving from when her fear takes hold and the temptation of taking godhood for herself instead of fighting sounds too good to pass up.

PublisherSalem T. Lynn
Release dateFeb 4, 2024
Something So Lovely: The Neutrality Saga, #1

Salem T. Lynn

Salem is a proud transgender man who was born in Reno, Nevada in 1992 and has been writing since he could hold a pencil. Salem still resides in the Reno area and can be found definetly going the speed limit at all times. Salem is parent to two living children, boy and girl, and one angel child, Beatrix Avery.

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    Book preview

    Something So Lovely - Salem T. Lynn

    Chapter 1

    Tonight, Heaven is going to have a party. Although I'm not a social being, I have to admit the clashing of cultures captures my attention every single time. Angels, demons, and humans, all mingling like it were normal. Maybe the reason I like it so much, but never join them, is because I still don't know my place among them.

    I've heard the stories a million times. God creates Heaven and the angels, they're great. God creates Hell, throws all his rejected creations in it. God creates Earth and Purgatory, and with them, the humans. Then Purgatory is annihilated and the humans become everyone else's problem, even the Realms outside of our little corner of existence. The angels Fall and become demons, and then... then God disappears, and we're all better off that way if you ask me. Nowhere in the story do I get answers, though. Nowhere do I figure out where I come from or why I'm stuck here.

    I should be working, but that feeling is back. The feeling that something is waiting for me out past the doors of Heaven’s library and beyond the gilded golden gates that never open for me. I've tried, and though Heaven accepts all visitors aside from the demons of Hell, I'm the only thing not allowed to leave. All anyone can tell me is that when I'm supposed to know, I will. Whenever that is.

    Heaven's library boasts extraordinary stained-glass windows. They depict the story of how all this came to be in stunning colors that catch the sun just right no matter what time of day it is. My favorite has always been the one I find myself staring at now, the one that shows the Fall of Lucifer and the angels who followed him. I've never so much as seen him, though I admire that he wasn't afraid to stand up for what he believed in and still does. I'd like to think I could be like that in another life, instead of like... me.

    Hello there, little love. The soft voice of Heaven's librarian, my best friend Selaphiel, interrupts my daydreaming. He always has his long silver hair tied up so it falls down the middle of his back and his eyes, a brown so soft it's almost golden, dance over everything they see. Watching him read has always been one of my favorite things, watching those eyes scan pages and get lost in them. He's slim and tall, not intimidating in the least, with a laugh that echoes off the walls when Heaven is graced by it.

    I guess we'll close the library early? I peer through the clear parts of the window to the streets outside teeming with beings already getting ready even though the party doesn't start until well after dark. The demons and even some of the humans stand out against the regid perfection Heaven boasts with its grid-like streets and light barely-there colors. Even the buildings, on the outside, all look like they fall together as if pieces of a grand puzzle. There is no room for what wasn’t supposed to be, no need for the individuality and self-importance of the Fallen.

    I'm helping set up for tonight, so yes. Why? Do you have somewhere to be?

    No. I chuckle. The thought of me doing anything besides getting back to my little room as soon as I can to spend the night alone is pure fantasy.

    Well, I have to get going soon. Do me a favor and take care of reshelving the books on my desk? Then, after you lock up, you can come help me out.

    That sounds like work. I fake-pout, which makes him laugh. Though it isn't hard to make Selaphiel laugh, it somehow feels like an accomplishment every time I manage to do it. I can't not smile while he's smiling.

    Yeah, Kalliope, it's work. I think you'll survive.

    You think so? The snark in my voice makes him shake his head at me.

    You should go this time. I heard Asmodeus will be there.

    Asmodeus? I try to not be obvious when I perk up, but that's hard. Selaphiel has only the best things to say about the petulant youngest child of Lucifer and half-brother to Heaven's highest Ruler, Michael. Asmodeus' reputation as told by others is just as amusing: he'll flirt with anything that moves, yet somehow still makes you feel special. He sleeps around, but you'll never forget him. He's the most charming thing in existence. For some reason, he never comes to these parties. Usually he can only be found in Hell, so the thought that I could be in the same room as him is... alluring. Just to look, though. I don't see how I could possibly catch his eye when he has the pick of anyone he wants.

    I'll introduce you. Selaphiel laughs, Just don't tell Michael.

    Like I'd ever do that. I roll my eyes. Though Selaphiel is one of the six Heavenly Rulers like Michael is, he's not often treated like it. Michael always finds something wrong with me, or the library, and Sel is usually the one trying to get him to lighten up. We've never had a conversation that didn't end in me wanting to throw something at Michael. Telling him I want to meet his sinful half-brother would only make things worse for me.

    Good, because I think he's going to absolutely adore you.

    Why? I'm usually suspicious when Selaphiel is planning something. He's never a planner, he very much goes with the flow. Anything that has his attention for more than a few moments is something to keep my eye on. It's not like it's obvious, either, because Asmodeus is known for pursuing beauty, and I don't think I'm exceptional enough to matter to him. My hair is plain, black, wavy, and just below my shoulders. I'm pale, too pale; if I were human I'd look sick all the time. Though my eyes are blue and Sel says they're quite nice, I don't feel like they're enough to make someone like Asmodeus interested. I'm not even a height that sets me apart. Everything about me is underwhelming, and it's fine for the library, but not for an event like this.

    My dear, we all have our secrets. He winks, and I find myself blushing in my cheeks and neck. Trust me, you two will hit it off.

    Iam astounded by the absolute audacity of visitors to the library who don't put away their books. Astounded, and annoyed, as I have to carry the last of them up the stairs to the third floor. Heaven's library is massive: three stories open in the middle to the ground level with everything adorned in gold, brass, and white marble.

    In addition to putting away the books, I also have to make sure everyone is gone so we can close it up. The last books to return are large ones from the back of the building, which gives me the opportunity to finish making sure we're empty. With Selaphiel already working in the party hall, I don't feel any pressure to hurry up and get there. The noise, the expectation, the attention... It's all awful...

    Except the thought of walking into that party with the music and laughter and mass of bodies parting as I enter, leaving a path to the famed prince of Hell.

    I know only vague details of how Asmodeus looks, but in my mind, he's beautiful. I know his hair is long and black, I know his skin is dark, and I know his smile could stop hearts. Imagining that, through Sel, I might have a chance to experience him... Well, those thoughts are likely part of the reason I don't really belong in Heaven.

    Even if things were perfect, and he did like me, I'm not sure what I'd do after. No relationship I’ve been in has lasted long, and I'm not exactly a seductress by any stretch of the imagination. Intimacy doesn't come easily to me and I've been told by more than a few beings that I'm boring. I stopped trying a long time ago, content to remain in the library and gossip with Sel. We have that in common. I can't recall him ever seeing anyone either, at least not seriously and absolutely not more than once on the rarest of times I've tried to bully him into finding someone to be with. Like me, he's content to be alone.

    When I finally get to the last book, I take my time in getting it back to its home. The library is dead silent and I'm certain no one will be in the dusty back section; even when we're busy no one normally wanders this far. Knowing that makes it surprising to find that I'm not the only poor lost thing left here. Right where I need to return the book is a tall, thin man not unlike Sel, standing unflinching as I come up to him.

    Hello there, uh, sir, I try to sound as polite as possible. The man only grins at me, long and shiny silver hair framing a gaunt face. He looks familiar to me, though far off, like I should absolutely know him but I just can't place where from or even what his name is. This isn't exactly uncommon; I've had more than one issue with the angels in charge of Heaven for not recognizing them or others of importance.

    My dear Kalliope, hello. His voice is deep, very deep, and smooth like water. Him knowing my name solidifies that I should know who he is, but I can't find his name in my mind. Not attending the party tonight?

    No, I have some other plans. It's easy for me to lie, but I'm not sure why I feel compelled to. Are you going?

    No, I don't believe so. I don't like attending events without a proper companion, and mine has been unavailable for some time now.

    Oh, I don't have a real response. It doesn't seem to bother him.

    Imagine hiding a thing like you away in a library. It's a shame. Why don't you do something a bit more prestigious?

    I like it here. I sound unnecessarily defensive.

    Of course you do. He laughs, I shouldn't be surprised.

    I'm sorry, but I—

    Oh, my sweet thing, am I in your way? He points to the book in my hand and I nod, forcing a smile. The emphasis on the word my, like he really meant his, prompts a feeling in the bottom of my heart that I need to get away from him. He doesn't hesitate to take the book and place it gently where it is supposed to go, the only gap in the shelf, and I'm too nervous to stop him. Looks like your job here is done.

    I suppose it is. I can walk you back to the front, so I can lock the doors. And get as far away from you as possible.

    I'll follow your lead, my dear. The tone in his voice when he says the last words makes my skin crawl. I don't let my discomfort reach my face.

    So, um, if you're not going to the party, what are your plans for tonight? Small talk is truly a punishment only Hell could have come up with.

    I had been planning on catching up with some old friends— he shrugs, —but you're much more interesting to me. I think I'd like to get to know you.

    Oh. The front doors have never been a more welcome sight. This being knows me, and if I insult him, I will never hear the end of it. Well, maybe another night. Selaphiel is expecting me, and I'm late, so he—

    He must be worried about leaving something so delicate all alone like this. The man almost sounds mocking, and it makes the pit in my stomach travel to my throat, cutting off anything I wish I were strong enough to say.

    He will be looking for me. I push the front door open a little too hard and barely manage to keep myself from flying into the street to put as many bodies between him and me as possible. If anyone notices, they don’t show it, though this is one time I wish that someone would actually notice me.

    I wouldn't mind visiting him myself. We've known each other quite a long time, really. He takes his time exiting the library, hardly leaving an arm’s length between us as I maneuver around the large front door. The Realm is too big for a little one like yourself to be out all alone, you should allow me to escort you.

    I'm actually fine. I begin to panic closing the door, unable to engage the lock with my shaking hands while trying to mask my mounting anxiety.

    I jump when an arm slides around my shoulders. For a split moment I think Selaphiel really did come to check on me, but when I look up, it isn't him and it also isn't the library creep. Instead I'm met with a strikingly handsome demon with warm copper skin and mossy green eyes, smiling at me in a way that makes me momentarily distracted. He barely gives me time to react before he puts himself between me and the man, who now isn't smiling and instead glaring at the one saving me.

    I'm sorry it took me so long to find you, Allie. The man's voice is deep and luxurious like satin on skin. I'm not blind to the fact he also knows my name, I'm only choosing the hopefully lesser of two evils.

    You're late, I had to lock up alone. I look hard into his eyes and hope he can sense my urgency. Selaphiel was expecting us to be at the hall by now.

    I'm sure he'll understand. He smiles at me, and I don't find anything about him that makes me nervous or anxious. Something small in the way he looks at me makes me feel safe. He turns to the man and his grip on me tightens. We have to be going. Enjoy yourself tonight, is all the goodbye he gives the man before he turns me around and guides me at a fast pace in the direction of the party hall.

    Thank you. I say in a hushed voice as we walk with his arm still protectively around me. I don't think the lock is actually engaged for the library, and I don't think I care. How much damage could anyone do in a library anyway?

    Are you okay? He finally slows down. He glances behind us, and I do too, noting the creep hasn't even tried to follow us. We can't see him anymore, but the anxiety he stirred up hasn't gone away. The demon drops his arm and lets me walk at my own pace.

    Yeah, he was just... I'm fine.

    You didn't know him?

    No, and I don't know you either. It sounds a little more harsh than I intended, though it's still true. For a moment he appears conflicted, like he's keeping himself from saying something, before he puts on a charming smile and sighs a little too dramatically.

    I'm sorry. That was rude of me. I'm Asmodeus, I'm sure you've heard of me.

    Oh. I know I'm turning red as the realization washes over me. Selaphiel said he'd be here, but somehow he's nothing like I pictured and yet so familiar to me still. His smile is undeniably charming and I have no problem imagining why he has the reputation he does.

    I'll explain later, but... we have to talk to Selaphiel immediately. His tone makes it clear that this is not a question or a suggestion.


    It's a long story. Trust me?

    I... don't know you. I repeat myself. Though Selaphiel seems to like him enough, I don't trust that easily. There's a difference between my daydreams and whatever is happening now. This is real.

    Wouldn't you like to? Asmodeus offers his hand to me. I hesitate, looking into his eyes for any hint of what I should do. As I stare, I find myself met by the same feeling that calls to me from beyond the gates... Now it's right in front of me, stronger than ever, finally giving me a choice.

    My hand slips into his like it was made to be there, and he holds on like I might slip away. Though he begins to walk fast, I don't have any issue keeping up with him. For as fast as we walk, my thoughts run faster through the things that just happened.

    When we arrive at the party hall it's fairly deserted. With Sel's excellent planning, tonight it will be bustling with music and lively beings enjoying the brief union Heaven hosts between all the Realms that wish to participate. How was this my biggest concern only earlier today? Why does it feel meaningless now?

    Did I do something wrong? I worry as I still try to figure out who that being was and why he made me so uncomfortable... and why he seemed to enjoy doing it. Telling Selaphiel I most likely upset an important library patron feels like the worst thing I could do. I'm used to knowing I've disappointed Michael or the other heavenly Rulers, but Selaphiel's opinion actually matters to me.

    No, you didn't. Asmodeus' charming smile falters for a second before he pushes the great doors open and I can see the mass of angels working on the decorations. Selaphiel himself is animatedly chatting with another less important angel. When he looks up to see me, he seems happy, but his grin grows when he sees Asmodeus with me.

    Looks like fate works faster than I do. Selaphiel waves off the angel and meets us halfway. How did you two meet?

    At the library. Asmodeus is quiet as he speaks, Sel, she wasn't alone.

    What do you mean? He looks at me, puzzled, then back to Asmodeus.

    He found her.

    He? What are you... Selaphiel mumbles before his eyes widen with fear. Are you okay? He turns to me immediately and looks behind us at the partially open door, as if someone might burst through it.

    She's fine, but—

    You have to get her out of here. Selaphiel says, looking around us frantically.

    You understand why that's a bad idea, Sel, right? You should— Asmodeus, though not as panicked as Selaphiel, still sounds extremely concerned.

    I will deal with Michael. If Emmanuel is here, she can't be. Don't let her out of your sight!

    Sel, I try to speak up, but my friend hushes me.

    Allie, you're in danger, and we don't have time to explain why right now. No matter what happens, don't leave Asmodeus for any reason until I see you again. Do you understand me?

    Where should I even take her? Asmodeus asks, his voice lowered.

    Take her to your father. He'll know what to do. We can hide her in Hell while we figure something out. I'll get Michael and meet you there.

    Hell? I blurt out a little too loudly. My chest constricts and I feel the tension suddenly begin to suffocate me. I've never even left Heaven, I can't go—

    Allie, my love, I need you to trust me. I can't lose you. That being cannot find you again. Sel says softly with fear in his eye. Asmodeus is going to protect you, and we will explain everything, but you need to go right now.

    Though I want to argue, I've never seen Sel so frightened by anything. The look on his face is jarring and all I can do is nod and hope he's right that I can trust the demon prince I've never met before to take me to a Realm I have never been before, and that I will be safe from a threat I know nothing about.

    Chapter 2

    Asmodeus knows the back streets of Heaven like it were his own home, like he walks them every day, and he keeps us hidden as we make our way back to the open gates of Heaven. He moves quickly and holds my hand tightly, and neither of us say anything although I have a thousand questions running through my mind. It isn't until we are only feet away from the gates that I stop walking and slip out of his grip, frozen to the spot.

    Allie— He whips around, but he doesn't look angry. He looks concerned. We have to go.

    I've never left Heaven, I've never been allowed... Though this is all I've wanted for a long time.

    It's okay, I won't let anything happen to you. He offers his hand to me again, but I hesitate. With patience I didn't expect from him, he takes my hand in his anyway and stands so close to me that everything else is blocked out. I barely come up to his shoulder, so while I have to look up, he looks down. Kalliope, I know you're scared, and it's okay.

    I don't understand what's going on. Why am I in danger?

    We don't have time right now, but I promise we'll tell you. First, we have to get you out of Heaven, like Sel said. I'll keep you safe.

    Don't leave me. I say quietly, though I would never be this bold normally. The thought of being alone in Hell, alone with Michael and Lucifer, alone in this situation... I don't think I've ever been more scared in my life.

    I am not going to leave you, I will be right next to you the entire time. He says in a soft voice meant only for me, and though the fear still clings to the back of my throat and makes it hard to breathe, I let him lead me to the gate. For the first time, they swing open as I approach them, and the call of whatever is beyond them is the loudest in my mind that it's ever been before.

    I blink and find myself on the other side of the gates, standing halfway down a set of decimated stairs that disappears into an obscuring fog.

    Kalliope, Asmodeus is the one to speak up, and his voice wrapped around my name is sweet. Take a deep breath.  I only nod as I inhale, too anxious to actually form words. As I close my eyes, I feel my feet momentarily leave the stairs, then feel solid ground under them again.

    The fog is no longer all around us, it is behind us, surrounding the bottom of another broken staircase leading up. In front of us is a sprawling cityscape under an overcast and stormy sky ready to pour rain. The buildings are each a piece of artwork even from here with colors that are saturated and contrasted. The streets are a maze of lights that remind me of constellations in the night sky overpopulated by stars; Hell is a galaxy. It is the opposite of Heaven. There is no order here, there are no perfect lines and manicured aesthetic. It is a window made of broken glass that captures something deep within me and makes me pause to admire it.

    The road beneath us leads to a modest gate. If I didn't know this was the entrance to Hell, I wouldn't have been able to tell. It looks nothing like Heaven's gold bars and doesn't match the rest of the beauty before us. The air is dry and warm, making it slightly difficult for me to breathe, though I still keep up with Asmodeus as we pass through the gate. It opens for us on its own and closes behind us unassisted.

    Asmodeus is unfazed by this, but I find myself staring at everything as we walk. I'm drawn to the architecture and the colors, but confused by the stillness. It's empty. Is that because of the party?

    Stay close. Asmodeus says in a low voice. It's easy to get lost here.

    We stop once we reach the very heart of the city. It's a large square with areas for sitting and mingling, shops all around with baked goods that entice and oddities that I can't quite make out from this distance. There are actually demons, too, and I can't help myself; I stare. They are fascinating and beautiful. They're different, they're bold, they allow their tails like whips, horns like crowns, and hooved feet to set them apart. It's nothing like the angels who hide their wings and attempt to appear as human as possible.

    In the center of the courtyard is an exquisite fountain with multiple levels and a statue on top of a nude woman smiling unabashedly. She has braids in her hair and a look on her face like she has something to tell me. She seems so familiar, but something feels very out of place. As I stare into her stone eyes, the familiar feeling that plagues me through Heaven floods back into me: I am the thing that is so very out of place, I do not belong here.

    Oh, good, Si is here. Asmodeus exhales in relief as we approach the fountain where a white clad demon lies along the rim, reading a book, in his own world. He gives us a double take as we get closer and slowly stands to meet us. Looking from Asmodeus to me, he pales the same way Selaphiel had at the mention of the man from the library.

    It's happening again, isn't it? He looks solemnly at Asmodeus, who only nods and sighs.

    Kalliope, Asmodeus says with his normal voice. This is Silnitrampt, one of my brothers and one of the Rulers of Hell. Probably the laziest one.

    Nice to meet you. Don't ever call me Silnitrampt, and don't listen to a single thing my brother says. I'm brilliant. He gives me a gentle smile, genuine and nonthreatening, and extends his hand. I don't think twice before shaking it and weakly returning the smile.

    Call me Allie. I get the intense feeling that, like the man in the library, I've met this demon. But he feels like an old friend, rather than someone who makes me and everyone else nervous.

    Dad's in his office. Si turns back to his brother. Should I come up with you?

    Probably. We need to come up with a plan. Sel was gathering Michael when we left Heaven.

    Does... she not know? Si glances from my confused expression and back to Asmodeus, almost... angrily? Asmodeus just sighs and rubs his forehead.

    From what I've seen, they've kept her in the dark about everything.

    Dad's going to be pissed you're the one who brought her here.

    That's the least of our problems. Let's go. He motions for us to follow him, and though I do, I do it with great hesitation. I have never so much as seen Lucifer, but his temper is almost as well-known as his rebellion.

    The absolute upheaval of my existence has only moments to sink in before my attention is drawn to a mansion up the road. Though the entire gothic piece of artwork is grand and beautiful, the double doors serving as the entrance really catch my interest. A detailed, elegant carving sprawls across them depicting Lucifer in the middle with his seven sons on either side. Si and Asmodeus are easy to pick out, but the others I wouldn't know.

    Si opens the door and I'm greeted by possibly the finest home I've ever been in. Artwork of Lucifer and his sons hang on the walls with abstract sculptures to punctuate them. A great staircase goes up and splits off to the three upper levels. I can see an open sitting area to the left. Two doors are closed on the right, the dark wood matching that of the front door. Asmodeus drops my hand in the sitting room, where he and Si pause and look at each other ominously.

    You wanna tell him? Si glances at me though he is addressing Asmodeus.

    No matter who tells him, this is not going to go well. Asmodeus sighs.

    We could wait for Michael.

    Yeah, that won't make this worse at all. Asmodeus rolls his eyes.

    All three of us jump when the front door opens again. Though we knew Selaphiel and Michael were supposed to join us, the tension is still evident. When they step into the waiting room with us, Selaphiel is visibly relieved to see me, but Michael looks angry as ever. Now that I see them in the same room, I see the strong family resemblance. I wouldn't even guess that Michael was only their half-brother for how close they all are. Si and Michael even dress alike.

    What were you thinking? Michael throws a glare at Asmodeus, who is notably standing between me and Michael.

    You want to do this right now? Asmodeus matches Michael's attitude.

    Let's not, Selaphiel says quickly. We have enough going on without you two bickering. Act like brothers for once. Michael and Asmodeus hold their glares for a moment longer before Michael relents first.

    Fine, but we're still going to talk later.

    Joy of joys. Asmodeus, too, relents.

    Michael, not quite glaring, points to me and then to a chair facing the office door without a word. I sit there and sigh, annoyed, but dutifully quiet.

    Everything I know about Lucifer swirls around in my mind. I've heard the stories and read the history of how he Fell. Inciting his wrath is one thing I am not aiming to do today. Not on top of everything else.

    Si knocks on the door and it takes a few seconds for it to open. Revealed is a straight-backed man with black hair manicured to perfection and dark skin like Michael, Si, and Asmodeus. He glares from his sons to Michael and Selaphiel, then to me.

    When our eyes meet, the stoicism he carries drops into something I can only describe as disappointment and he stares at me for a minute without saying anything.

    He found her. Michael says, though Lucifer and I don't break eye contact for another several moments. Finally he nods and turns to his office. Si follows him, but Michael hangs back to address Asmodeus, Sel, and me.

    Stay in this room and keep her out of trouble. He says to Asmodeus. And you keep him out of trouble, he says to Selaphiel before disappearing into the office and leaving us alone. I don't want to begin to let my mind wander to what exactly is going on, so I settle for pacing the room, focusing on the details instead of the drama. Selaphiel sits on the same chair I was on while Asmodeus comes up next to me, quiet, and his presence helps ease the tension.

    Many beautiful paintings hang on the walls in the sitting area. Elegant designs grace every detail of the vases that hold flowers, the woodwork on the furniture, even the door frames. Like a moth to flame, I find myself enamored by a built-in bookshelf taking up an entire wall that is crammed with old books bound in leather and cloth, each bearing shimmering lettering.

    I try to pull one out that piques my interest but find it difficult to remove, so I shift it side to side to loosen it and squeak in surprise when it finally comes out, dislodging six other books that crash to the floor with loud thuds. Hearing Selaphiel laugh to himself, I scramble to pick them up, but freeze when Asmodeus brushes against my shoulder and takes several of the books out of my hands.

    Let me help. His voice is close, his radiating warmth prickling at my perpetually cold skin, and that smile. That eternally damned smile.

    I-uh-I was just... The book... I scoop up the remaining books and jump to my feet, but my hands shake as he takes them without any indication he even notices. He towers over me as he stands just a little too close. He has no issue putting the books back exactly as they were and I turn away from the shelf for fear of making even more of a mess. Thanks, I put myself back on the couch next to Selaphiel’s chair, so I'm not tempted to continue touching things. Asmodeus joins us by sitting across from me, his back to the office door.

    So, you like books? He smirks at me. I can almost forget the ominous way the day has turned as I watch him watching me. He seems so genuine, so kind. In another life, maybe I'd... No. Let's be honest, if this were a normal day, I wouldn't have the confidence to talk to him and I'm not someone he'd ever seek out. If we had first met with Selaphiel's introduction, I would have been even more of a mess than I am now. I wouldn't have been able to say one word to him. In no way was this ever going to work.

    I do. I work in the library with Selaphiel. I force a smile. It's where I'm happy.

    Is that why you were there so late, on your own? What about the party?

    Not my thing. I don't do crowds. I like it quiet.

    That sounds awfully lonely, my dear. Something about the tone in his voice makes me want to smile, sigh, maybe even laugh. I hate that I am not even allowed to enjoy this through my anxiety over him and over whatever is going to happen when the door opens again.

    How did you know my name? I am not nearly as subtle as I was trying to be in changing the subject, but he rolls with it.

    There's a lot we haven't told you, little love. Selaphiel says solemnly.

    We met, briefly, before I... before Heaven took you in. Asmodeus looks like he wants to say more, but he holds himself back.

    I think I'd remember you. This time my smile is genuine. A ghost of what I'd really like to say, an imprint of a parallel reality where I could flirt carelessly. I don't think you would be something I could forget.

    Why do you think that? He leans forward.

    You have a reputation. I glance at Selaphiel, who laughs. Maybe this situation isn't all bad. I would never be this bold in my normal life. Something about him, something in that smile, makes me feel removed and special. I feel comfortable. I feel safe, even though all evidence is to the contrary.

    A good one, I hope. He winks at me, and I feel my face warm up.

    Well, you certainly do leave an impression on people. Selaphiel rolls his eyes.

    Voices from the office behind Asmodeus get our attention. Immediately I feel like a child caught doing something wrong as the door opens and I shoot to my feet. Asmodeus and Selaphiel follow, albeit not anywhere near as flustered as me. The air becomes thick with tension as Michael and Lucifer stare at Asmodeus and me.

    The three of you, in here. Lucifer says, glaring at Asmodeus. Through the gossip that permeates Heaven, I know that they have never had a good relationship, though I can only imagine why. Asmodeus goes in first and Selaphiel follows behind me, but all the attention is on me.

    The office itself is organized, but a little dark. The curtains are covering the window behind a great wooden desk that sits facing the door with two chairs in front of it. Michael takes one while I take the other. Sel stands with Asmodeus and Si, and finally Lucifer takes his own seat while the room goes so silent that I could hear whispers from Heaven if I tried.

    Allie, Michael takes a deep breath, I have no idea how to explain this properly to you... But he doesn't have to, because Lucifer speaks over him in a calculated tone, impersonal, like this were any other day.

    The man you met today in Heaven's library should not have been able to be there. Lucifer speaks up, relaxed in his chair. It feels very forced, though; he's too controlled. That man was Emmanuel of Purgatory.

    I... don't know who that is. I feel like I should. Their reactions, the need to get me out, the urgency of it all. Even how creepy and unsettling he was to me. I know it can't be good, because the mention of Purgatory is never without weight and hushed voices.

    No one expected you to know. Michael has to force kindness into his voice. We kept all this away from you with good reason.

    We were trying to protect you until you were ready. Sel speaks up, and I know at least he means it.

    That is no longer an option. Lucifer adds, and for a moment, his voice is soft and almost caring. When he speaks again, the cold armor around his words is back. "We aren't going to overload you with everything at once. What you need

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