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Galactic Passages: Righteous Mutiny
Galactic Passages: Righteous Mutiny
Galactic Passages: Righteous Mutiny
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Galactic Passages: Righteous Mutiny

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As the 357 crew struggles through Skaperen's trials, there are rumors of a rescue gateway three dimensions away. General Krevety is lured from retirement to gather the evidence. No one can be trusted, and the media is no help. So Krevety takes things into his own hands.

Release dateNov 17, 2023
Galactic Passages: Righteous Mutiny

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    Galactic Passages - Dean


    Galactic Passages

    Righteous Mutiny

    Dean and Anson Vargo

    ISBN 979-8-88540-546-1 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88540-547-8 (digital)

    Copyright © 2023 by Dean & Anson Vargo

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Data Synopsis


    Chapter 1

    The Museum Recruit

    Chapter 2

    Sonarians Stake Claim

    Chapter 3

    Vespertilio 6

    Chapter 4

    Secret Meeting

    Chapter 5

    Media Promotes Memorial Mission

    Chapter 6

    Mutiny on the Mule

    Chapter 7

    Breaking News

    Chapter 8

    In Search of the Truth

    Chapter 9

    Toxic Fumes

    Chapter 10

    Space Chum

    Chapter 11

    Langaurus Station Delta

    Chapter 12

    Crateful of Lies

    Chapter 13

    Secret Dispatch Endangers Mule Crew

    Chapter 14

    Bottom of the Heap

    Chapter 15

    Hopeless Nightmare

    Chapter 16

    Divulging the Dirt

    Chapter 17

    Animal Odors

    Chapter 18

    Twists and Turns

    Chapter 19

    The Chimp

    Chapter 20

    Fleetspitter-1 on Display

    Chapter 21

    Hand Signs

    Chapter 22

    Elusive Prey

    Chapter 23

    Mine Misery

    Chapter 24


    Chapter 25

    Prisoner Exchange

    Chapter 26

    Space Arcade

    Chapter 27

    The Banquet

    Chapter 28

    The Ongarots Derby

    Chapter 29

    Krevety Arrives on Fleetspitter-1

    Chapter 30

    Shocking Discovery Rocks Trecon

    Chapter 31

    Muudia Portal Nebula

    Chapter 32

    On the Brink

    Chapter 33

    Busted Pipes: Part 1

    Chapter 34

    Busted Pipes: Part 2

    Chapter 35

    The Package

    Chapter 36


    Chapter 37

    Vergway Looks for a Silver Lining

    Chapter 38

    Mihhid Plays the Goat

    Chapter 39

    Forscher Computer Stalls the Oilbird

    Chapter 40

    Defiant to the End

    Chapter 41

    Oilbird Rescue: Part 1

    Chapter 42

    Disaster on the Radio Waves

    Chapter 43

    Oilbird Rescue: Part 2

    Chapter 44

    Trecon Invasion Changes Loydnic's Plans



    Appendix: Morse Code Interpretations from Chapter 41

    About the Authors

    Data Synopsis

    Righteous Mutiny is a complex story. This data synopsis provides a timeline tool of the narrative. There is also a glossary at the end of the book.

    When: Righteous Mutiny picks up where Longshadow Mysteries ends.

    Past: The Axis of Three (AOT) have become the dominant force in three dimensions through the leadership of a transient mastermind, Admiral Steph Knuddrul. Knuddrul has positioned Mihhid to provide the wealth from the Laurus Dimension, Sroh to provide the technology from the Magnus Dimension, and Sonaria to provide the military might from the Sonarian Dimension.

    Present: Planet Trecon is the last bastion of hope for the Laurus Dimension. However, Trecon is being threatened by the AOT.

    Future: Evidence against the AOT must be brought to light before Trecon is destroyed.

    Why: The events on Trecon will affect all three dimensions controlled by the AOT.


    Admiral Knuddrul smiled at Malvik when Forscher Drømmer delivered the Axis Report. I'm sure we've corrected the problems. We should be well on our way to vanquishing Trecon.

    There was evil in Malvik's beautiful violet eyes. Your plan to implement Rotensep's tactics was ingenious.

    Data filled the screens with statistics from the Laurus Dimension. The Trecon invasion fleet is 80 percent complete. Admiral Vergway is waiting on the winter packages before he enters Trecon's quadrant.

    Knuddrul scratched his head. The orders have been made. How long until we get the supplies through?

    Forscher Drømmer spat out a rebuttal. The issue with the supply chain originates in the Magnus Dimension. The saboteurs have been identified. We are still feeling the pain of Agents Rauður and Cyclopes. They learned just where to hit us when they duped Premier Royd at Stormhive.

    Admiral Knuddrul's blue skin glowed as his blood pressure rose. I don't buy it. Part of the problem could be Rauður. But it is likely Kufsiun greed. Send a dispatch to Premier Reece. Tell him we must increase the AOT patrols around the Kufsiun shipyards. Knuddrul gritted his teeth. And increase the payments to the Kufsiun government.

    Affirmative, Admiral Knuddrul.

    Knuddrul pounded a fist on his armchair. Order Sonaria to cease and desist their aspirations in the Sonarian Dimension until we have Trecon conquered. They must send war fleets to the Laurus Dimension. After we crush Trecon, we'll be in position to subjugate Yopsogh.

    Your order will be fulfilled, Admiral.

    Knuddrul's mood was souring. What news do you have on the trillelium mines on Planet 6333?

    The mines are running on full capacity since you implemented the Fleetspitter Protocol. We are capturing ships, sending the hostages to the mines, and implicating Trecon. Their media is acting like they are on our payroll.

    Finally, some good news.

    Chapter 1

    The Museum Recruit

    Hustle, commotion, yell! It was a busy Saturday at the museum.

    The Mule 357 sat center stage against a starfield background in the main hangar, with Abbsnate's old Talon flanking her. A Talon exploded against a meteoroid on the far side of the display. The scene portrayed the space dogfight that the Mule had survived at the beginning of her adventures.

    General Thomas Krevety's retirement gig was enjoyable on quiet days, where he could talk one-on-one with people. But weekends were injected with parents running after screaming kids and tourists who didn't appreciate what the Mule crew went through.

    A thickset man pushed up his dirty glasses and attacked. What does she have under the hood? Ha! You know, I used to paint Starlance fighters, back in the day. That job lasted two years, but the fumes made me sick.


    The patron rambled on. Then I became a cook. Needless to say, I enjoyed those fumes a little too much. The man grabbed his stomach rolls and laughed.

    Good thing you didn't eat the paint. Krevety rolled his eyes.

    Backslap! Ha-ha, good one. Paint is poisonous, you know. Say, you look familiar. You were on the crew, right?

    Get me outta here. Yes. But I'm about to go on break. Our adventures are chronicled in hardcover book and movie format at a reasonable price.

    The man gave Krevety a snide look. I'm on a pension budget.

    Point. In that case, there are free pamphlets at the information booth.

    I already took one. The man pulled out a wad of papers and fished through until he found the leaflet. See? Then he continued the story. When my knees gave out from standing at the grill all day, I had to find a desk job with the city. That position has paid off well over the years. I found free passes to the museum just last week.

    Really? The general looked at his watch. Ugh!

    Shoulder tap.

    General Krevety's face brightened. Admiral Dach, greetings, my frie—

    Wait. The customer didn't like losing Krevety's attention. I was talking to him.

    Krevety ignored the annoying man. Admiral Dach. It's so good to see you, my friend.

    Dach's face was bathed in concern. General, we need to talk… Thumb toward exit. In private. Please.

    Krevety didn't need to be asked twice. He turned away from the obstinate tourist. Got to go.

    The pair elbowed through the crowd toward a restricted hallway. Krevety paid no attention to the sightseer trying to get in the last word.

    When they reached the hallway to the break room, the two shook hands and shared a quick embrace.

    Thanks for the rescue. Krevety looked down at the lead cyber officer from the Raihan invasion. How are you doing? Are you getting close to retirement? Trust me, it's not all it's cracked up to be.

    The red-headed man was impatient. Don't misunderstand me, General. I didn't come here to reminisce, or to save you from annoying tourists. I have some information that begs your attention. Would you like to sit down?

    Sure. General Krevety was in good shape for an old man, but he'd extracted much energy huffing and puffing his tall frame through the museum hall crowd. He walked to the fridge and grabbed his lunch. Then he bought two sodas at the machine. Still like the cola?

    Dach took the drink. Thanks. Sorry to be curt. But no one can know I'm here. You're the only one I can trust.

    Munch. You can't confide in General Bronson?

    Dach leaned in. No. He's eyeing a cabinet position— Dach stopped abruptly when a chattering pair walked into the room.

    It took an eternity for the young women to warm up their lunches in the microwave. Finally, they grabbed a table in the far corner.

    Krevety raised an eyebrow under his salt-and-pepper crewcut. Go on.

    Not here.

    Screech! Krevety's chair skidded across the tile floor. He stepped over to the girls. Hey, Karii, tell Burke I'm going home for the day.

    The coworker looked up and adjusted her specs. Not feeling well, General? Sorry to hear that.

    General Krevety led Dach to the employee exit door. We can talk freely in my hovercar. Humanity became sparse as they made the way to Krevety's vehicle. When they were safe inside, Krevety faced Dach. General Bronson?

    Dach grimaced. Alyk Bronson is dying to move into politics. He won't do anything that'll cause waves. Even with war drums beating in the distance. He's useless.

    Krevety assessed the situation in his mind. You were always competitors. General Bronson got the promotion you were gunning for. I'm too old to get involved in a military dispute. I never had a problem with Bronson. Sure, he's a bootlicker. But he always got the job done. If it's trust you need, Colonel Steben is your man. He served on my staff in the Muudia mines and has been a solid officer throughout.

    Argh! This is getting offtrack. Dach's blood pressure rose. The scar on his forehead turned purple, and his freckles disappeared. I know that Steben is solid. But he must move information up the chain of command, where it will get squashed by Bronson. You're not obligated any longer. And you have influence.

    Krevety didn't reply. Where is this discussion heading? The two sat in silence for a minute as the general piloted the car. Vrrrmm! The hovercraft left the cityscape in its dust. Towering evergreens lined the highway as they sped toward Krevety's ranch. Finally, Krevety responded. I don't want to get involved in insubordination, conspiracy theories, or espionage.

    General, this isn't about Bronson. And you know I'm not a spy. The data I have will help Trecon in the end. All I need is a bit more time to get proof. This information needs to germinate in the right places. Then Trecon will be ready to act when the time is right.

    Errrt! Krevety parked. All right, Dach, give it to me straight.

    Admiral Dach's freckles darkened as his face returned to normal color. Through a Pibcian contact, I've heard rumblings about new Sonarian fleets coming and going to rebuilt mines on Muudia.

    That's nothing new. The Mihhidites are on our radar. I hear about them on the news every night. We've set up sanctions against them. Our allies are putting pressure on them as well.

    I'm not talking about the known Sonarians working in concert with the Mihhidites. My contact ensures me that new Sonarians are arriving daily. The Sonarians and Mihhidites are part of a new pact called the Axis of Three. Here, listen to this recording.

    Squelch. Essence Red 1— Squeak. …your path is… Crackle. …Planet 6333. The order is ready. Mumble trilelliu— Static. …ready to be loaded onto Ore Fleet Alpha. The Axis of Three is gaining footing in… Garble. —imension.

    Krevety shook his head. The Mihhidite/Sonarian alliance has been a thorn in our side, but we've always held our own against them. It's disheartening to learn the mining operations are up and running again despite the sanctions. Who's to say the Sonarian fleet isn't bringing the trillelium to Mihhid?

    Dach handed Krevety his information pad. The Mihhidite/Sonarian mining operations are further along than we thought. But that's not what concerns me. My contact and I have monitored communications the last few months. Here, read this.

    A.O.T. Essence Red—10 inputs.

    A.O.T. Essence Red—19 inputs.

    A.O.T. Essence Red—25 inputs.

    A.O.T. Docker Battalion Fleet—10 inputs.

    A.O.T. Docker Battalion Fleet—20 inputs.

    A.O.T. Ore Fleet Alpha—10 inputs.

    A.O.T. Ore Fleet Bravo—20 inputs.

    A.O.T. Alpha Escort Docker Fleet—10 inputs.

    A.O.T. Bravo Escort Docker Fleet—20 inputs.

    General Darvic—17 inputs.

    Admiral Vergway—32 inputs.

    Admiral Knuddrul—28 inputs.

    Dach's voice cracked as he tried to convince his friend. T-there are many others. But I've only included what can be verified. And there's something else.

    Krevety's eyes widened as he read the last name on the list. There's no way you could've known about Steph Knuddrul. Don't worry. I believe you. What's your plan, Dach?

    Dach smiled at Krevety's renewed confidence. My contact, Bey Volchil, sent me a file the old-fashioned way. Through a courier. He flipped a thumb drive into his machine. Volchil is being hunted by the Sonarians. He was forced to jettison escape pods and try to make it through a force field net near Wononh. Look at this footage.

    Krevety put on his spectacles and squinted at the screen.

    Volchil took this footage from his escape pod. He was one of a few that made it through the net. Dach's pulse rose as he waited for Krevety's reaction.

    The wrinkles deepened in Krevety's granite forehead. This evidence is most concerning.

    Dach pulled out the thumb drive and put it in his pocket. General Bronson thinks Trecon is in a strong position. But as you can see, the ground is crumbling beneath our feet. Your influence is needed greatly. Trecon has bested both planets in battle. The price of our victory is high. We'll be the first target on their list. Soon, it'll be too late.

    Krevety took off his glasses and put them in his shirt pocket. Then he put a reassuring hand on Dach's shoulder. What are you going to do, Admiral?

    Dach's stomach tightened. Volchil is gathering more evidence. I'm going to see for myself. Then I'll send back the data to you.

    Dach had motivated Krevety's warrior spirit. They've found a portal into the Sonarian Dimension! The thought of rescuing Onsan and Abbsnate made youthful blood pump through Krevety's veins. But a greater danger had to be faced. You're right, Dach. Trecon must gear up for war.

    General Krevety penned a letter.

    Colonel Treb,

    Admiral Dach has found some unnerving evidence that implicates the Mihhidites are more powerful than we could've imagined. And he's possibly discovered a path into the Sonarian Dimension. If so, Trecon is in danger of fighting a two-front war. Trying to get official approval for an investigation mission would take years: Time Trecon doesn't have. There's little proof to go on. But Admiral Dach's instincts and expertise point to foul play. He's a good man. You know that. The choice is now up to you. You can either accompany him to examine the facts, or turn him in to General Bronson. I hope you'll choose the former.

    All my best,

    General Thomas Krevety

    Chapter 2

    Sonarians Stake Claim


    Red energy waves followed a Sonarian armada as it prowled the outer reaches of the Laurus Dimension. Status report, demanded Admiral Vergway.

    An Essence ship barked out a warning. Be aware, there's a Pibcian exploratory fleet forward of your position at two hundred thousand kilometers. It doesn't appear to be a threatening military presence. I've mapped a route to them.

    Admiral Vergway took in the data from the catbird's seat in the sparkling new megaship Fleetspitter-1. He glared at the data on the screen. How many ships?

    Seven. Four destroyers, three scientific vessels, and a supply freighter. They're a conglomerate fleet, sent by three allied planets to find resources for mining operations. They've charted the quadrant, and are about to end the mission and return home.

    Vergway's dark eyes narrowed. How are they mapping the quadrant?

    Through a chain of homing probes. They've laid out five units so far. Communication indicates they'll use the probes to return to the nearest base for resupply. Then they'll continue the mission.

    Vergway scribbled a note. Is there any evidence that they know about us?

    No, Admiral.

    Good. What have they discovered so far?

    Their most recent finding is on the Rosslas Moon. The rock has a treasure trove of gold. They've also discovered a ruthenium comet, and a scattering of granite rocks in this quadrant.

    Vergway tapped a finger on the console. It's great when others do the hard work for us. That gold will be useful. Why don't they have a bigger military presence in the fleet?

    The originating planets are the closest to the colonized frontier. As they see it, we're in no-man's-land out here. There was no reason to invest more into the mission. But the discovery of gold will change that. The fleet is keeping the finding close to the vest for now. But it won't stay secretive for long. We have to act quickly to prevent a gold rush out here.

    Vergway laughed. Right. Secrets have a way of coming to the surface. But we have time. Their silence has become our advantage. Send me everything you've learned about their mission.

    Transmitting it to you now, Admiral.

    Flash! Data filled the screens.

    Admiral Vergway smiled as he examined the statistics. Hmm. Breathable air, comfortable temperatures, and clean water. The three planets will soon tear each other apart for control of the gold. We don't need a war zone blocking our route to the portal. You know what? I'm feeling compassionate today. So the AOT will keep the peace and take that gold off their hands.

    Ha. The wheels are already in motion, Admiral. A fleet of sharks will start destroying the homing devices on my order. Then you can take out the fleet at your leisure.

    Vergway rubbed his square chin. Excellent. We'll set up a mining settlement on the Gold Moon, and make it a destination point during our ore missions. Begin your assault on the transmitters right away. We'll take care of the fleet.

    Message received. AOT Essence Blue 40 out.

    Admiral Vergway ordered, Seven Dockers follow me to the target. The rest of you hold off. Wait for my signal to proceed. Captain Gesard, I'm transferring command to you until we meet up again.

    Understood, Admiral.

    Blip, fade, vanish! The Fleetspitter-1 initiated concealment mode and rocketed alongside the Dockers toward the unsuspecting fleet.

    Aboard the lead Pibcian science vessel, Pathfinder Vega, a confused com controller made an announcement. Commander Dressle, we've lost contact with our homing signal.

    Dressle furled her eyebrows over bright blue eyes. Might be a cosmic storm of some kind. Radiation can cause havoc with our navigation systems if we're not careful. I'm sure the unit will come back online soon. Stay on the current course. Decrease speed to half.

    For six hours, the science fleet plodded forward into the unknown. The lack of data ate at the crews. A cloud of impending doom soon swathed the ships.

    It was late, and Dressle was tiring at the end of a sixteen-hour shift. She looked at the nightshift lead, a stout man named Lonald Kial. I'm going to get something to eat and hit my bunk for a few hours. Call me with any updates.

    Major Kial glanced over his shoulder. Sure thing, Commander.

    Commander Dressle made it halfway to her bunk before she was turned about. Beep!

    Hate to disturb you so soon, Commander. But there's a fleet approaching our stern position.

    The hair on Dressle's neck stood on end. She suspected that the homing signal had been deliberately sabotaged. Commander Dressle quickened her pace to the bridge.

    The screen offered a terrifying view of their predicament. Kial had a shocked look on his face. It's a war fleet, Commander. I don't know how they could've disabled our homing probes and got around us so efficiently.

    Dressle glared into the starfield. We've been hunted the whole time. Our destroyers are bigger than they are. Give them room to fight. Order all other ships to full speed ahead.

    As the Pathfinder Vega rocketed forward, it was thrust into a space battle.

    Scheeew! Eight Dockers launched four Crusaders each. The maulers spread out menacingly through a torrent of laser blasts.

    Bolt, kaboom! A Crusader was smashed into oblivion from a direct hit.

    The Fleetspitter-1 emerged from concealment mode. Vergway slammed his fist into his com panel. Giving up the first punch made him livid. Get into position and disable those ships!

    The AOT fleet surrounded the destroyers. Crusaders zoomed in and out of range while the Dockers took the brunt of the fire. While the fight raged, the outer Dockers flanked a destroyer.

    Eewlu-whoopshriek-eewlu-whoopshriek! The frequency bursts were

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