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Elephant Love and Other Fast Fiction
Elephant Love and Other Fast Fiction
Elephant Love and Other Fast Fiction
Ebook54 pages34 minutes

Elephant Love and Other Fast Fiction

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This is humorous quick read of seven fun, creative short stories, each story is very unique. You will find yourself laughing at some of the most unusual characters and situations they get themselves into.
Release dateNov 18, 2023
Elephant Love and Other Fast Fiction

Joe King

Joe King was born and grew up in Little Chortle. He recently moved to Greater Guffaw with his wife, Lar. Lar and Joe enjoy joking and larking around and playing with their two guinea pigs, chuckle and giggle. Joe King is the author of The Funniest Spooky Joke Book Ever and The Funniest Christmas Joke Book Ever.

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    Elephant Love and Other Fast Fiction - Joe King


    A young elephant walks from St. Louis to Cincinnati

    to be with his sweetheart

    Maybe you don’t spend time thinking about young boy elephants and what they think about young girl elephants, but Phanto does. Phanto thinks about girl elephants a lot.

    Phanto is BIG. As a lad, he and his elephant friends, Donocho, Florenipi, and Ella played together much like young human boys and girls play. Donocho, Florenipi, and Ella, whom Phanto has known since they were about eight, played in the forest. Donocho was younger, but a little larger than Phanto.  He was athletic and agile for his size. Donocho liked to roughhouse with Phanto, as young bucks will. Donocho and Phanto also loved to swim in Cedarboy Creek, not far from Elephant City.

    Florenipi, an attractive little girl elephant, seemed more feminine than Ella. Florenipi had finally outgrown playing with dolls, but she has taken up elephant pickleball. She is relatively small (under 696 pounds) but on the courts she often beats the boys, with a soft cross-court chop shot just over the net.

    These young elephant girls and boys, along with other elephant friends often walked together. Elephants are inherently good walkers and swimmers. They are also adept at pickleball because of their long reach. They hold their paddle with their trunk and can get around the court better than you might think.

    Phanto and Ella and their friends Florenepi and Donocho are members of the same elephant herd the Westphants.  The Westphants travel through the forests of west Africa. Phanto’s mother, DoDo, is the leader, the matriarch, of Westphants. This herd has lived and traveled together for over 200 years. The age of the members ranges from 2 to 86 years old.  DoDo and PoPo are the oldest male and female, each are 86 years old.  The youngest calves are twins, Ropo and Sopi, who just celebrated their second birthday. Elephants love to celebrate birthdays.  They love birthday parties where they eat cabbage chocolate cake with pineapple sauce. Whoopi!

    A herd of elephants walking Description automatically generated

    Phanto’s Family Portrait

    Phanto and Ella grew up in western Africa, the area of WestMost Forest, not far from Elephant City.  This group of youngsters have been playmates in Westmost throughout their young elephant lives.

    As they became teens, Phanto began to see Ella as more than just his playmate and Ella became more than just a little girl. She was now his girlfriend.  He has a sweetheart. 

    Ella is a WOW, a really cute little lassie. Yes, the first time Ella curled her soft, pleasant-smelling trunk around Phanto’s he was hooked, so to speak. Maybe you can’t understand as you don’t even have a trunk. That’s unfortunate for you.

    Ella and Phanto were getting it together when the bad guys, the wild animal trainers, captured Ella and quickly shipped her off to the

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