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From the First Moment
From the First Moment
From the First Moment
Ebook241 pages

From the First Moment

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Amy Jordan Sullivan returns to Chicago from her home in the Hollywood Hills for a starring role in a run of the musical Grease. She moved seven years ago to establish her now successful acting career leaving her first love behind.
CPD Homicide Detective Michael Sullivan Lynch heads the next generation of Sullivans in law enforcement. Mike is a rising star on the force and he’s happy with his career and his life in Chicago until Amy returns home reawakening feelings that he thought he’s buried.
Can first love last forever for Mike and Amy? Only if Mike can stop the Hollywood City Studios killer.
Release dateNov 27, 2023
From the First Moment

K. M. Daughters

K.M. Daughters is the penname for team writers and sisters, Pat Casiello and Kathie Clare. The penname is dedicated to the memory of their parents, "K"ay and "M"ickey Lynch. K.M. Daughters is the author of 11 award winning romance genre novels. The "Daughters" are wives, mothers and grandmothers residing in the Chicago suburbs and on the Outer Banks, North Carolina. Visitors are most welcome at

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    From the First Moment - K. M. Daughters

    How has this already gotten out to the media?

    You’re kidding right? All those cellphone videos? It was probably on TMZ before the coroner even got to the lot. MJ ran into Ryder’s arms when he appeared at the door. I’m happy he’s here for her.

    A tear ran down her cheek. He wiped it away with his thumb. Aw, don’t cry, Ames. I’m here for you. I’ll get to the bottom of all this.

    Why Mike? Why would anyone want to hurt MJ?

    I don’t know, but I’ll find out. I contacted your dad requesting involvement in the case. He must have talked with Flynn who has a history working with the LAPD. Small world, Flynn knows the lead detective. I’m on the investigative team officially. I have a meeting with the lead detective first thing in the morning.

    MJ said she wants to resume shooting tomorrow if the police let her. I’ll have an early start to the day, too.

    I don’t see any reason why you can’t go back to work – if MJ adds a heavy security presence. I’ll talk to her before I leave for my meeting in the morning. She needs to close the set and post guards at all studio access points. I’m still concerned about her exposure.

    I know. I’m sure she’ll listen to you.

    He huffed a laugh. Have you met my sister?

    Mike stroked Amy’s silken hair. Get some sleep, sweetheart. I’ll keep you safe.


    Watch out…the Sullivan Boys are a force to be reckoned with! National Bestselling Author Brenda Novak

    Against Doctors Orders: This story has it all. Got Erotic Romance Reviews

    Beyond the Code of Conduct: Plenty of big-Irish-family passion. lush descriptions and lots of emotion…from its exciting beginning to its unexpected ending. Between the Lines Book Reviews (Fantastic)

    Capturing Karma: Fantastic read! Night Owl Reviews

    All’s Fair in Love and Law: In one word, this book is awesome. The Book Connection

    In The St. Nick of Time: Fantastic…a keeper. RT Book Reviews

    Sullivan Boys Award Winning Series: New England Bean Pot Readers Choice, The Lories, Borders Books Readers Crown Finalist, Book Connection #6 Top Ten Books 2009, #4 Romantic Suspense books

    From the First Moment


    K. M. Daughters

    Sequel to the Sullivan Boys Series

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

    From the First Moment

    COPYRIGHT © 2023 by K. M. Daughters

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    Contact Information:

    Cover Art by Kim Mendoza

    The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

    PO Box 708

    Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

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    Publishing History

    First Edition, 2023

    Trade Paperback ISBN

    Digital ISBN

    Sequel to the Sullivan Boys Series

    Published in the United States of America


    For Patti. You are the Storm.


    A heart full of gratitude for the angels at Northwestern Memorial, for prayers offered on shooting stars and for all those who held K.M. Daughters in their hearts during this writing. Because of you our storytelling will go on…hopefully for a long, long time.

    Thank you, Ally Robertson, for the joyful work of editing another book with you. As always, your talent and your expert guidance are invaluable. You are a treasured friend and a blessing.

    Thank you to our first fairy God-Editors, Joelle Walker, and Nicola Martinez. Fifteen years ago, as of January 26, 2023, you made our dream of becoming published authors come true and we will always be grateful – for your good taste. 😊

    Thank you to The Wild Rose Press and Pelican Book Group, publishers of the year.

    Thank you to our cheerleading, beautiful families for your love, your encouragement and for reading and listening to our books and audiobooks.

    And to you, dear Reader. Thank you for spending time with Amy and Mike. We hope you loved their story.

    Other Wild Rose Press Titles by K. M. Daughters:

    Against Doctors Orders

    All’s Fair in Love and Law

    Bewitching Breeze

    Beyond the Code of Conduct

    Capturing Karma

    Fill the Stadium

    From the First Moment

    In the St. Nick of Time

    Only One Summer

    Reunion for the First Time

    Skye Without Limits

    The Sullivan Boys

    Chapter 1

    Amy Jordan Sullivan touched up her lipstick peering into the dressing room mirror at the Chicago Theatre. She tucked an escaped strand of long raven hair under her blonde shoulder-length wig, and then bent at the waist to slip her feet into white sneakers. Amy completed her transformation draping the white cardigan that hung on the back of her chair around her shoulders. Innocent, pure Sandy gazed back at Amy in the mirror.

    When Amy was offered the role in the Chicago Theater limited engagement of her favorite musical, Grease, she jumped at the chance. Not only was she eager to play a lead character but also, the weeks-long run would allow her to spend time with her family, especially her mom. She and her mother had developed a special bond after her father was killed in off duty action during a liquor store robbery when Amy was ten years old. Although those difficult years as the only child of a widowed mom were long behind them, she and her mother, Molly had grown closer into Amy’s adulthood.

    Amy didn’t regret following her dream and moving to California years ago to pursue an acting career. She loved her life and growing professional success, but still sorely missed her family. Even though the luxurious house she now owned in the Hollywood Hills provided plenty of space for visitors, her parents rarely made the trip to the coast more than twice a year.

    She wasn’t entirely separated from her large, boisterous adoptive family, though. Her cousin MJ’s job directing films had brought her to California, too. Amy had offered her a temporary place to stay until she could find something more permanent near the Hollywood movie making mecca. MJ had accepted her offer, moved into the guest house, and had since shared expenses – a perfect arrangement for them.

    Amy checked the airline app on her phone, excited to see that MJ’s flight had landed at O’Hare. Her cousin had meetings in Chicago about her next project. Like Amy, MJ would also spend time with family and even planned on coming to Amy’s matinee the next day.

    A knock sounded and then Jenna, the actress playing Frenchy, bounded into the dressing room. Hey Sandy. Ready to go to the race?

    Let’s go, Frenchy, Amy said on a laugh.

    She followed Jenna and halted in the wings waiting for their cues. Amy peeked around the curtain and grinned at the sight of Danny Sullivan, her proud dad, in the audience. He held court in the middle of the front row, flanked by his men. He had purchased tickets for the entire front row for every one of her performances and pushed the tickets on family and subordinates on the CPD. She questioned whether the men truly wanted to go to a musical or if they viewed using the tickets as a literal command performance from the Chicago Superintendent of Police.

    Jenna finished her lines and left Amy alone on stage. Amy leaned against a tree watching Danny and the T-Birds plan a car race. The lights dimmed and a spotlight bathed her in brilliant white light. When she belted out the last note of the showstopping song, Look at Me I’m Sandra Dee, the front row led the audience in a thunderous standing ovation.

    She jogged off stage and then broke into a sprint on a bead for the dressing room for her last costume change. Amy stood in place catching her breath as the wardrobe mistress slipped off her cardigan and helped unbutton her shirtwaist dress.

    Amy put her hands on Margie’s shoulders, stepped out of the dress that had pooled on the floor and plopped down on her dressing table chair. Thanks, Margie.

    Amy slipped off her wig and faced Ellen, the makeup artist who outlined her eyes with black liner with a couple of deft flicks, dabbed her lashes with a heavy mascara and added scarlet red lipstick to complete the vixen, sexy Sandy look.

    Bending one leg after the other, Amy circled a bright red tube top over her ankles, stretched it up to her knees and then stood up tugging and wiggling the material up over her hips and then her breasts. Next came the contortions putting on her skintight black pants. Amy held her breath and sucked in her stomach as Margie yanked the zipper all the way up. There was a knock on the door as Amy shimmied into a black leather jacket.

    Come in, she called out.

    Hello beautiful. Ryder Scott, a.k.a. Danny Zuko, strode into the room and bussed Amy’s cheek. He held her hand for balance as she slipped into her sky-high heels.

    Perfect timing, Ry, thanks.

    He kissed each of her knuckles before letting go of her hand.

    Each time Ryder took the stage, women in the audience heaved audible sighs, and they waited by the stage door after each performance hoping for a glimpse of him. He treated his swooning fans with unfailing kindness and stayed however long to provide every autograph and photo. His courtesy surrounding his celebrity had always impressed Amy and served as an example of the best way to appreciate fame.

    She had met Ry when she did a guest spot on his immensely popular TV show, Doctor By Day. He played the lead, Dr. Waverly, who had a secret life as a rock star musician at night. Amy played his love interest for a few episodes, but sadly her character died despite all of Dr. Waverly’s efforts to save the love of his life. Amy didn’t win her nominated Emmy for the cameo performance, but Ryder had won his second, Best Actor award that year. They had become fast friends and dated casually for a while. But their relationship stalled in the forever-friends category – at least from Amy’s perspective.

    Do you want to grab dinner tonight after the show? Ry said.

    I’m not sure. Amy gazed at his reflection in her mirror as she pinned up her long hair, and then tugged on a curly blonde wig.

    He was drop dead gorgeous, but the most attractive thing about him was his total lack of conceit. Amy was very attracted to Ryder. What woman wouldn’t be? But the man who haunted her dreams prevented her from returning his advances.

    Why? Do you have a hot date or something? He unleashed a dazzling smile meant to convince her of the no contest between him and any other hot dates.

    Nope, she said. I might have a date with my cousin. Her flight just landed at O’Hare. I’m not sure if she wants to have dinner with me tonight or if she would rather just go to her mom’s.

    No problem one way or the other. She can join us. I want to meet this cousin. Or is it BFF? Or is it sister that you talk so much about?

    I do refer to her as all those things, don’t I? Sounds a bit scattered when I hear you say it. When I was the new girl in school after moving from New York to Chicago, MJ and I were instant friends. My mom met her uncle Danny when he was brought to her ER with a gunshot wound…

    Wait. Isn’t Danny your dad’s name?

    Amy chuckled. I’m getting to that. Mom and MJ’s Uncle Danny started dating and MJ and I were together even more often. Mom married Danny – who yes, is my dad. He adopted me immediately after the wedding. Then MJ officially became my cousin. People called us sisters with different mothers and fathers. If I had to pick one, I guess I would call her my sister, but I understand if I’ve confused you.

    She huffed in amusement. I think I just confused myself.

    I’m not confused at all. I’d love your sister to join us for dinner.

    "I am hungry. What do you have in mind?"

    Pizza at Malnati’s. He grinned impishly at her frown. Just kidding. Of course, Bob’s Burgers. You love their fries.

    You know me so well. It’s a deal if we order the onion rings tower.

    Sweetheart, you can order anything you want. Ry gave her a hug from behind beaming into the mirror at her.

    A stagehand rapped on the door. Two minutes, guys.

    Ry extended his hand. Now I can’t wait until the curtain drops. My stomach is rumbling.

    She took his hand and strolled with him out of the dressing room. He left her in the wings on her side of the stage and jogged to his spot on the opposite side.

    Surrounded by the Pink Ladies, Amy made her entrance to booming applause. Her metamorphosis from demure to bombshell: the girl who could win Danny Zuko’s heart, brought gasps and a couple wolf whistles from the audience.

    The audience loudly applauded again when Ryder, sporting a letterman sweater, made his entrance with the T-Birds.

    It was theatre magic when Sandy and Danny met center stage and broke into the familiar song, You’re The One That I Want. Amy was lost in the song and in Ry’s eyes. She didn’t face the audience until the last refrain. Staring beyond the footlights she gasped softly and stiffened within Ryder’s embrace.

    What’s wrong? he whispered in her ear.

    The front row is empty.

    Something terrible must have happened in Chicago for Danny and all his men to leave before the final curtain call.

    The cast filed out of the wings from both sides of the stage chorusing the finale song, We Go Together. Amy sang along, grabbed Ryder’s hand, and blended in with the T-Birds and the Pink Ladies. The audience joined in the party atmosphere clapping, gyrating, and singing along with the catchy song. Amy usually loved this part of the performance, but today she felt queasy. Her dad’s sudden exit scared her.

    After a record five curtain calls, Amy was finally free to run to her dressing room. Her phone was vibrating when she grabbed it, but she missed the call. She had a slew of missed calls.

    Oh no, Amy said as Margie came into the room to help remove her costume.

    Margie knit her brow. Is everything all right?

    Amy shook her head in response and scrolled the list of missed calls. This can’t be good. My mom has called four times and my dad twice since I went onstage for the finale number.

    Marge pushed the chair over to Amy and gently pushed her into the seat. Sit. Take a breath and call your mom back.

    Amy called her mother, Molly and was sent to voice mail. She dialed Dad.

    He answered on the first ring. Hi honey.

    Dad, what’s going on? I have a bunch of missed calls from you and Mom. Why didn’t either of you leave a message?

    We didn’t want to leave this news on your voice mail… he paused. Your Aunt Kay was shot.

    What? Oh no! Amy screeched and tears filled her eyes. What happened? Is she OK?

    I’m so sorry, honey. I don’t know. I just got to the hospital. She’s in surgery and your mom is in the operating room, too. Molly said she would keep us updated.

    Is MJ there?

    She’s on her way and Mike went to get the twins. They should be here soon.

    I’m coming, Dad. MJ will need me. And maybe Mike.

    I’ll send a squad car to the theatre.

    Thanks, but it will be easier for me to just call an Uber. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Please Dad, call me if you have any updates.

    I will honey. I love you. Be careful.

    I love you, too.

    Amy ended the call, opened her Uber App, and ordered a car. Luckily there was one in the area with an ETA in five minutes.

    I don’t have time to change, Margie. I’ve got to go to the hospital. My aunt was shot, and she’s in surgery now.

    Ry knocked on the open door. Sorry for eavesdropping, but who’s in surgery?

    My Aunt Kay, MJ’s mother.

    What do you need? How can I help?

    Just say a prayer. She grabbed her backpack out of the closet, stuffed a change of clothes and her phone inside, and started for the door.

    Ry touched her arm. I can come with you. I have a car here.

    Thanks. She gave him a hug. But my Uber will be here any second. I’ll be okay.

    She dashed out into the hallway and bolted outside through the stage door.

    Seated in the compact car, she checked her phone with shaking hands. Hopefully no news is good news, she mumbled.

    The car tires screeched as the driver accelerated to merge into city

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