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The Best Friend And The Roommate: The One Where It's...
The Best Friend And The Roommate: The One Where It's...
The Best Friend And The Roommate: The One Where It's...
Ebook118 pages1 hour

The Best Friend And The Roommate: The One Where It's...

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I've been in love with my best friend, basically since the day I met him (ten years ago). Pathetic I know. But it gets worse...I'm also in love with his roommate. Insert facepalming emoji.


Clearly, I can't do anything about my feelings except push them deep down and never let them see the light of day. Healthy right?


What else could I do? Tell them...ha I think not. My life is already a laughing joke, I don't need to add to the sitcom.



I'm in love with my roommates best friend. As a retired army vet that has seem some pretty serious shit. NOTHING scares me more than admitting my feelings for that girl.


Probably because I can't do anything about it. I would never come between their friendship and I'm not willing to lose them both if I admit what I truly want and she doesn't feel the same.



I love my best friend...There I said it. However, I think roommate is also in love with her. I finally have a chance to tell her how I feel but I'm afraid of losing a ten years friendship if she doesn't feel the same. And I don't want my roommate to resent me if it turns out she feels the same about me.


After an interesting turn of events, I think I have a way for everyone to be happy. Let's just hope I'm not wrong and fuck everything up and lose both of them.

PublisherAJ Reign
Release dateJun 30, 2023
The Best Friend And The Roommate: The One Where It's...

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    Book preview

    The Best Friend And The Roommate - AJ Reign


    I’d like to dedicate this book to my readers. If it wasn’t for you guys, I’d have no one who’d want to read the dirty thoughts I turn into stories!

    You all are truly amazing and I’m grateful for every single one of you!



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    The One Where It’s...


    AJ Reign

    Chapter One


    My parents are seriously relationship goals. My whole life, I have looked up to them and their relationship. I used to dream about finding a man just like my dad.

    Hold on, that came out wrong. I dreamt about finding a man who would treat me, like my dad treats my mom.

    Seriously, he takes her car to the car wash every Sunday before church, gets it cleaned out, then takes it to the gas station to ensure it has a full tank. In the winter, he heads out to remove the snow from her car and starts it for her so it’s not cold when she gets in to go to work. He makes sure the coffee pot is filled and sets the timer the night before so when my mom gets up stupidly early to read, she can enjoy a nice hot cup of coffee.

    And don't get me wrong, my mom is a total doting wife. She makes my dad breakfast every morning and packs him lunch for work. When she comes home, she starts cooking dinner so it's ready and, on the table, when my dad walks through the front door. His clothes are washed, dried, ironed and hung in his closet weekly. She also makes his favorite meal every Friday night and watches all the action movies he loves, even though she doesn't like them. They wash the dishes after dinner together and talk about their day. It's so freakin’ adorable.

    So, imagine my surprise when I, their only child, go home to Rhode Island for a weekend visit and discover they are selling my childhood home to travel separately. All because they feel their lives are boring and want to mix things up.

    Why travel separately you ask? Because they want to, and I quote, see what other flavors of life are out there.

    Yup. My dad basically told me, he and my mom wanted to fuck other people.

    Don't worry; they reassured me they weren’t getting divorced, just spicing things up.

    And what was worse, even after I told them, Cool have fun, because I didn't want to hear anymore...they kept trying to share details of what they wanted to do. Sexually and site seeing.


    No child wants to hear any information regarding their parents' sex life. As far as I was concerned, my parents didn't do sex. Nope, I was dropped off on their porch by a stork.

    Needless to say, I did not stay the whole weekend and hopped on the first train back to Boston. Which was why I was currently sending my boyfriend, whom I live with, a text saying I would be ruining his guys’ weekend.


    Hey Babe! Change of plans... I'm on my way home. Sorry to crash your guys' weekend. I'll be scarce and hide in the room. You and Peter won't even know I'm there. See you soon. Love you.

    (Red heart emoji)

    Theo and I had been together for fifteen months. He came into my bakery, Sweet Treats, one day and we flirted a little. Every day for two weeks Theo came in and we chatted before I finally had enough courage to ask him on a date. I could tell he was shy and honestly, it was the twenty-first century, women could ask men out, so I did. He said yes, and we went to dinner and played mini golf. It turned out to be a real fun night.

    Fast track to a few months ago when he suggested moving in together. My lease was up and he said it would be financially better for us to live together to save money. I had to contain myself because I was pretty sure he wanted to save money to buy me a ring.

    I waited a few minutes for his response to my text but didn’t get one. I mumbled, He's probably watching a movie.

    At least two times a week Theo went to his best friend, Peter's apartment, to watch movies. A few months back they came up with a list of films neither had seen and had been checking them off like crazy. They also work together so I assumed they spent all day coming up with movies to add to their never-ending stupid list. I swear, Peter saw my boyfriend more than I did and I lived with the guy.

    I closed out my text message thread with Theo and opened my thread with my best friend Micah.


    You will NEVER guess what happened to me this weekend.


    Well, the weekend just started...because it's Saturday morning...


    Fine. You will never guess what happened to me last night.


    Better. What happened?


    You’re not even going to guess?


    Why would I guess when you literally said, and I quote, you will never guess what happened to me this weekend.


    Why are you the way that you are?



    Are you going to tell me, or can I go back to sleep?


    FINE! My parents are selling the house so they can travel separately. Because they want to Spice. Things. Up.


    I'm sorry. What?


    Yup. My parents are separating for a year so they can travel to all the places they’ve each wanted to visit and be free to do whatever they please.

    Oh, and if you're wondering if they went into specifics on the being 'free.' They did!


    (Puking face emoji)


    Basically what I did right after they told me. I had to get out of there because they kept talking about it. So fucking gross. I might need Asher to open the bar up early. I need copious amounts of alcohol, preferably tequila, to forget last night.


    Jesus. I don't blame you. I'll let him know. When will you be home?


    My train gets in, in about an hour. I'm going to run home and drop my stuff off. Then I'll come over. Theo and Peter are having a guys' weekend at our place, so I might crash on your couch, if that's cool?


    Doesn't Theo see Peter enough during the week? Those two are always hanging out. Also, why couldn't they move they plans to Peter's apartment? Why do you have to leave? It’s your apartment too.


    You know how Theo gets when he plans something. I'm sure he has a whole itinerary planned for this weekend and has things set up a certain way. It's not worth the fight.


    You know that’s weird...right.


    It's not weird! He's passionate.


    That's not the word I'd use. But whatever. Your relationship.


    You can crash in my bed anytime. You know that. (Winky face)


    I said couch. But thanks.

    I'll see you soon.

    (Heart Emoji)

    Micah liked your comment.

    I tucked my phone back in the side pocket of my weekend bag and gazed out the window.

    Micah and I had been best friends since the first day of college eight years ago. I was sitting at a table in the dining hall reading a romance novel when a football player plopped down in the seat in front of me and said, Babe, you don't need to read about sex in those books. I can give you the real thing. I won't even make you beg.

    I slowly peered up from my book to look at the caveman and cocked my eyebrow. He took that as me being interested and said in a sleazy tone, I'll fuck you so good, you won't be able to walk.

    I tilted my head in question and said, No, thank you. Before I went back to reading. 

    Apparently, jockstrap didn't like being told no. He slammed his hands on the table so loud it caught the attention of several people in the dining hall. Pshh. Whatever. You're above the weight class of who I fuck anyways.

    Yup. Jockstrap tried fat shaming me. Which was fucking stupid because I wasn't fat. I'm curvy, there's a difference. And even if I was overweight that still wasn't cool.

    It was absolutely ridiculous society had deemed if your thighs touched and you didn't have a six-pack or a flat stomach you were fat. If women are anything over a hundred and ten pounds, then they were overweight...It's bullshit.

    I was about to give the neanderthal a piece of my mind when a statuesque man sat in the vacant seat next to me and threw his broad arm around my shoulders. I'm sorry, I must have something in my ears because I know you didn't just proposition my girlfriend for sex.

    The football skidded back the chair and raised his hands defensively before saying, "My bad man. Didn't know she was

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