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The Gym Mom (Part One)
The Gym Mom (Part One)
The Gym Mom (Part One)
Ebook20 pages24 minutes

The Gym Mom (Part One)

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Everybody calls Jackie "The Gym Mom," due to her love of mentoring younger athletes at her gym Spartan Fitness. Despite being well into middle-age, Jackie has remained unmarried and kept her taste for smaller and much younger men. When she meets Tom, he is both intrigued and fearful of her colossal dimensions, she standing six-foot-nine and weighing over four hundred pounds, but little did he know that he and the big woman would change each other's lives forever.

PublisherJ. D. Tufts
Release dateNov 12, 2023
The Gym Mom (Part One)

J. D. Tufts

Jason David Tufts was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana on January 7th, 1984. Interested in writing fiction from a young age, he was drawn to the fantastical, and would marry this to his obsession with large and strong women while a student at Columbia, University. Iiving many years in Philadelphia, he currently resides in Seattle, Washington with his much taller wife Michelle and their twin sons.

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    The Gym Mom (Part One) - J. D. Tufts


    Everybody called her The Gym Mom. Jackie wasn’t sure how she’d gotten the name. She had purchased Spartan Fitness fifteen years ago, and she had been relatively young then. People had often told her that she had a maternal energy, but she wasn’t sure exactly what that meant. She did have a habit of getting into relationships with younger men, something that happened with increasing frequency as her forties had continued, but few people at the gym had any knowledge of her private life.

    How Jackie had become the owner of a gym, and a trainer, was a fairly straightforward story. From an early age, she had always been a big girl. She was tall and stout, and by the time she hit the age of twelve, she had grown well over six feet tall. At thirteen, she had already discovered a competitive and dominant streak to her personality, and lifting weights seemed an easy way to lean into her natural abilities and personal inclinations.

    She quickly discovered an interest in powerlifting. It was a good way to focus her desire to be as big and strong as she could be. Though her body had always been powerfully built, weightlifting pushed her to a size that astounded nearly every person who laid eyes on her. She stood six-foot-six at eighteen and weighed three hundred and forty pounds.

    Relationships were confusing to her at first. She got stared at wherever she went, but it took her a long time to realize that

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