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Dream adventure
Dream adventure
Dream adventure
Ebook216 pages3 hours

Dream adventure

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Wish on the earth!

Before gaining Alt Power:

My dream is to maintain world peace and defend the justice of the universe.

After gaining the power of OTT:

I share Lord Beria's dream...

PublisherJustin Gibson
Release dateNov 1, 2023
Dream adventure

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    Dream adventure - Justin Gibson


    Dream adventure



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    Chapter 1

    It was dark around me, only the light from the street lamp outside the window passed through the thick leaves of the phoenix tree, through the transparent glass window and the thin white gauze curtain, casting dappled shadows on the ground. While the next door, I don't know who the new neighbors have moved in, was still playing Partyy in the middle of the night, and the laughter of men and women mixed with the cheerful rhythm of Nobody and the melodious cicadas. Still reverberating in her ears.

    Ah, it was a dream!

    Parakh Sharma sat in bed propped on his chin for half a day, feeling his pounding heart slow down, then raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead and let out a long breath.

    She felt as if her throat were on fire, and her clothes, soaked with sweat, clung to her grimly.

    Or, go take a shower!

    Parakh Sharma got down from the bed, first opened the box, and poured three cups of ice water down at one breath. Only then did he feel much more comfortable and his mind became clear, instead of feeling drowsy like a dream just now. But sober also has the harm of sober, she suddenly thought of her afternoon and Fox nine in the swim that conversation, a little relaxed mood, and immediately down.

    The next door neighbor's Party is continuing, I don't know why, over and over again, and the music is always the same Nobody that has been mocked by countless people all over the world. Parakh Sharma's lips broke into a wry smile, suddenly felt that his life was also like a prank, being touched by the creator, and immediately deviated from the original direction and became unrecognizable.

    Standing in front of the refrigerator in a daze, until the cold air rushed out of it became thin, she put the remaining ice water back, closed the refrigerator door, pulled the slippers, ready to go to the bathroom. As I was walking around, I suddenly caught a yellow shadow on the windowsill on the other side of the bedroom, as if someone were sitting there looking into the window.

    Parakh Sharma missed a beat of his heart. And timidly took courage to look up. But I only saw the shadow of the Indus trees outside the window swaying gently with the breeze blowing there.

    You're giddy! Or has this unusual experience made you suspicious? Mingming lives on the sixth floor. Outside the window, there was only a very tall French plane tree. Where will there be someone...

    Song Yi put his right hand on his chest. Strong smile to comfort himself. But after all, I feel uncomfortable all over. Especially the back. It was as if there were an invisible eye watching her. It made her feel so strong. Disturbed by prying eyes.

    Hallucinations... It's all an illusion... Parakh Sharma says to himself. However, after waking up at first, the slightly hoarse voice gave him a fright. Though I try not to be afraid. I involuntarily turned on every light in the room. Let the room be full of light to ease the inner restlessness.

    Took a random shower. Came out in clean clothes. Make yourself a calming lavender tea. Parakh Sharma pulled a Chinese dictionary from the shelf and reclined on the sofa to look up the word monster. Quickly turn to the specified page. Two lines of explanation immediately jumped out at her: strange and abnormal things and phenomena; 2 Old refers to plants, animals, etc. into fairies.


    She repeatedly rubbed these lines with her fingertips, and began to imagine that she had amnesia, but the figure of Fox Nine could not be erased from her mind, but it became clearer and clearer.

    Parakh Sharma threw away his dictionary, ruffled his hair and buried his head in the sofa with a low groan as he felt himself faint again. Go back to sleep! Sleep can forget everything, not so much trouble! Is that, like, escapism?

    Not daring to turn off the light, she jumped on the bed and lay down, then closed her eyes, took a deep breath and tried to calm her emotions, but this time it was obviously not as lucky as before, she lay for an hour, without any sleep, so she could count the true probability of the fairy tales through the ages.

    There must be some real shadow, otherwise it cannot be painted so vividly...

    But what does this have to do with Fox Nine? To say that the legendary monster is all true, does not mean that I can calmly face him...

    Ah, so annoying, Fox Nine is not cheating me?

    I can't imagine a monster in the game...

    The flute and the luan... Seems suspicious too...

    Parakh Sharma stared at the ceiling, talking unconsciously to himself.

    At this time, the next door neighbor's Party seems to be over, and the surrounding area is quiet again, and only occasionally hear the whistling sound of vehicles passing through the street, but such silence makes her feel uneasy, reaching out to touch the mobile phone on the pillow to see the time, wondering how long it will be dawn, but the mobile phone screen is black, it turned out that there is no electricity and automatic shutdown. She dropped her phone with a sigh and looked up at the clock on the wall. It was only four in the morning.

    The feeling of waiting for dawn with my eyes open is simply torture. Parakh Sharma gradually has an impulse and cute, and she suddenly wants to go to the game to see, even if it is just to chat with Fox Nine. It is just like the last rainy night, when the two people have an unmatched idle conversation, it is really nice to feel completely relaxed. But once again think of their current irritability is the reason why the fox nine to the identity, she hesitated.

    It's not fear.

    There may be many things in the world that can make Parakh Sharma afraid, but she will not be afraid of Fox Nine, but for a time, she can not accept his alternative identity, feel very absurd and weird, so she can not face him calmly and naturally.

    Heat stroke in the game?

    Before going offline, what Fox Nine had said echoed in her mind again, silently repeating it several times, and Parakh Sharma chewed out more and more sorrow from this simple sentence. She began to imagine that if she was a monster and confessed her identity to her friends, all she got in return for was the fear and alienation of her friends.

    Noooo! That would make you feel sad!

    Parakh Sharma jumped out of bed and, without time to put on his slippers, ran barefoot to the nutrition pod. Decided, she wants to go online, go to the game to see Fox Nine, tell him that he is not afraid of him...

    They're already friends! Since Fox Nine's NPC identity has not been disgusted with him before, then even if it is changed into a monster identity, what? Fox Nine is still Fox Nine after all, is her friend, will not become another person! If his previous reaction had hurt him, Parakh Sharma thought he should go online and apologize in person!

    Turning into the nutrition pod, Parakh Sharma firmly presses the connect button and closes her eyes when she gets a sign that she is connected.

    The time of the game is synchronized with reality, at this moment it is the darkest hour before dawn, although there are stars in the sky, but that little star, but can not penetrate the thick if the essence of the darkness. Mango opened her eyes and looked hard after the line, and could only faintly see the faint shadow of a dead tree just a few steps away from her.

    There is usually no player around Xuanyuan grave, of course, no one at this moment, so quiet that there is no sound, Mango can even clearly hear his breathing.

    The fox... The fox... She took off the magic pot in her waist and shouted softly into the pot, and somehow there was a little shiver in her voice. She was not afraid of Fox Nine, but she was afraid of the dark environment in front of her, and the tombs not far away, although she knew they were virtual, she would eventually feel frightened.

    Nobody paid any attention to her.

    Mango fixed his mind and shouted: Fox Nine, come out!

    Still no one paid any attention to her.

    This guy's not asleep, is he? Mango swallowed saliva, and tried to suppress the unease in her heart, this time she simply reached out to pull fox nine in the chain demon pot, but touched for a long time, the pot was empty.

    Mango immediately panicked, this guy won't be angry and run away? Although the spirit beast will be bound by the system, but Fox Nine is not a simple NPC...

    Fox Nine, where have you been? Mango fluster under the release of the voice to shout loudly, in the total silence, the voice of this call is particularly loud, she was surprised, but she is more afraid of Fox nine disappeared from now on, so simply do not stop, covering the ears began to scream, Fox Nine, you quickly give me to die out! Or if I catch you, I'll put you in detention for a month!"

    Fox Nine! Fox Nine! Fox Nine! Shouted and shouted, there was no response, Mango began to scold regardless, Dead fox! Fox! Dirty fox...

    Girl, do you know you're noisy?

    The familiar voice finally sounded again, Mango seemed to be in the fixed body method, frozen in place, unable to move, until it was sure that the response was not his auditory hallucinations, this only lifted his eyes along the direction of the sound came to look, see the tall dead tree beside him, there is a white figure is sitting against the tree, his hands on the back of the head, is looking up at the sky, do not look at themselves.

    It was the dark night when he could hardly see his fingers, but Mango found himself strangely able to see the fox 9 in the tree. From this Angle, the lines of his side face were so clear that they were almost like carved jade, with a soft faint halo, and his eyelashes were so long and slightly hung that they cast thick shadows under his eyes, and his simple white robe, Being dressed loosely, as if it could fall off at any time, but not showing sloppiness, but bringing out a casual wind...

    Didn't you come to see me? Why don't you say something? Fox Nine originally did not want to deal with Mango, but did not expect her silence for so long, and also looked up, with those innocent and poor eyes, staring at him directly, causing him to feel a little bit hot in the ears, and finally could not help but pretend to be a careless appearance first opened his mouth.

    Mango saw Fox nine into the God, had forgotten to speak, was asked at the moment, just woke up, but the face did not show any shy look, but frowning seriously said: You really do not look like a person!

    Ah - Fox nine how did not expect mango blurted out will be such a sentence, suddenly black line, the body tremble, risk will fall down the tree.

    Fox nine instant panic led to Mango laugh, laughter echoed in the sky for a long time, make Fox nine ears burn more severe, but also invisible eliminate the kind of light estranged and estranged between the two people. It was as if nothing had ever happened again.

    Mango smiled for a while, then looked up at Fox Nine, frowning, Why did you run up to the tree? Shouldn't you be in the pot when I'm not online?" She thought of the panic she had felt when she had searched all over for Fox Nine. Fortunately, Fox Nine did not disappear forever.

    Can't you look at the moon? Fox nine hum turned his face, looking at the sky to hide his embarrassment, you are not online when I do stay in the demon pot, but you are online, I slipped out, anyway you do not want to see me, is not just as you wish?"

    Look at the sky, the sky is full of shining stars, where is the moon? When did I stop seeing you? Why would I go online if I didn't want to see you? Come down quickly, talk at such a distance, you are not tired, I am tired!

    Fox nine gambling gas, originally did not want to come down, but such a quiet time, two people across a tree there to shout, indeed some strange, so helpless to jump, jumped down, stand firm after a place to sit, looking at Mango said: I am a monster you are not afraid?

    Just wanted to talk to you. Mango picked up a place beside him and sat down, holding his chin and saying, I thought for a long time after going offline, and found that I just couldn't accept your identity temporarily, not afraid of you.

    Fox nine smell speech eyes lit up, did not speak, only listen to Mango then said: Later I also figured out, anyway, you did not tell me your true identity before, in the game is not also a monster? There's no big difference."

    No big difference? Fox Nine shouted exaggerated: Big difference! Everything in this game is fake! But I am real!

    So am I! Guo smiled: The players in the game are real people ah, at most I put you as a real person on the line, but you have bad luck, become my spirit animal, not the player.

    When Fox Nine heard her say this, she did not know what she thought of. She raised her eyebrows and showed an unpredictable expression on her face.

    Mango stared at Fox Nine. I suddenly feel that I have a lot of questions that must be answered from him. I just didn't know how to ask for a moment. Hesitated for a long time. I finally moved over. Sit closer to Fox Nine. He bumped him with his shoulder and said, Hey. Let me ask you a few questions. Do you mind?

    'Mind! Nine snorted softly.

    Why. Still angry? I'm sorry. I apologize. Asking for your identity at that time of the afternoon. I was wrong to ignore you later. But you're a big man... Mango thought he had said something wrong. He tapped his finger on his head and said, No. You're such a big monster. Not so petty as to hold grudges?

    What do you mean I'm such a big monster? The Fox's voice suddenly raised an octave.

    So. Little monsters? Mango blinks. Revealing a mysterious gossip smile: What kind of monster are you?

    Nine-tailed fox! Fox Nine replied sulkily.

    Wow, nine-tailed fox! The kind we killed last time? Mango excitedly looked up and down Fox Nine, after a moment, out of a sentence, How not like?

    Not like? Fox Nine was suddenly proud and laughed: Of course not! Last time that nine-tailed fox a red fur is ugly, but I am the king of nine-tailed fox, my fur is silver! But in the game, I'm white...

    No, that's not right. Mango shook his head. I'm not talking about shape.

    Huh? Fox Nine gave her a suspicious look.

    I'm talking about competence. Mango gave him a look and said, The nine-tailed fox was so lame by you last time, but it is several times more powerful than you! You still boast that you are the king of the nine-tailed fox, is that the level?"

    Hey hey, I don't know whether the method is useful, if the Fox nine is really angry and show their full strength, then it can be much easier to kill the monster and kill the BOSS, as long as you lie on the ground every day, watching the Fox Nine activity for an hour, it is equal to other people's hard work on the day?

    Mango heart with a small calculation, which know fox nine immediately sank his face, sitting aside silent.

    Say something! Did it hit you? If you are not convinced, show me your hands, that you are not boasting.

    You taunt me with sarcastic remarks, knowing that my powers are sealed by this damned game. Fox Nine drew circles on the ground with a branch.

    The seal? Amazed, Mango said, I don't know. You never said anything.

    Or else I would have easily been caught by you and turned into this damned spirit beast? Fox Nine rolled her eyes and said, Do you think I like to follow you as a coolie, running around every day? As he spoke, his voice trailed off, I can't figure it out myself, obviously sneaking down to play, how can I be less free than when I was in heaven...

    Stop - Mango opened his eyes, staring at Fox Nine, you heaven?

    Fox Nine realized that he had said something, and quickly shook his head to deny it: I didn't say it!

    'You said it!


    I said it! Mango stood up, his face close to Fox Nine, stared into his eyes and said, Are you still hiding something from me?"

    No... Fox nine ears again hot, don't open your eyes: Why so close? Get away from me..."

    You have a guilty conscience. Mango saw his dodgy

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