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The Christmas Ring: The Abingdon Series, #2
The Christmas Ring: The Abingdon Series, #2
The Christmas Ring: The Abingdon Series, #2
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The Christmas Ring: The Abingdon Series, #2

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Hannah Sinclair, a young woman who's traded her high-stakes corporate life for the quiet charm of her hometown, finds herself at a crossroads.


Entrusted with her family's antique shop, Timeless Treasures, she's drawn into the intricate weave of past and present.


Every dusty shelf and forgotten relic here holds a whisper of old memories and new beginnings.


Enter Jacob Miller, Abingdon's most dedicated firefighter, a man whose past is as shrouded in mystery as the antiques he's inherited.


When a serendipitous discovery unearths an antique ring with a cryptic history,


Hannah and Jacob embark on a journey to unravel its secrets.


Their quest takes them from the cobblestone streets of Abingdon, Virginia, to the bustling city of Charlotte, where they confront the shadows of a long-forgotten romance.


As the two delve deeper into the ring's past, they navigate a labyrinth of emotions.


Tensions rise, and sparks fly, challenging their beliefs and reigniting old flames.


Can Hannah and Jacob piece together the ring puzzle before it's too late?


Will their shared journey through history lead them to a future together, or will the weight of untold stories keep them apart?


"The Christmas Ring" is more than a romance; it's a journey through time and heart.


It's a story where love transcends the barriers of the past, beckoning to those who dare to uncover its secrets.


Step into Abingdon. Discover a world where heartbreak and hope intertwine, and love is a legacy that echoes through time.


Get your copy of this unforgettable Christian romance now!

Release dateNov 21, 2023
The Christmas Ring: The Abingdon Series, #2

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    Book preview

    The Christmas Ring - Kelsey MacBride

    Chapter 1

    Abingdon, VA

    December’s chill kissed the late-autumn air as the season’s first flurries dusted the cobbled streets of Abingdon. Strings of lights twinkled to life along frosted windowpanes, casting a soft glow on the snow-dusted sidewalks.

    Inside Timeless Treasures, nostalgia floated through the aged timbers. At the front window, Hannah Sinclair worked to untangle various vintage Christmas lights, the colored bulbs winking in the waning afternoon light. She surveyed the quaint holiday decorations artfully displayed behind the rippled glass.

    Porcelain nutcrackers stood stiffly beside a small teddy bear in a red jacket trimmed with ermine fur. Under a tiny top hat, his black button eyes stared out blankly, remnants of a long-forgotten Christmas morning. Hannah smiled wistfully, memories stirring.

    Now 28, Hannah had found success far from this small town in the high-stakes corporate world. But standing amidst artifacts of the past, an unexpected feeling of home swelled within her.

    She had returned at her parents’ urging to take up the family business. While part of Hannah mourned her cosmopolitan life in the city, a deeper intuition whispered this was where she needed to be.

    Her keen hazel eyes scanned the cluttered shelves. As a child, she loved weaving imaginative tales about the unique items her ancestors had collected over generations. Now, these pieces would pass into her care, their histories intertwining with hers.

    Hannah trailed her fingers along the artifacts as she wandered the shop. To her right sat a 1930s Philco radio cabinet with intricate latticework and silent tubes. Beyond it, a tarnished sterling tea set was displayed atop an antique table. Alongside lay a first edition of Mark Twain’s writings, its gilt-edged pages brittle with age.

    Each object held echoes of the past in its worn grooves. As Hannah softly dusted their surfaces, she sensed the generations of family who had tended them. Their legacy dwelled in every corner.

    Bending to tidy a display, Hannah noticed her pendant catch the light. The antique silver glinted against her sweater’s soft cashmere. It had belonged to her grandmother, the floral scrollwork worn smooth from decades of caresses.

    Hannah cradled the pendant, letting it rest in her palm. Tracing the engraving, she felt connected to the women before her. Their strength and devotion flowed through this heirloom into her hands.

    The creak of floorboards broke the silence. Hannah looked up to see her assistant, Emma, enter wearing a festive red knit cap over her blonde hair.

    The window display looks so lovely! Emma said brightly, unwinding her scarf. That vintage teddy bear is too cute.

    Hannah tucked the pendant inside her sweater. I’m glad you like it. Just trying to capture some holiday spirit. She handed Emma a feather duster. Help me spruce up the back before opening tomorrow?

    Emma moved to tidy the crystal decanters glinting in the soft light. Hannah admired her dedication. At 22, Emma brought enthusiasm to offset her lack of antique expertise. She had become an indispensable helper in the weeks since Hannah’s return.

    Together, they prepared the shop in comfortable silence. Hannah rearranged some tarnished candlesticks while Emma dusted porcelain figurines. Soon, the honeyed notes of a violin concerto played, beckoning the other shops stirring to life outside.

    At ten o’clock the following day, Hannah turned their window sign to Open and unbolted the front door with a steadying breath. She hoped to restore the shop’s former glory after its decline in recent years. Emma gave her arm an encouraging squeeze.

    First day back in the saddle! she said brightly. This place will thrive with you in charge.

    Hannah smiled, grateful for her optimism. Feeling inspired, she brewed coffee to welcome customers seeking warmth from the winter chill. Soon, its rich aroma joined the scents of seasoned wood and cinnamon.

    Emma wrapped hand-painted vases and tea sets at the register so customers could purchase ready-to-give items. Hannah adjusted a display of glittering brooches, hoping to catch shoppers’ eyes.

    But as minutes ticked past, no visitors came through the doorway. Hannah tidied books along the far wall, stealing occasional glances at the entry. She told herself it was only the first day—no need to worry.

    Hannah took a coffee break at half-past eleven to bolster her flagging spirits. As she stirred in sugar, Emma approached, untangling a string of vintage lights.

    Thought we could decorate more for the holidays, Emma said, unfazed by the lack of customers. Get people into the festive spirit!

    Hannah smiled over her mug’s rim, touched by her enthusiasm. I love it. Here, I’ll help you hang them.

    Together, they draped the pastel lights along the front counter and windows. Hannah stood back with satisfaction—their soft glow beautifully complemented the shop’s dark wood tones.

    It’s perfect! Hannah said. You have such an eye for design.

    Emma pinked at the praise. I just love making things pretty. But thank you!

    The two spent the next hour crafting gift tags and arranging an eye-catching window display. Hannah was adjusting an antique perfume bottle when a familiar voice rang out.

    Looking good, ladies!

    Hannah turned to see Mae Carter, a kindly silver-haired widow, standing just inside. Her warm brown eyes crinkled with her smile.

    Thought I’d see how you’re settling back in, Hannah dear, Mae said, hugging her fondly. She had been a family friend for years.

    So wonderful to see you, Mae! Hannah replied happily. We’re trying to revive this place’s charm and add some holiday cheer.

    Well, you’re succeeding marvelously, Mae said, admiring an embroidered table runner draped over an antique oak table. This takes me back. Your grandmother and I spent many wonderful hours here.

    Her gaze turned distant with memory. Hannah looped their arms together in a comforting side hug.

    I know. I think of her every day, she whispered. I like to imagine her spirit still guiding me here.

    Mae patted Hannah’s hand affectionately. She’d be so very proud of you, dear.

    They shared a wistful moment of remembrance. Then Mae pointed out a frosted glass oil lamp, inquiring about its origin. Hannah merrily spent the next half hour showing her various items while Emma wrapped purchases at the counter.

    After Mae left with smiles and well-wishes, Hannah felt her drive to succeed renew. She would make the shop prosper again and do right by her family’s name. The heirloom pendant over her heart radiated strength into her hands.

    As the afternoon waned into evening, more visitors, drawn by the decor, trickled in. Hannah and Emma stayed busy fielding questions and ringing up sales, their earlier worries vanishing.

    At closing, Hannah rang up a vintage typewriter for a man seeking a gift for his novelist wife. After handing him the heavy box, Emma flipped their window sign to ‘Closed’ as dusk fell over the snowy street outside.

    Hannah smiled contentedly; sore feet forgotten. Though a slow start, their hard work today felt satisfying. Humming carols, Emma tidied up while Hannah headed to the storage room to reorganize boxes from earlier.

    She had just stacked some haphazard crates into neater piles when a faint crackling arose behind her. Hannah turned to see thin wisps of smoke curling between the wooden shelving along the far wall.

    Adrenaline spiked through her. Electrical wires powering the overhead light had ignited a small but rapidly intensifying blaze. Hannah shouted for Emma to call the fire department while she rushed to the front counter for the extinguisher.

    As she rounded the corner, shattering glass pierced the air as her hip accidentally collided with a display case, sending crystal scattering across the floor. Hannah’s heart hammered wildly—this couldn’t happen on opening day! With trembling hands, she sprinted back to the storage room.

    But the flames had spread quickly, blackening the aged shelving and floor. They engulfed a vintage fainting couch against the wall, its antique fabric acting as tinder. Oily smoke plumed overhead as the fire leaped to consume nearby cardboard boxes.

    Coughing into her sleeve, Hannah aimed the extinguisher spray at the inferno’s base. But instead of abating, the flames raged hotter, jumping to ignite any fuel sources they could find. Soon, Hannah could hardly see through the thick smoke roiling through the room. She felt helpless against the blaze’s intense hunger.

    Tears streaked trails down Hannah’s soot-smudged cheeks. The irreplaceable antiques, so lovingly collected over generations, were going up in smoke before her eyes. She had failed to continue her family’s legacy. This cherished heritage was literally dissolving into ash through her own negligence.

    Over the fire’s roar, a distant siren pierced the night. But the firehouse was too many blocks away still. Hannah had mere minutes to act before the entire shop was lost. When she saw a thick wool blanket, a sudden idea crossed her anxious thoughts.

    Seizing the blanket in outstretched arms, she steeled her courage and flung it directly onto the blaze’s heart. The heavy fabric almost entirely smothered the flames. Then Hannah rushed forward with the extinguisher, spraying the white foam everywhere until the flames were out.

    She coughed harshly but persisted in her urgent task. Soon, the choking smoke had lightened to thin wisps. Only the charred remnants of the shelving unit still smoldered feebly.

    Pulse hammering, Hannah stared in shock at the crisis averted. Though damaged, the rest of the shop appeared momentarily intact, saved just in time by her quick thinking.

    Before relief could fully set in, heavy boots pounded down the hallway toward the storage room. A tall, broad-shouldered firefighter entered, backlit by the glow of Emma’s string lights beyond.

    Hannah squinted through the haze of smoke and adrenaline. Taking in her soot-streaked face, the firefighter quickly donned thick gloves and grabbed his hose to douse the area thoroughly. Pulse racing, Hannah sagged against the blackened shelves, exhausted but grateful for his swift response.

    With the room finally secured, the firefighter turned slowly to inspect the surroundings. His gaze landed on Hannah’s disheveled state, blue eyes clouding with concern.

    Are you alright, ma’am? he asked gently. His voice resonated with professionalism and sincerity.

    Hannah’s eyes widened in surprise. Now that the chaos had settled, she realized she recognized the man’s chiseled features and intense blue stare. He had filled out since high school, but she still knew that attentive look he wore even as a teenager.

    Jacob? Hannah asked hesitantly, startled to see him here.

    Jacob’s brow furrowed as he scrutinized her soot-smudged features more closely. Yes, that’s right. Have we met before, ma’am? You seem familiar.

    Hannah tensed, pulse racing as memories threatened to break through. She opened her mouth hesitantly just as Emma’s panicked voice rang out.

    Hannah, I need you now, come quick!

    They both turned to see Emma waving frantically from the back of the store. There are boxes of expensive antique jewelry damaged up here!

    Hannah looked back at Jacob, torn. Sorry, but I should go check out the damage. She avoided his piercing gaze. Thank you again for responding so quickly.

    With a final conflicted glance, she hurried to follow Emma, leaving Jacob’s question unanswered. Her heart pounded as she escaped the charged moment. There would be time later to unravel their history if needed. For today, the fire damage took priority.

    Alone again amidst cracked crystal and blackened timbers, Hannah slowly released a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. Her pulse still pounded erratically in her ears. Pressing a hand to her chest, she willed her heart to still.

    Hannah? Oh, thank goodness, you’re okay! Emma exclaimed breathlessly, rushing over to squeeze her arms. I was so worried when I saw the smoke.

    Hannah managed a shaky smile for her panicked assistant. I’m fine, just shaken up. You reacted so quickly, calling emergency services. She squeezed Emma’s hand gratefully. Thank you for that.

    Of course, I’m just relieved you and the shop are alright, Emma replied. Her blue-green eyes brimmed with concern. Who knew a cute string of vintage lights could cause all this damage?

    Hannah’s stomach twisted, guilt flooding her veins. This was all because of her oversight, letting clutter accumulate so haphazardly. She should have noticed the frayed wiring and cleared it properly.

    Blinking back tears, she surveyed the destruction. Though the fire had been contained swiftly, blackened scorch marks still marred the weathered floorboards and shelves. The loss easily totaled thousands of dollars, with precious pieces destroyed.

    Worst of all was the damage done to Timeless Treasures’ legacy that Hannah had promised to continue. She blinked back tears, throat tightening. The weight of responsibility felt suddenly staggering.

    Sensing her inner turmoil, Emma wrapped a comforting arm around Hannah’s shoulders. Hey now, it’s going to be okay. We’ll get this place fixed up again in no time. Her voice rang out brightly, yet soothingly. This was just a minor bump in the road.

    Looking into the younger woman’s kind, hopeful face, Hannah felt her spirits lift slightly. Emma was right—this accident wasn’t the end. Together, they would weather this hardship and emerge stronger for it.

    Taking a shaky breath, Hannah managed a sincere smile. You’re absolutely right. We’ll handle this, one step at a time. She gave Emma’s hand a grateful squeeze. I couldn’t face any of it without you by my side.

    Emma’s smile shone like sunshine breaking through the gloom. That’s the determined spirit I’m used to! But for now, let me take you home to rest. The work of rebuilding can wait until tomorrow.

    Too drained to argue, Hannah let Emma gently pry the fire extinguisher from her clenched fingers and usher her outside. The icy air helped revive Hannah’s senses as they strolled back to her apartment above the shop.

    After bidding Emma goodnight, she returned home and sank onto the plush sofa and buried her face in her hands. Behind her closed lids, she kept seeing Jacob’s piercing blue eyes flickering with recognition earlier.

    Sighing deeply, Hannah chastised herself for even noticing such details about her old heartbreak amid a crisis. She couldn’t allow regrets to distract her from the hard work ahead of restoring the shop. Its legacy depended now on her clear focus.

    With renewed resolve, she rose and stood before the darkened window overlooking the silent street. The antique pendant’s solid weight grounded her thoughts until she finally drifted asleep. Tomorrow would bring fresh hope rising from the ashes.

    Chapter 2

    Ahushed settled over Abingdon as evening fell over the snow-blanketed streets.

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