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Divine Healing Is Still Possible..
Divine Healing Is Still Possible..
Divine Healing Is Still Possible..
Ebook180 pages2 hours

Divine Healing Is Still Possible..

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We live at a time that sickness has become a great threat to human existence. Sufferings, sicknesses & diseases are on the increase every day. But there's a Living God who created everything and everyone. He's the Repairer of the human body who can give you a divine touch that brings free lasting healing. This book will take you on the path to Divine Healing. Yes DIVINE HEALING IS STILL POSSIBLE... "For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the LORD", Jeremiah 30: 17.

"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth", 3 John 2. "He [CHRIST] gave himself for our sins in order to rescue us from this present evil age according to .  the will of our God and Father", Galatians 1: 4. God never intended Man to be a victim of sicknesses, diseases and afflictions as it is the case all over the world today. God is so loving and kind that He made in His own very image and likeness to rule the earth and reign over it. He created Man to be a victor on the earth, not a victim of wickedness, aggression and oppression, but a master over all. Neither did God ever intend man to be a source of misery and author of pain to man. Man was not created to oppress and suppress man, but to subject spirits of wickedness and violence, and arrest, resist, stop and forbid their activities and operations on the earth.  That's why the above scripture says Jesus Christ gave Himself for our sins that He might deliver, rescue us from this present evil or sick world. So it was sin that brought evil and sickness into the world in the first place, and it's God's will that we be rescued from all evil, including sicknesses. That's Divine healing and deliverance at work... Divine healing God's healing system, but you must understand how it works and to appropriate it. Even if you were to pay a million dollars for this book, it's still very insignificant compared to what the book will do for you and your family in their generations if Christ tarries... God wants you healed and healthy, He's still in the business of healing people and He's willing to heal you. This book has come as your answer...

Release dateNov 11, 2023
Divine Healing Is Still Possible..


TATANG D. HUBERT R. is a seasoned Minister of Jesus Christ. He began his fulltime missionary service in 2007, and has ever since been instrumental in the hands of God to bless many lives around the world in different mission fields through the preaching of the word of His Grace. Raised and trained in China, he graduated from the Royal Victory Bible School (Guangzhou, China) in 2005. Then later on he obtained a certificate in Biblical Studies Discipling The Nations Bible Training Center in 2007 (Kumba, South-West, Cameroon). In 2011, he went for further training in Nigeria, at WOLBI – Word Of Life Bible Institute (Port-Harcourt, Nigeria). He is the Founder and Global Coordinator of Light of the Nations Ministry Invaders, The Army of The Lord, The Harvesters Foundation… He continues to serve God and spread the Gospel with great impact under the mentorship of the Apostle Johnson Suleman; a committed member of the Sons Of the Prophet Network (SOP-AJS). He is happily married to Doris Tatang, and they are blessed with godly children. TATANG D.H.R. is a prolific Writer and Author of several books; Song-writer, composer & Gospel Artist. Glory to Jesus!

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    Book preview

    Divine Healing Is Still Possible.. - TATANG D. HUBERT R.

    Table of Content

    Dedication - Page 7

    Acknowledgements – Page 9

    Introduction Page 11

    Part One: The Starting Point - Page 17


    Chapter 2 Healing Is NO MORE A Promise – 27

    Chapter 3 YOUR ESCAPE – 35

    Chapter 4 IT IS NOT FOR DOGS – 41

    Chapter 5 RECEIVE SALVATION – 53

    Part Two: Effective Healing Prayer! - 61



    Part Three: Divine Healing Vs Divine Health - 107


    Chapter 9 DIVINE HEALING – 117

    Chapter 10 JESUS' HEALING MINISTRY – 137



    Chapter 13 JOB'S AFFLICTION...173


    Chapter 15: NOW STAND FIRM 195



    To Jesus, The Mediator Of The New Covenant.

    Dear Holy Spirit, I Acknowledge Your indwelling Presence in me, thank You for Grace, Wisdom, Insights, Strength, Love and Inspiration for the Writing and Publishing Of This Book.

    Jesus You Are My All. To You Alone Be All The Glory For All Ages. Thank You My Heavenly Father For This Privilege.



    For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the LORD, Jeremiah 30: 17

    Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth, 3 John 2.

    He [CHRIST] gave himself for our sins in order to rescue us from this present evil age according to the will of our God and Father, Galatians 1: 4.

    God never intended Man to be a victim of sicknesses, diseases and afflictions as it is the case all over the world today. God is so loving and kind that He made in His own very image and likeness to rule the earth and reign over it. He created Man to be a victor on the earth, not a victim of wickedness, aggression and oppression, but a master over all. Neither did God ever intend man to be a source of misery and author of pain to man. Man was not created to oppress and suppress man, but to subject spirits of wickedness and violence, and arrest, resist, stop and forbid their activities and operations on the earth.  That’s why the above scripture says Jesus Christ gave Himself for our sins that He might deliver, rescue us from this present evil or sick world. So it was sin that brought evil and sickness into the world in the first place, and it’s God’s will that we be rescued from all evil, including sicknesses. That’s Divine healing and deliverance at work.

    We live in a time where sickness has become a great threat to the very core of human existence. Sufferings, sicknesses and diseases are on the increase every day; in fact, it seems they are fabricated or invented somewhere and spread all over the world. But there’s a Living God who created everything and everyone. He is the Repairer of the human body. He can give you a divine touch that brings you free lasting healing. It’s called Divine Healing!

    God still heals through His Son Jesus Christ and through His Church on earth by extension. His wish for us is to live healthy and prosperous in the midst of it all. His promised for the sick is to restore health unto them. Something can only be restored when it was stolen, lost or damaged.

    So sickness is a tool of the devil to steal our health. Jesus-Christ is our Repairer, Restorer and Healer who restores our health by Divine Healing. In your pain don’t just hope that God may pity you and heal you someday, even now you can be completely healed if you know what it takes. This book in your hands is an indication that your time has come, today is your day of healing and deliverance. As you read forth, encounter Jehovah the Doctor and receive your Healing in Jesus Name.

    Stop seeing healing as a promise of God that will be fulfilled someday maybe when Christ comes back or perhaps when you get to Heaven. Divine Healing is here on earth and now. Nobody gets sick in heaven, so you won’t need healing up there. Worst still, never believe that any sickness or disease is your own cross that God has given you to carry all through your life. It’s a lie from the devil to deceive you so you don’t fight back and get out. Jesus already gave Himself to rescue us, but there’s no automatic rescue or healing, just as there’s no automatic salvation. God has played His own role, but to enjoy it you must play your own part, which is revealed and detailed in this book. If they give you a spouse freely, it does not guaranty you an automatic good home and childbearing, there’s something you and your spouse must do to enjoy a good home, there’s something you both must do to have children. This book is your  Divine Healing Bank. Dive into it and come out with your Divine Healing in Jesus Name.

    Of course, divine healing and divine health are both God's provisions for His children on the earth made available and possible by the death of His Son Jesus Christ on the cross and His resurrection more than two thousand years ago. Yet lack of understanding has robbed and continues to rob many in the church of these wonderful blessings and provisions of God.

    We need to stand our ground against sickness and all assaults of the wicked One. For the scripture tells us to resist the devil and every evil we don’t want, and he will flee away from us. Prayer alone, however, is not enough to secure the healing and the health we need. It is true the Lord told us to watch and pray so as to escape, but Peter tells us, the devil will flee when we resist not just by prayer, but steadfast in the faith (Mathew 26: 41/1 Peter 5: 9). Now, the strength of your faith is determined by what you know. The more of knowledge of God’s word you acquire on Divine Healing, the stronger your faith gets to ward off sickness and stand your grounds.

    As Christians, we’ve been given God’s life with innate ability to win over sicknesses and decide not to be sick again. It’s up to each one of us. We can purpose, from the moment we catch the revelation of divine healing and sound health in Christ, never to lie on a hospital bed. Then we’ll come to a point where sickness is totally a stranger to us. It’s possible, but it takes faith and resilience, it requires conscious determination and standing on God’s to get to that level. I feel uncomfortable and it really pains me when I see God's people tormented and going through the same pains the unsaved go through, the worst is when they accept it and take it normal. No wonder the Prophet of old lamented, For the wound of the daughter of my people is my heart wounded; I mourn, and dismay has taken hold on me. Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then has the health of the daughter of my people not been restored? Jeremiah 8: 21-22 [ESV].

    Why then did Christ die on the cross? Did He die in vain? Many accept that Christ died for us and dealt with our sins on the cross, but how about our sicknesses? If sickness came into the world through sin, then it should go when sin is rooted out of our lives. Do the scriptures not mean what they say? Surely the Word of God is true, tested and proven.

    In the Old Testament, God promised us healing and a life of blessing, fruitfulness, and freedom from all the sicknesses that were in Egypt; which implies all the sicknesses that are in the world [Exodus 23: 25/Deut 7: 14-15]. All these were fulfilled in the New Testament when Christ came and now every promise of God has become the inheritance of the redeemed.

    In the Old Testament God gave promises and prophecies, in the New Testament He gives us inheritance through/in Christ. The Old Testament saints had promises and waited for them until they died, because most promises were bound by the Law which they couldn’t keep, but the New Testament saints have a rich and glorious inheritance in Christ freely given by grace through faith; because He paid in full with His own blood. The promises made in the Old Testament were fulfilled in Christ Jesus and were turned into an inheritance for us:

    Thou shalt be blessed above all people: there shall not be male or female barren among you, or among your cattle. And the LORD will take away from thee all sickness, and will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which thou knowest, upon thee... Deuteronomy 7: 14-15.

    Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the INHERITANCE of the saints in light, Colossians 1: 12.

    Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he HAS CAUSED US TO BE BORN AGAIN to a LIVING HOPE through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, TO AN INHERITANCE THAT IS IMPERISHABLE, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God's power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time, 1 Pet 1: 3-5 [ESV].  

    In this book, we shall see how divine healing is still possible today, and available for everyone who wants it, and also show you what it takes to enjoy divine healing.

    On the other hand, we will also help you understand and appreciate divine health as you discover what it means to live a healthy life on earth, in our other book titled DIVINE HEALTH IS STILL POSSIBLE [DIVINE HEALTH BANK]. Please do get a copy online or contact us through author’s contacts at end of this book.

    Bear with us that this book cannot carry everything you need to know and benefit on Divine Healing. There is a lot to teach you on healing that we shall expound more in Volume two. The two volumes are complimentary; it means you need both volumes

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