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Full Moon
Full Moon
Full Moon
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Full Moon

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Seventeen-year-old Enya Drago is a half-sea nereid raised by her loving adoptive family. But that all changes one day when she is ripped from her normal carefree life. After being accused of a crime by the Southern werewolf packs, she willingly endures her tortuous punishment until she can be proven innocent. Her saving grace appears in the form of eighteen-year-old Leon Sterling, the son of one of the alphas. Will the handsome young Alpha be able to win her heart despite the evils lurking in the shadows? Or will they be torn apart as Enya begins to discover the secrets of who she really is?

The first of The Guardian series.

Release dateNov 21, 2023
Full Moon

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    Full Moon - MAIA ASHMIT


    Full Moon


    Copyright © 2023 Maia Ashmit

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2023

    ISBN 979-8-88960-663-5 (pbk)

    ISBN 979-8-88960-675-8 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Never tame your inner wolf

    for those who are unworthy.

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    About the Author

    Never tame your inner wolf

    for those who are unworthy.

    Chapter 1

    The night was calm, yet tension hung in the warm summer air. Just as the tide is ever changing, this night would change the lives of three women. One was a human, a Seer, gifted with the power to see the supernatural and mythical creatures of the world. The second was a werewolf, strong and respected amongst her kind. The final was a Pheonyxian, a creature born of the fears and darkness that plagues the hearts of humankind. It was on this night that our story begins.

    Dissonantia stood atop the cliff, glaring at the sea as the conversation she had had moments earlier runs through her mind.

    What do you mean you won't accept this baby! Dissonantia screams at an annoyed-looking Poseidon.

    I meant exactly what I said, Dissonantia, Poseidon answers back coldly. You used your power to trick and seduce me. I don't want anything to do with that bastard child! he yells angrily and walks into the surf.

    Don't you dare walk away from me, Poseidon! Dissonantia yells over the crashing sound of the waves.

    Goodbye, Diss, he says as he sinks below the waves.

    Poseidon! she screams but to no avail.

    He is long gone, and she is alone with a broken heart and a fatherless child in her belly.

    A fresh batch of angry tears falls from her eyes. I will not be ignored, Poseidon! she yells out to the sea.

    A wave rises up and soaks her from head to toe; Poseidon's doing, no doubt. Angry, frustrated, and now wet and cold, Dissonantia stomps her foot and screams as loud as she can, releasing a surge of her power in all directions around her. Unbeknownst to her, her fit of rage would set off a chain of events that would change the future of the world.

    Just a ways behind her in the woods, a pregnant she-wolf walked along a well-trodden path, on her way to the beach to look for the father of her unborn child.

    Rosetta walked slowly and awkwardly along the dirt path. She had finally managed to track down the man who had once saved her life nine months ago and who had laden her with a child. She did not regret the existence of the baby as she once again felt a strong kick and lovingly caressed her stomach. She did, however, regret the hard life that lay before her child. The man that gave her this child was neither a wolf nor her true mate. It would be too dangerous for her child to live with her amongst the other wolves. She could only hope that the child's father would be able to protect it and raise it well.

    Not long now, my little star, Rosetta says, stroking her belly. You'll be born tomorrow night, and I can't wait to meet you. Suddenly, she feels the ground shake, a woman in the distance screams, and a wave of dark power strikes her knocking her down.

    Rosetta bites back the scream that threatened to escape her throat. She could not allow herself to make a sound. Whatever or whoever was the source of that dark power was strong, and she could not afford a conflict in her weakened state. She gets up painfully, holding her belly, praying that her child was not harmed. She carefully ventures in the direction of where the power came from. Through the trees she can see a woman in the distance, standing atop the cliff surrounded by a cloud of darkness.

    A Pheonyxian, she thinks, gritting her teeth as another wave of pain washes over her.

    She wraps her arms around her belly, silently asking her baby to give her a sign that it was all right. She waits with bated breath and finally feels it, a subtle movement. Rosetta lets out the breathe she was holding and quietly whispers a curse at the Pheonyxian woman for nearly costing her the baby. Satisfied that the woman would pay for her mistake, Rosetta sets off once again to find the child's father. Little did she know that the same wave of power that nearly killed her child would also be the child's saving grace.


    Poseidon had felt the wave of darkness that came from Dissonantia as it wreaked havoc on the sea life in the area. Angry and annoyed that Dissonantia was harming the creatures of his domain, Poseidon calls out to his brother Zeus for aid in creating a storm that would drive Dissonantia away from the sea and back to the realm of shadows. Zeus, who also held a grudge against Dissonantia, readily agrees to his brother's request. A strong wind being the only warning to anyone along the coast to seek shelter before they were caught up in the wrath of the two gods. And so it was, the only warning to a human family who were sailing back home after their vacation.

    The Dragos are a family of Seers. They had decided to take a year-long trip as a family to unwind from the stress of daily life. Three months into their travels, Mrs. Drago had become pregnant. Rather than end their vacation plans to accommodate the upcoming addition to the family, Mr. and Mrs. Drago decided to continue their vacation and would head home near the end of her pregnancy in July.

    Mr. Drago steered the boat easily along the course that he had charted. They may have ended their vacation a bit early, but he is excited to have another member of the family arriving soon. He feels a strong wind against his back, and he looks up to the sky. Something doesn't feel right about the sudden change in the weather. He increases the boat's speed, but even at full speed, they are a few hours away from shore, and it would prove to be too little too late.

    The sky and sea roil in unison as the storm rages on. It is early morning, yet the sky is dark as night. The rain pelts down in sheets, and the sea swells as the storm rages on with full force. The Drago family is struggling to keep their boat afloat amidst the turmoil that surrounds them, yelling as loud as they could in an attempt to communicate with each other. Mrs. Drago is doing her best to help her husband navigate toward land.

    Get below deck! Mr. Drago calls out to his wife from his position at the helm. It's too dangerous out here!

    I won't leave you alone! Mrs. Drago shouts back as she unsteadily makes her way across the slippery deck toward the bow.

    Don't be stubborn! Mr. Drago shouts, irritated at his persistent wife.

    Mrs. Drago frowns, rolls her eyes, and looks toward the land once again. Suddenly, she sees a small light through the rain, and an excited smile spreads across her face. I see a light! she calls back excitedly to her husband.

    At the same time, another deafening wind howled, and Mr. Drago did not hear what his wife said. What! he calls back to her.

    Mrs. Drago walks back toward the helm and tries again. A light! she shouts, pointing toward land.

    Mr. Drago looked into the distance, in the direction his wife was pointing. His heart swelled as he, too, saw the light, a small beacon of hope. He looked back at his wife with a smile on his face. Suddenly, another large wave washed over the deck, nearly capsizing their boat and knocking Mrs. Drago over the railing into the dark depths below.

    No! Mr. Drago cries out in agony as he rushes from the helm to the railing where his wife had just been standing. He scans the water frantically.

    She's all right, an unfamiliar man's voice calls out from behind him.

    Mr. Drago spins around to see a man with sandy-blond hair and ocean-blue eyes holding an unconscious Mrs. Drago in his arms.

    Mr. Drago staggers toward the man and places a trembling hand on his wife's head. W-who are you? Mr. Drago manages to ask with trembling breath.

    My name is Adrian, a sea nereid, the man says. I'll help you toward shore. The sea nereid named Adrian escorts Mr. Drago down below deck and leaves Mrs. Drago for him to tend to.

    Making his way onto the deck, he easily navigates toward the helm. Steering the boat toward land, he uses his power to protect the boat from the onslaught of waves. By the time Adrian had finally managed to dock the Drago's boat, it was already midday.

    Adrian ties the boat off to the small pier and heads below the deck to check on the shaken family. We've reached land, he says as he enters the cabin.

    Upon seeing him, Mr. Drago jumps up from his place at his wife's side on the bed. He rushed toward Adrian and grabs hold of his shoulders. Please, help my wife! he cries, tears creeping into his eyes.

    Adrian looks from the terrified man to the unconscious woman and nods. We're at my cabin onshore. I can tend to her there, Adrian says, looking Mr. Drago in the eyes.

    Together they carry Mrs. Drago onto the deck. Then Adrian and the Drago family make their way along the boardwalk to the cozy safety of Adrian's seaside cabin.

    Once inside, Adrian and Mr. Drago carefully carry Mrs. Drago into the bedroom and place her on the full-sized bed. Adrian places one hand on Mrs. Drago's forehead and the other on her swollen belly. She moans softly at his touch.

    Adrian looks up into the worried face of Mr. Drago. Your wife is safe in my care, Adrian says calmly. You and your children are welcome to help yourselves to a hot drink in the kitchen.

    Mr. Drago nods slowly and leaves the room without saying a word, closing the door behind him. Looking toward the living room where his children had seated themselves by the fire, he catches the gaze of his eldest son.

    Fifteen-year-old Ensio stands up from his spot on the couch and walks over to his father. Is Mom okay? he asks his father in a hushed tone.

    Mister Adrian will take care of your mother, Mr. Drago assures his son. Take your sisters and brother to the kitchen and get them something warm to drink. I'm going to stay nearby and wait for word on your mother.

    Sure, Dad, Ensio says and walks back to his siblings. Come on, guys, he says, grabbing their attention, let's go raid the kitchen and see if we can find some hot chocolate.

    Mr. Drago watches as his children file out of the living room and into the kitchen. He grabs a nearby chair, positions it facing the bedroom door, and sits down.

    After a time that felt almost like an eternity to Mr. Drago, Adrian opens the bedroom door. Mr. Drago, he says, rousing the man from his seat.

    Is she all right? Mr. Drago asks, standing.

    She's fine, Adrian says calmly.

    Mr. Drago sighs, relieved.

    However, Adrian says somewhat hesitantly, the shock from the trauma she just experienced has caused her to go into labor.

    Mr. Drago sinks back down into the chair, listening intently to whatever Adrian has to say next.

    She's already started having contractions, Adrian explains with a smile. I expect the baby to be born within the next few hours.

    Mr. Drago stares wide-eyed and mouth open, caught somewhere between dumbfounded and awestruck.

    Mr. Drago? Adrian says slowly, waiting for a response from the man.

    Huh? Mr. Drago says, waking up from his shock.

    Your baby will be born today, Adrian says with a chuckle.

    Mr. Drago grins widely, his excited smile like a beam of sunlight.

    Adrian pats the man on the shoulder and walks back into the bedroom, closing the door behind him. He walks over to the bed and places a hand on Mrs. Drago's sweat-drenched brow.

    Don't you worry, Mrs. Drago, he says looking into her eyes. You and your baby are going to be fine, he says reassuringly.

    Thank you, she says, breathing heavily.

    Outside, the storm continues to rage on, unable to dampen the newfound happiness and excitement inside the cabin. It is, however, making things difficult for those who are not as fortunate as the Dragos. At the other end of the very same beach, inside a small cave nestled in the cliff's face, rests a drenched Rosetta.

    This storm couldn't have come at a worse time, Rosetta says, breathing out a heavy sigh.

    She had smelled the storm as it was rolling in, but the added weight of her belly and her injuries from earlier that day made the trip excruciatingly slow.

    We're lucky this cave was here, aren't we, baby? she says, leaning against the rocky wall, her eyes closed, hands stroking and rubbing her stomach. Selene, she thinks to her inner wolf spirit, can you tell if my baby is all right?

    "The child is as much mine as it is yours, Rosetta," Selene chides her. "The child's father may not be our destined mate, but that does not mean that I would reject the child."

    I know, Rosetta says with a chuckle. "Now about the baby?" she asks.

    "The child is fine, Rosetta," Selene soothes. "I've been protecting it with our power for months now."

    Thank you, Selene, Rosetta says aloud and breathes out a heavy sigh. It's going to be a long night.


    It's almost sundown when the first cries are heard from the bedroom of Adrian's cabin. Mr. Drago and his children are seated in the living room, waiting with bated breaths for news on Mrs. Drago and the baby. Adrian opens the door and is met with five pairs of curious, waiting eyes.

    Well? Mr. Drago asks.

    Congratulations, Mr. Drago, Adrian says with a cheerful smile. You have a son, and your wife is doing fine.

    Cheers erupt from the four children, and they embrace their father in a tight hug. Overjoyed, Mr. Drago begins to cry, returning his children's embrace with abandon.

    Can we see Mommy and the baby now? Messina, his ten-year-old daughter, asks.

    Yes, sweetheart, Mr. Drago says, wiping the tears from his eyes.

    The moment Mr. Drago opened the bedroom door to the moments after could only be described as beautiful. The children all rush into the room and gather around the bed, anxious to meet their new brother. Mr. Drago gazes at his wife lovingly from the foot of the bed. Mrs. Drago looks up from her baby to her husband, and as their eyes met, there is a break in the clouds, and she is bathed in the warm light

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