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The Sci Fi and fantasy Edition: Avatar halo 3 batman arkham asylum killzone 2
The Sci Fi and fantasy Edition: Avatar halo 3 batman arkham asylum killzone 2
The Sci Fi and fantasy Edition: Avatar halo 3 batman arkham asylum killzone 2
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The Sci Fi and fantasy Edition: Avatar halo 3 batman arkham asylum killzone 2

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Cheats Unlimited are the specialists when it comes to video game cheats, tips and walkthrough guides. Fronted by the glamorous and gorgeous Cheatmistress, Cheats Unlimited has helped over five million gamers worldwide over the last 12 years. Through phone lines, fax machines, the Web and WAP sites and now eBooks, we have been there for gamers when they've needed us the most.
With EZ Guides we aim to help you through the top games on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Nintendo Wii, DS and PSP, step by step from beginning to end in an easy and entertaining way. Along the way we'll teach you about the game's top secrets and the best way to unlock that Achievement / Trophy. EZ Guides are written by dedicated gamers who are here to help you through the difficult times in gaming.
EZ Guides: The SciFi/Fantasy Collection covers walkthrough guides for six of the top action games on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360: BioShock 2, Halo 3: ODST, Killzone 2, Ghostbusters: The Video Games, James Cameron's Avatar and Batman: Arkham Asylum. Ease your way through these hardcore titles, with a lot of help from our detailed and entertaining walkthrough guides.
Formats Covered: Xbox 360, Playstation 3

Release dateAug 8, 2012
The Sci Fi and fantasy Edition: Avatar halo 3 batman arkham asylum killzone 2

The Cheat Mistress

The Cheat Mistress is your guide to all that best in Computer and Electronic games , she will help you in any place that you may be stuck or need help or simply a sexy guide through your latest game.

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    Book preview

    The Sci Fi and fantasy Edition - The Cheat Mistress

    EZ Guides

    The Sci-Fi / Fantasy Edition

    Cheats Unlimited

    ISBN 978-1-907649-31-8

    Published by ICE Games Ltd

    Copyright © 2010 ICE Games Ltd

    This book is not published, authorised by, endorsed, or associated with in any way with Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo or any of the  game developers and publishers. All images, names and game titles are trademarks of their respective companies.

    Copyright © 2010 ICE Games Ltd

    BioShock 2

    Introduction Notes

    This walkthrough is based on playing the game on Medium difficulty.  Easier and harder difficulties will result in a different game play experience.  The places and times some enemies appear will vary even on the same difficulty, as enemy spawning is affected by the order you do things in the game.  Also, the default control system is required for controls to correspond for the Xbox 360 and PS3 controls mentioned later on.  PC controls are not used here in this walkthrough.  As a whole, this walkthrough does not take a direct route through the game, but is rather aimed at the player who is interested in exploring Rapture to its up most, obtaining all Gene Tonics, and collecting all of the Audio Diaries so that the full story of the game is revealed.

    Most importantly, unlike the first BioShock, players are unable to go back to previously explored levels.  So if a player desires to gain all collectibles on a level, they must do so whilst they are in the particular level that mentioned Audio Diaries, Gene Tonics and Plasmids are in.


    Locations for all collectible Gene Tonics, Plasmids and Audio Diaries are given through the course of the walkthrough in line with how you progress through the game, as well as context sensitive achievements/trophies.  There are many Plasmids and Gene Tonics that can be bought in the course of the game, and while suggestions are given as to what to buy at times, you are welcome to deviate.

    Researching Enemies

    When you get hold of the Research Camera in the level Pauper’s Drop, it is expected that the player will make an effort to use it at every opportunity they can, so that research tracks for enemies are quickly maxed out and the player gains access to extremely helpful Gene Tonics and other bonuses (as well as an achievement/trophy).  If you are ever unsure during the course of the game, how your enemy research is going, check it by looking through the screens available via pressing BACK/SELECT.  Also, as the player gains access to several Gene Tonics that help with research it is expected that the player will equip these in order to speed up research, and have them equipped until all research tracks are maxed out.


    Though it is possible to gain the majority of the Single Player achievements/trophies available through following this walkthrough, you will be unable to gain Against All Odds, which is awarded for completing the game on the hardest difficulty.  Also, if you follow many of the purchasing recommendations for Plasmids and Gene Tonics, you will not gain the achievement/trophy All Plasmids.  To get around this see a note at the end of Part 8, level Persephone.  For other achievements/trophies that require you to perform an action a certain number of times before you gain it, if you follow certain battle tips as given in this walkthrough you should eventually work towards gaining these certain achievements/trophies.

    Part 1: Adonis Luxury Resort

    Ten Years Later – Adonis Luxury Resort

    Finally in control of your Big Daddy, Delta, follow the onscreen instructions as you take your first steps by the nearest Vita-Chamber.  Should you die at any point in the game, you will respawn at the last Vita-Chamber you went past.  However, if you wish to gain the Achievement/Silver Trophy Big Brass Balls, which you get for never using a Vita-Chamber during the course of the game, then save regularly, use different save slots, and if you die just reload your last save when you are resurrected in a Vita-Chamber and try again.

    Your current goal becomes: Find a Way Out of Here.  You may check you active goal at any time by pressing BACK/SELECT when not looking at an item, as that will bring up a description of the item you are looking at.

    Character movement is controlled by the Left-Stick, and POV using the Right-Stick.  You are able to jump by pressing Y/Triangle.  You are able to use your drill with the RT/R2 button, however it does use fuel so don’t waste it now.  Also, you can perform a melee attack with your equipped weapon by pressing B/Circle (this doesn’t use up any fuel).  During the course of the game the Drill is your most powerful melee weapon.

    You will notice the two coloured bars in the top left of the screen.  These are your health (red bar) and EVE (blue bar).  EVE is used to power Plasmid based abilities, of which you have none so far.  Health obviously dictates how many hits you can take before you die.  Health is fully restored by using First Aid Kits, paying to use a Health Station, or restored through small amounts by using bandages, eating some foods and drinking some drinks.  EVE is restored through using EVE Hypos, but later on in the game by using certain Gene Tonics you will be able to restore EVE through several other methods.

    Once sure of how to move, proceed across the room from the Vita-Chamber and go up the staircase.  When you get to the pink coral blocking your way, use your drill with the melee attack (B/Circle) to bash the coral away.  Press in the Left-Stick to crouch and pass through the hole you have created if you find it difficult to make a hole large enough to walk through.  Pressing the Left-Stick in again will return you to an upright position.  Continue on and then use crouch to go under the broken pillar.

    Soon you will see movement up ahead.  Move on to the next area.

    Adonis Baths

    Go to the right of the pool to find a door that won’t open.  Walk further into the baths on the right hand side, you will see items that you can eat, but you shouldn’t have lost any health yet, so leave them for now.  Use the can of Drill Fuel to increase your available supply of fuel.  To use or collect an item, get them in your view then press A/X to use/collect them.  As a general rule, this walkthrough does not mention all consumable items, ammo, First Aid Kits, EVE Hypos and their positions, whether they’re lying around or inside something, so it is always worth fully searching a room before moving on.

    When you’re done investigating items, move over to the sparking generator on the left side of the pool.  A woman will rant from the other room you have yet to go inside, but she is no threat at the moment.  To the left of the generator is the Audio Diary – Attention: Workers!  Pick this up, the first of over one hundred available in the game, to work towards the Achievement/Silver Trophy Rapture Historian.  The diary also gives you a hint at what you need to do, hold A/X to listen to the diary.  You need to use a jolt of electricity to get the generator going.

    Go through the archway you have yet to go through.  To the left fork a woman, Thuggish Splicer, is gunned down.  To deal with her assailant, a Leadhead Splicer, just melee him a few times until he is dead.  Once the Leadhead Splicer is dead, check his corpse for things such as First Aid Kits, EVE Hypos, ammo, Dollars and many other items that enemies often carry around in the game.  Use A/X to interact with the corpse’s belongings and A/X to take them.  This option is only available if items are on the corpse.  As a standard rule, always search an area for corpses with items, and searchable containers when the area has been made safe.

    On the right side planter in the area where the Leadhead appeared there is an EVE Hypo, even though you have no Plasmids yet still pick it up, as you will be able to choose when to use it later or it will be automatically used if you completely run out of EVE.  You may also be able to get an item from the Thuggish Splicer corpse, the one who was gunned down.

    When you are done searching corpses, go back to the fork and go to the right.  There is a locked door with a keypad beside it on which you can enter a code.  The code for the door is right next to it, written backwards on the steamed up door: 1540.  Enter the code by pressing A/X and selecting the numbers that need to be used by moving the Left-Stick.  When you have the correct code press A/X to input it and the door will slide open.  Inside this small sauna, search the woman’s corpse and pick up the various items on the floor and benches, including the Audio Diary – Fitness.

    Done with the sauna, go back to the left fork and proceed further in until you can see a counter with a till on top.  Jump over the counter, search the till/cash register and look to the right to see an EVE Dispenser.  Keep selecting it until you have picked up as much EVE as you can carry, (there will be an interval of a couple of seconds before you can reselect it to gain EVE Hypos), which are currently five.  With the EVE in hand, proceed further into this new area, there is some Drill Fuel to the other side of the room to the counter, which you’ll only be able to pick up if your fuel tanks is not already full.  Delta has a brief flash back as he gets closer to the Gatherer’s Garden.

    Plasmid Therapy

    Pick up the Plasmid Electro Bolt from the Gatherer’s Garden.  A brief cutscene will follow.  Press the LT/L2 button to use your currently selected Plasmid.  If you want to try out using your new Plasmid you can, as with an EVE Dispenser near by you won’t run out of EVE to use your Plasmid with.  The rooms to the left and right of the Gatherer’s Garden contain some Dollars and a searchable corpse.

    Once sure of your new ability, and with a full batch of EVE Hypos, move back to the left fork you originated from, and use your Electro Bolt on the damaged Door Panel in order to open the door.  If you ever want to refill your EVE gauge without waiting for EVE shots to be automatically used, hold the LB/L1 or RB/R1 button to bring up the Plasmid/Weapons radial menus, from which you choose to press X/Square to use an EVE shot whenever you want (so long as you have spare EVE Hypos available).  The same can be done with First Aid Kits in the radial menu by pressing B/Circle.

    Adonis Baths

    Back in the pool area, take care of the two Splicers that have appeared, one on the diving board the other by the generator.  A good tactic to use is to shock simple enemies, like these, with Electro Bolt and then melee attack them (B/Circle) whilst they are stunned.  With lower level enemies such as the Thuggish and Leadhead Splicers, shocking them and quickly hitting them with the Drill melee attack is normally enough to kill them.  But you have to hit them with the melee attack less than a couple of seconds after shocking them or else the effects of the shock will wear off and the melee attack will do less damage.

    Search their corpses and then use Electro Bolt to start up the generator by firing it at the glowing yellow panel.  Once you have started the generator a woman called Tenenbaum contacts you on your radio.  You now have the new goal: Find Tenenbaum.

    Go through the doorway that the generator has opened and then go into the ladies’ loos on the right side of the staircase at the top.  On a bench is the Audio Diary – To My Daughter; the lockers beside it may be searched.  Go further into the toilets, to pick up some Dollars on the floor, and then spend $5 to open a toilet stall to get at more back on the floor of the stall.

    A Thuggish Splicer will attempt to ambush you as you leave the toilets.  Now would be a good time to try out your Electro Bolt on water.  Back away from the Splicer and lure her onto the pool of water by the toilets.  When you are not standing in the water, but she is, use Electro Bolt on the water and the Splicer will be shocked to death.  Search her corpse and move on when the electricity has left the water.

    Go to the door on the left of the window in the main corridor the toilet backs onto and go through it.  Two Thuggish Splicers will be standing in some water in the next room so quickly use Electro Bolt on the water to take care of them.  Search their corpses, and then look back to the door you came in from.  On some benches to the left of the door is the Audio Diary – Return, so be sure to pick that up.

    When you have picked up the Diary, continue on further into the room and take either the right or left archway to come to stairs that meet at a doorway that is not shutting properly.  Beside the doorway is the corpse of a Rosie so search that, and then pick up the Rivet Gun that is stopping the door from closing.  You will automatically switch to this new weapon, but to deal with the two Splicers, Leadhead and Thuggish, in this room I recommend using the Drill.  Press RB/R1 to bring up the radial menu for available weapons and choose the Drill again.  As with previous encounters with Splicers, shocking and then meleeing will work well on the two inside the room.

    Near the doorway you opened is an EVE Hypo.  In the alcove to the left of where you came through is a First Aid Kit.  If you need to heal your health and have at least one First Aid Kit on you, use the right button on the D-pad to instantly use one.

    Bathyspehere Docking

    The right-side alcove has Rivet Ammo near it, and inside the alcove itself is the Audio Diary – They Called It Rapture.  Beside it is some Hop Up Cola.  Follow the right alcove further to find some searchable corpses, another Rivet Gun that you can collect for ammo, and some searchable cases, which mostly contain alcoholic drinks (replenishes Health, but drains EVE).  There is also some Drill Fuel in the cases if you need it.  Head back towards where you fought the last two Splicers, only to come across another Leadhead Splicer, so shock and melee it.

    Grand Foyer

    Back in the part where the right and left alcoves join a central area, go up the stairs and through the doorway at the top.  There is a cutscene.  Soon a fight against a Big Sister ensues.  Equip your Rivet Gun using the RB/R1 radial menu, as you do not want to get to close to her.  Conveniently she jumps into a pool of water at the beginning of the fight, so use Electro Bolt on the water.  She uses a fire-based weapon that hits you for a lot of damage, when you are far away, and melees you when you are close.  Once half of its health is gone, the Big Sister runs away leaving you free to explore the area.  Switch back to the Drill when this happens.

    On the bar near the window is the Audio Diary – Generation, so pick that up.  There are also Bandages, First Aid Kit, an EVE Hypo and other useful items on the bar.  Cigarettes replenish EVE, but deplete health.  One bar in the centre is also home to a Vita-Chamber.  Around the room are Rivets and Drill Fuel, and another First Aid Kit.  Go through the doorway that the Big Sister opened up.

    Demeter’s Banquet Hall

    There will be another First Aid Kit in front of you after you go up the stairs, so pick that up if you need to, a near by Ashtray may also contain useful items.  Having not gone too far in, you will notice that the Big Sister is still scurrying around.  Continue up the stairs and then jump down into the large banquet area that is flooded.  The Big Sister will damage the room’s windows and run off.

    Once submerged, go to where there used to be a window and Tenenbaum will contact you over your radio.  Search a wrecked bathysphere near the broken window to pick up the Audio Diary – Escape From Rapture and a First Aid Kit from one of the corpses inside the sphere.  Use jump to continue navigating around the area.  There are some Rivets on the ground before a huge drop (two lots scattered about) and an EVE Hypo is hidden near three barrels.  Once you have everything you want jump down the cliff that this watery area leads to, as it is the only way you can go.

    Continue down the slope, below the cliff, towards the Atlantic Express Maintenance Depot where you will catch a glimpse of the Big Sister.  Go to the Depot and enter its airlock area and choose to use the Airlock Control to secure and drain the room (the Control is the glowing yellow thing at the back of the airlock).  Doing this will award you the Achievement/Bronze Trophy Daddy’s Home.

    Part 2: The Atlantic Express

    Tenenbaum greets you on your radio once you’re in yet another airtight area.  Your goal becomes: Get To Brigid Tenenbaum.

    Ignore the dubious rantings of a near by Splicer and leave the air lock chamber.  There are some lockers to your right in the area just after the chamber so investigate those for items, more lockers are up ahead before an open doorway, so search through those as well.  Head through the next doorway and up the watery stairs, and continue on up the other set of stairs past a near by Vita-Chamber.  There’s nothing you can do about the Splicer near the doorway at the top of this room, who runs away from you and closes the door that he was by.  Tenenbaum radios in, and then you’re on your own again.  Go in to the room on your right.

    In this room is a Hack Tool.  Pick that up as well as a Remote Hack Dart, and read the instructions.  Take a moment to collect more Hack Darts from the dispenser on the wall too. You can carry eight spare darts.  To hack a hackable Bot/Security Camera/Turret/Safe/Door Panel (from a distance) aim the Hack Tool at the thing you wish to hack and press the RT/R2 button to fire a dart at it and initiate the hacking mini-game.  Beware: every time you do something incorrectly whilst hacking, you will lose some health, so it is be worth saving before most hacks that aren’t taking place during the heat of battle.

    You need to hack a Door Panel opposite the broken window of where you picked up the Hack Tool from so fire a dart at the glowing yellow panel.  To hack you need to stop a needle on the Green sections of the meter that appears, and not the white ones as they will give you a shock.  To select the Green sections, press A/X.  A successful hack will grant you the Achievement/Bronze Trophy Distance Hacker and open the previously locked door.

    Go through the opened doorway and you will see a Security Bot lying on the floor.  Rather than fire a dart you can go up to the downed bot and press X/Square to go into the hacking screen.  Pressing the Blue sections as opposed to the Green will give the bot a bonus to the level of damage they deal out to your enemies.  Hacked Security Bots will not attack you, but they will relentlessly pursue nearby enemies and attack them.  Make sure to have a weapon such as your Drill equipped.  Remember that hacked Bots will incur damage if attacked, so until you gain a certain Gene Tonic later on, you have no way to repair them.

    Train Workshop 6A

    With your Security Bot in tow, continue down the corridor and be prepared for a Splicer encounter.  Continue on and several Thuggish Splicers will attack you.  Your bot will be quite capable of taking them on, but you can enter the fray if you wish with Electric Bolts and melee attacks.  There is a Health Station in this area where the train falls, that your enemies can use to heal themselves.  Hack it before doing anything else so that it harms them instead, and heals you for cheap.  Remember to select only Green and Blue sections on the metre whilst hacking.  Managing to pick a Blue section will cause the Station to drop a free First Aid Kit on successful completion of the hack.  When the Splicers have been dealt with, don’t forget to search their corpses and heal up.

    Go into the room that the Health Station backs on to and search around for some items that include Rivets, Dollars, Drill Fuel and the Audio Diary – The Great Chain Rattles.  Back in the main area, there are some Dollars near the train that fell, atop a set of tool drawers.  When you are done exploring here, continue on up past the train and leave through the doorway marked Gate Control.  When you get into the room the corridor ends in choose to save and then to activate the glowing Gate Control.

    Soon a group of Splicers are shooting out the glass in the room you have been trapped inside, after Sofia Lamb is done talking.  You are unable to attack them, and will have to wait to finally fall through the floor once fires have started.  There is nothing you can do to stop yourself from losing health, but you won’t die.  Tenenbaum radios in.

    Maintenance Runoff Pumping Station

    Move your way underwater, down the waterway away from the window by where you land.  There are some corpses along the way that you may search for items, including a Hack Dart, Rivets and some Dollars.  Tenenbaum radios in once more.  Continue moving down the waterway.  Not far in you will need to crouch in order to go through a tunnel.  Un-crouch once you are through and walk towards the stairs that will take you out of the water.  At the top of the stairs you will need to crouch again to proceed.

    Atlantic Express Administrative Storage

    Proceed through the new area, which has a Vita-Chamber, and Tenenbaum will give you a warning about the Security Camera on a near by wall opposite the stairs by the Vita-Chamber.  Equip your Hack Tool and fire a dart at the camera.  Make sure to land the needle in a Blue section when you can, as it will cause security alerts against your enemies to last for longer.  Security Cameras will summon Security Bots whenever they detect hostiles, so it is always best to make sure that you have hacked the cameras in an area or else the bots will be coming after you.  Also, it is possible to use Electro Bolt to shock a camera, if you are running low on darts, and then run up underneath it (and if it is low enough) then choose to hack it without using a dart by looking at it and pressing X/Square.  Though in the case of this particular Camera it would be better to use a Dart.

    If you accidentally trip the alarm before you have the chance to hack the camera, a Bot-Shutdown Panel is located on a wall to the right of the camera.  Though getting to it whilst dogged by Security Bots would be a rather challenging enterprise.

    Atlantic Express Drafting Offices

    Once you have hacked the camera Thuggish and Leadhead Splicers will come after you and shoot at you as well as use melee attacks.  Move into the same room as the camera.  Even though Security Bots will be on the way, you will probably find it prudent to take down any Splicers, which arrive in your location, yourself.  Once the Splicers have been dealt with search their corpses and look around the rest of the area near the camera for items such as Dollars, Remote Hack Darts and a First Aid Kit.

    When ready, continue on past the Bot-Shutdown Panel, after a vision approach the Plasmid in front of you and pick it up to receive Telekinesis.  Telekinesis is used by using the same controls as Electro Bolt (LT/L2), you can use it to bring objects towards yourself and then to throw them at enemies by releasing the Plasmid button.  Or if you’re just retrieving something, use Telekinesis to get the object near you and then by pressing the weapons reload button (X/Square) it releases it and it allows you to bring something towards you without consuming any EVE.  Select an empty slot to put Telekinesis in to when you get it.

    There is an EVE Hypo to the right of where you pick up Telekinesis.  Before you move on go back to the stairs where you left the water, and turn to face a slowly rotating fan.  Behind it is the Audio Diary – Mr. Tape Recorder, so pull it over to yourself.  Back in the room where you obtained Telekinesis, one filing cabinet can be searched for items near the doorway you came from, and there is a Mail Pneumo Control that you can press to send projectiles at you upon which you can practice your use of Telekinesis.  Remember that some enemies will throw things like grenades at you, so being able to use Telekinesis to catch and throw back projectiles is important.  Successfully throwing an enemy projectile back at them at least once will give you the Achievement/Bronze Trophy Counterattack.

    Train Workshop 6B

    When done, leave the room through the doorway on the left that you have yet to go through and go up the stairs.  From the balcony that you come to, you can see several Splicers in the room below.  Ignore them for moment, crouch and hobble over to a desk on the left to pick up the Audio Diary – Just a Fad. Once you have that, use Telekinesis to discreetly throw one of the gas canisters at the Splicers below.  There is an EVE Hypo up here if you need it.  The Splicers will loose a substantial amount of health from the explosion and have the ensuing misfortune of being set on fire.  Go down and finish them with the Drill.  Once all of the Splicers are dead, search corpses and look around the lower part for other items such as Rivets, Drill Fuel and Dollars.

    Under the balcony area where the gas canisters were kept, is a sparking door control panel.  Shock it with Electro Bolt to create a shortcut back to the Administration area.  Go through the doorway marked Cafeteria and hack the Health Station that is just inside the doorway.  To the right of that are some lockers with items and opposite them is an EVE Dispenser.  If you have everything you need, continue past the Health Station towards the Cafeteria.

    Cafeteria – Railway Café

    Go around the counter and into the kitchen area and go behind this to find a room with the Audio Diary – Ryan vs Lamb: Reality.  You’ll notice that when you enter this back room you will hear a group of Splicers.  The Splicers will be waiting for you in the café part.  As they conveniently run into the water outside the kitchen, use Electro Bolt to deal with them quickly.  Return to Workshop 6B.

    Train Workshop 6B

    On the side of

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