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Stop Overthinking: Overcome Negative Thoughts and Emotions
Stop Overthinking: Overcome Negative Thoughts and Emotions
Stop Overthinking: Overcome Negative Thoughts and Emotions
Ebook152 pages2 hours

Stop Overthinking: Overcome Negative Thoughts and Emotions

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About this ebook

Do you find it difficult to focus on the present moment? Do feelings of doubt and uncertainty hold you back from socializing and achieving goals? Does your mind feel like a place of anxiety, worry and insecurity?

Overthinking holds you back from taking action, creating opportunities and believing in yourself.

This book will teach you:

  • How to master your emotions
  • Ways to control your thoughts
  • How to create happiness and contentment
  • How to understand your actions and feelings

Once you stop overthinking, then you will find that you have much higher levels of focus, determination and motivation. Master your mind and through doing so master your destiny. Understand how your happiness works and create it for yourself every day. Connect with others and find great joy and meaning through doing so. Learn how to transform negative emotions into positive ones. Create a peaceful and focused mind for yourself.


Read this book and manifest good mental health that will lead you to higher levels of creativity, passion and focus -- click the BUY button!

PublisherLucas Lazarus
Release dateNov 24, 2023
Stop Overthinking: Overcome Negative Thoughts and Emotions

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    Stop Overthinking - Lucas Lazarus

    Stop Overthinking

    Lucas Lazarus

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    Overthinking is a big problem that holds many people back from greatness. It stops them from taking risks, building relationships and creating new opportunities for themselves. In others words, do the things required for living a happy and fulfilling life. This book will teach you how to stop overthinking and start living more. You will learn how to focus on the present moment and release worries and anxieties that hold you back from reaching your goals. Overthinking is never a pleasant thing. All you really want is peace, confidence and success but instead find yourself obsessing about the past, future or things you cannot change. It is time to put an end to overthinking.

    Overthinking is one of your greatest enemies when it comes to living a life that is filled with joy, contentment and success. This is because the more you are overthinking, then the less control you will have over various aspects of your life. The doubts and worries in your mind will prevent you from acting with confidence and thinking clearly about all that is going on in the reality. The longer that you remain trapped in a prison of your doubts and fears, then the increasingly more challenging it becomes to break free and build the life of your dreams. This is the state of mind and living that most people find themselves living in. A state where their mind is too concerned about the past or future to be able to guide them to choose what is best in the present moment.

    The nature of your mind is to create feelings of fear, doubt, worry and anxiety within you. Your mind is naturally going to gravitate to a state of overthinking anytime that you are not taking massive action and pushing forward to challenge and overcome your doubtful thoughts and feelings. You are not a bad person for having doubts, worries and fears arise in your mind. This is the nature of the mind and so the only thing you have the power to change is how you will choose to respond to such doubts and fears that constantly arise in your mind and life throughout the day.

    When you are overthinking, then this is a state where your mind is full of doubt, fear, worry and anxiety. You are feeling anything but calm, relaxed and completely at ease with yourself and all that is going on in the present moment. You are feeling a tension and anxiety deep within that keeps your mind locked in a state of agitation, confusion, fear and doubt. Feelings that make it considerably more challenging for you to meet new people, find new was to solve problems and show up as the most confident and powerful version of yourself.

    When you are not overthinking, then this is a state in which you are totally focused and at ease with yourself and all that is going on in the present moment. You are feeling confidence, happy and in control of yourself and your abilities to influence people and outcomes to your favor. The external world is always going to be a direct reflection of your thoughts and feelings at any moment of time and so if you are feeling calm, relaxed and in control, then this makes it far more likely that you will act with confidence, stand up for yourself, solve problems and move forward to become the best possible version of yourself in life.

    The levels of success you have the power to control and create in your life is only going to in relation to the amount of overthinking that is going on in your mind. If you are spending most of your day getting lost in your fears, doubts and worries, then you are most certainly not going to be focusing all of your time and energy onto things that help you become a better person. The less successful you are, then the more negative power that doubtful thoughts, feelings and emotions are going to have over your mind at any moment of time. The longer that you remain in a state of overthinking, then the increasingly more challenging it becomes to break free and carve your own path in life.

    If you are focused on the present moment and dedicated to taking massive and effective actions throughout the day, then there is going to no time and space in your mind for fears, doubts and worries to grow and develop. This makes it so that your mind is a place of calm and peacefulness more often then not throughout the day. A state of mind that makes it easier to think clearly, remain calm and solve any kind of problem or challenge that arises in you life ease and effectiveness.

    Chapter 1: Thoughts

    You have the power to stay in control of your thoughts at all times. This meaning that nothing outside of you can ever cause your thoughts to lose control. That you are the one who decides what you are thinking about at any given time and so choose to control your thoughts in all situations. This gives you the ultimate authority over your behavior because if you are always in control of your thoughts, then you are always going to be in control of your actions. How is this so? All behavior first begins with a thought. You think about doing something and then proceed to do it. When you do not see yourself as always being in control of your thoughts, then big problems arise for you. External influences have the power to cause your thoughts to go in undesirable directions. Directions that cause you to behave in destructive ways that kill your confidence and motivation. For example, drinking alcohol or getting distracted by online videos.

    Everything in your life will seem safe and secure when you believe to be in control of your thoughts. No external influences will have power over you. You will be able to walk away from any person or thing that causes you to overthink and immediately put your mind in a stress free and blissful state. Not being in control of your thoughts will leave you feeling anything but safe and secure. You will constantly fear that the next thing that happens will bring you over the edge and cause you to do something unwise. One moment you will be feeling as if you can handle things while the next completely out of control. Definitely not a peaceful way to live. Keep in mind that you are always in 100% charge of what you allow yourself to think of. Nothing or no one in the world can ever make you think and feel a certain thing. That is unless you choose to hand such power to it.

    Always being in control of your thoughts is a state in which negative thoughts of feelings do not have the power to distort your view of reality and cause you to do unwise things as a result. You never allow your mind to entertain any kind of negative thoughts, feelings and emotions because you are so focused on taking action and reaching all of the goals you have set yourself out to reach in the present moment. This makes it so that not matter what happens or where you, the ultimate power and control over your thoughts and feelings remains in your mind. You control the thoughts and feelings in your mind and never allow it to be the other way around where your doubts and fears end up taking control and getting the better of you. If you are always in control of your thoughts, then your mind is not entertaining thoughts and feelings that are based on the past or future. You are instead simply going with the flow of all that is happening in the present moment and taking things as they come rather then over analyzing yourself or thinking about things that may or may not present themselves in your life. If you are not in control of your thoughts and feelings, then this is when the thoughts and feelings in your mind do a very good job at holding you back from doing all that needs to be done to succeed and be happy in your life today. You are constantly thinking about thoughts and feelings that fill you with a doubt and fear that holds you back from taking risks, stepping outside of your comfort zone and going out into the world and doing all that is within your power and control to improve yourself each day. The more that you focus on things that help you become a bigger, faster and stronger person, then the easier it becomes to stay in control of your thoughts, feelings and emotions at all times throughout the day. You never lose control of your thoughts and feelings as you are the one who is always in control by taking action, finding solutions to problems and doing whatever to constantly show up as the best possible version of yourself.

    compulsive thoughts and worries that arise within you. This begins with realizing that the nature of your mind tends to be full of fear, doubt and uncertainty. There is nothing you can do to stop your mind from being filled to the brim with feelings of worry, anxiety and doubt. What you do always have the power over it to decide how you are going to respond to such feelings and move forward to take action in the face of them. Whenever you go to sleep, then you are resetting your mind. It does not matter how confident, certain and in control you were feeling the night before. The moment that you go to bed and wake up is the moment you are going to find your mind returning to a state of high levels of fear, doubt, worry and uncertainty. It is never so much the fears and doubts that arise in your mind that you should be concerned about, but so how you choose to understand these feelings and then take action in the face of them.

    Whenever you are aware of your obsessive thoughts, then you realize that your mind is actually trying to stop you from doing all of the things you need to be doing in order to achieve success and happiness. The doubtful thoughts and feelings within yourself literally prevent you from taking risks, facing your fears and asking for what you want. You did not ask for such fears and doubts to be present in your mind, but yet for some reason they are still very alive and real within yourself. It is important to keep in mind that facing your fears and overcoming your worries and anxieties is always going to take large amounts of effort and determination on your behalf. This meaning that you need to have a very high tolerance for pain. You need to fight for your peace of mind every single day of your life. Being the master of your obsessive thoughts begins with acknowledging all of the ways that your mind holds you back with unhelpful thoughts and feelings. After getting yourself aware, the next step is dedicating yourself to taking actions that will make it possible for you to release such intense worries and anxieties to the wind. You make the conscious choice to overcome unhelpful thoughts and worries by taking action, focusing on the present and work long and hard to reach important goals. You are aware of when your mind is entertaining such unhelpful thoughts and then dedicate yourself to taking actions that ensure that such thoughts and feelings do not ruin your day and hold you back from being able to do bigger and better things in life.

    if you are not aware of your obsessive thoughts, then you spend many valuable moments of your day worrying and feeling held back by intense feelings of doubt and fear. Rather then taking action and pushing yourself to move beyond your doubts and fears, you choose to instead allow your doubts and fears to slow you down and cause you to waver before taking action.

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