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Dream Bigger: Be Limitless, Courageous and Abundant
Dream Bigger: Be Limitless, Courageous and Abundant
Dream Bigger: Be Limitless, Courageous and Abundant
Ebook234 pages4 hours

Dream Bigger: Be Limitless, Courageous and Abundant

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Are you tired of failing to reach goals and achieve your brightest dreams? Are you ready to take all aspects of your life to the next level? Are you interested in increasing your motivation, persistence and determination?

Dream Bigger!

This book aims to help you become a more happy, confident and successful person.


You'll learn:

  • How to remove limiting beliefs
  • Ways to grow your courage and confidence
  • How to develop skills
  • Ways to improve communication
  • How to be disciplined and strong

Dream big and achieve amazing things in your life. Solve problems with ease, reach business goals and succeed in friendship and love -- click the BUY button!

PublisherLucas Lazarus
Release dateNov 24, 2023
Dream Bigger: Be Limitless, Courageous and Abundant

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    Dream Bigger - Lucas Lazarus

    Dream Bigger

    Lucas Lazarus

    © Copyright 2024 Lucas Lazarus – All rights reserved

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    Chapter 1: Big Dreams

    Choosing to believe in your dreams is always the first step towards making amazing things happen in life. This is because you will not even begin to do all of the things required for reaching your dreams if you do not believe in the dreams that you have. You will instead consider your dreams impossible and so stop putting forth your best effort in making them become reality. How do you believe in your dreams? It all begins with looking inside of your answers and nowhere else. This is because inside is the only place that you are ever going to find what you are searching for. Your dreams do not exist in anyone else nor are they present in the external world. Realizing this fact is a key first step in believing in your dreams. Believe in your dreams by choosing exactly the things you want to be doing in your life. This is important because it is you that is going to spend the time working hard to make your dreams come true. It is you that will have to suffer the pain of discipline and it is you that will spending time doing all of the things that you choose to do. If you do not choose what you want your dreams to be in life, then someone is going to end up choosing for you. You will be forced to work an average job and do average things in your life when this is the case. The good news is that you can make your dreams in life whatever you have the desire for them to be. If you want to start and grow a business, then take the first step towards making it happen for yourself today. If you want to change your career, then begin looking into how you can make it all happen for yourself. Keep in mind that you can accomplish almost anything that you set your mind to in life. This does not mean that the road to making it happen is going to be easy, it simply means that it is going to be possible. When you choose your own dreams in life, then you are going to find it much easier to believe in yourself and put in the hard work that is required to succeed. This is because you will be spending your time doing something that you like and not something that others want you to be doing. You will believe in yourself because your dreams are born within you. Believe in your dreams by taking good inventory of all aspects of yourself. This includes gaining a deeper understanding of your likes, dislikes and interests. Some ways of gaining such understanding include paying a visit to a career counselor and taking the time to study what brings you the most happiness and joy when spending your time doing it. The better you know yourself, then the easier you will find it to choose a dream for yourself that is best suited to your life and personality. You will be spending your time doing things that you love doing in life and this is always a good way to go. Believe in your dreams by choosing to see your dreams and the time you have on Earth as being nothing short of a miracle. The fact you are alive and breathing today is impossible when you take the time to ponder your existence along with the all of the magic that surrounds you in this life. Use the fact that your life is a miracle to propel yourself to take action on your dreams and believe in yourself. Your life is a dream as it is and so your this makes your dreams extremely important. Believing in your abilities to reach your dreams is a combination of several different things. These things include trusting that you have the knowledge, wisdom, insights and skills to turn your dreams into reality. That not only do you have big dreams in life but also the power and resources to turn them all into reality. What are your abilities? They can be best thought of as your skills. Skills that allow you to interact with the world effectively and help you build the life of your dreams. A skill is anything you are able to do well. Anything in which you can take action and influence people and events to your favor. For example, having cooking or conversational skill. The more skills you have, then the more you are going to believe in yourself. This is because you will have plenty of evidence that you are a successful person. The kind of person who finds it easy to succeed every time they give it a try. When you believe in your abilities, then you feel confident and determined to go out into the world and get what you want. You carry around a knowing that you can do all the things required to become a highly successful person. That even though things may not be going your way today, you are going to keep moving forward until you eventually succeed.

    Chapter 2: Believe I yourself and your abilities

    Trusting in your abilities is something you will always have to do for yourself. No one is going to come into your life and help you believe. You need to be the one to create feelings of confidence and certainty within yourself. How do you do this? By quitting all of your bad habits and being a strong person. Doing these things will dramatically increase your confidence. Exactly the confidence you need to go after your biggest goals and dreams in life. Gain more faith in your abilities by getting out into the world and practicing your skills. The more you practice a skill, the better you will become at it. The better you become, the higher your confidence and belief in yourself will be. To a point where there will be no doubt in your mind and you will be left believing in yourself 100%. An inner state where everyone will want to be your friend and you will know that your path to victory is solid and paved. Believing in your abilities is an important aspect of dreaming bigger because you know that you can do all of the difficult things on the journey towards making your dreams become reality. You have evidence that you have the skills and talents that will bring you to the places that you truly desire to be and this a very motivating and inspiring thought and feeling. If you do believe in your abilities to reach your dreams, then you are very likely to give up and consider your dreams in life to be too far out of your reach. That anyone else on the planet is able to make their dreams turn into reality and not you. What are some ways to go about increasing the belief that you have in your abilities to make your biggest dreams in life come true? Begin by realizing that abilities are mostly things that are gained through hard work and experience. They are not something that you are magically born or blessed with. This is important fact to keep in mind as you can go out into the world and gain all of the abilities required for turning your dreams into reality if that is what you have the desire to do. Believe in your abilities by accepting the fact that developing your skills and talents will be a long and slow. One that will drag on for months if not many long years. Embracing this fact is important for preventing yourself from getting discouraged when you do not see yourself getting results quickly enough and when failures and setbacks inevitably end up coming your way. Believe that you have the abilities to reach your dreams by taking note of all the other strengths and talents that you currently have in your life. Doing this will go along way in showing you that you can in fact become very good at whatever you set your mind to and that if you were able to do amazing things in the past then you most certainly can continue doing amazing things far into the future for as long as you desire to live your life to the fullest. Believe in your abilities by refusing to compare yourself to other people. Comparing yourself to the skills, qualities and talents of other people is one of the quickest ways to destroy your levels of confidence, motivation and determination. You see only what you want to see when you compare yourself to other people. Others appear to have amazing abilities that you feel you are missing or lacking in your own life and this feeling makes it considerably more difficult for you to keep moving forward and aiming for great things in all aspects of life. Stop comparing yourself to others by embracing the fact that every single person is on a unique and special path in life. That your mission and dreams in life are completely unique and independent to you. Believe in your abilities by accepting the fact that doing so will become easier over time as you grow and improve. In the early days you are going to find yourself feeling miserable and discouraged over the fact that it appears you are not getting your desired results quickly enough. That things do not appear to be going as planned and you are wasting your time. It is important that you train yourself to push through these initial feelings for the sake of understanding that your confidence in your skills, talents and abilities is something that will grow stronger over time. Feeling doubtful and uncertain is a completely normal and natural thing to feel as you first get started out and venture into the unknown.

    Dream as big as you want and trust that you can do it. Seeing yourself as being capable to reach your dreams is essential for pushing yourself beyond the many challenges and intense pain you will experience on your way to the top. You will learn to adjust yourself in whatever situation you find yourself in and to keep moving forward even if the going gets tough. If you do not see yourself as being capable of reaching your dreams, then you are not going to last very long. You are very likely to give up and throw in the towel at the first signs of trouble, obstacles and challenges. You will focus on your failures and shortcomings instead of your achievements and accomplishments. You will blame others for your mistakes and point the finger at your circumstances as to why you are not able to move forward with reaching all of your goals and dreams in life. Being capable to reach your dreams is a state of mind where you choose to see yourself as having all it takes to do the things required for making all of your dreams come true. This does not mean that things are going to be easy, it simply means that things are going to be possible if you set your mind and heart to them. What are some things involved in being a capable person? Being capable begin with choosing to see yourself as having all it takes to turn your dreams into reality. That you have all of the resources and opportunities that are essential for being able to make it all happen for yourself. When you take note of the fact that you already have everything that you need to make your dreams in life come true, then this makes it much easier for you to face your fears, stay strong and do whatever it takes to reach your goals. See yourself as capable of reaching your dreams by creating a vision for yourself. Such a vision should be one in which you can clearly see yourself living out the life of your dreams. That you are doing all of the things you love doing whenever you desire to be doing them. Science has proven that your brain is not able to tell the difference between visualizing an activity and actually performing it. Having a vision will help you release some of the doubt and fear you feel about making it to the top and overcoming all of the difficult challenges and problems that life is always going to bring your way. Create your vision by asking yourself exactly the kind of life it is that you want to be living. Who are the people you are spending time with. What tasks and activities are you completing throughout the day? Be capable of reaching your dream by taking note of the fact that if any other person on the planet was able to create the life of their dreams, then you most certainly have all the power to do the same for yourself. Increase your capability by going out into the world and seeking all of the knowledge you need to make your goals and dreams come true. If you feel as if you are missing or lacking some kind of essential knowledge, then pay a visit to your local library and read a book that will help you fill in the gaps and find all that you are searching for. Be more capable of reaching your dreams by spending time only with those people who inspire and support. This being those who understand who you are and the things you are trying to accomplish in this life. People who are kind and generous to you simply because of the fact that they like and appreciate you for exactly the way you. Choosing to surround yourself with kind and loving people will go along way in helping you conquer your challenges, overcome doubt and rise above difficult challenges and obstacles. Be more capable of reaching your biggest dreams in life by keeping in mind that you are living in the very best of times. That there is not better time but now to take action, earn unlimited wealth and live out the life of your dreams. This is because you are living in a safe country, have access to the internet and other amazing technologies and are in good health. The only thing that can and will stand in the way of reaching your dreams is your levels of willpower and ability to handle pain, problems and challenges. There is nothing easy or pleasant about going down the hard road of reaching your dreams in life. However, things can certainly be made easier by choosing to see yourself as highly capable individual. One who stops at nothing just for a shot at greatness.

    Chapter 3: Planning

    Achieve your dreams by breaking them down into smaller more manageable pieces. This is about setting the bar high in terms of what you want to accomplish but not allowing yourself to become overwhelmed by the long and hard journey that lies ahead of you. Aiming for great things is similar to allowing yourself to dream big in various aspects of your life. The problem with aiming for great things is that such great things can appear to be infinitely far away. That the mountain you need to climb is simply to high for you to overcome. Instead of feeling flustered and discouraged by all of the pain and suffering you must go through to reach your goals and dreams, choose to instead break down the process of getting to where you want to be into smaller more manageable chunks. The idea behind doing this is simple but highly effective. It goes to show you that the top of the mountain is not all that far away. All it requires is that you complete one manageable task after another for an extended period of time. If you instead only look at the bigger picture and how far you need to go, then you are more likely to give up and become discouraged somewhere along the way. How do you achieve great things one step at a time? Begin with setting a clear progression of goals that will ultimately take you to the amazing places that you desire to be in the distant future. After setting such goals, follow the plan each day by taking action and executing all of your plans. It can be helpful to look at the process of reaching your dreams in life as being a journey and not one final destination. Seeing things from this perspective will help you grow more patient and wise. Instead of pushing yourself too hard and missing out on all of the wonders that the present moment brings you. The dreams you wish to reach in life are simply a series of small steps. Nothing less and nothing more.

    Commit yourself to doing whatever it takes to succeed. You are allowing nothing to get in the way or hold you back from reaching and living out the life of your dreams. You may be feeling intense pain, fear and doubt, but none of this is able to slow you down from taking massive action on your goals and doing all things will excellence, confidence and determination. You are the one in complete control and not anything or anyone else. You may find excuses arise within but do whatever it takes to move beyond them. You may feel fear trying to do everything it can to hold you back but are able to effectively manage these fears. You may be feeling down and discouraged but always find ways to turn things around and brighten your day. If you do not have an unstoppable commitment to reach all of your dreams, then something or someone along your journey is very likely to stop or slow you down fro greatness. When the extremely tough times come which they inevitably will, you are able to pick up the pieces and move forward to reach all of your goals no matter how challenging and overwhelming it may feel to do so. You keep pushing forward and through doing so, slowly but surely manifest your dreams into reality. You train yourself to keep on doing whatever it takes to succeed regardless of any kind of external conditions that arise in your life. Keep living life this and it only becomes a matter of time before your biggest dreams and goals in life come true for you. What are some things you can do to gain an unstoppable commitment to reach all of the goals that you set yourself out to reach in a day? Begin with constantly reminding yourself that you are the one that is entirely responsible for creating any kind of success for yourself in life. If you choose not to show up and put in the hard work on your goals today, then nothing or no one else is going to do this for you. The consequence of this being that your dreams are simply not going to become a reality. Use this fact as motivation to pick yourself during tough times and to commit yourself to doing whatever it takes to succeed and find happiness in life. Gain an unstoppable commitment

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