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Acceptance: Achieve Inner harmony, Create Peace and Be Compassionate
Acceptance: Achieve Inner harmony, Create Peace and Be Compassionate
Acceptance: Achieve Inner harmony, Create Peace and Be Compassionate
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Acceptance: Achieve Inner harmony, Create Peace and Be Compassionate

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Do you find it tough to accept difficult circumstances? Do challenges, problems and obstacles cause you to experience negative thoughts and emotions? Does life seem hard to understand and is contentment slipping further from your reach each day? I wrote acceptance after years of living offline, developing charisma and disciplining myself. It has taken me a very long time to achieve my highest levels of success and happiness. There has been countless problems, challenges and obstacles along my journey. Acceptance has been critical to my success.


This book will help you make better decisions, prevent self-sabotage and achieve success in a much shorter period of time. You will learn how to grow your self-worth through social interaction, create happiness by doing what you love and discover your ultimate purpose. Accept yourself, live in the present moment and discover inner harmony.


You'll Learn:


    •    How to be patient
    •    Ways to master your emotions
    •    How to tolerate delays and setbacks
    •    Ways to find emotional freedom
    •    How to always be calm and relaxed


If you are ready to learn the secrets of patience, peace, discipline and compassion, then this is the book for you. I have learned all of these things through years of hard work, discipline and social interaction. My aim is to share with you my experiences so that you can gain deeper understanding and wisdom without having to put in the same hard work. I want you to succeed and be happy no matter how difficult it may feel to do so. Be at peace with mistakes of the past and uncertainties about the future. This book will help you find healing and contentment. Stop putting off your happiness.Take control of your internal destiny starting today.


Believe in yourself, master your emotions and reach your full potential -- click the BUY button!


PublisherLucas Lazarus
Release dateNov 24, 2023
Acceptance: Achieve Inner harmony, Create Peace and Be Compassionate

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    Acceptance - Lucas Lazarus


    How to Grow Self Worth, Be Patient and Enjoy Life

    ©Copyright 2024 Lucas Lazarus – All rights reserved

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    Chapter 1: Time

    Your perspective on time has a large influence on how you think and feel. Acceptance is about learning to go with the flow of life. Rather than trying to become obsessed about your desire to win and solve all of the problems that appear to be unfair in the world. Practicing acceptance is about realizing that there is an entirely different and more empowering way to live. You are aware that everything and everyone is trying their best to tell you to speed up and get things done quicker. To race against time so that you can achieve more success and happiness.

    The problems that come along with trying to fight against time and resist the present moment are unhelpful. You end up neglecting your happiness in an attempt to beat the clock get ahead. The more you push yourself to work longer and harder, then the more unhappy and discontent you become. To a point where you are unable to focus properly, feel relaxed or be effective. Your desire to succeed and save time actually creates the opposite outcome of freedom, power and success.

    Acceptance is about choosing to embrace time for what it is rather than try to change or race against it. You do this because it is not in your deepest nature to constantly take note of the time and feel controlled by it. Time is an artificial construct and so trying to align yourself with it will only take you further away from your true happiness and contentment. The more you check the time and race against, then the weaker your ability to focus on the present moment and actually take actions that will bring you closer to success will become. Where your attention is at any moment of time is critical for performing well, avoiding mistakes and taking good care of yourself. If you are attention is on saving time and beating the clock, then you are not achieving the highest levels of success and happiness possible.

    View time as your ally, but do not allow it to dictate your decisions and actions. Turn your perspective on time upside down. Stop checking the clock and instead focus all of your attention onto the present moment. The more you do this, then the more evident it will become to you that time is actually adding no value to your life. Checking the time is just like any other habit. At first you are going to feel uncomfortable and awkward for not checking it, but over time you are going to find yourself becoming more relaxed and at ease. You will more clearly see where you true happiness lies and so will not want to go back to any other anxious ways of life.

    Acceptance is about being honest to yourself that your true happiness and emotional freedom can only be found by freeing yourself from the concept of time. You love time for what it is, but choose to distance yourself from it as much as possible. Doing so makes it possible for you to connect with others more effectively and feel less anxious in general. The more time you spend reaching goals and creating happiness for yourself, then the less interested you become in knowing what time it is. You are more focused on living in the now to be concerned about the past or future.

    You do not care about time because you come to realize that it is a creation of money, competition and independence. Ways of life that do not bring you closer to lasting happiness, peace and joy. You forget about time and through doing so are able to throw out all of the negative and limiting associations that come along with it. These things include anxiety and stress. Feelings of negative tension that arise within from resisting the present moment and living for the approval of others.

    Having an unhealthy relationship with time is when you value yourself, your purpose and happiness based upon the time. You only feel good when you consider yourself to be saving time. You calculate your every choice and decision based on what time it is. Your entire life revolves around the clock and so it controls your thoughts and feelings. Whenever you live by the clock, then you feel as if you are always running out of time. That you are not going to get your needs and wants met which causes you to experience an increase in fear, worry and anxiety. You value your time and actions based on the clock. Rather than following your intuition and heart to lead you closer to happiness, contentment and joy.

    Feelings of peace and comfort can never be created within by allowing yourself to be identified with a certain point of time in the past or future. The reason for this being that creating happiness for yourself requires your full and undivided attention to be placed on the present moment. You need to be fully present in order to act with confidence, clear your mind and interact with people effectively.

    If you are constantly checking the time and racing against it, then you become more anxious and fearful. Your mental confusion and feelings of uncertainty cause you to check the time even more as you search for relief to the discomfort you are feeling within. This causes you to become trapped in an endless cycle of checking the time and feeling discontent after doing so. You delude yourself into believing that time holds the answer to your productivity and happiness when in reality it takes you further away from it.

    The behavior of other people is constantly communicating to you that you need to race against time and beat the clock. The problem with this being that you feel as if you are running fast against time, but never actually reaching your desired end destination. Your goals appear to become further outside of your reach as does your success and happiness. You try and speed up time only to lose focus on the present moment. Other people appear to be constantly checking the time and getting away with it and so it becomes very easy to convince yourself that it is alright for you to do the same. The best way to know what it is like to stay away from time and be more accommodating towards it is by exploring the path on your own. This meaning that you choose to stay away from the time and take note of the benefits that come along with doing so first hand. Whenever you experience such benefits, then you are going to confirm to yourself that living by the clock is not where your true happiness lies. You will come to know for yourself what are the best ways for you to live.

    Your attitude towards time makes all the difference in how tolerant, kind and patient of a person you are. If you feel as if you are always running out of time, then you are never going to be able to enjoy your life to the fullest or feel relaxed and focused enough to pursue your dreams. Whenever you slow down and stop taking time so seriously, then it becomes possible for you to view the problems, challenges and obstacles that arise in your life from an entirely different perspective. You begin to identify with your internal world more often which helps reveal to you the purpose and meaning behind all that is taking place in your life today. You start to see who you truly are in life, rather than getting lost in a concept of who you may or may not become in the future.

    Slowing down and checking the time less will make it possible for you to get more out of life. You will begin to notice things within and around yourself that never appeared to be present before. Things that make your life a magical and worthwhile experience. As you think less about the past and future, you become more in tune and engaged with the present moment. This includes all of the thoughts and feelings taking place within yourself. You come to realize that time prevents you from getting the most of the present moment which represents your life.

    Acceptance is caring more about the present moment, spreading joy to others and choosing your response to life as it unfolds before your eyes. About coming to terms with the fact that time keeps you bound to the external world. A place where truth and peace with the present moment can never exist. Being bound to time traps your mind in a single dimension and so you miss out on many other important aspects of the present moment. This includes your emotional reactions and ability to think critically and objectively about all that is taking place in front of you. You are able to accept life for however it is in the present moment because you are choosing to live in the most natural and pure ways possible. You are responding to life in the most harmonious ways that it needs for you to be interacting with it. This makes it possible for you to handle and embrace life because you come to realize that you are life itself. Your internal world and mindset are direct reflections of the experiences you are able to create.

    The more bound to beating the clock you are, then the less accepting and appreciative of the present moment you will find yourself becoming. You will not be listening to your intuition or emotions and so this makes it far more likely that you will do and say things that will bring more confusion and pain into your life. Life will be causing you to experience more pain and negative resistance because you are no longer in tune with the messages of nature and divine guidance. Life will appear to not be going the way you had imagined it would based on your concept of time, the past and future. The consequence of this being that you will resist what is happening in the present moment rather than having the power to go with the flow and make the most of whatever is taking place right now. The more you care about time, then the less accepting and embracing of life and the present moment you will be. You will find yourself caring more about things that do not actually have the power to provide you with the peace and comfort you so desire to experience. Things that include making money, seeking the approval of others and allowing yourself to get distracted.

    Your ability to change your mindset towards time and live in the present moment will give you the ultimate power and control over your happiness and life. You will take on the exact opposite approach towards yourself, other people and time. This makes it possible for you to think, feel and do things in life that most others would consider to be impossible. By doing things in life that most are not willing to understand or accept, you are going to find yourself actually moving closer to all the good things you desire. You will be happier and more relaxed which will improve your relationships and productivity.

    Abundance and success will more easily enter into your life because you are accepting of life and all of the wonderful people and opportunities it is presenting to you today. Abundance and success goes to those people who understand how happiness and truth actually works. It does not randomly end up in the hands of those who live by clock, work harder for money and aim to live for material possessions. The world is abundant by nature and so to make your claim on abundance and nature, you need to be in tune with the most natural ways of thinking and behaving. Ways of thinking and behaving that mother nature has designed for you to live according to.

    A lack of acceptance indicates that you are focusing your time and attention on people and things that do not have the power to bring you closer to the joy, peace and harmony you are in search of. You fall into the illusions created by the world around you. You try and find happiness and joy in money and status. What you end up with by doing so is more fear, fatigue and negative emotion. Feelings and circumstances that causes you to resist life rather than love and embrace it.

    Acceptance is about finding happiness and contentment in all that exists in your life right now. Things that include the beauty of nature and complexity of other people. Rather than allowing your emotions and fleeting moments of desire keep you trapped striving for a better life in the future that may never come. As you take your time and let go, then you find a deeper connection with the best things in your life that are already there. You are able to appreciate and fall in love with all the amazing blessings you already have. Instead of being consumed by desire about the past or future.

    Be happy no matter what happens or comes against you. Acceptance has nothing to do with the behavior of other people or external circumstances. The reason for this being that these things are taking place outside of yourself. It is your responsibility in life to define your own happiness and fight each day to create and maintain feelings of peace and comfort within. This is acceptance because you no longer leave your happiness or emotional well-being up to other people or random chance. You understand that life is always going to be a challenging and difficult time. That your true power and peace lies in being able to create happiness within yourself no matter how many problems or challenges may arise. You can never change problems or challenges, but you can always take responsibility for your internal world and through doing so change your response to all that is taking place outside of yourself. The key to happiness is to create feelings of joy and contentment within that make it possible for you to no longer interpret people and events in negative and depressing ways. You build a shield of love, warmth and positive energy within that allows you to shine bright in world full of fear and doubt.

    A lack of acceptance arises whenever you base your value and overall sense of wellbeing on other people and external circumstances. You hope that happiness is going to randomly show up at your door without you having to take any kind of action to create or earn it. You believe that the world owes you happiness and joy. This keeps you waiting for a time that never comes.

    You convince yourself that you have no power to stay strong and be happy because of all the bad things that keep taking place. Other people appear to be stronger and more in control of their lives then what you are. Their words and actions cause you to feel discouraged and helpless. You feel unhappy because you are searching for happiness outside of yourself in place where it cannot be found.

    Life and the behavior of other people are always going to be providing you with plenty of reasons to feel down and discouraged. Whether or not you will become unhappy and bitter is entirely up for you to decide. Taking responsibility for your own happiness is much hard work. It requires that you constantly be taking action and making sure that fear and doubt does not lock you inside of your comfort zone.

    There are going to be times in your life where you are going to find yourself feeling confused and overwhelmed by all the adversity and challenges you are being faced with. You will feel discouraged by what appears to be impossible obstacles and challenges that never stop coming your way. You will be in the process of solving one problem only to watch a mountain of additional problems come upon you.

    Acceptance is about realizing that giving into fear and allowing yourself to be defeated is going to do nothing to help you become a happier and more successful person. It is only going to drive you deeper into the depths of despair, doubt, worry and anxiety. You have much more to lose in life for refusing to take responsibility for your happiness then you stand to gain. You are better off facing the pain and discomfort that comes along with facing your fears and creating your own happiness then you are allowing the negative forces of the world to bring you down and keep you there for good.

    The negative nature of the world you are living in is not your fault. The fact that the external world is always going to be doing its best to hold you back and block your way forward is nothing you can change. You are living in a world that is dominated by fear, doubt and limiting beliefs. A lack of acceptance is allowing yourself to become agitated by the unfair and negative nature of the world. You focus on all that you cannot change or control which causes you to get lost in doubt, fear and overthinking. A negative state of mind that does not help you reach goals, understand success or achieve higher levels of happiness and contentment.

    Acceptance is about realizing that there is no rush for you when it comes to achieving success and reaching your desired end destination of power, love, peace and success. You are aware that you are going to make it to where you desire to go eventually. That whether it takes you an several extra months, this does not mean anything of significance over the long term. It is through choosing to have such a strong knowing, trust and faith that helps you become more patient with other people along with your journey of personal growth. You embrace the fact that what matters most in life is your internal peace and contentment. Not making more money or taking responsibility for the happiness other people.

    Lacking acceptance is when you feel as if the last thing you have time for in life is to connect with and share love to those around you. You feel that other people are the enemies to your success and happiness. That spending any amount of time or energy on them is a complete waste. You view others as the cause of your unhappiness when in reality they are the key to helping you achieve it.

    The reason you find yourself doing this is because you are not truly aware of how creating high levels of confidence and peace within yourself actually works. You are convinced that happiness can only be achieved by working harder and chasing after things in life that you see most other people interested in. The more you neglect and avoid other people, then the less power and control you will find yourself having over your emotional world. Your emotional world meaning your feelings that help you understand yourself, other people and the world around you. You will feel increasingly more confused and agitated within because you are not meeting your emotional needs in the most natural way. Loving and accepting other people is essential for calming down your mind, releasing fear and finding peace with the present moment. This goes back to the fact that the end of the day you are simply just a human being. A human being with basic needs for love and validation from other people.

    The mind loves to get caught up with dwelling upon thoughts about the past or future. It tries to do anything and everything but focus on what is actually taking place within and around yourself in the present moment. If your mind is not trying to live in the future where you have reached all of your dreams and living to the fullest, then it is keeping you identified with your past failures, mistakes and shortcomings. A major issue with not being able to focus on the present moment is that all success in life can only be created by acting with confidence in the here and now. This meaning you have an ability to overcome your fears for the sake of being able to influence external reality to your favor from the inside out. Thinking quickly on your feet, overcoming your fear of rejection and taking risks are all things that demand for you to be fully focused on and engaged with the present moment. Achieving success is hard and difficult. If you are anything short of being in complete control of your mind, then you are simply going to fall short of being able to accomplish great things in life.

    Acceptance is about training yourself to go with the flow of life and adapt your approach to people and events as they come your way. Rather than wrestling with feelings of fear or trying to change people and events that you are never going to have power or control over. You focus more on reality which helps you align your actions with what is actually going to bring a life of success, peace and power closer into your reach. You choose to follow the laws of nature and through doing so come to discover that the answers to success and happiness have always existed within yourself. The less accepting you are, then the more time and energy you spend focusing on your feelings of fear, doubt and uncertainty. The consequence of this being that you do not invest the time and energy that is needed to transform your internal reality from one of doubt to power, confidence and control. You try and find peace in your fears and doubts where such answers can never be found.

    There is always going to be a big difference between what you are feeling in your mind and what is actually taking place in the reality around yourself. The reason for this being that your mind is what creates feelings of fear and uncertainty that distort your ability to see the truth about yourself, other people and the world. It is your mind that tells you that you are not good enough. Your mind that convinces you that success and happiness is only reserved for a select few people out there on the planet to enjoy. It is not reality that is creating such thoughts and emotions. Reality is what reality is regardless of how you choose to think and feel about it.

    As you accept things for how they are, then you realize that it is entirely your responsibility to figure out how you need to change your thoughts and feelings for the sake of being able to reduce the amount of fear and pain that exists in your mind. Whether you live a life of healing and success or not is entirely dependent upon how well you are able to manage your thoughts and emotions for the sake of being able to align them with greater truth and happiness.

    Chapter 2: People

    Accept other people for their shortcomings and failures to become a more accepting, calm and confident person. This begins with realizing that just because you are happy and successful most certainly does not mean that every other person around you is on the same page. So many people are struggling to build and maintain their lives. It is important that you always keep this fact in mind so that you do end up projecting your high levels of confidence and control onto other people.

    Whenever you are living in a state of acceptance, then you are more than aware of the fact that people have many problems and challenges of their own to face and overcome. That although you have things in your life under control, this most certainly does not mean that others are living in the same state. Your awareness makes it much easier to be patient and accommodating towards others because you are able to put yourself into their shoes. Doing so makes it possible for you to approach your interactions with others from a perspective of recognizing their fears, doubts and limiting beliefs.

    Whenever people make mistakes and do things to agitate you, you no longer take their bad behavior so seriously as you are more understanding and appreciative of exactly where they are coming from. When people let you down, then you quickly move on as you know that trying to control them is not going to do any you any good. You are willing to give people second and third chances because you know that this is the only way to get the better of them over the long term.

    The best you can hope for when it comes to inspiring and understanding other people is to begin with understanding yourself. A key aspect of mastering yourself and having mental strength comes down to your overall ability to understand other people. This includes being aware of all the ways they are going to let you down. Being aware and accepting of the shortcomings of others is acceptance because you are no longer trying to change factors outside of yourself that you do not have any power to influence in the first place. You are instead focusing on mastering yourself and controlling your own destiny. This makes it so that people will respond to your high levels of confidence and control. People seek your approval because you know exactly what you are doing in life. You have a take it or leave it attitude as you are always so focused on taking care of your own wellbeing and success.

    Lacking acceptance is whenever you are not able to tolerate or understand the bad behavior of others. You are so caught up trying to control yourself and your life to a point where you try to change the mindsets and behavior of other people. Something that is and never will be possible for you to do. The more you try and control others, then the more negative you will find yourself becoming in the face of seeing them respond to you in the ways you had wished they would not.

    You cut people off whenever they make any kind of mistake or fall short of your high expectations. A reaction and limiting belief that only ends up hurting you more. The reason for this being that you need connection with other people in order to satisfy your emotional wellbeing. You need this whether you accept the ways other people think and feel in life or not. If you are constantly judging other people and cutting them out of your life for their mistakes, then you are going to find yourself ending up in some very lonely places. You are going to criticize and condemn people out of your life very quickly. The same people you need to satisfy your emotional needs for the sake of transforming your internal state from fear, doubt and anxiety to confidence,

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