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Goal Setting 101 Achieve More Goals Than Ever! Faster!
Goal Setting 101 Achieve More Goals Than Ever! Faster!
Goal Setting 101 Achieve More Goals Than Ever! Faster!
Ebook271 pages4 hours

Goal Setting 101 Achieve More Goals Than Ever! Faster!

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About this ebook

The Goal setting Mastery Book is a step by step practical guide on not only setting goals that line up with your purpose in life but also a step by step process of achieving these goals.

Who needs this goal setting Book?

This Book is designed for anyone who is looking to get unstuck in life and for anyone who wants to achieve their goals and needs a practical step by step guide on how to.  

Have you ever set goals but never seem to achieve them?

Do you ever get the feeling that you don't get time to work on your goals? Or you feel overwhelmed and caught up in the daily routine of life that never accommodates your goals? Ever wondered why successful people out there always seem to achieve whatever they put their mind to.

This Book is designed specifically to address all those concerns. It is a step by step practical guide that not only helps you identify what you want out of life, but teaches you a practical approach on how to do it through a comprehensive goal setting process.

Release dateNov 24, 2023
Goal Setting 101 Achieve More Goals Than Ever! Faster!

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    Goal Setting 101 Achieve More Goals Than Ever! Faster! - SHAKRUDDIN KHAN

    Let's Audit your Time

    So hello, friends, welcome to this chapter, chapter three of the schools, and in this chapter, we are going to discuss one more community, which is very important for us, for our life and for our goals to be achieved. And this thing is time. Most of the time people see that we should learn time management, we should have time management, we should do time management. But my question is, how can you manage something that is not in your control?

    No one time the 24 hours is seen for any person anywhere on this globe, on this earth. It was the same time for anybody who has done a thousand inventions, for anybody who has not done anything in life, for anybody who is still thinking about getting the things done, for anybody who is doing the things. However, in whatever pace they are going for everybody without any discretion, the time is 24 hours per hour. That is it. If that is not under control, what are you going to manage? How are you doing? And as the time passes by, as the time passes by, even in the last minute, you cannot reverse the last image that has passed. Can you reverse it? No. So what you have to manage.

    You cannot manage your time and time management is a concept that leads to a maximum amount of guilt and regret. This is why I see that when we are doing a purposeful goal, setting all purpose oriented goals, that we do not work on time management, we will work on priority management and how to prioritize certain things. Because you will be able to be productive in the present moment when you prioritize what is to be done in this woman. You cannot do anything about the past which is gone. You cannot do anything about the future until it comes. All you can do is manage the prison. Each moment, each day, each week, and how to prioritize this present moment is priority management and not time management. So the first question that comes is when everybody has the same amount of time. What is that? We're just not allowing you to achieve your goals. Why do you feel overwhelmed? Why do you feel or.

    Why do you feel that you don't have enough time? You feel this because you do not have priorities. So in this chapter with this chapter on me, I am attaching a resource sheet which you can download. And I want you to, in your journal, make a note on the questions that I have shared in Now, this is the first thing I did about actually where your time is, when the whole day passes by and you are not able to do anything you wish to do.

    Where is the time when you let us find out with this worksheet? Because after this vote, she will be able to see where the time is when s And in the next chapter, I'll discuss about the time period, right, so let's move to the next chapter to discuss the time, Gordon and then how do Delys time do the maximum to achieve? So let's move to the next chapter before the download. This should do it this election in the next chapter downloaded. Also do that work because this is going to make you realize there is a time going and how to solve it. Right. So do these two things and then we meet again then be taken by.

    The Time Quadrant

    So you can see on the screen, this is one quadrant that we know very well, the important and not important and Argentina's quadrant right there isn't the Heuer Matrix all the time. Matrix proposed by Steve Unkovic. So if it points out that 95 percent of the time you live in this quadrant, the Argenton demanding quadrant, 95 percent of things, we are just living in the emergency quadrant. These are the actions that need proactiveness, that need immediate action. These are the pursued emergencies, right, Richard, which we need to go like if you get the call that your friend is like with an accident, you need to go there.

    If you hear that somebody has been admitted to hospital, you need to be available over there. So this is the cottage where you need to hit. You need to go over there. Yes, definitely. And this is the demand, Gordon, this quadrant demands activity from you. So we are receiving this. Gordon For most of the time. The second, Gordon, is a delusion, the delusion. Gordon This is something we perceive as important, something we perceive urgent, doing things. And now even if they are not importing one simple example, each time their mobile uses a notification, you are lifting it up and you are applying it. Whether it is important or not, whether it is urgent or not, they just just, you know, feel so uneasy if they don't do that.

    Responding to that notification, responding to that email, making a to-do list daily, we will make things to do to be able to do this today and do this. Yes. Today I'm going to do the following. My rule is how much of a job you finish in a to do list, if that's. It depends on prioritizing the thing. Yes, and this becomes an obsession for you, you cannot avoid these things. The basic problem comes here. Yes, these things are not important, but you make them as urgent and you start responding to them every now and then. Then we are in the third quarter where we should belong. This quadrant is the goddess of fulfillment. Yes, there we have things which are not urgent, but important. This is the content where your dreams come true. This is the quadrant where.

    We have to work towards goal setting, towards Earth, towards the relationship, towards reading what is mentoring, thinking, starting the dream project, working towards what you want to achieve. But what we do, we normally delay this quadrant. If you help me, the list, you see how many things were important and not urgent in your list and how many of them have you actually done? Very. But as I have written here, you never get to go in this morning because you're always busy with other careers. I did, you are sitting and watching television, you are sitting and watching and win on appeal or whatever it is, either you are busy scrolling social media, looking at those stupid reads that are going on. Either of you are sitting and doing something right because we need to pass time.

    Why are you simply I don't know anything else. Maybe I should use it when you feel hungry. No, I'm feeling bored. So I thought that I should eat. You are getting it, who isn't who isn't the problem. You are in trouble. So you do all these activities. You are busy either as a consumer where you are sitting and ordering things on Amazon, whether they are required or not. Oh, yes, I saw that. That is a massager. That is very good. Let me order it. And then the massage chair was resting in the store room, Aurier Cabourg, for the last two years and it was used only for two days. You are very good. I am going to start my coaching business tomorrow. I am determined you order 26000 light.

    I saw two big chapters, Victor six, 6000 each. Then you order a big girl with a mobile and you order 50000, 60000 SLR cameras. Will you get that everything? And then you stand in front of a camera? Yes. Today I'm going to write my first chapter. This has happened to me, let me tell you. But I was very conservative in my approach and to Americans my approach. And you stand in front of a camera. But let me let me read a little bit more on it. Let me read a little bit more, OK? I think it's taking a lot of time. Maybe tomorrow? Tomorrow comes out yesterday. I'm going to record you and it may sound like it's not good. I should drink some hot water today, then tomorrow or the next day or yesterday. I want to go to the worst when we do somehow. I was playing with you and I know one person is relating to this very accurately and that person is sitting here and laughing. I know that person. If he stands on his mike, he will be laughing.

    Next day, you come on the air, everything is fine, but I don't know English, how can I speak in front of a camera? I wonder what men do? Why, why? You are just in delusion. You have so many things to be done that you don't need to do immediately. Creation, you need a creation. Recreate yourself with the things that are going to upgrade your skills. Learn new languages. Read books, listen to knowledgeable chapters, make notes from the chapters, see where you are giving your time, your recreation should also be the words that outcome. You know that you have an exam after six months, your daily routine that I will read, then you will start. What are you waiting for? Why do you need to fall in the better to know. Why can't you see it? The president prepares to jump across. Why are we waiting to to go at the point of awful wreckage, at the point of sabotage, at the point of suicide? Why are we waiting to go? Still uncomfortable. Let me see from tomorrow I do something, let me see. I think I can manage this later on also. That's okay. Life is not passing by. I'm not going to die tomorrow. Ask those people who died at the age of 33 Ratkovic.

    Ask those people who died in the hospital and in those hospitals where they had nothing to do. If they get shot, they might be having their dreams, they might be having so many things to do in their life, they might be waiting for someone to come and tell them what you are waiting for. You should focus on spending all your time and money on quadrennial fulfillment. You need recreation, spend time with your kids, spend time with their relations, work on your relations, give them quality time. Yesterday evening, also before the glass, I got a very good, funny subject for my kids and my wife. Today, I need you for my kid and my race in the morning. When my kid gets over from his class, I cook a very good breakfast for him and give it to him. That is my way of giving quality time to them. I never take any calls during my lunchtime. That one hour of lunchtime is completely with my wife and my kid.

    I don't, that is why I argue I start my B morning block even if I need it to watch. I scheduled it that morning by the clock. Five to ten. I work from 9:00 to 5:00. I don't do anything. I'm just with the family and working on my things. In The Evening I will go to a game night and then today I'm busy with my schedule. In between, I only give time to phone calls, telephone calls because I can resume using my Bluetooth where I can sit with my kid, I can work on my things, I can make notes from announcers or news. I can make time for myself. I can do time to develop my PowerPoint presentations. I can give you time to develop the chapters of my Books that I'm already making. I know the percentage of time you spend in each quadrant. I will be sharing this image with you. So if you are not writing it down, it's okay.

    This is just a summary of that particular chapter from the book. So an average of highly effective people. So stop keeping things in Quadrant one and to achieve your success, you have to spend a minimum 40 percent and maximum seven percent time and collecting. And now list the things that need to be done according to you and start doing them.

    Getting more time for yourselves

    So hello, friends, welcome to this chapter, and I hope you have gone to the previous two chapters and you have done the work. Please just stop right here if you're not yet done with the job, because this chapter is an absolute chapter where you are going to create more time for yourself. And I want you to do the previous two sheets before you start over here again. Let me tell you, this is not another goal setting goal. They are just going to fill the papers and the pages. Sorry, and not into that. I want you to do the job.

    I want you to bend these things down. I want you to take note of these things so that you start changing them right with me here along the Book with this, I can do the next chapter in time or property management and in management. What I will teach you in this chapter is, number one, the first and foremost thing is you have got the things absolutely taking almost 75 to 80 percent of the date of yours. That was the case when I did this for myself.

    And yes, I found at the time 80 percent of time in the emergency and important or emergency urgency quadrant, which is definitely not having any effect on my life. And then I gradually shifted myself from the urgency and urgency and important Gordon to important Gordon that is called number three fulfillment. And so I want you to come over here with me to see what we are going to do. Take out the worksheet for this chapter and fill it up because it does things which, you know, are not helping you. You know, they are not going to bless you. You know, they are not going to help you. Simply worrying about the problem or simply worrying about your future is also one of the things that is not going to help you. But you spend most of the time in either of one thing, either repenting about the past, about the worries of future, when the only time you can influence is now, today, this very moment, then that is no fun that you sit in the bed about your past, you regret and guilt about your past, or you keep on wishful thinking or worrying about the uncertainty of your future.

    How is the future suddenly created? The future suddenly is created. When you plan your today, when you plan your now whatever you're doing, the now is going to secure

    your future, not whatever you will be doing tomorrow, day after tomorrow or next week or next month, because time is passing by. Twenty four hours they're getting done right. So first things first in that list is the first question is what are those things which you know are. They are of no use. Still, you are giving time to them. Listed on those things in the worksheet or in your journal, the second question is, why do you give them to these things when you know they are not going to help you out? That has to be something that has to be secondary gain. Without a secondary gain, you will not spend even a second behind doing something that is not useful.

    Try to find out the second again, if not, I'll help you to find it out as you move beyond the schools. Right. The third question I have asked is whether to make it on incantation or make it on mantra or make your own affirmation that you repeat each time you are going to move that activity, which you should not do or which is not for you to repeat this again and again. And how we are going to do that is to write it down each time you are doing something that you listed in question number one. You have to just tell yourself that this is something of a waste of time, and I don't want to waste my time on this, I can utilize it somewhere else for a much more purposeful life. So the focus of your energies should come to removing those activities from your body, which are not going to give you results, which are not giving you results and moving your focus towards those activities that can give you fulfillment and not only to you, but to all the people that are related to you.

    And then I have a new activity of writing down an important thing and the amount of time they are taking in a week from you and then replacing them with important activities. And this leads you if you remove these activities, you are taking a substantial amount of time per week from you and you replace this time with those activities which take you towards your goal or towards their higher purpose, that will be much more fruitful. So the work schedule set at your desk must be used again and again. Right. Do the job and then join me again. But understand one simple thing. If it is going to be you are going to do it now, this very time you have to take action as the Book is going on. Do not read to you. Not with that. Some day, sometime I will be coming back to the Book and doing it again. And I'm thankful that you are here.

    If you are even here and thankful that you are, you are still deserving. Of course. Now do not quit because the next two chapters are very important in this whole. Of course I am going to redefine your identity. I'm going to redefine your beliefs and values. I'm going to redefine your whole structure of success. So stay with me. Continue to the next chapter. See in the next chapter.

    Time Prioritization


    So welcome, friends, with this, we come to the end of chapter three, that is time prioritization. I hope you have got a tool or a record of where you are wasting time and why you are wasting time over there and how you can actually find out the time you are wasting on things that are not important and you are diverting it to things that are important to remember that you have to work in the 14 quadrant, not insurgency, an important quadrant or the urgency quadrant. The Emergency quadrant will always be there in our life because we live in a society where we can get emergencies every now and then. But you should pre prepared with a schedule.

    Now I'm taking you to the goals, what goals we have. We have seen the future. We will have it a little bit and we are going to find out. We made a decision about what I have to do and now after this chapter, you have also come to a consensus that where I have to invest time and where I should not in my time with this, we come to an end, to this time birdcage injection. This action will be expanded. Then once we come to the action part of the kingdom, then I'm going to give you a full schedule or I'm going to give you the changing down schedule of how you can actually use the important hours of your day and a fixed time that you utilize in developing. One more thing I want to do with the audience. See, it's not that you cannot start a side hustle along with the A job or along with the team you are doing. You can always tell the side as well if you just put some amount of quality time towards it. So we will even discuss what type of quality time and how you should decide the quality line.

    Let me ask you one simple question. What are you earning at present in your job? If you're running, say, about 20000 rupees, 50000 rupees, one leg is equities, whatever you might be earning, you have to do a simple calculation to 24 days in a month for eight hours or 12 hours per day. You are paid what you are paid for when you decide to calculate. So divide whatever you are earning, divide first by 24 so that you get what you are earning and then divide it by the number of hours you are investing in your time. What amount is coming up for that amount? If you are giving it 100 percent, do your job or two years of whatever work you are doing. And with that you are earning this amount that you are earning right now. If you are, if you want to file for a month extra. So file activated by 24 comes up to twenty thousand eight hundred and thirty three rupees for twenty thousand eight hundred thirty three rupees for a day.

    And now if I divide this twenty thousand eight hundred thirty three further later, how many hours you have to go if you want to do for our embedded reporter, that means five thousand rupees per hour minimum, five thousand two hundred and eight. Let me sum up to five thousand rupees per hour. Just let me know what is the quality of the time you will spend for these extra four hours? Suppose you are running 50000 per month for 50000 per month. Let us divide it with 24 and let us further divide it with eight hours per day. This comes to 260 rupees, part of it in the job. Whatever you are doing, you're running 262 beats per hour. But if you have to generate a value of four to six hours, you are giving you a hundred percent. Do the job and even extend your timings if required on weekends also. And on other days also only for about two weeks, for an hour.

    So if I see that with the site as well, you can earn two to five thousand, but already failed to generate a value of two to 5000, but rather, what is the quality of work you need to do and that quality of work you have to bring up? So that is why it is very important that you start getting into the mindset of giving 100 percent to these two hours, three hours, four hours, whatever they are getting for the site. And if you are to make it your profession, supposing you are training yourself to become a coach or you are training to become a mentor or you are training, become a tutor online and you wish to earn phyla to be Superman, that means you need to generate a minimum two thousand rupees value per hour of your time that you are investing. If you are not investing worth it, then it is not worth doing so.

    All I want to say is prioritize the things and how we will do it. We will learn in the coming chapters how actually you are going to create or generate this much amount of valuable work in this little time. Believe me,

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