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The Physiology of Dolphins
The Physiology of Dolphins
The Physiology of Dolphins
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The Physiology of Dolphins

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The Physiology of Dolphins explains complex physiological problems of dolphins that are largely driven by technological developments of biologging tools. The book provides a collection of review chapters from leaders in the field of dolphin ecophysiology, making it essential for instructors, researchers and graduate students interested in the physiological and anatomical adaptations that make life possible for this charismatic marine mammal. Sections cover the complete physiology of the mammal and include information on the current threats for dolphins and whales from environmental pressures such as climate change, overfishing, pollution and our increasing human presence in the ocean.

This is an excellent reference providing easy to follow details of the latest available research methods and technologies that is expanding the field of physiology in marine mammals.

  • Describes complex physiological themes such as the neural control of the dive response and how compression affects gas exchange
  • Includes studies of the cardiorespiratory and sensory physiology of wild dolphins and other cetacean species
  • Incorporates diagrams, and other visual representations to best describe these complex systems and activities
Release dateNov 25, 2023
The Physiology of Dolphins

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    The Physiology of Dolphins - Andreas Fahlman

    Chapter 1 Studying dolphin physiology

    Sascha K. Hookera; Andreas Fahlmanb,c,d    a Sea Mammal Research Unit, Scottish Oceans Institute, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Scotland, United Kingdom

    b Fundación Oceanogràfic de la Comunitat Valenciana, Valencia, Spain

    c Kolmården Wildlife Park, Kolmården, Sweden

    d Global Diving Research SL., Valencia, Spain


    How do mammals manage to live underwater? To us their environment presents many challenges: it is often cold, conductive, viscous, murky, saline, high pressured, and most critically—devoid of air. Aquatic mammals therefore need various physiological adaptations to cope with these environmental conditions. This book examines the state of knowledge of dolphin and whale organs and organ system functions. Of these species, the bottlenose dolphin features prominently largely due to its cosmopolitan and nearshore distribution which has enabled long-term field studies around the world. However, much of our knowledge, particularly of their physiology, has required in-depth analyses that could only be achieved from hands-on research. Here, we present a brief overview of how data are acquired—from studies of beach-cast cadavers, studies of animals in managed care, field studies catching and releasing wild animals, to studies applying instrumentation to monitor behavior of animals.


    Bottlenose dolphin; Cetacean; Human care; Field studies; Biologging tags

    Dolphins are the iconic ambassadors of the oceans, with bodies, organs, and cells superbly adapted for their aquatic life. Humans have been fascinated by them for centuries, likely in part because of their similarities to us as fellow mammals but also because of their differences from us in terms of their ability to thrive in the marine environment where we cannot. The underwater world they inhabit can be cold, as water conducts heat 25 times as well as air; it is viscous, salty, and has no air to breathe. Excursions to depth can be dark and expose inhabitants to pressure many times that at the water's surface. This book explores the unique physiology that enables this marine existence. It is presented as a collection of past and current studies on different aspects of the ecophysiology of dolphins, together with insights from other marine mammal species.

    The bottlenose dolphin

    The bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops sp.) is the most familiar and probably the best-studied cetacean, and many physiological studies have focussed on this species. It is one of 78 species of odontocetes (toothed whales) and is a member of the family Delphinidae (the group of 38 oceanic dolphin species, Fig. 1). Originally classified as a single species, there are likely several species or subspecies of Tursiops, which show a variety of morphological and color variations. The genus is currently separated into three species: the common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), the Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus), and Tamanend's bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops erebennus), although until 1998 all were treated as the same species (T. truncatus). There have been suggestions of other species such as the Burrunan dolphin (T. australis), although taxonomic difference between this and T. truncatus is unclear (Jedensjo et al., 2020). Four subspecies of T. truncatus are currently recognized: the common bottlenose dolphin (T. truncatus truncatus), the Black Sea bottlenose dolphin (T. t. ponticus), Lahille's bottlenose dolphin (T. t. gephyreus), and the Eastern Tropical Pacific bottlenose dolphin (T. t. nuuanu) (Committee on Taxonomy, 2022—see Some also propose the subspecies Pacific bottlenose dolphin (T. t. gilli), although this has not been formally recognized yet. Coastal and offshore ecotypes have also been noted in several locations (Hoelzel et al., 1998). Indeed, the Tamanend's bottlenose dolphin was very recently proposed for the nearshore population of the Southwestern Atlantic, differentiating this from the offshore common bottlenose dolphin (Costa et al., 2021).

    Fig. 1

    Fig. 1 Cetaceans are separated into the baleen whales (Mysticeti) containing four families and the toothed whales (Odontoceti) containing nine families. The bottlenose dolphin is part of the family Delphinidae, the most speciose of the toothed whale families. We refer the interested reader to the Society of Marine Mammalogy list of species updates: as taxonomic changes are fairly often revised. Illustration by Uko Gorter.

    Bottlenose dolphins are one of the most cosmopolitan marine mammals, inhabiting warm and temperate seas worldwide. They are common in pelagic as well as coastal waters and are found in all but the polar oceans. They are often found nearshore, and this level of accessibility to humans is at least partially responsible for their dominance as research subjects.

    Some populations of this species show long-term residency and site fidelity and usually have specific population home ranges (Fruet et al., 2014; Louis et al., 2014; Wells and Scott, 2018). The resulting geographical populations often show a great deal of variation in terms of their average length, weight, coloration, diet, and behavior. Since the 1970s, studies of individually recognizable bottlenose dolphins have been instigated for populations around the world (e.g., Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Costa Rica, Croatia, Ecuador, Mexico, New Zealand, Portugal, Scotland, South Africa, and United States; Connor et al., 2000).

    Bottlenose dolphins (and some other dolphin species) have a long history of association with humans in coastal waters (Lockyer, 1990) and appear in folklore, myths, and legends wherever people have sailed the oceans. Solitary-sociable dolphins, individuals which live apart from their own species and socialize with humans, have been observed all over the world (Nunny and Simmonds, 2019). A high proportion of these instances have involved bottlenose dolphins. It is possible that their social structure consisting of a fission-fusion society with frequently changing group membership as groups split and rejoin, together with varying food availability and loss of habitat, lead to this solitary behavior. Association with humans is then thought to have become more pronounced, progressing through stages of increasing interaction (Nunny and Simmonds, 2019). In some places, this has led to mutualism, such as in Laguna, Brazil, where bottlenose dolphins cooperate with local fishermen by driving fish toward their nets and eating the fish that escape (Pryor et al., 1990; Daura-Jorge et al., 2012).

    Studies of stranded animals

    Investigation of the physiology that underpins form and function generally requires hands-on access to animals. Much physiological research has therefore benefited from opportunistic access to live or deceased beach-cast animals (Fig. 2). Post-mortem work can reveal information about morphology, disease, contaminant levels, reproductive patterns, diet, and more. Studies of live-stranded animals can be particularly informative, for example in detection of circulating bubbles in beach-cast dolphins (Dennison et al., 2012).

    Fig. 2

    Fig. 2 Studies of dolphin physiology have included beach-cast cadavers, animals in managed care, captures of wild dolphins, or use of recording devices (tags) placed on wild dolphins. (A) Beach-cast bottlenose dolphin ( T. truncatus ) stranded 20 Jan 2019, Oak Island, North Carolina. (B) Bottlenose dolphin ( T . truncatus ) in managed care positioning its blow hole for flow meter respiratory measurement. (C) Wild capture of bottlenose dolphins ( T. truncatus ) for health assessment in Sarasota, Florida. (D) Atlantic spotted dolphin ( Stenella frontalis ) carrying suction cup attached D-tag, dorsal fin attached satellite transmitting tag, and dorsal fin tip attached ID tag. (A) Photo taken under NOAA SER Stranding Agreement to the University of North Carolina Wilmington and UNCW IACUC #A1112–013; (B) Photo by Dolphin Quest Oahu; (C) Photo by the Sarasota Dolphin Research Program, taken under NMFS Scientific Research Permit No. 20455; (D) Photo taken 1 June 2022 by the Sarasota Dolphin Research Program, taken under NMFS Scientific Research Permit No. 20455.

    Many countries have long-term records and archived samples (e.g., bone, teeth, blubber) collected from dead stranded cetaceans. These can prove invaluable for comparative work. For example, anatomical analyses comparing body composition of long and deep divers to those of short and shallow diving species demonstrated less investment in metabolically expensive tissues and different muscle fiber types for long and deep divers (Pabst et al., 2016).

    Studies of animals under human care

    Many of the studies referred to in this book have also benefited (and continue to benefit) from the availability of animals housed in professional care. Bottlenose dolphins have been the most common cetacean species to be kept in aquaria (Defran and Pryor, 1980). They were first held in professional care in 1883 at the Brighton Aquarium in the United Kingdom and in 1914 at the New York Aquarium in the United States. The first commercial dolphinarium was opened in 1938 by Marine Studios in Florida, where it was discovered that dolphins could be trained. This effectively opened the window into these species’ lives:

    …Virtually nothing was known about the… behaviors of dolphins. Their underwater activities were effectively hidden from view, and since scientists had little comprehension of the behavioral attributes of these small toothed whales, there was neither incentive nor guidance for undertaking field studies… This situation changed rapidly when the first oceanarium, Marine Studios… opened in 1938. Here, for the first time, scientists, along with the public could observe bottlenose dolphins at close range and for extended periods from below as well as above the surface. Forrest G. Wood (1986:331).

    In 1963, the Flipper movie and subsequent television series increased public appetite to see dolphins held in managed care for entertainment. However, early proliferation of facilities was tempered by new legislation (e.g., Marine Mammal Protection Act in the United States) and increasingly critical views about animal welfare, with many facilities (particularly in the United Kingdom) closing in the early 1970s. In both the United States and Russia, dolphins were also held for military purposes. These were highly trained and used to find mines or find and mark enemy divers, although they are now being phased out and replaced by less costly robotic mine hunters. Improvements in welfare, veterinary and husbandry care (high-quality food, exercise, and behavioral enrichment), and improved infrastructure of remaining facilities have led to decreased stress levels and increased lifespan, with birth and survivorship rates which can equal or exceed those of wild animals (Demaster and Drevenak, 1988; Ruiz et al., 2009; Brando, 2010; Jaakkola and Willis, 2019).

    The keeping of dolphins in professional care has been vital for studies of physiology. Much of the basic information on the dolphin sensory system, the immune system, reproductive physiology, muscles and movements, and diving physiology has been collected from animals in managed care facilities. The ability to perform controlled experiments on animals that are trained and given a choice to participate in research studies is key to the study of normal physiology. These facilities allow examination of animal response to conservation and welfare issues such as reaction to noise, impact of contaminants, or the hydrodynamic impact of entanglement (e.g., Reddy et al., 1998; Branstetter et al., 2018; van der Hoop et al., 2018). They also allow development, testing, and validation of equipment before its use with wild animals, vastly reducing the trial phase and minimizing the risks to wild dolphins during field research. Advances that have come from research in marine mammal facilities could not have been achieved from wild studies and are likely crucial components for conserving these species in the wild. As will be seen throughout this book, a comprehensive understanding of these animals benefits from both in-situ and ex-situ studies.

    Field studies of wild animals

    Early field reports of wild dolphins were limited to descriptions of groups (e.g., Norris and Prescott, 1961), sightings of a single identifiable dolphin (e.g., Caldwell, 1955), or reports of unusual behaviors (e.g., Hubbs, 1953). Beginning in the 1970s, longitudinal studies of individual dolphins have been greatly facilitated by the development of photo-identification techniques allowing resightings of individual animals identified by scars and dorsal fin profile (Wursig and Wursig, 1977; Wells et al., 1980). For the most part, these studies have provided insights into the behavior and social structure of dolphin populations (e.g., Connor et al., 2000), and these have not been the primary source of data on dolphin physiology.

    However, incorporating physiological measurements alongside these long-term longitudinal studies can prove extremely valuable—allowing the compilation of physiological data and life-history structures. One particular study, the Sarasota Dolphin Research Program (Chapter 14: Human impacts on dolphins: Physiological effects and conservation) engages in periodic catch-and-release efforts for health assessment and so has provided much information on health, survival, and reproductive rate changes over more than 50 years (Wells, 2020). This has not only improved understanding of how human impacts have affected the health and welfare of this wild population but also provided a vital control group to assess the impact of the Deep Water Horizon oil spill disaster (Schwacke et al., 2014; Venn-Watson et al., 2015; Smith et al., 2017).

    Animal-attached instrumentation

    In recent years, technological development of animal-attached instrumentation (Hooker et al., 2007; Wilmers et al., 2015; Fahlman et al., 2021) has begun to allow data collection from wild free-swimming animals, with tags deployed either remotely (by pole or crossbow) or attached by hand during temporary capture and restraint. Interpretation and development of tags is often assisted via calibration and validation studies using animals held in professional care.

    One of the earliest attempts to attach an instrument to a whale was made by Scholander (1940) who attached a capillary manometer to a fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) via harpoon, thus recording maximal dive depth before capture. Electronic time-depth recorders were then introduced but were initially used to study diving behavior of seals (Kooyman, 1965). Early studies applying these tags to dolphins mounted tags on molded saddles, or bolted tags to animal's fins (Norris et al., 1974), with trials on dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) in Peninsula Valdes, Argentina, and bottlenose dolphins in Sarasota, United States. Radio tags provided insights into daily movements, showing that Sarasota bottlenose dolphin movements were approximately 2–5 km/h within a 40-km long home range (Irvine et al., 1981). Satellite-linked tag data from a dolphin in Tampa Bay, United States, showed movements of at least 23 km per day (Mate et al., 1995), while satellite-linked tags attached by harness to 14 bottlenose dolphins in Japan showed extensive movements at speeds of 30–40 m/min (Tanaka, 1987).

    Attempts were made to record time-series of diving behavior using pole-deployed suction cup attached time-depth dataloggers. However, although successful with other dolphin species, bottlenose dolphins in New Zealand showed adverse reactions, with high-speed movements and breaching to dislodge the tags (Schneider et al., 1998). Diving studies from bottlenose dolphins have therefore come primarily from satellite-linked dive recorders, with consequent restrictions on data resolution (Klatsky et al., 2007; Fahlman et al., 2023).

    High-resolution multi-sensor tags are now available which can provide data on depth, acceleration, orientation, and received sounds (Johnson and Tyack, 2003). Recent work using these tags is allowing great insights into odontocete sensory ecology (e.g., Vance et al., 2021). These suction-cup attached tags have been placed by hand on bottlenose dolphins in Sarasota Bay, and used to investigate links between animal vocalizations and agonistic movements (Casoli et al., 2022).

    Animal-attached instrumentation used with trained animals in professional care allows the design of experimental tasks to probe specific research questions that examine aspects of behavior, physiology, welfare, and cognition. For instance, multi-sensor tags have been used with bottlenose dolphins in managed care to provide quantitative information on their welfare, examining different enrichment types and management schedules and the effect on subsequent behavior and activity level (Lauderdale et al., 2021a, 2021b). Thus, these new research tools provide information that can improve health and welfare of animals in professional care in addition to improving understanding of the physiology of wild populations (Fahlman et al., 2021).

    Anatomy and physiology

    It may be obvious to most that an animal's anatomy limits its physiological function. The bottlenose dolphin and other cetaceans possess a number of relatively unique anatomical structures (Fig. 3). There are several examples. During diving, their hinged ribs allow compression of the lung, the transitional epithelia of their airways may help to prevent tracheal collapse and trauma from the pressure at depth, while their dorsal and ventral arterial and venous retes may help dampen blood pressure or prevent gas emboli from reaching the brain. As they surface, their stiff airway allows the highest known respiratory flow measured in the animal kingdom. To cope with the cold, their arterial and venous countercurrent systems in the dorsal fin and tail fluke provide thermal windows for heat exchange, and to cope with the dark, their sensory system allows dolphins to see at depth using echolocation. Thus, to better understand the physiology of the dolphin, it is also important to understand their anatomy. Several chapters in this book refer to anatomy in discussing physiology but we also take this opportunity to refer the interested reader to several excellent articles (Cozzi et al., 2005; Cotten et al., 2008; Cozzi et al., 2009; Costidis and Rommel, 2012; Mallette et al., 2016), books (Cozzi et al., 2017; Huggenberger et al., 2019), and book chapters (Pabst et al., 1999; Rommel et al., 2018) specifically on anatomy and function in cetaceans.

    Fig. 3

    Fig. 3 Generalized anatomy of the dolphin, showing several features related to their unique physiology, for example, their circulatory system (red) including the thoracic arterial plexus (or rete) and countercurrent heat exchange systems in fluke and dorsal fin, and their respiratory system (blue) including their blowhole, air sacs above the bony naris, and their lungs beneath hinged ribs (facilitating lung collapse). Illustration by Uko Gorter.

    This book

    The bottlenose dolphin has been, and continues to be, a model species to study cetacean physiology, providing crucial information to inform conservation actions for this and other more endangered cetaceans. A review of the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species shows how critical the current situation is for many dolphins and whales. Given that it is unlikely that we will reverse climate change anytime soon, halt ocean transport activities or control the impacts of pollution, understanding how the cetacean body functions is the essential first step to understanding and mitigating the multitude of stressors they currently face.

    This book is structured as a collection of review chapters from researchers in the field of dolphin ecophysiology. Each chapter is targeted toward a specific physiological system and describes the physiological and anatomical adaptations for this system.

    It begins with three chapters relating to energy expenditure. Chapter 2 looks at the energetic costs of rest and locomotion. The energetic costs of dolphins range from their resting metabolic rate, helping to maintain a stable temperature in water, up to sevenfold higher during swimming and diving depending on their speed, hydrodynamics, gliding and stroking mechanics. Chapter 3 looks at thermoregulation, examining the metabolic cost of living in the ocean and the importance of morphological, physiological, and behavioral adaptations to maintain thermal balance. Chapter 4 on muscles and movement considers how the cetacean body design enables maximization of thrust, minimization of drag, yet allows maneuverability required for feeding on small elusive prey.

    Chapter 5 on cardiovascular physiology covers the heart and circulatory systems, describing some of the unusual anatomical features found in cetaceans and looking at how the heart responds to demands from diving and exercise. Chapter 6 on respiratory physiology looks at the adaptations found in the lungs, how gas exchange is organized for breath-holds and brief surface ventilation, and the effect of pressure on gas uptake. Chapter 7 on diving physiology, compares dolphin and human diving abilities, looking at the dive response, hypoxia, and the effect of pressure on blood gases. Chapter 8 on genetic and molecular adaptations explores how gene gain/loss, mutations, and alterations in regulatory networks underpin physiological adaptations allowing extreme tolerance of breath-hold and low oxygen levels.

    Chapter 9 is dedicated to neurophysiology, examining the large brains of dolphins, noted for their unusual shape and convoluted cortex. This examines what we know about the central nervous system from cell type and brain structure to control of movement and sensory perception. Chapter 10 on sensory physiology further examines vision, hearing and touch, electroreception, and smell and taste.

    Chapter 11 on the kidneys and osmoregulation takes a look at the multi-lobed kidneys of dolphins which help to cope with living in salt water and maintenance of electrolyte balance. Chapter 12 on reproductive physiology looks at sexual maturation, reproductive cycles, gestation, and lactation, including assisted reproductive and contraceptive technologies. Chapter 13 on immunology looks at blood health, hormones, and the immune response, and how these relate to stress, diving, and response to toxicants.

    Finally, Chapter 14 on human impacts and dolphin conservation looks at the 50-year study of bottlenose dolphins in Sarasota, Florida. It examines how anthropogenic disturbance, such as entanglement in fishing gear, boat strikes and disturbance, pollution, and climate disruption may affect the health, survival, and reproductive success of dolphins.


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    Chapter 2 Energetic costs of rest and locomotion in dolphins

    Terrie M. Williamsa; Randall W. Davisb    a Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California—Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United States

    b Department of Marine Biology, Texas A&M University, Galveston, TX, United States


    Cetaceans, like other mammals, maintain energy balance for growth and reproduction through the regulation of metabolic processes. Energy obtained from the catabolism of food supports these processes, which in dolphins and whales can range sevenfold from rest to maximum exertion. In this chapter, we focus on the energetic costs of dolphins, discussing their metabolic versatility. On the low end of their metabolic range, dolphins maintain an elevated resting metabolic rate (RMR) characteristic of most marine mammals. At the opposite end are the high metabolic costs of swimming and diving that are dictated by speed, hydrodynamics, gliding, and stroking mechanics. Here, we provide allometric comparisons for RMR, swimming metabolism, cost of transport, and field metabolic rate (FMR) for cetaceans ranging in size from 30 kg harbor porpoises to 5000 kg killer whales. Importantly, these mass-specific relationships for dolphins and whales can be used to estimate the potential effects of environmental change and anthropogenic disturbances on energetics, performance, and ultimately the fitness of individuals and populations.


    Resting metabolic rate; Energetics; Cost of transport; Field metabolic rate; Metabolism; Respirometry; Stroking costs


    Like all animals, dolphins and whales require energy for physiological functions, activity, and reproduction. Usable energy comes from underlying cellular processes and occurs in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), an organic molecule produced primarily from the aerobic catabolism of dietary lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates. The amount of ATP produced depends on metabolic demand, which ranges from resting requirements essential for supporting basic physiological functions to maximum levels associated with high-performance locomotion. This range in metabolic capacity differs between marine and terrestrial mammals as a consequence of the physical characteristics of the environments in which they live (Williams, 2022).

    To accommodate the energetic demands of marine living while enhancing locomotory performance and efficiency, Cetacea rely on a suite of morphologic, physiologic, and behavioral adaptations. This begins with adaptive thermogenesis resulting in an elevated resting metabolism for maintaining a stable core body temperature in water. Dolphins and whales are endothermic and homeothermic, which means that they maintain an elevated and constant core body temperature (∼37°C) through regulated heat production and physiological thermoregulation (see Chapter 3: Thermoregulation). Superimposed on this energetic baseline are the metabolic costs of activity. Despite energetic challenges caused by elevated hydrodynamic drag when swimming, especially at high speeds, Cetacea can move efficiently through water. This cost-efficient use of energy relies on behavioral and morphological adaptations, which include the integration of different swimming gaits, specialized morphologies for enhanced body streamlining, and buoyancy control. Together, these benchmarks of metabolism from rest to cost-efficient activity provide the basic energetic metrics needed to estimate the total energetic cost of daily living, referred to as the field metabolic rate (FMR), which is vital for understanding the resource needs and survival of different cetacean species.

    Resting metabolic rate: An energetic baseline for aquatic living

    The resting metabolic rate (RMR) of an animal is the energy expended for (1) cellular metabolism and replacement, (2) physiological processes (e.g., respiration, blood circulation, hepatic function, osmoregulation), and (3) nervous system function. Adult mammals are in a resting metabolic state when they are sedentary, post-absorptive, thermally neutral, and not reproductively active (in estrous, pregnant, or lactating). For terrestrial mammals, this is often termed the basal metabolic rate (BMR; Kleiber, 1975). Although the measurement conditions are similar for marine mammals, there is an additional consideration as resting can occur when the animal is on the water's surface breathing or submerged and breath-holding. To allow for comparative analyses with terrestrial mammals, we define RMR as the level of metabolism measured when the marine mammal is sedentary and quietly breathing on the water's surface. This definition avoids complications resulting from localized metabolic adjustments associated with reduced heart rate (i.e., bradycardia) and altered perfusion of the liver and kidneys during prolonged apnea (breath-holding) when submerged.

    The standard method for determining the RMR of dolphins and other small Cetacea is by measuring the rate of oxygen consumption ( Equation O2; mL O2 min−1 kg−1) (Fig. 1). This method requires trained animals to rest quietly on the water's surface while breathing inside a metabolic dome. Air is pumped through the dome at a known rate, and the exhaust air is analyzed for oxygen content. The decreased concentration of oxygen is then used to calculate the amount of oxygen removed from the ambient air entering the dome and to estimate the cetacean's Equation O2. The lowest, stable value for Equation O2 is the RMR (i.e., Equation O2rest), which can then be used for comparison with other marine mammals as well as the BMR of terrestrial mammals (Fig. 2; see Williams et al., 1993, 2017b for details and calibration methods). An alternative technique uses breath-by-breath spirometry with a pneumotachometer placed over the blowhole of Cetacea (Fahlman et al., 2018; van der Hoop et al., 2018; Allen et al., 2022). Both methods have been used to estimate RMR as well as the swimming and diving metabolic rates of dolphins in zoological facilities. For active metabolic rates, the animals are trained to swim submerged before returning to the metabolic dome or pneumotach station. The post-performance V̇O2 initially exceeds the normal resting level but gradually returns to RMR during recovery. The additional oxygen consumed during recovery replenishes oxygen stores in the blood and muscles that were used during the previous submerged swim. The quotient of the additional oxygen consumed and the duration of submergence provides an estimate of the average metabolic rate for the dive. Both open-flow respirometry and breath-by-breath spirometry are considered indirect measurements of metabolism, as they are based on the calculated energy of oxygen consumption resulting in the production of ATP and heat.

    Fig. 1

    Fig. 1 Methods for measuring resting and active oxygen consumption in dolphins and whales. (A) Experimental design to simultaneously record stroking mechanics, force production, and oxygen consumption using open-flow respirometry with a trained bottlenose dolphin. The exercising dolphins push against a load cell as expired air is collected in a metabolic hood mounted overhead. Stroking movements can be recorded with submersible cameras (shown) or by the animal wearing an accelerometer tag. A load cell mounted on the wall monitors the force production of each stroke. (B) Results for oxygen consumption as a function of force production. The vertical dashed line indicates the preferred stroking forces of adult dolphins. (C) Images of a bottlenose dolphin (upper) and beluga whale (middle) breathing in a metabolic dome for open-flow respirometry tests, and a rough-toothed dolphin breathing into a pneumotachometer for breath-by-breath analyses (lower). Redrawn from Williams et al. (2017b).

    Fig. 2

    Fig. 2 Basal and resting metabolic rates of mammals as a function of body mass. (A) 538 species of eutherian terrestrial mammals (circles and red line described by Eq. 1) are compared to 15 species of marine mammals (triangles and blue line). (B) Comparison of BMR for 48 species of terrestrial carnivorans (Family Carnivora, predicted solid line as described by Eq. 2) and RMR measured for 15 species of marine mammals (circles, dashed line as described by RMR = 26.9Mass⁰.⁶⁹ where RMR is in kJ h − 1 and body mass is in kg). Measured RMR for representative marine mammals graphed here in order of smallest to largest: sea otter (Enhydra lutris, 18 kg), harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena, 28 kg), California sea lion (Zalophus californianus, 73 kg), bottlenose dolphin (T. truncatus, 149 kg), polar bear (Ursus maritimus, 235 kg), Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii, 389 kg), beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas, 758 kg), and killer whale (Orcinus orca, 1800 kg). Estimates for the largest marine mammals, the baleen whales (B.a., minke whale; B.p., fin whale; B.m., blue whale), from Lockyer (1981) are provided for comparison and not included in the regression statistics. Data adapted from Fedak and Anderson (1982), Irvine (1983), McNab (2008), Reed et al. (2000), Williams et al. (2001). Reprinted and adapted with permission from Davis (2019) and Williams and Davis (2021). The conversion factor for energetics is 1 kJ h−1 = 5.74 kcal day−1.

    The process of producing energy in the form of ATP from the catabolism of fuels also releases heat (Fig. 3). Here, oxygen consumption serves as a proxy for direct measurements of heat production (i.e., direct calorimetry). The latter would require monitoring core body temperature and measuring whole-body thermal conductance, a technique rarely used with large animals and impossible for marine mammals in water. The overall thermodynamic efficiency of ATP synthesis during oxidative metabolism in the mitochondria is ∼40% for mammals, with the remainder of the energy producing heat. Such internal heat production (endothermy) warms the animal's body, a distinct advantage for marine species living in water with its high thermal conductivity compared with air.

    Fig. 3

    Fig. 3 Mitochondrial metabolic processes in marine mammals. (A) Pathway for ATP and heat production in mitochondria. Heat results from the oxidation of fuels (i.e., lipid, protein, carbohydrate) with the ensuing production of ATP, carbon dioxide, and water. (B) Respiratory flux (leak) as a function of body mass in the skeletal muscles of terrestrial mammals ranging from mice to quarter horses (black circles) compared to sea otters and elephant seals (cyan circles), which are 2.3- and 2.0-fold higher than the allometric prediction, respectively. Red arrows indicate the proportional difference between measured values for marine mammals and predicted values for terrestrial mammals (black line). Reprinted and adapted from Williams (2022) with data from Wright et al. (2021).

    As endotherms, marine mammals augment resting metabolism with regulated heat production through exothermic futile cycles within the cell. This occurs through the dissipation of the proton-motive force generated across the inner mitochondrial membrane to produce heat rather than support the synthesis of ATP (Wright et al., 2021; Fig. 3). As a result of this process, the overall RMR of Cetacea and other mammals is four- to eightfold greater than in ectotherms such as reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Consequently, mammals can maintain a much higher and stable core body temperature within their thermal neutral zone (the range of ambient temperatures over which resting metabolism is in balance with heat loss). Such regulated heat production is especially important for maintaining a stable core body temperature (homeothermy) for marine mammals, which spend all or much of their lives in water (see below and Chapter 3).

    Predicting resting metabolic rate of dolphins and other mammals

    Many factors (e.g., body mass and composition, taxonomy, habitat, diet, climate, circadian rhythm, reproductive status, age, sex, and season) may influence the BMR of terrestrial mammals and the RMR of dolphins and other marine mammals. One of the most important influencing factors is body mass. Both BMR and RMR (Y) scale allometrically with mass (M) in the general form Y = a Mb where a is the proportionality constant and b is the mass exponent. An analysis of 538 species of eutherian mammals (excluding marine mammals) over a size range of 10⁵ g gives the generalized equation

    Equation    (1)

    as illustrated in (Table 1; Fig. 2A with data from McNab, 2008).

    When compared to this broad group, the mean RMR of marine mammals including sea otters (Enhydra lutris), Pinnipedia, polar bears (Ursus maritimus), and Cetacea is 2.3-fold greater than the predicted BMR for terrestrial species (Davis, 2019). A further analysis of 48 species of mammals in the taxonomic order of Carnivora (excluding marine mammals) over a size range of 10⁵ g gives the following generalized equation (from Tables 1 and 2; Fig. 2B with data McNab, 2008).

    Equation    (2)

    Table 1

    Data for eutherian terrestrial mammals from McNab (2008). Data sources for marine mammal from: (1) Costa and Kooyman (1984), (2) Reed et al. (2000), (3) Ochoa-Acuña et al. (2009), (4) Davis et al. (1985), (5) Liao (1990), (6) Williams et al. (2011), (7) Dassis et al. (2012), (8) Rosen and Trites (2002), (9) Williams et al. (2001), (10) Ochoa-Acuña et al. (2009), (11) Fedak and Anderson (1982), (12) Pagano et al. (2018a), (13) Williams et al. (2001), (14) Williams et al. (2017b), and (15) Irvine (1983). Reprinted and adapted with permission from Davis (2019).

    where mass is in grams. Here the mean RMR of marine mammals is 2.0-fold greater than the predicted BMR of terrestrial carnivorans (Table 2; Fig. 2B; data from McNab, 2008).

    Table 2

    Data for terrestrial carnivores from McNab (2008). Data sources for marine mammals from (1) Costa and Kooyman (1984), (2) Reed et al. (2000), (3) Ochoa-Acuña et al. (2009), (4) Davis et al. (1985), (5) Liao (1990), (6) Williams et al. (2011), (7) Dassis et al. (2012), (8) Rosen and Trites (2002), (9) Williams et al. (2001), (10) Ochoa-Acuña et al. (2009), (11) Fedak and Anderson (1982), (12) Pagano et al. (2018a), (13) Williams et al. (2001), (14) Williams et al. (2017b), and (15) Irvine

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