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Chinese Mambo: Secondhand Warriors, #2
Chinese Mambo: Secondhand Warriors, #2
Chinese Mambo: Secondhand Warriors, #2
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Chinese Mambo: Secondhand Warriors, #2

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America's shadow warriors are fighting without their leader.


Imprisoned in a covert facility, Captain Grmela, with a death sentence looming and new life stirring within her, is the target of the Federal Law Enforcement Agency's ruthless ambition. They are desperate to uncover the identities of Command's warriors who dare to challenge the political hierarchy. A conspiracy among the nation's most powerful threatens to establish a new order.


If the FLEA's power goes unchecked, they will tighten their grip on America's liberties. The Gestapo, too, started small. The influx of Fentanyl from China is already undermining North America's resolve.


In the absence of their leader, Mack, Bernice, and the Secondhand Warriors rise to the challenge, defending their homeland against threats both foreign and domestic. But can they prevent their own souls from succumbing to the darkness in this relentless war?


Embark on an adrenaline-fueled journey as they sweep through exotic playgrounds in their mission to eradicate threats to America.


One man's criminal is another's hero.


Warning to the mild-mannered; F-words and some steamy scenes.


PublisherJoe Greer
Release dateNov 15, 2023
Chinese Mambo: Secondhand Warriors, #2

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    Chinese Mambo - Joe Greer



    Book Two

    Secondhand Warriors

    Joe Greer

    Copyright © 2023 by the author

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author's vivid imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without permission in longhand writing from the author.

    Published by Distributed Sensing Solutions

    First edition: OCT 2023

    Cover Design by: / John Bell Art

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite eBook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    More from Joe Greer

    Portals of Yahweh series

    Roswell Boneyard

    Ghosts of Atlantis

    Muturi Deception

    Warriors and Spies

    Wheel of Giants

    The Phaux

    Deusdia, In the Portals of Yahweh Universe

    Deusdia, Cats, and Raiders

    Deusdia, DeeDee Finds a Cat

    Multiverse Bomb Squad series

    Blake Spiral

    Dearth in Norway

    Secondhand Warriors

    Hey, Mack


    Many Moons Ago

    Flea Bitten

    Powers That Be

    Running toward the finish

    Sauce for the Goose


    Midnight Rider

    Gov’t Assassins

    Buncha Degenerates

    Old Wounds


    Mambo Mambo

    Spray Painting the Fog

    Rats and Raiders

    Pink Mist

    Scatter Shot

    Death Stands At The Door

    Area of Operations, Cuba

    Many Moons Ago

    There was a loud knock on the door. Normally, knocks were muted on the solid wood door, something out of place for this line of doors in a converted motel just off Overtown in Miami. Another loud knock stirred Vic from his paralyzed stare.

    Victor Weyland, I need to talk to you, a male voice shouted almost in desperation.

    Vic picked up the 45 caliber 1911 model that had him mesmerized. He flipped up the floor door stop and yanked the door. The stop caught it after a hand’s breath. A one-eyed man appeared in the gap. Who are you and whaddaya want? he demanded.

    Name’s Sam and I have a mission for you.

    Not interested in contracting anymore, Sam, Vic said then thought, ‘Fucking mercenaries can do their own murders.’

    The mission is better than permanently canceling future appointments, Sam declared. Besides we are a different kind of outfit. Can I come in? This is a rough neighborhood.

    Vic gave a weak laugh and dropped the latch. I don’t think you are worried about the hood. Come in, he gestured with the pistol. How did you know about my, uhm, appointment?

    Sam pointed toward the TV, There is a camera in newer TVs, and most are connected to the internet. He noticed the U-shaped pile of sandbags. Not a bad neighborhood?

    The fighting position is for people like you. I am aware the MAN spies on everyone but why would the MAN care about me? He pushed me out when I became erratic.

    Different MAN with the same basic mission. Why don’t you want to work as a contractor anymore?

    I don’t sell my soul for money. For those so-called security companies, there is no such thing as an atrocity. They only think of the money.

    Outstanding! We can help you get yourself back in a good place and give you missions that make a difference... Will you go with me right now or do you want to stay and cancel the rest of the show?

    What kind of missions?

    Some are intentionally violent and some not. Mainly, we promote America’s interest outside the States.

    Vic nodded feeling animated for the first time since turning Civi. Black Ops without the black heart?

    More or less. That’s not to say bad shit doesn’t happen, just not intentionally. And it’s much easier to say ‘no’ without permanent blowback.

    I’ll think about it, Vic decided not to decide right away.

    Good enough. I’ll knock on your door again tomorrow. If you don’t answer, I’ll just leave. If you decide to come, bring whatever keepsake or personal weapon you want to keep at hand. A crew will come by and put your things in storage. Leave all ID and electronics behind.

    That’s kind of inverted... Best you go now.

    The next morning Sam didn’t knock so hard. Didn’t want to wake the dead if that was the case. Vic opened up with a duffle bag on his shoulder, Figured it was worth one more try.

    They drove a short way down West 36th Street to the backside of MIA. A gate guard at Miami Overseas Maintenance Service waved them through.

    No security? Vic chuckled as he heaved a bag full of arms into the cargo hatch of a business jet.

    We have arrangements all over the States. At hostile airports, we use specially modified planes with smuggler’s compartments. Usually, we abandon the guns at the scene of the crime.

    Definitely not a fly by night outfit.

    We don’t throw money away even though we self-finance through crime.

    Rob drug dealers and such?

    Exactly, and sometimes bigger things.

    Going through into the cabin raised Vic’s eyebrows, Air Ambulance?

    Shit happens as you well know. This is a Pilatus PC-24 and can land on gravel roads. We take care of our own.

    I’m feeling better already. Where we headed now?

    New Mexico base.

    Five hours later the Plains gave way to the tail end of the Guadalupe Mountains, and then the Rio Grande Valley. The descent into the Gila Wilderness with its rugged slopes was a bit unnerving. Especially since the runway was a widened forestry road.

    Vic’s spirits soared as he stepped through the hatch, Oh man, that smells good. Why the hell was I camped in that Miami shithole?

    Because that was where your head was at, Sam replied behind him. This is a magical place for sure.

    As they walked toward the tree line, ten soldiers sauntered to the plane being refueled. They were kitted up for jungle warfare. Hey, Deuce, jungle creep? Sam shouted.

    Yeah, Darien Gap. Stopping some cartel militia working as coyotes.

    Good hunting, Sam replied as they went out of earshot.

    Personnel ATVs were just under the tree canopy. They took the first one in line and followed a winding road through the Ponderosa pines.

    Hidden from the air, Vic commented.

    Not from infrared. Most of the facilities are in an abandoned mine. The tents are because most of us prefer the open air during free time.

    Can hikers find this place?

    Not really. The Forest Service Rangers are on board with us and turn back any hardcore backpackers. Air Traffic Control marks the flights as coming out of Silver City. On the other side of the Rio Grande, the Mescalero Apache let us do winter training on their Res.

    Damn, does this outfit have a name?

    Nope... But most of the units that work together usually come up with their own, Sam laughed. The central control is simply known as Command.

    They rolled into an area with outbuildings of a mine support compound. Most were derelict, some used the tin roof to shelter eating areas and an open air bar. They parked under one.

    Sam leaned on the steering wheel, Leave your gear. I’ll store it in your arms locker. Go over to the draw works where your next guide will meet you.

    Will I see you later?

    After induction and a mini boot camp. Your first mission will be with me.

    Vic’s emotions almost overcame him, Thanks brother, you saved my life from something stupid.

    Oh, we’ll do plenty of stupid shit in the near future. And then go have fun after. Stay frosty.

    A white boat with an objectDescription automatically generated

    SHE HAD JUST PUNCHED her wife who lay bleeding on the floor. An uncontrollable rage surged up. Damn you to hell. You stay out of that club. I’m taking care of you now. Her wife smiled up through bloody lips, No. Linda kicked her. She said No over and over as she was slowly being kicked to death.

    Linda woke in a cold sweat. Fuuuuck!! cursing her recurring nightmare. She had that fight two years ago. Her ex-wife had filed charges which were later dropped. Linda’s rage remained, submersed while awake but waiting in the shadows for her to sleep. Drinking didn’t help. A cold shower in the middle of the night was her only means of getting back to sleep. A cold shower in the middle of the night really sucked.

    Linda showed up on the work site with dark circles under her eyes. The fact all the charges would be rigged today by tying in Prima cord had added to the stress triggering her nightmare. This was dipshit Barry’s project, and she would have to be diplomatic pointing out his grossest errors. The safety meeting was the same worthless yadda, yadda, until the end.

    Linda, you, Tonka, and Belcher stow the extra charges. Take an inventory so we can transport it as soon as the building goes down, Barry declared.

    She looked at him, while many of the others looked away, Sure you don’t want me to make a last walk through with you. Second set of eyes is always good.

    I need the paperwork done. Timbo will be my second set of eyes, Barry stared back.

    She nodded thinking, ‘Timbo is an idiot and so are you.’ The other blasters looked very uncomfortable. If Barry failed today, the company would fail.

    The last warning siren was wailing when the charges started going off like popcorn. Linda and her crew were watching from on top of the explosive’s magazine. The popping stopped too soon. Parts of the building came down. A third was partially wrecked and a third remained standing.

    Oh shit, Tonka expressed eloquently. Belcher did what he always did, swallow some air and let out a big belch.

    Well put guys, Linda said as much to herself. I’m going home.

    The owner of the company raced up in his Escalade as they were coming down the ladder. Jumping out, he shouted at Linda, What did you do?

    I did exactly as my supervisor told me. Barry is a dipshit even if he’s your son.

    The man’s face turned red, Get in there and tie up the rest of those charges!

    Send in Barry and let Darwin have a go at him. I’m not going into an unstable structure after someone else screwed up.

    You’re FIRED!

    And you are broke. Guess that makes us even. Good luck at the soup kitchens, Linda’s snarky replies put her in a great mood. She pulled out her phone thinking, ‘15:00, time to get cleaned up and check out that new bar. Supposed to be full of ugly pussy with tight bodies and No. Work. Tomorrow.’  She walked away whistling.

    The next morning had its own nightmare. Linda saw a fat middle-aged woman with a shaved tail haircut in bed. Her brain groaned like it had a dynamite headache, ‘I hate butch. What the hell was I thinking.’ She groaned out loud sitting up. The actual hangover announced its presence.

    The woman’s eyes popped open, a little panicky, Hey, last night was great. I got to get home. My husband will be getting off shift any time. She frantically put on enough of her clothes to get out the door as Linda watched with sore eyes.

    Linda’s head still hurt but amusement helped, ‘Husband? Poor son of a bitch.’ Coffee, coffee, coffee, she said out loud, motivating her way to the kitchen.

    The first month of unemployment is great. Then reality sets in along with desperation, frustration, and depression. Seeking happy pills at the VA Hospital changed her life in the form of Nurse Beverly and the sort of people she had always been happiest around. They also had lots of opportunities to blow shit up.

    Flea Bitten

    Herman jimmied the back door of the sporting goods store. ‘Thank God the alarm isn’t so loud on this one,’ he thought getting on his mountain bike and pedaling away. This was the fourth store tonight. Four blocks away he stashed the bike in some bushes and pulled off his black sweatsuit. He slowly strolled back toward the scene of the crime. Five minutes later a patrol car passed, its lights flashing.

    ‘That looks like at least one of them from the security camera,’ Herman thought as he approached and began rubbernecking. What happened, officer?

    Someone broke in, but the alarm scared them off, the policeman replied as his partner began writing on a clipboard. He looked Herman over, What are you doing out at this hour?

    Running. I got back early last week from overseas, and I’m still jet lagged.

    Oh yeah, where?


    The policeman grunted, Military?

    Army. We’re still beating down ISIS and the occasional Russian mercenaries, Officer...

    Perry. I did a couple of deployments to Iraq and never want to visit that part of the world again.

    I think I saw you a few days ago at my apartment complex. Thought it was an FBI raid until I looked at their windbreakers more closely. What’s a FLEA?

    Federal Law Enforcement Agency. Austin PD had never heard of them either until one of their agents stopped in for a courtesy call.

    Herman shook his head, Feds being polite. Ain’t that something? Recall the agent’s name?

    Officer Perry was

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