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The Adventures of Lauralei McCalaster
The Adventures of Lauralei McCalaster
The Adventures of Lauralei McCalaster
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The Adventures of Lauralei McCalaster

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My name is Lauralei McCalaster. Or is it? I've lived my entire life in Alexia only to find out just before my eighteenth birthday that it's all been a lie. Now I'm on a quest for the truth and learning how to live with everything that I've learned and the consequences of those truths. Will anybody ever tell me the full truth? Can I handle the weight of the truth? Will I ever be able to live in peace, or will the truth of who and what I am threaten to pull me under?

Release dateNov 20, 2023
The Adventures of Lauralei McCalaster

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    The Adventures of Lauralei McCalaster - Jessica Richardson

    Table of Contents



    1: Lauralei's Beginning

    2: Lost

    3: Lessons in Witchcraft

    4: The Bloodreader

    5: The Road Less Traveled

    6: The Trouble with Seraphins

    7: Family Connections

    8: Royal Responsibilities

    9: King Adonis's Visit

    10: Homecoming

    11: All Hail the Queen

    12: The Threat of Things to Come

    13: Blood in the Morning: Blood in the Morning

    14: Day of Reckoning

    15: The Peralian Mountains

    16: Truth Comes to Light

    17: The Nature of the Beast

    18: Such Is Life

    19: Language Lessons

    19: Home at Last

    20: Of Queens and Lovers

    21: Every Action Has a Consequence

    22: Language Lessons

    23: The Makings of Greatness

    24: As the Wedding Bells Toll

    25: Winds of Change

    26: No Room for Traitors

    About the Author


    The Adventures of Lauralei McCalaster

    Jessica Richardson

    Copyright © 2023 Jessica Richardson

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    Fulton Books

    Meadville, PA

    Published by Fulton Books 2023

    ISBN 979-8-88982-516-6 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88982-517-3 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America


    Lauralei's Beginning

    My name is Lauralei McCalaster. My mother died giving birth to me, so it's just been me, my older brother, Jonathan, and our father. Jonathan is a tall, gangly boy of twenty with jet-black hair like our father's and tawny eyes that light up when he laughs. Father is a giant of a man with a slim build and gray eyes the color of the ocean on a stormy day. We live on a sprawling farm in the countryside of Alexia, where we raise cattle and sheep for the entire kingdom of Sylveon.

    Jonathan and Father like to joke that I'm as wild at heart as the winds that blow in off the ocean to the north. I can't say I blame them entirely. I have a tendency to disappear for hours in the depth of the dark woods with my best friends, Ashlyn, a scrawny girl with straw-brown hair and emerald eyes, and Arelia, a lanky girl with long golden-blond hair and bright-blue eyes from the neighboring farm. What nobody knows is that the three of us train in swordplay in our favorite clearing, just biding our time until the day we can escape the confines of Alexia and make our own mark on the world.

    Our whole lives, we've been taught how to keep a home, how to let men take care of us, that our lot in life is only to please men. That life may be a dream for other girls, but we have our own ideas. No man will ever determine our worth or tell us what to do. We can take care of ourselves and plan to find a place in the woods where we can build our cottage and live together as we please.

    Market Thursday comes fast this month. I mount my giant jet-black draft horse I named Reykur when I was six.

    Why can't you just ride in the carriage like all the other girls, princess? Jonathan asks for the umpteenth time.

    Why would I when I have a perfectly good horse who loves to be ridden? I reply with a huff from Reykur's back.

    No man will ever want a wild thing like you.

    That's the point, brother, I mock, sticking my tongue out at him.

    I nudge Reykur into an easy trot and pull up next to my father.

    Your brother's right, you know, he says, keeping his eyes glued to the narrow, winding dirt path ahead.

    Father, I can take care of myself. I don't want to be stuck as a housewife my entire life. That's no life for me.

    He chuckles and messes my jet-black hair.

    Sometimes I worry that you're too headstrong, my princess. You are so much like your mother, and I hope the magic never dies in you. I just want what's best for you as all fathers want for their daughters.

    The smoke from the houses of Alexia comes into view long before the first houses. Alexia is a simple little village full of thatch-roofed cottages with picket-fenced yards and the sparkling ocean beyond. As we guide some of our sheep and cattle into the town square, the little faces of children pop up over the fences, hoping to catch a glimpse of our little parade. I wave to them as we pass, and some wave back while others hide behind their fences.

    I tie Reykur to a sturdy tree in the middle of the square and slip into the crowd to find Ashlyn and Arelia. I find them talking to the village witch, Marina, at her booth full of potions and herbal remedies for just about everything under the sun.

    Ah, there's our princess. How was your journey today, Lauralei? she asks.

    It was uneventful. My father and brother keep trying to convince me to settle for a life with a man, but that's not what I want, I reply with a sigh.

    And what exactly is it you want, my dear?

    I want to make my own home with the people I choose. I want to explore more of the world. Or at least more of Sylveon. I want to leave my mark on the world and make a difference.

    Well now, that's quite the dream, isn't it? Shall we see what the cards have to say?

    Marina pulls out a well-worn deck of tarot cards from her supply chest that she always keeps next to her. We watch as she shuffles the deck and pulls three cards and places them face up on the rickety wooden table in front of her.

    "We always begin with asking the universe what we can learn from the past. It looks like we have been given the Six of Wands in reverse. This is your reminder to believe in your value and abilities.

    "Now we ask to see what is holding us back in the present. It looks like we have the Wheel of Life. You should focus more on the aspects of your life that make you the happiest.

    Finally, we ask the universe to give us some advice for the future. It looks like we have the Sun. This is the universe saying you have the power and energy to succeed in everything you want to do.

    Thank you, Marina. You're a great friend to have.

    Anytime, Lauralei. It seems the universe is on your side. That doesn't mean that life will be easy, but you'll get what you want if you work hard.

    I understand, and I'll work hard. Even if Father and Johnathan disapprove.

    That's my girl. Your mother would be so proud of you, Marina says with a mystical glint in her eyes as if remembering a very fond memory.

    Did you know my mother?

    I did. You're old enough now to know the truth.

    What are you talking about? I ask hesitantly.

    I need you to promise me that you will not tell your father anything I'm about to tell you, Lauralei. Okay?

    Okay. I promise.

    Good. Your mother was my younger sister. She was a witch like myself but much more powerful.

    Why would Father keep that from me? Does he not think I deserve to know about my own mother? I spit angrily. How dare my own father keep family from me.

    Take a deep breath, princess. Your father was just worried that you would come find me and I'd send you on some crazy adventure. He was just trying to keep you safe.

    Safe by lying to me? That doesn't make me feel safe, and besides, I can take care of myself.

    So the forest tells me. You have magic in your blood, and I've always wanted to meet you and teach you the old ways.

    I suddenly feel my father's strong hands clasp down on my shoulders from behind me.

    Marina, what have you told my daughter?

    She's old enough to know the truth, Malcom McCalaster, Marina growls.

    That is not up to you. I'm her father, and I will say when my daughter is old enough to know the truth. Lauralei, get Reykur. We're heading home. Now.

    No, I reply a bit sheepishly.

    What did you say?

    No. I want to know what Marina can teach me. I'll be eighteen in a week. I'm not a little kid anymore, and you need to stop treating me like one.

    You may think you want this, but I am still your father, and you listen to me as long as you live under my roof.

    I've never seen my father so furious before, and it honestly scares me. I start to become aware of all the townspeople watching the spectacle and have a sudden urge to get away as fast as I can. Reykur gallops through the crowd, and I pull myself into the saddle as he passes me. We disappear into the darkening woods as the afternoon sun sets closer to the horizon. When we finally stop, I realize that we're in a part of the woods I've never been in. That's just great. Now we're lost, and I'm probably miles from home.



    As night brings the shadows out to play among the trees surrounding me and Reykur, I make a fire to keep warm and pull my knees to my chest as I lean my back against Reykur's side.

    What are we going to do? I have no idea where we are or where to go.

    Reykur nuzzles me affectionately in response.

    I open my eyes as the first golden rays of morning light filter through the trees. I don't remember falling asleep, but at some point, I did. I dig my bow and arrows out of my saddlebags and head off to catch breakfast. I come upon a gently winding stream with plenty of fish.

    I slip my old leather boots off and quietly step barefoot into the middle of the stream. I pose with the tip of my arrow hovering just over the surface of the water and steady my breathing, waiting for an unsuspecting fish to swim by. Finally, after what seems like forever, I catch two plump fish and carry them back to my camp. As I approach, I notice the fire is started, and there's a young man about my age approaching from the other side of the clearing with more firewood.

    Sorry to startle you. Is this your horse? the man asks.

    Yes? Who are you, and where did you come from? I ask with my bow drawn and my senses on high alert.

    My name is Orion Walker. I was out hunting when I came across your horse. I figured whoever he belonged to would be back soon, so I started the fire for you.

    Thank you, I say, still on alert.

    What's your name?

    Lauralei McCalaster.

    What are you doing out here all alone, Lauralei McCalaster? he says, making a point to roll my name off his tongue.

    I ran away from home and got a little lost, I reply honestly.

    Where's home for you?


    Ooh, darling, you are a long way from home and more than just a little lost.

    What do you mean? I wasn't riding for that long, I reply, nervous for Orion's answer.

    Have you ever heard of the village of Cresthaven? Orion asks.

    "Cresthaven? That's across the border in Aleron!" There is no possible way I could have ridden all the way across the border!

    Alexia is the smallest town in Sylveon and three miles from the closest bordering country of Aleron. Orion is right; I am a very long way from home. I wonder if anybody is even looking for me.

    Lauralei, are you all right? Orion asks with a tinge of worry in his voice.

    I'm just surprised that I'm in Aleron. I don't even know if anybody is looking for me.

    I know it's a lot to take in, so how about you follow me home to Cresthaven and we can figure out your next move together while I get you some good food, a drink, and some fresh clothes?

    I don't need a man to take care of me, Orion. I am more than capable of taking care of myself, I growl in frustration. What is it with men always having to take care of women as if we are incapable of doing so ourselves?

    I can see that. I was only trying to help, seeing as you have nothing and you can't live in the same clothes for the rest of your life, Orion replies sheepishly, holding his palms out in a sign of peace.

    Fine, I sigh out.

    Reykur and I follow Orion into the village of Cresthaven, where we stop at a tan thatched-roof cottage in the middle of town. I take in my new surroundings and discover that Cresthaven is very similar to Alexia. There are more thatch-roofed cottages than back home, but they look just like every other thatch-roofed cottage I've ever seen. There's a large patch of grass in the town square with dirt paths splitting all sides to make a square. People are coming and going from the shops, and there are only a few carriages. The women are either dressed in beautiful flowing gowns or leather pants similar to the men. I notice that the men and women seem to be more equal in Cresthaven, and some women are even shopkeepers.

    Welcome to Cresthaven, Lauralei. This is my house if you want to come inside.

    I follow Orion inside and am welcomed by two large dogs with wildly wagging tails and scraggly gray coats.

    Ox, Scout, leave our guest alone, I hear Orion call from the kitchen at the back of the house.

    I follow the dogs into the most inviting kitchen I've ever been in. Lavender, rosemary, sage, and countless other herbs are hanging by the rafters to dry for later use. A large cast-iron stove takes up almost an entire wall. There are shelves and cabinets housing china and pottery of all sorts. The middle of the room is taken up by an oak table large enough to sit ten people with high-backed black cherry chairs. A large picture window faces the backyard, where you can see the ocean. In one corner is a large, solid maple hutch filled with jars, herbs, crystals, and more. In the other corner is a polished wooden winding staircase that leads to a second floor.

    Make yourself comfortable, Lauralei. I'll make us some tea and sandwiches.

    I take a seat at the table and gaze around in awe.

    Do you live here alone? I ask to break up the silence.

    It's just me and my sister, Arwin. Ox is hers, and the mess in the hutch is hers too. You two would probably get along really well.

    Is she a witch? I ask cautiously.

    She is. I'm not sure how it is in Sylveon, but in Aleron, witchcraft is encouraged and has become a way of life for just about everybody.

    So do you practice witchcraft too?

    I'm not as adept as Arwin, but I can do my fair share of spells when I need to.

    That's amazing. So you're a wizard?

    "Actually, I'm a witch too. Witch is a general term for anybody who practices the craft. Can I ask you why you ran away from home?"

    My mother died giving birth to me, and I just found out that my father was hiding the fact that my mother was a witch from me and was keeping my aunt from teaching me anything, I say as tears threaten to bubble over in frustration.

    I'm genuinely sorry to hear that. Perhaps Arwin and I can try to teach you how to use magic, Orion offers kindly.

    You don't even know me, though. Why are you being so nice to me?

    If I can offer a helping hand to someone, I will. You never know how the universe will reward you, Orion says.

    I like that. Thank you, and I'll take you up on that offer.

    Orion sets a cup of steaming hot tea and a tray of ham and cucumber sandwiches on the table between us. Ox and Scout run to the front of the house at the sound of the door opening.

    That will be Arwin. She went to do a little foraging in the forest this morning, Orion explains.

    A young girl a few years older than Orion with long strawberry-red hair and hazel eyes carrying a basket full of mushrooms and herbs walks in and starts putting her finds in glass jars to save for later.

    Who's your new friend, brother? she asks, never once looking up from her work.

    Arwin, this is Lauralei McCalaster. She's from Sylveon and will be staying with us for a while. I was hoping you would help me teach her about witchcraft, Orion says.

    How did you end up all the way here from Sylveon?

    I ran away from home after I learned that my father was keeping the fact that my mother was a witch and keeping my aunt from me for my entire life. In Sylveon, witchcraft isn't as widely accepted as it is here. I'd love to learn—if you'd teach me, I say.

    Perhaps I could. At least you seem eager enough to learn, Arwin drones sweetly.


    Lessons in Witchcraft

    Let me show you to your room. I'm sure you're ready to sleep in an actual bed tonight. We'll take care of your horse too, Orion says.

    At the end of the hallway, Orion opens a door for me and gestures for me to step into the room. I'm instantly surrounded by a large four-poster bed draped in light-green sheets that faces a large sit-in picture window facing the ocean. The wall closest to the bed is covered in empty shelves. In one corner stands a large chestnut desk covered with parchment, ink, and a quill. In the opposite corner stands a large mahogany armoire filled with an array of clothing, both masculine and feminine.

    I turn to face Orion, surprised at how luxurious this room is compared to my room back home.

    Do you like it, Lauralei? Orion asks.

    I love it. This is so much bigger and more luxurious than my room on my father's farm, I say with glee.

    I'm glad you like it. I could show you around Cresthaven tomorrow. If you want, that is.

    Thank you, Orion. I would love that, I say, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

    I wake the next day to the morning sun filling my room with light. Ox and Scout burst through the door and cover me in wet kisses, while Orion laughs from the doorway.

    Good morning, Lauralei. Arwin's cooking breakfast, and then I'll show you around Cresthaven today.

    Good morning, Orion, I say, pushing the big dogs off me.

    I follow Orion downstairs to the kitchen, where Arwin has a tray of bacon, eggs, and home fries laid out on the table.

    I'm going to show Lauralei around Cresthaven after breakfast. Want to join us, sis? Orion asks, shoveling a fork full of eggs and bacon in his mouth.

    I'll let you two enjoy your day. We'll start your lessons in witchcraft tomorrow, Lauralei.

    After breakfast, Orion ushers me into the street, and we spend the rest of the day exploring Cresthaven. It surprises me how big Cresthaven truly is and how many different people there are living together in one place. We visit a small bakery where Orion buys a fresh loaf of sourdough bread for later, a florist who sells the most colorful flowers I've ever seen, and a cafe with the best cup of hot chocolate that I've ever had.

    So what do you think of Cresthaven? Orion asks as we stroll back to the cottage.

    It's amazing. I've never seen somewhere so big with so many people living in harmony.

    Ha ha. Just don't stay out too long after dark.

    Why not?

    That's when Cresthaven transforms from a safe haven for anybody in need to a thieves' playground. Not everything and everybody is as it seems, Orion replies ominously.

    Oh, I retort, racing after him to catch up.

    As the whole of Cresthaven shutters in for the night, I can't shake the urge to explore the town. I wait until midnight for Orion and Arwin to fall asleep before climbing out of my window and dropping to the ground without making a noise. I keep to the shadows as I move, ebbing closer to the town square.

    I thought I told you Cresthaven is dangerous at night. I almost scream, and Orion quickly covers my mouth.

    If I remove my hand, you promise not to scream?

    I nod in response, taking a few deep breaths to calm myself.

    What are you doing out in the middle of the night, Lauralei? Orion asks, anger and disappointment tingeing his words.

    I'm sorry, Orion. I was just curious. All of this is so new to me, and I want to see and experience it all. Is that so wrong? I ask.

    It's not wrong, but I'm just trying to keep you safe.

    I don't need a man to keep me safe. I'm more than capable of taking care of myself.

    "I'd like to see that. Lauralei, I need you to trust that when I say it's not safe at night, it seriously is not safe at night. Nobody's saying you're weak or can't take care of yourself, but I don't trust any of the night visitors. Besides, we can watch safely from my room."

    Fine. I defeatedly sigh.

    I follow Orion back to the house and upstairs to his room. I step into a similar setup to my room. We sit in his picture window and watch the people walking by and those gathering in the square.

    See that man in the pirate hat? Orion breaks the comfortable silence.

    What about him?

    That's Captain Xavier. He's one of the cruelest pirate captains you'll ever have the displeasure of meeting.

    You sound like you're talking from experience, I say, watching Orion from the corner of my eye.

    That's 'cause I am. Until two years ago, I was his slave, he replies with a stormy expression clouding his blue eyes.

    "What?" I say, horrified. How could someone as caring as Orion have been a slave his entire life?

    "I was originally born in Sylveon on my parents' farm by the ocean. When I was nine years old, my father had gone into town to sell some sheep. When he came back, he had a strange man with him and called me over. He then told me that he had sold me to this man for nine hundred Banyans. That was enough for my parents to make a better life for my sister.

    I did everything that Captain Xavier asked, and if I did anything that wasn't up to his standards, he would make me strip to nothing, tie me to the mast of his ship with my back facing him, and he'd whip me with a horrible thorn-tipped whip twenty times.

    That's awful, Orion. How did you get away? I ask.

    The contract that my father made with him timed out, and I guess he was bored of me at that point. The first thing I did was go back to Sylveon, and I freed my sister. The only way I could do that was to kill my parents. They would have followed us if I didn't. Arwin and I rode as fast and as far as we could in one day and came upon Cresthaven. We've been here ever since.

    So now you help people without any questions?

    Orion chuckles and stares out the window. You should get some sleep, Lauralei. Arwin will be putting you to work in the morning. Just a little tip, my sister isn't the most patient person in the world.

    Good thing I'm a quick learner, I reply.

    We'll see about that. Good night, Lauralei.

    As the afternoon light drifts into the kitchen, Arwin explains more of the history of the craft to me. "Witches used to work in the castles as advisors and healers for the kings and queens. One day, the crown prince of Sylveon fell head over heels for his parents' young witch. When the king found out, he was furious and assumed that she had put a spell on him to make him fall in love. This young witch never knew how the prince felt about her and never knew that he was betrothed to the crown princess of Aleron.

    In a fit of rage, the king had the young witch publicly beheaded and made all witchcraft forbidden, punishable by death. Aleron and the neighboring kingdoms of Regalia and Percicalia went to war as the witch was the daughter of the king of Percicalia. The war went on for centuries that finally hit a stalemate with the death of the King of Sylveon. There's…a prophecy.

    Arwin, she's not ready for that, Orion says as he walks into the kitchen with Ox and Scout on his heels.

    It would be easier if we just explain everything now, brother, Arwin

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