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Judge's Jewel: Pistol Ridge Series, #3
Judge's Jewel: Pistol Ridge Series, #3
Judge's Jewel: Pistol Ridge Series, #3
Ebook133 pages2 hours

Judge's Jewel: Pistol Ridge Series, #3

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A female bounty hunter seeking revenge - A seasoned bounty hunter longing to settle down - Will their differences cause the citizens of Pistol Ridge to be in danger?

J. Morgan - a bounty hunter, is actually Jewel Morgan, seeking revenge for the death of her father and brother by an outlaw gang. After her mother dies in childbirth, she takes her place raising her younger brother. But when an outlaw gang kills her family while she is away, she vows revenge. Along with her ferocious pet, Whiskers, Jewel is determined to make a name for herself.

Gideon Knox, better known as Judge, has wandered from town to town since the war. He fills his days hunting evil men and his nights drinking whiskey, filling a void only he understands. Until he meets Jewel.

When a notorious outlaw gang decides to turn the tables on the bounty hunters and go after Jewel, Judge knows the only place for a showdown is Pistol Ridge.

Pistol Ridge is a small remote mining town near Nevada City, Montana Territory, where a dirty sheriff had held the town hostage by ordering his thugs to steal a percentage of their earnings to keep law and order. But, the women, holding a secret society, went looking for a hero. They found him and cleaned up the town with the help of seven men who fought in the war to help their former commander. Now, seven men are looking for somewhere to hang their hats. Will Pistol Ridge be the place to find reprieve for their weary souls?

This is Gideon Knox's story - better known as Judge!

PublisherCyndi Raye
Release dateApr 19, 2020
Judge's Jewel: Pistol Ridge Series, #3

Cyndi Raye

Cyndi Raye writes mostly historical western romance except when she comes up with an idea for a contemporary romance, then she writes both. She loves the old West and the feel of small town togetherness, which is found in all of her series. Creating worlds where everyone is considered family, if not by blood, but from friendships, heartaches and sometimes mistakes made right again is what she loves to read. So, it was important to create such a world for her own readers to indulge in. Cyndi lives in Eastern PA and loves to travel and enjoy life with her hubby of 40+ years. She has 3 grown children and loves to spend time with her grands whenever possible. Don't forget to sign up for the mailing list to get a free copy of the exclusive short read: Miss Addie, the Beginning. The story behind the Brides of Wichita Falls. (This will not be sold, exclusive for reader's only).

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    Judge's Jewel - Cyndi Raye

    Judge’s Jewel

    Book 3


    Cyndi Raye

    Copyright © 2019 Cyndi Raye All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced in any format, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the copyright owner and publisher of this book. This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and events are the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously.

    Book Cover Artist


    Virginia Mckevitt

    Pistol Ridge is a small remote mining town near Nevada City, Montana Territory, where a dirty sheriff had held the town hostage by ordering his thugs to steal a percentage of their earnings to keep law and order. But, the women, holding a secret society, went looking for a hero. They found him and cleaned up the town with the help of several men, brothers in arms, who came to help their former commander.

    Now, seven men are looking for somewhere to hang their hats. Will Pistol Ridge be the place to find reprieve for their weary souls?

    This is Gideon Knox’s story - also known as Judge

    Chapter 1

    Fort Ellis was in the distance, maybe a five-minute ride away. Charlie Davenport was going to die if the soldiers at the fort didn’t take him off their hands. Judge looked at his partner and shook his head. That stupid -

    That’s my delicate ears you are harassing, Judge! Yet, Preacher spoke just as ornery at times. It made Judge shake his head again. I am in the need of a hot bath and a pint of whiskey.

    Preacher grinned. You and me both, son.

    After this trek, and the noise coming from behind us, I’d say we had better see about his hanging right away before we cause the whole fort to hear his nonsense. Next, they’ll put us in jail for bringing him here!

    I can hear you! You call yourself a judge? You are no judge! My crime doesn’t involve a hanging! I want a lawyer and you’ve refused me one. Charlie’s voice was getting raw and weaker with each mile they rode. He was tied in the wagon, his feet roped together with rawhide straps and his hands behind him.

    Judge figured Charlie was looking at five years in a prison for the crimes he committed. That’s up to the Commander of Fort Ellis to decide. If I was in the chair, you best believe I’d have you hanging on the morrow.

    Charlie grunted. When I tell the soldiers how you mishandled me and left me on the ground without proper shelter or food for over a day and night, I’m sure you will lose your right to judge anyone.

    Judge looked back at Charlie, then pulled out a rag from under the seat. He leaned back and stuffed it into the man’s mouth. Charlie sputtered trying to push it out with his tongue, but the cloth didn’t come out. I’ll have no more of your words today. You can talk all you want when we hand you over to the proper authorities.

    Charlie broke out in a sweat. He had caused a lot of heartache and pain in Pistol Ridge. His mumbling had Judge grinning at his comrade, Preacher. It’s a shame Blaze had to get married. He’d enjoy sending this man to meet his maker. Judge knew the man wasn’t going to hang, but he wanted to rile him up. It served him right for what he did.

    They pulled the wagon through the front gate. They were about three miles east of Bozeman. Judge had thought about taking Davenport to Bozeman to that jail, but brought him to Fort Ellis instead.

    The fort had opened a few years ago to protect the miners and settlers from the Indians and men like Charlie Davenport. With the 13th United States Infantry stationed here, Judge had no doubt the punishment would be harsh for the man. He deserved it after what he tried to do to Blaze’s wife and sister-in-law.

    One of the soldiers stopped the wagon. State your business, he demanded.

    We have a prisoner, Preacher announced.

    Bring him in, the soldier told them. What is his crime?

    Judge got down from the wagon and pointed a shotgun at Charlie. Get out of the wagon, he ordered. He pulled a knife from his boot and cut the rawhide around Charlie’s ankles. The man stood, wobbled and then worked his way down. He was mumbling, shaking his head back and forth, but Judge wasn’t about to take out the cloth just yet. He indentured two sisters and right before their bound servitude was up, he tried to sell them to the highest bidder in a secret auction for discreet buyers, which is against the law.

    Slavery has been abolished, the soldier said, looking at Charlie with distaste.

    Judge grunted. He tried to take a former soldier’s future wife from him. Judge knew that would not be looked upon in a good light.

    Thank you, sir, the soldier told him. I’ll inform commanding officer Major Sweitzer of the details before a sentence is issued. You men may want to have some refreshments in the canteen before heading back out.

    Much obliged, Judge acknowledged, enjoying how Charlie tried to wrestle with the soldier. I don’t believe he thought he was going to go to jail for this.

    Preacher shrugged. He may not get much of a sentence. It all depends on how important his crime is right now. Looks like the fort is getting ready for an excursion.

    Judge realized his comrade was right. Preparing for a military excursion meant the fort was busier than usual. They took themselves away from the center of attention and into the building that served liquor. All Judge wanted was a glass of whiskey and a bath.

    Preacher came back to the table with a bottle and two glasses. He leaned back in his chair. Judge knew what he was doing, assessing the saloon to make sure there was no hidden trouble anywhere.

    It seemed like trouble and chaos were always waiting for the two of them. But, then, he supposed most times they went looking for trouble, too. This was their life. Everywhere they went they had to watch their back and make sure no one was trying to pull a gun on them. Judge and Preacher had both brought in their fair share of bounties over the years since the war. It was a good way to make a living as they wandered from place to place. There were plenty of angry relatives and people wanting revenge, unfortunately. Settling down hadn’t been a thought until they went to Pistol Ridge to help out their comrade Abel Rosevelt, otherwise known as Commander. He went ahead and got married and was now the sheriff of that same town.

    Now, Judge thought perhaps he might try to settle down some, sooner or later. That’s if he found a reason to.


    When the figure came bursting through the door of the saloon, Judge almost went for his gun. Almost. Then, he saw the dark-brown braid trailing down the back and knew there was a female hidden in those clothes. She wore a wide-brimmed hat low over her brow and a huge scarf around her neck. Judge knew there was no man under all those clothes. She had curves that fit into a pair of buckskin britches, a leather vest over top a white button-down shirt and a topcoat that hung to her knees. She wore a pair of boots with a spur hanging on the back of the left heel.

    She didn’t belong in here, but he was curious what she was doing in a saloon filled with soldiers and men like him. He worked his way to the bar, placing a leather boot on the brass rail below. Setting his full glass down, he nodded to the barkeep to serve the lady. A coin was tossed towards the barkeep with his other hand.

    What’ll you have? he asked her, his tall frame looking at the stranger.

    I’ll take a beer. She tried to keep her voice low, more boyish sounding, but he knew she was no boy. Besides, no boy wore his hair in a braid as long as hers, down to her buttocks. Not unless she was a Chinaman and he knew without a doubt she wasn’t one.

    Does your mama know you’re here, boy? the barkeep asked, raising his voice. He seemed to like to stir up the men, get them teasing and poking fun at someone.

    Not this time. Mind your business, Judge warned.

    The barkeep complied when he saw the look Judge gave him. He got her a mug filled with beer and took the coin. He moved rather quickly to serve another fellow down the counter from them. For some reason men didn’t argue when Judge gave them a certain look.

    Judge leaned against the bar and took a swig of his drink. The whiskey went down slow and tasted inviting. He had waited all day to taste it and wanted a bath. But his curiosity won out and he found himself looking at a snip of a woman dressed in men’s clothes. What’s your business here? he asked her.

    She slowly put her own glass down on the bar, turned and gave him a good long look. Her dark eyes bore into his. Long thick lashes made it abundantly clear she was of the female gender. Tendrils of dark hair with a tint of auburn were tucked up into the brim of the hat she still wore. I don’t believe you told me your name.

    What a little spitfire! Judge gave her a cool smile before turning back to his drink. My name? It’s Gideon Knox. My friends call me Judge.

    She leaned a little closer. Her knuckles shone white as her fingers gripped the glass. He knew without a shadow of a doubt she’d throw the liquid in

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