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Of Light and Shadows: Of Light and Shadows, #1
Of Light and Shadows: Of Light and Shadows, #1
Of Light and Shadows: Of Light and Shadows, #1
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Of Light and Shadows: Of Light and Shadows, #1

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Five years begins the nightmare.  Along a peaceful stretch of coast, the balance for the world has begun, though none know of it. 

            The world is a simple enough place for Tyler Ferris and his friends, a place where good things happen just as often as bad.  For Tyler however, the world is sometimes an unknown place, a plain that seems to offer far more than what is seen, heard, or felt. Most days he thinks little of said feelings, but when a strange noise wakes him in the middle of the night, his life soon changes in ways he could never have hoped to expect.  

            A single cry of pain alerts Tyler that something is wrong, but as he steps from his bedroom he enters a world where nothing is as he remembers, and friends have become enemies.  In this uncertain world, Tyler finds it necessary to fight, to kill, and to survive as he and his girlfriend Kera are attacked within their home.  Former classmates and friends turn upon the two as they are forced to fight for their lives, thrust into a hellish nightmare where shadows come to life and monsters lurk within the shadows.

            Into this madness the two find their way throughout the northern end of the Long Beach Peninsula, their home and haven for so long, seeking out whoever might remain.  Little more than madness and destruction await them, however, the bloody trails leading from so many homes attest to the unrelenting insanity that has suddenly gripped the land.  Only after gathering several of their friends to their side do the two realize that the greatest threat lies not within the shadows surrounding their home, nor the frightening creatures that now roam the dark.  Through blood and fire the small group soon learns of the greater threat, represented by a small group of friends turned enemies, who seek goals much different than their own. 

            Months pass as the small group expands, finding survivors and shell-shocked innocents among the wilds of their home, and still, the dangers have not passed.  Through much patience, much understanding, and mutual fear the group has bonded closer to one another, though the threat to the south remains.  Only when a messenger is sent, beaten, and left for dead that those upon the northern end realize their peril.  It is then that Tyler Ferris realizes what he must do.

            He must confront those he once knew as friends, and he must find a way to spare those who have been taken captive.  Alone, he travels towards the south end of the peninsula, to the den of the wolves he once trusted.  Within the deadly clutches of the enemy, Tyler will willingly seek to balance what has been thrown into such tumult.  All that remains to be seen is whether he will save them, or share their fate.

PublisherTom Foster
Release dateNov 27, 2023
Of Light and Shadows: Of Light and Shadows, #1

Tom Foster

Tom was born and raised in the PNW and enjoys getting out from time to time to spend time with his family and enjoy his coastal hometown. A voracious reader and lover of the written word, Tom uses his passion to inspire others when possible. 

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    Book preview

    Of Light and Shadows - Tom Foster

    Chapter One

    The Madness Begins

    Part One:  Warning Signs


    Five years, that’s all it was.  Most people don’t think of five years as a long time, unless of course it’s spent waiting for something they just can’t be without.  When you know what it is that you’re missing it’s even worse, especially when you believe you might never see it again.  In that case five years is an eternity.  Couple that with an existence that grows more dangerous by the day and you might have some idea of what a day in hell is like.  What seemed to take ten years was only five, and what had once seemed like a normal life became anything but.  Reality and relativity, both of them became a royal pain in the ass.

    The shock of that news was bad enough, though the constant and disheartening need to remind myself of what went on those past five years simply adds insult to my injuries.  This alone has prompted me to begin this journal, an account of my memories and those with whom I’ve shared so much throughout my life.  It would be an insult as well as a danger to all those who don’t know what happened to remain silent.  Too many sacrifices were made during the last five years to allow them to fade into a history that no one will ever know of.  This is one of my tasks while I am here, in the civilized world. 

    Unfortunately my words alone won’t be enough to make the sole recipient of this tale fully understand what has happened, it won’t even come close.  This is truly more for my peace of mind than anything, to honor those who have placed their lives in my hands.  Even as I write this the memories are trying to fade, the attempt to hold onto them taxing me greatly.  It is a hell of sorts to know that with one slip, all that has taken place in my life can be erased so easily. 

    Writing seems to help, for even as I pen these words the horrid memories of what I’ve seen and done return in full force, though perhaps I can thank the view from the only window in my room.  To be quite honest I don’t know how to feel as I gaze out across the wide expanse of the Columbia River, the dividing force between home and where I now sit.  As I was told my stay in this place has gone on for the past eight weeks, during which the grievous injuries I’d incurred healed quite rapidly.  Covered in a gray blanket of mist that has been dubbed with many names, my home lies hidden away from even my eyes. 

    For the first three weeks of my stay within the Astoria Community Hospital I was in no shape to do anything but breathe through tubes as I’ve been told.  In truth I almost wasn’t allowed out of the ICU after the fourth week.  Doctors get a little freaked out and more than a little interested in a patient who suffers through what I did and then walks away under their own power.  The tally came to three broken ribs, a punctured lung, my right cheekbone being crushed, my left shoulder being dislocated and my right knee popped out of joint.  To tell you the truth I was lucky not to get my head shot off by some greenhorn soldier that was just antsy enough to fire a round close to my head before his commanding officer restrained him.

    The number of tests they’ve run on me in the last few weeks have thankfully ceased, since whatever changes my body have undergone seem to part chameleon in nature.  Simply put, the doctors can’t find anything abnormal with me save for the unexplained rapid healing I’ve undergone, to their reasoning minds I’m just a normal human being.  That’s almost funny really.

    Since being moved to a regular room, thankfully by myself, I’ve received a good many visitors, ranging from those I’d just as soon kick out to those I’ve not seen in more than the past five years.  Cops, government types and other such individuals, they’ve fallen into the former category.  I’ve been threatened with everything from incarceration to becoming a test subject for the rest of my life thank to my unwilling nature to discuss what went on during the last five years.  Strangely enough no one has made good on their threats however.  When confronted with such dire warnings I’ll admit I had to hold back a rather uncharacteristic bout of maniacal laughter, thinking that after five years of horror it was ludicrous to think that anyone human could give me any pause. 

    Somehow I think at least a couple of them picked up on my mirth, since they left without hardly a word.  Was it chemical related?  Was it a terrorist act? How many are still over there?  Are the aliens involved?  Is the government keeping you quiet?  Oh and then my favorite among all the inane questions: How did only you manage to escape?  A much as I wanted to laugh at the ridiculous plethora of questions posed to me by a slew of reporters and journalists I kept my head, knowing too well that words have a way of harming even when you think they mean nothing.  Escape would mean that I actually wanted to get out, that I had nothing to lose in leaving. 

    The GrayCap, as my home has apparently become known by, has raised some very mixed attention in the past five years.  Golly gee whiz, I might even get my picture in the paper or, heaven help me, on the television if I just cooperate.  Thank the Creator I have solid walls instead of the Plexiglas that was in the ICU.  As it is several reporters and opportunistic journalists have already managed to plaster my picture in their gossip rags.  My silence about what happened to me and the others has apparently been construed as the horrors that left me too stunned to elaborate any further details.

    The Longbeach Peninsula, my home of the past twenty-four years, is currently lost to this world.  Of course, when I say this I mean that it is lost to all those who still live on this side of sanity.  I’ve thought of what I might say if I just let the reporters into my room, and a volatile mixture of laugher, sorrow and rage immediately wells up inside of me, threatening to break loose despite my best efforts.  Most likely I’d refuse to speak, giving them little of what they wanted.  They’d find their own words I’ve no doubt, not truth but still what the public would want to see.  The truth of what I’ve done and seen will best be put to this journal.  Here such deeds will be spoken, and here they’ll stay.

    Each time I see my doctors it’s almost too funny to see the continuing looks of perplexed wonder on their faces, as though I’m some sort of medical miracle.  Truthfully I guess I am, though for reasons I won’t even think of divulging to any of them.  From the massive amount of blood I lost they told me I should have passed on before they even got me off the bridge.  Of course, that’s their words along with the training they’ve undergone for their profession.  Strange, I used to take doctors a lot more seriously.

    Accelerated healing is only one of the new talents my body has developed in the past half decade, perhaps one of the most generous among them.  If anyone on this side of the river were to see my other talents I’d find myself no doubt locked in a lab for the rest of my life.  That doesn’t sound like my particular brand of tea. 

    My eyes are growing heavy now as I continue to write, so this will end shortly.  Early on in my stay, when I was finally coherent enough to begin truly understanding where I was, both nurses and doctors tried their best to force me to rest, though even their best efforts were defeated.  Along with the rapid healing I’ve come to be fond of, my system no longer contains the capacity to be bogged down by any outside stimulants or depressants.  I will end this for the night, though there will be much more to come.  My friends, no my family, deserve this and more.

    *  *  *

    Five years ago....


    Her world was changing.  Of course, that was the nature of this existence, always changing, never remaining the same from one moment to the next.  Since the first breath had escaped the lips of the Creator, change had been enacted upon the many spheres of influence that had been so abruptly created.  Life upon this world had begun not with bang, nor even with the molding of clay and the precious spark of life, but with the tipping of a force that no one, not even she, could truly understand.  The old ones had told her that to even try to grasp the true meaning of what they called the Balance would drive anyone, even the most powerful of the Creator’s children, into sheer and utter madness.

    She’d touched upon that pureness only once, finding that only a mere glimpse had been enough to send her mind reeling.  The sensation of what she’d found upon that quest remained, tempering the once brightly burning flame of youth she’d possessed.  No longer a maiden, she’d passed into womanhood long ago, forsaking what her life might have been to carry out the final charge that had been laid down by her clan, the last of their kind. 

    That was what she was doing now, continuing the task lain upon her shoulders so long ago.  For some time now it had been a weight upon her back, threatening at times to crush her into this world she had served for so long.  As she walked along the black ribbon that served as this town’s main road the grainy surface of the asphalt prickled at the bare soles of her feet, an altogether unpleasant sensation, but not an unbearable one.  The marvels that she’d seen humanity attain in their rise from cave dwellers to a civilized race were at times astounding, though still, she knew better than to do anything more than quietly admire them. 

    The black pools that were her eyes scanned about the area of the town she now stood in, taking in each detail.  To her left was a medium-sized, two story building, the Bank of The Pacific as the large blue and white sign proclaimed.  Just across the street, only fifty yards or so away, was one of the most attractive sites for tourists and even the local adolescents, the go-cart track.  The road that lay between the two areas ran west to

    east, beginning where it ended down on the beachfront and extending as far as the next road behind the town, the path known as Sandridge Road. 

    Casting her gaze to the west she could easily see the gray sands that were swept constantly back and forth along the coastline, closing her eyes as she listened to them silently grate against one another.  The roar of the ocean waves reached her ears as well, the song that lay beneath the white foam of the breakers a constant reminder of what this place had once been, and what it might be once more.  Opening her eyes she began to walk down the road, keeping her footing upon the yellow dividing line as she pondered the irony of the simple marking.  To either side lay the same road, though each side went a separate way.  As she continued on the roar of the ocean began to grow louder in her ears, forcing her to focus upon what was here and now, and what must be done.

    Drawing her focus inward she continued walking, bringing to mind the nine faces of those whom she had already selected years ago.  These nine individuals, children all, would bring about the change within this world that was so rightfully needed.  Through them she would complete the task that had been given to her, a task she had grown weary of long ago.  In truth she did not believe them fully ready for what would happen, but then, neither had she been ready for the burden she had been forced to bear. 

    They would have no choice in accepting this gift, a fact she lamented only a little.  She’d selected each of them carefully over the many years she’d watched them, finding only one that had given her any sort of pause.  Closing her eyes she pictured this individual within her mind, bringing his young face forward, past the others who would be his only true companions in the years to come.  The boy, nearly a man, stood out in her mind not unlike a mountain amidst the churning waves of her thoughts, his presence strong even though he slumbered miles from where she stood.

    A chill breeze caressed her ankles as she smiled gently, knowing that this was barely the beginning of what was to come.  Silver tendrils of mist curled around her feet as she kept her eyes firmly closed, focusing upon the youth she’d known from his birth would be the one she would ultimately pass the mantle of Champion to.  Prized among her kind, it was the only title that absolutely commanded respect, its dignified status among all others assuring its bearer that they would one day assume the mantle that had been placed upon her. 

    Mists the color of spun silver swirled around her madly as they grew ever thicker, her thoughts centering upon the young boy soon to be a man.  Even at this moment she could feel him tossing in his sleep, a result of her touch upon his very soul as within his physical body, changes began to occur, changes that would mark him and the others she’d selected as those who would ultimately redeem their kind.  Her smile only widened as she felt him resist just a bit, his young mind registering her intrusion as little more than a bad dream. The others did not even stir as she reached out to them, altering their beings in such a way that they would be capable of withstanding the gifts she would bestow upon them. 

    Sleep my children, sleep for now.  Tomorrow your lives shall change, and the Balance shall be yours to govern.  May the scales rest for a time.  As one she felt her new children awaken within their minds as the modifications she’d made took hold, altering their bodies in such ways that would take a matter of only days to discover.  As

    to her First among them all however, the boy who would soon become a man, she could feel as he tossed fitfully in his sleep, wakening even as she attempted to lull him to slumber as the others.  His will was strong, proving that he was indeed the one she had been waiting on for so long. 

    Her smile was wide enough that she felt her lips stretch from end to end, almost wolfish in its appearance.  This one was indeed strong, he would do well in the years to come.  She was sure of it.

    Yes my Champion, you will prove to be very strong in the times to come.  Those who truly love you will stand by your side until whatever end may come.  Be at peace for now my young First, and...

    *  *  *


    Darkness shrouded his vision as his eyes snapped open, the dream that had woken him fading instantly as he regained consciousness.  Sleep still clouded his gaze as he rose slowly, swinging his legs over the edge of his bed as he tried to shake off the deep slumber that had so fully gripped him.  All he could remember was that he was having such good dreams before being so rudely awakened by, by something that he simply could not define, an intangible force that most people would have accredited to something eaten the night before that didn’t agree with them. 

    The chicken pot pie he’d consumed for dinner had nothing to do with this however, it nutritional value far outweighing the influence it might have had upon his sleeping mind.  Passing his hand along his brow he wiped away a thin sheen of sweat, flinging it halfheartedly to the floor at his bedside.  Stretching deeply he let loose with a silent yawn as he swung both legs over edge of his bed, the motion causing the shades that now lay behind him to sway gently.  As his feet came in contact with the rough berber carpet that his parents were so strangely fond of he stopped, sure that he’d just heard a strange sound coming from outside his doorway. 

    Straining his ears he waited several moments to hear the sound again, squinting his eyes shut as he listened intently.  It had sounded not unlike a muffled groan, perhaps one of pain or perhaps even one of pleasure.  If it was the latter then he would undoubtedly go back to sleep with the realization that his parents had decided to get just a bit frisky during the night.  It was a thought that made him twist his lips in distaste, a thought that no child would ever in the history of man ever feel comfortable with.  Unless of course they were just twisted beyond all belief.  As he opened his eyes however he was quickly disabused of that notion.

    Opening his right eye first he could see the digital readout of the clock near his bedside, the red numbers glowing as though in dire warning as his heart beat just a bit faster.  The crimson numbers announced that it was only two-thirty in the morning, far too early, or late, for his parents to be awake let alone feeling spunky enough to enjoy each other’s more amorous attentions.  Frowning slightly to himself the young man wondered just what the sound could have been from, his mind running through the many possibilities.

    Perhaps the dogs, an eleven year old border collie and a three year old toy poodle, had needed to go outside to the bathroom.  Or maybe his father had forgotten about the bathroom that lay just beyond the left corner of the bed.  It had happened before, his old man sometimes reverted back to the days when the house had yet to receive the additions it now sported, a blessing of the good times his business had gone through.  Too many times he and his two siblings, and his current girlfriend, had tried to use the bathroom only to find that his father had beaten them to it, forgetting that he had his own.    

    A faint ring of metal came from beyond the door, causing his frown to deepen as he struggled to come fully awake.  What could they be doing out there?  Stretching once more he rose to his feet, his soles grinding into the rough berber as he felt joints pop all over his body.  Thanks to a vaulted ceiling his hands came nowhere near to touching the inner surface, offering him a very satisfying and very deep stretch.  As the sound came again he opened his eyes as fully as he could, his frown only deepening as he began to walk towards the door that led from his room into the hallway.  Opening the door he walked into the hall, not even giving a glance to his right or left as he continued to wake, thinking to call out and ask his parents what they were doing. 

    Whatever thought he was about to harbor next was pushed violently away even as he was pushed bodily towards the door of the linen closet that lay perpendicular to his own door.  He was about to lash out in protest, his first thought to protect himself.  As the cold metal edge of what could only be a blade settled against his throat however he stilled, the sharp edge of the weapon grating against his skin.  Calming himself immediately he still felt his blood boil, the natural reaction to the threat having been borne of long years of training that he could just barely suppress.  As the blade tightened against his skin he realized however that his attacker no doubt had very little compunction about shedding his blood. 

    Are you with us?  The quiet voice of his assailant was strikingly familiar, in fact, too familiar.  A strong, sickly copper scent wafted down the hall at that moment, tingling his nostrils as his eyes widened noticeably.  If his attacker noticed this he said nothing about it, keeping the edge of the blade firmly against his throat.  His sleep-fogged senses still didn’t quite register what was happening as he looked harder at his assailant, the darkness seeming to fade from his attacker’s body in the next moment. 

    Blinking rapidly he found that he could finally recognize his assailant, his eyes widening as he realized with great confusion that his attacker was one of his fellow students.  Short cropped blond hair framed a strong-boned face that had made many girls within their school swoon, though at the moment his features were pulled down into a fierce scowl.  His name was Matthew Pantana, a junior this year at Ilwaco High School.  He was a state wrestler, baseball player, nice guy and several other things that ran through Tyler’s mind at that moment, though only one stuck out among them all. 

    Matt?  What are you doing here?  His voice came out slightly pained as he tried to keep his throat from being sliced open simply by flexing the muscles.  In response Matt pressed just a bit harder with the blade, drawing a line of blood along Tyler’s skin.  His heartbeat accelerated with a sudden rush of anger, not fear as he felt within his veins his blood begin to warm.  It was all he could do to subdue this intense anger for a moment, checking himself just barely as he dipped his chin to glare at Matt.

    I don’t even know what you’re doing here Matt.  He became choked off in the next second as he remained still, not wanting to provoke Matt anymore than he’d already apparently done.

    I’m sorry Tyler.  Those three simple words galvanized Tyler in that moment, allowing him to draw his own conclusion a split second before Matt drew back the blade.  Tyler could see what type of weapon his classmate wielded in that moment, a rough edged machete that was faintly illuminated from the light that shone down the hallway.  Tyler could see that its edge had already been tainted with a red fluid that could only be blood.  The rage threatened to consume him once more as Matt brought the blade forward, seeking to bury its gore-encrusted edge within his throat.   

    It was child’s play to catch Matt’s wrist in his left hand, squeezing as hard as he possibly could as Matt gasped silently in pain.  He yanked his opponent’s captured wrist to the left.  With his right hand he jabbed Matt twice in rapid succession, sinking his fingers first into the junior’s gut and then into the area just between chest and shoulder.  Matt listed to the right, his eyes widening in pain as Tyler squeezed his right wrist even harder, forcing the blade to drop from his fingers.  Reaching over quickly with his right Tyler grasped the blade, rolling the plastic handle in his grasp until the edge was facing Matt’s body. 

    Though he was in pain Matt still saw the blade in Tyler’s hand, his eyes widening even farther as he tried to retreat, finding that Tyler’s grip was like iron, inescapable and relentless.  Tyler could just imagine that the other suspected what he was planning to do, the fear in his eyes attesting to this quite readily.  Tyler should have stopped, he knew he should have, but in his rage there was no halting his next action.  Bringing the weapon close to his right side he leveled the tip towards Matt’s midsection, his eyes alight with a fire that would not be easily quenched. 

    He knew enough about blades to understand that what he held in his hand was not made for the action he was about to perform.  A machete, especially the garden variety he held in his hand, was made for quick chops, not the violent thrust that he suddenly executed, pushing forward with as much force as he could muster.  The sound of tearing flesh was sickeningly loud within the hallway as a wet gurgle escaped from Matt’s lips, followed swiftly by a gout of blood that dribbled from between his lips to his chin, dripping onto the carpet.  Where the added momentum for such a thrust had come from Tyler had no idea, though at this moment he didn’t particularly care, for his eyes had wandered elsewhere.

    As Matt sagged forward, his head resting upon Tyler’s chest, Tyler looked to his right, noticing the disarray that his parents’ room had been left in.  His eyes narrowed as his blood burned, the telltale path of blood that tracked from their bedside to the hallway and beyond tearing at his heart.   Ramming the blade even harder he could feel as the machete threatened to bend to the left or right, its flimsy construction not able to handle such an action.  As the tip came bursting from Matt’s lower back he allowed a low growl to escape his lips, not caring as his fellow student coughed out a final froth of blood, his eyes closing against the pain. 

    Yanking backwards on the blade Tyler released Matt’s wrist to wrap his left hand around the junior’s throat, squeezing his windpipe in a crushing grip.  After so many years spent strengthening every part of his body, it was child’s play for Tyler to crush the young man’s larynx, the flesh giving easily beneath his iron grip.  Without another sound Matt fell hard to the floor, his lifeless eyes staring straight ahead towards the linen closet that lay adjacent to Tyler’s and his parents rooms.  Looking down on his body Tyler could find no pity, no part of himself that felt sorry for what he’d just done.

    Ordinarily he would have been horrified at such an act, his sense of honor and justice not capable of allowing him to perform such a thing as murder.  Blood that had sprayed from Matt’s savage gut wound had splattered against his body, staining the white shirt had gone to bed in.  Staring down at the crimson droplets he couldn’t help but wonder; he’d been in bed only moments ago, enjoying a pleasant dream until whatever had intruded had woke him up.  His every nerve seemed electrified as he raised his chin, closing his eyes against the more savage impulses that arose to his mind.

    Matt are you okay back there?  Another voice, also very familiar, came from the living room.  Coming back to himself upon hearing the words, his eyes snapping wide open to focus intently upon the end of the hallway.  The ember of rage sparked to a small inferno as he restrained himself from simply charging down the hallway, seeing first the open doorway that lay just a bit farther down the hallway to his right.  The room belonged to his girlfriend, Kerian, who had lived with his family since they were both only small children.  His heart beat even faster as he saw within her doorway the red and silver comforter that lay half in and half out of her room. 

    He’d heard nothing, so deep had his slumber been.  Only the faint thump and metallic scrape of a blade had reached his ears as he’d awoke.  Tyler felt his cheeks flush with shame as he realized how lax he’d been, though a part of him, a part he ignored at this moment, told him that he was not to blame.  Thrusting that voice away he sidled close to the left hand side of the hallway, glancing as far into the room as he could.  He stopped only when he came within inches of the corner that rounded into the living room, hearing the breathing of at least two or more people within.  Tyler could see far enough to ascertain that only the bed had been disturbed in Kera’s room, nothing more. 

    "Matt answer me dammit!  Do you have him or not?.  The voice cracked with just a bit of fear, further igniting Tyler’s rage as he finally recognized the speaker.  The only thing that kept him from simply charging into the living room with his pilfered blade raised high to slice was the thought of his parents and his girlfriend being held against their will or worse.  Of course, if they were dead, then not even divine intervention would stay his hand.  Through a titanic effort of will he kept his composure, stepping slowly into the light of the living room.  A two piece sectional couch stood in front of him, its other piece extending down the wall to the left while its longest section barred him from simply striding forward. 

    What he saw sent waves of confusion roiling along with his rage, which was now almost too much for him to handle.  Two more juniors from his school, large youths by the names of Robert Hughes and Kevin Potter, each looked at him with a mix of anxiety and fear.  Kevin’s eyes went to the blade in his hand, his gaze widening as he held his charge, Kera, against his bulk.  Both Kevin and Robert underwent a sudden transition from surprise to disgusted fear as they noticed the soiled blade in Tyler’s hand.

    Six foot three and nearly two hundred and eighty pounds, Robert Hughes was more flab than muscle, though against the two forms that were lying prone beneath him that had obviously not been a problem.  Tyler’s nostrils flared as he noticed the crumpled forms of his parents, their blood staining the carpet beneath them even as traces of it still dripped from the iron rod that Robert held in his right hand.  His left strayed to his waist, where Tyler could see what looked like a very old six shooter in plain view.  The sight of the gun nearly sent Tyler to vaulting over the couch, but upon swiveling his gaze towards Kera, he saw in her eyes both the concern and fear that he’d never wished to see again.  The sight was enough to stop him, for the moment.

    My God, what did you do?  Robert’s voice was very nearly a moan, causing Kevin to look over at him as he quickly composed himself, pulling Kera tighter against him as he dug the tip of a very large knife into her lower back.  Tyler’s own gaze found Robert’s, pinning the younger man in place as he shook visibly.  It was a saddening thing, at one time he’d actually respected these two as both athletes and people.  Now respect was an alien concept to associate with these two.  Disgust however, that came easily.

    Are you with us or against us Ferris?  Kevin managed to gain his attention, no doubt to Robert's relief, as Tyler fixed his glare upon him.  He allowed his eyes to linger for only a moment on Kevin’s, finding that the obese junior was not worthy of his attention.  Kera, despite being held against her will and obviously under duress, fixed her gaze upon Tyler’s with a measure of both concern and love, the latter emotion quickly replacing the fear.  Understanding had easily superceded the terror she’d no doubt felt upon seeing his rage.  She had seen him this way only once, though she had heard of at least two other times in which he had lost control.  She remembered making him promise that the one time would be the last time that he would do so in front of her. 

    Looking into her eyes now however he could see a reluctant acceptance of what must come, a resignation that she could not control what had to happen.  A single tear rolled down her cheek, glistening against her tan skin.  Kevin had one meaty hand wrapped around her throat, pressing himself against her backside as he offered Tyler a sickening leer over her shoulder. 

    Last chance Ferris, you’re either with us, or you join them.  Kevin nodded his head towards the crumpled forms of Tyler’s parents, taking his eyes off of him for just a moment.  It was a mistake that he would not be permitted to make again.  Tyler had already noticed that Kera’s hands and feet had been left unbound, a grave mistake for anyone who knew her well enough.  Dipping his chin he caught her eyes, noting the two rapid blinks she gave him in understanding.  She knew what was to come.  Waiting a few seconds for a more dramatic effect, Tyler leveled his gaze back at Kevin, matching the somewhat feral look in the junior’s eyes with his own.

    Sorry guys, but I think you’ll have to count me out this time.  He allowed a malicious grin to spread across his face as he stepped forward quickly, waving the machete in a menacing arc. 

    Robert was taken aback for a moment, while Kevin reacted instantly, trying to shove the blade in his hand deep into Kera’s body.  It took little effort for her however to slide just to the left, her backside rubbing against his ample belly as the knife was thrust harmlessly against her side.  Throwing her weight back suddenly she caught him

    off guard, forcing him to release her as she quickly went to her knees.  His balance compromised, Kevin shuffled backward, trying desperately to stay on his feet.  Whatever effort he could have put forth was wasted however as he fell backward, the nape of his neck striking an extremely solid bookshelf behind him.  Both shelving and junior went tumbling to the kitchen floor beyond in the next moment, spilling knick knacks, books and other small curios all over the laminated flooring. 

    Striking his head once more upon the shelving before lying still, Kevin didn’t even have time to cry out before his eyes rolled back in his head, his eyelids shutting as the knife clattered free of his grasp.  It was at that moment that Robert seemed to gain his composure, reaching clumsily for the pistol at his hip.  Tyler was far quicker however, reaching the junior even as he managed to bring the gun free of its holster.  With a savage downward chop he disarmed his opponent, almost literally in fact. 

    So hard did he swing that the crack of bone caused by his machete was almost completely drowned out by Robert’s high, keening scream of agony.  The junior staggered back against the wall behind him, his other hand opening in a violent spasm, releasing the iron pipe he’d been holding.  Cradling his mangled wrist to his chest he covered it with his uninjured hand, howling in his pain.  His cries were suddenly cut off as Tyler drove his left forearm into his nose, the crunch of cartilage and bone just barely preceding the gout of blood that began to gush over his lips and down his chin.  Effectively dazed, Robert fell to his knees with a loud thump, blinking his eyes even as they began to blacken from the brutal forearm shot. 

    Spinning on his heels to the right Tyler noticed as Kevin struggled to rise, undulating his bulk in the direction of the knife that lay only a few feet away.  Tyler strode forward quickly, raising his right foot into Kevin’s temple to lay the young man out once more and send him falling back another foot, almost propping him against the kitchen cupboards that his parents had worked so hard to afford.  As Kevin collapsed once more to the floor Tyler was still moving, turning back to check on Kera, finding that she’d crawled on hands and knees over to his parents, her quiet sobs wracking his heart as she felt for a pulse on the limp bundles that had once been people.  

    So intent was he on his girlfriend and parents that Tyler was completely surprised as with a bellow of pure anguish Robert came barreling at him, blood flying from his ravaged limb and nose as he went.  Tyler had no chance to set himself, finding that despite having two rapidly closing black eyes and suffering massive blood loss that Robert was still a formidable adversary.  He couldn’t help but appreciate for a split second the single-mindedness inherent in those who’d been backed into a corner.  Even in the most dire of situations it seemed that some individuals were unwilling or incapable of backing down and realizing they were defeated. 

    As the junior lifted him and kept driving that appreciation first waned and then crashed completely as he felt his back first meet and then shatter the living room window, spilling the two of them out onto the side deck.  Glass shards flew out in three directions as both young men landed hard upon the wooden deck, Robert on top while Tyler’s head bounced off the porch surface.  Even as his body was crushing his opponent Robert still had enough presence of mind left to thrust his ruined wrist directly into Tyler’s face, allowing the precious red fluid to run freely over his pinned opponent’s face. 

    There you sonofawhore!  You like that?!  Huh?  See what you did to me you dirty bastard?!  Choke on it you animal, drink it all down!  Pressing the wound directly to Tyler’s face he was oblivious to anything else, no doubt thinking that he would take Tyler with him even if he didn’t succumb to the loss of blood.  The salty iron taste of his aggressor’s blood was sickening as he tried to move his head away from the gory wound, finding that Robert would not allow this.  He’d not yet tapped into the rage that had risen upon seeing the crumpled forms of his parents, thinking that to act in such a rash manner would cause the death of both Kera and himself.  Now however, with death hastening to accept him into its chill embrace he saw no reason to hold on anymore, so he let go. 

    Robert had only one hand planted upon the deck for stability, his bulk easily planted atop Tyler to keep him from falling off.  Unfortunately he’d failed to pin Tyler’s hands, a mistake that was about to cost him very dearly.  Fire danced within Tyler’s eyes as with one hand he hooked clawed fingers into the ruin of Robert’s wrist, sinking his nails into the tender flesh of the wound.  Howling straight into his face Robert sounded not unlike a wounded animal, a sound that grew only more shrill as reaching back with his left hand Tyler applied a vice-like grip on his wrist, twisting savagely until the bone cracked, spilling Robert to the side. 

    Rolling his bulk off this suddenly savage opponent, Robert howled anew in agony, holding his wrists together as Tyler rolled in the opposite direction.  Coughing out as much of the junior’s blood as he could Tyler rose to his knees, the fury still burning in full force within his eyes.  Having dropped the machete in order to attack his opponent he was at the moment unarmed, though Robert was in no condition to grasp the weapon and threaten him anew.  It was far too easy to reach down and retrieve the weapon, though looking at the quivering bulk that had once been a classmate and even a teammate Tyler realized that he no doubt lacked the strength to haul the junior to his feet.

    Rage overrode reason however as with his left hand he reached down, not caring if Robert weighed as much as a full grown horse at that point.  The twin fires of his eyes burned brightly, a strange ribbon of mist crossing them, though he did not know of this.  All he realized in the next moment was that he’d hefted Robert to his feet with one arm, walking him to the edge of the porch where he slammed him bodily against one of the supports.  Robert was in no condition to do anything save whimper, his eyes seeming to plead with Tyler as they continued to swell shut.  There was no pity in Tyler’s eyes, no remorse, and no forgiveness.  As he raised his right arm to drive the machete into Robert’s body his gaze intensified ten fold, as though all the darkest feelings in his life had sprung to the fore in that instant. 

    For my parents.  Though he spoke quietly, Tyler’s voice was laced with such venom that his words alone might have killed were the world so inclined to allow it.  As he began his thrust his mind once more tried to reason that the machete was not made for such an act, that his thrust would do little more than skate along the junior’s body.  Before the blade penetrated however he once more felt a strange surge of energy, an added momentum that lent more than enough force to his blow, allowing the gore-slathered blade to enter Robert’s body with the greatest of ease.  Past muscle, fat, through at least two organs and just barely brushing his spinal column, the blade penetrated the wooden support behind him with an audible crack, pinning the junior in place as he tried to howl again in anguish.  All that came forth however was a bloody froth that dribbled down his chin, staining his shirt further as he uttered a final gurgle, hanging impaled upon the wooden post. 

    Not sure if the blade would hold his bulk nor caring Tyler turned away, knowing very well that Robert would be dead soon.  Turning to his left he moved to go back into the house, walking towards the shattered window as his eyes still burned.  A scream suddenly split the night beyond, as though of someone in the grip of a fear that was far worse than anything that had come before.  Tyler turned in three directions, his eyes taking in the landscape of his home as he realized that the scream had come from beyond the boundaries of his home.  To his left, beyond the porch, was the scrub and brush-lined embankment that led upward nearly ten feet to the few houses that lay beyond.  In front was the green stretch of lawn that separated the house from the garage, its gleaming white siding looking somehow ominous in the pale light given off by the full moon above.  On the right the road known as I Place stretched to the north, while on its eastern edge the hills that were covered in fir trees and tight, hardy scrub glimmered in the weak light. 

    At least, the areas that he could see glimmered.  Tyler suddenly realized that he couldn’t see the lawn, couldn’t even see the lower half of the garage.  His mind didn’t seem up to the task of truly understanding the veil of gray mist that roiled at what looked like waist depth along the ground.  Shaking his head Tyler decided to file this for later, stepping back towards the window as he lifted first one leg through and then the next.  Rage still burned deep within his heart as he stood there for a moment, finding himself wishing that he could find yet another way to make these two young men pay.

    Allowing himself to calm down for a moment he looked down upon Kera as she knelt over the still forms of his parents, her sobs having subsided somewhat.  Sorrow very nearly undid him at that moment, the realization that he had lost two people he loved so dearly gripping at his heart with icy talons that threatened to quench his anger.  As quickly as this happened however the rage returned as he saw the other assailant, Kevin, rise groggily to his feet, seeing Kera without even noticing Tyler.  As the junior advanced on his girlfriend Tyler waited, allowing the young man to turn his back to him before moving forward.  Stepping up until he was only inches from Kevin’s back he reached around to take Kevin’s chin in his right while he placed his left on the back of the junior’s head.  Twisting savagely to the right Tyler didn’t even wince as he felt the junior’s spine first twist and then give way with a sickening crunch.

    He’d been taught to never use the strength he possessed, nor the skill, to harm another being save for self defense.  Movies glamorized the martial arts and their deadly efficiency far too much, at times leaving out the moral implications of such actions.  He’d watched many movies in which people had had their neck snapped with the greatest of ease.  Never before now however would he have though that it would be so hideously easy.  Regardless of what he believed however, Kevin’s eyes rolled back in his head as Tyler let his limp form drop to the floor. 

    Kera looked around sharply as the body of the dead junior hit the carpet, her eyes raising towards Tyler.  He had looked away by then, focusing his gaze once more towards the ragged window as he stared sullenly at the strange mist outside.  If she’d seen his eyes she might not have understood just what was going on within his mind.  Or

    maybe she would have.  His heart raged with the volatile mixture of rage and anguish that threatened to undo him, his nerves jangling dangerously.  No tears came to his eyes, though his resolve was in serious danger of dissolving as Kera rose to her feet.  All he wanted was to drop to his knees next to his parents, to mourn them as they deserved. 

    Kera, we have to go.  He kept his voice low and calm, belying the storm of emotions that ran rampant through his heart at the moment.  She sniffed once, bringing a hand to her face to wipe away the few tears that still remained.  Her gaze shifted slowly from utter helplessness to mild confusion as she looked at his back. 

    Why?  Why can’t we just stay here?  Her tone was that of a frightened girl as she asked this while her hazel eyes were widened, making the illusion of her being a helpless young woman even more complete.

    It isn’t safe here anymore.  He held up a hand to forestall her next comment, turning to face her as he felt his nerves quiet just a bit. 

    Don’t ask me how I know, I just do.  This seemed to be enough to placate her in that regard, though as her gaze drifted back behind her to his parents his heart clenched painfully.  He knew too well what she was about to ask. 

    What about your parents?  We can’t just leave them here.  Her words were punctuated by a soft snuffle as she wiped a hand across her eyes.  The puffiness of sleep hadn’t yet left her face, despite the events that had just transpired within the last few minutes.  Tyler mulled that over for just a moment.  From the time he had woke to now only a few minutes had passed, though it felt like so much longer.  Heaving a silent sigh he gave voice to the words that he knew he must speak, even though he knew that Kera wouldn’t approve.

    They’re beyond our help now Kera.  They’re dead."  Her eyes widened in shock as he spoke as calmly as he could, keeping her gaze as she stepped close, wrapping both hands in the folds of his shirt as he kept his face as impassive as possible.

    How can you say that?  HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?!  The first question came out just barely over a whisper, while she shouted the next one right in his face.  Taking one hand out of his shirt she pounded it against his chest, sinking her forehead towards his chest as she appeared ready to break down.

    Because I loved them is why and I know you did as well.  You know as well as I do that they would want us to remain safe.  This house isn’t safe anymore.  We have to go.  Tyler held her close for a few moments, easily calming her faint struggles as he weathered the storm of both their emotions. 

    But we can’t just leave them here.  She looked up into his ice blue eyes, finding within their depths a range of feeling that she’d known existed all her life.  Kera knew this man to be caring, though she also knew his dark side at least enough to know she was afraid of it.  While in control of himself Tyler was a gentle soul, more likely to befriend a person than go to war with them.  He was more than capable of being cruel however, though looking into the twin chips of cerulean ice as she did now Kera knew that he was simply being strong, nothing more. 

    We can and we will.  This was their home and as such they will remain here.  His tone brooked no argument, allowing her to know that whatever she said, it would fall on deaf ears.  Nodding in agreement Kera pressed herself to his body even tighter for

    several moments, holding close to his warmth.  A sudden thought crossed her mind as her eyes suddenly snapped open. 

    Tyler, what about Alex?  What about Sarah and Shannon?  Her eyes widened in alarm as she spoke the names of the three high school students who lived closest to them.  Alex Hague, Sarah Burgher and Shannon Sartell were all friends of theirs and had been for years.  Sarah and Shannon were the best of friends, having done nearly everything together in their lives, while Alex was often the odd man out in any gathering. 

    At the moment Alex was the closest since he lived in the house that was just atop the embankment that lay just beyond the western side of their home.  Shannon was the next closest, living across I Street from him.  Alex’s father was one of the many sheriff’s that insured the safety of the residents all along the peninsula, a widower who had done as best he could for himself and his son.  A freshman in high school, Alex was a nice enough kid, though at times he seemed just a bit odd.  Tyler didn’t have to ask what she meant, he could see the concern for their fellow students in her eyes.  This was one reason he loved her so much, her selfless and ultimately giving nature. 

    Wait here for a moment.  Letting go of her Tyler exited the living room, walking back down the hallway at a brisk pace.  He was reaching for his closet door to thrust it aside even as he stepped into the room since it lay just to the left of the door.  His closet was no larger than average, just enough space to hold his clothing, a few odds and ends, and the chest that lay in the back right corner.  Its dimensions were a good four and a half feet long by three feet wide and two and half feet deep.  The contents of the chest had been secured inside by a rather intricate lock that only Tyler had the knowledge of how to open.  This had been installed only a few years ago and had been more for his parents’ peace of mind than his own.  Keying in the numbered sequence he’d updated only a year ago he quickly opened the chest, shoving aside several items and articles of clothing.  Withdrawing several items that he’d possessed for many years now he carefully and with great solemnity secured them to his body.  After two of the items were tied snugly to his person  he hefted three more, grabbing his backpack as he exited his room, perhaps for the last time.

    As he entered the living room once more he saw as Kera laid the blankets from her bed over his parents, an act for which he was profoundly grateful.  If nothing else they were being afforded at least a small measure of dignity.  When she looked up to him her face fell slightly, her mouth hanging open just a bit as he held out the three additional items he’d grabbed.

    Oh Tyler, what are you doing?  Her voice was tinged with shock as she placed her hand to her mouth, her fingers trembling just a bit.  He looked at her stonily, seeing right away that she had nearly succumbed to the sorrow that was threatening to take him as well.  His appearance no doubt had a little to do with this, since upon looking in the long mirror that was mounted to the wall above the couch he could see that he looked like something out of a bad movie. 

    We’re going to see if our friends are alright.  I don’t want to be caught flat-footed again.  Take these, we might need them.  Looking at the weapons he offered her she slowly shook her head, taking the weapons in spite of herself.  Strapped to his left hip was a Japanese katana that bore a single symbol upon its scabbard.  It had no hand guard

    and was three and half feet in length from the tip of the blade to the pommel.  Upon his back was a double edged short sword, its grip rounded and topped with a large ball pommel not unlike a Roman gladius.  Strapped between his shoulder blades it was within easy reach, providing a smooth draw that he had actually practiced a few times when his parents hadn’t been around.  As much as they’d tried to understand his strange fascination with blades, they’d always tried to instill within him the need for the utmost restraint.       

    Kera’s weapons were smaller to compensate for her much slimmer but no less powerful build, a katana that matched his but was nearly six inches shorter and another sword that was nearly a foot shorter than that one.  Both came in lacquered sheaths that had cost a substantial amount, enough that both she and Tyler had thought to save up for nearly a year, doing odd jobs and other duties to earn the money.  At the time she’d thought only of buying the blades to share in her boyfriend’s interests, though now, as she strapped them to her body, he could see the sad resignation in her eyes.  The last piece was a felt bandolier containing no less than six very sharp and extremely well balanced throwing knives.

    What if whoever we see has a gun and a bad attitude?  She narrowed her eyes slightly as she asked this, making sure that her weapons were cinched tightly enough to her body. 

    We’ll keep to the shadows as much as possible.  A person can’t shoot what they can’t see.  He pulled her into his embrace as he said this, sharing his warmth as she accepted him gratefully.  Burying her face in his shoulder the bandolier was pressed between them, reminding them both of what had happened this night. 



    Why is this happening?  He didn’t answer right away, his gaze fixed upon the mirror that lay over the couch.  The darkness of the night was reflected back to him from the shattered window beyond, the silvered mist flowing thick enough to obscure sight upon the ground.  Tyler felt a stirring within his mind, a nagging feeling that he should know exactly what was going on, but as he tried to corner the thought it continued to elude him, slipping away like a small minnow evading a large and clumsy predator. 

    We have to go.  We have to make sure our friends are okay.  He let her go gently as he strode to the right, his direction towards the door that would lead onto the far side of the deck.  After checking her weapons once more Kera followed.  As she kept close to him she gasped, noticing for the first time the silver gray mist that hung at waist height.  Reaching back for her hand he felt as she grasped it tightly, following without asking questions. 

    Stepping off the edge of the porch onto the lawn Tyler stopped, realizing as the grass beneath his feet was wet with early morning dew.  The socks he wore became quickly saturated, causing his footsteps to squeak as he took two steps forward.  He quickly discarded the footwear, knowing that eventually he would regret the decision.  Kera had been barefoot when she’d been taken from her room, though as the two of them made their way along the wet lawn she found herself wishing she’d thought to don her shoes for the short trek to Alex’s house.

    Until they’d decided to cut a shorter path, the way up the embankment had been blocked by a massive screen of brambles, complete with thorns and blackberries that often ripened in the summer.  The lower half of the path was currently shrouded within the mist, hidden from their eyes as they waded through the murky vapor, feeling the cold deep within their bones.  While still halfway along the short path Tyler could see the telltale glimmer of a light within the upper windows of Alex’s home.  The light was so faint however that it was hard to tell where it came from, perhaps the living room upstairs.  Reaching the top of the path Tyler stopped shortly after allowing Kera to join him by his side. 

    As the two of them began walking towards the house they couldn’t help but feel as though they were being watched by something that couldn’t be seen, only felt.  The sensation was not unlike nettles all along their bodies, raising gooseflesh as they continued forward.  The darkened lower windows seemed to watch them approach, the shadows contained within seeming to quiver with anticipation.  Tyler couldn’t explain the feeling, but he got the sense that the house was waiting, holding its breath in order to remain as still as possible.  Shaking his head softly to clear his mind of such ominous thoughts he kept striding forward through the mist, unable to stop his teeth from chattering slightly as he measured each step carefully.

    Pebbles and small rocks dug into both his and Kera’s feet since they couldn’t see where they were walking, forcing them to tread even more carefully.  Above the mist everything was visible, lending credence to the belief that the world only three feet below its rolling surface was still very much real. 

    I don’t like this.  Kera clamped her right hand upon his left arm as they walked forward together, looking in every direction she could.  Every shadow seemed to pose a threat, seeming to stretch forth to menace them as they stood out in the open, free for the entire world to attack. 

    We’re almost there, just a few more steps and we’ll be inside again.

    A frantic scream pierced the black night from far off in the hills behind and to the right of them, choking off suddenly as they spun in that direction.  The shriek was followed closely by another, far more savage roar from something that lay far closer and to the left, not far from where they stood.  Pulling on his shirt Kera silently urged Tyler forward towards the house, her eyes wide with fear.

    The front of the house was composed of a garage door and a regular door, since the lower

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