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Vantage Point
Vantage Point
Vantage Point
Ebook344 pages4 hours

Vantage Point

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About this ebook

"What the world needs now, is you leading with a quiet mind!"


We are living in testing times. Complexity, uncertainty, and disruption are the new normal, and ever-evolving artificial intelligence just upped the ante!

To navigate the choppy and muddy waters of rapid change, we need a fresh new way of thinking about leadership. One that goes beyond the rigidity of the traditional command and control model and cultivates a mindset of agility, resilience, and adaptability.


It's not enough to simply follow step-by-step instructions on better leading. The secret to transforming your world lies in the deeper wisdom that you find when you lead with the VANTAGE POINT of a quiet mind.


"VANTAGE POINT: cutting through the bullsh*t of a complex world" is not about telling you what to see; it's about showing you where to look, unlocking the deeper wisdom within you, and illuminating the path ahead if you are ready to see.


It offers a game-changing perspective on leadership that will help you rise to the challenges and opportunities of today's turbulent business environment.

VANTAGE POINT's ground-breaking and forward-thinking approach will allow you to:

  • Cut through the noise and ambiguity and see the world and its complex problems with fresh eyes, simplicity, and clarity.
  • Shift your focus from a problem-solving to a creating mindset and unlock new pathways to drive transformation and innovation.
  • Lead with greater presence of mind, insight, and influence, creating transformative change in lives, organisations, and communities.
  • Foster self-organising cultures that thrive in a digital world and empower individuals to take ownership and drive innovation.
  • Take a human-centric, sustainable, and socially responsible approach to your business and contribute to a better future for all.

Don't miss this opportunity to profoundly change the quality of your life, your impact on the lives of others, and the community you serve.


Embrace the potential of VANTAGE POINT and step through your gateway to wisdom and transformation today.



"This is not your ordinary leadership book, Mike challenges us to look beyond our current level of understanding of how we think the world works and push its boundaries. It's like a treasure map, guiding us to venture beyond the familiar, challenge the status quo, and embrace the unknown. For those willing to look, in this book, you'll find a beacon of wisdom that shines a light on our path ahead in these uncertain times.

Nunzio Giurastante, National Manager, Grow Fit Fund, Australia

Release dateDec 11, 2023
Vantage Point

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    Book preview

    Vantage Point - Mike Schwarzer

    Table of Contents





    How to get the most from this book!


    What’s in it for you?

    Learning Opportunity: Creating Possibilities!

    What this book will cover


    Chapter 1: The journey, how did we get here?

    Chapter 2: The Foundation of Inside-Out Leadership

    Chapter 3: Why Inside-Out Leadership

    Chapter 4: Who do You Choose to Be for this Time?

    Chapter 5: The Path of the Soul!

    Chapter 6: Look at what is doing the creating, not what is created!


    Chapter 7: Complexity through the eyes of the Deeper Mind

    Chapter 8: Navigating at the level of Mental Models

    Chapter 9: Implication followed by Application in Action in

    Chapter 10: Being a Creative Force

    Chapter 11: Building better lives, better organisations, and a better worldna


    Chapter 12: Being more effective and impactful in the world in

    Chapter 13: The Premise of the Art and Skill of Inside-Out Leadership In

    Learning Opportunity: Creating Possibilities - Revisted

    Chapter 14: The Art and Skill - Grounding & Impact

    Chapter 15: Building wise, fluid, and human-centric entities

    Learning Opportunity: Creating Possibilities - Final Revisit



    About the Author


    "In these extraordinary times, the need for exceptional thinkers and organisations has never been greater. While many leadership books follow the well-trodden ground, today's complexities and challenges necessitate a fresh perspective on leadership.

    Mike Schwarzer's book, 'VANTAGE POINT: cutting through the bullsh*t of a complex world,' serves as both the torch and compass that illuminate the way and guide us as we step into uncharted territory, embark on new explorations, and pioneer innovative paths.

    Consider it the 'secret sauce' that empowers leaders and managers to rise above the noise and illuminate their path forward."

    Gabriella Sprott, Director & Co-Founder @ ShowMe Exchange, Australia

    "'VANTAGE POINT' is a breath of fresh air in these uncertain times. As a leader in the not-for-profit and community-based sector, I know how challenging it can be to navigate the intricate business terrain we find ourselves in.

    This book is like a treasure map, guiding us to venture beyond the familiar, challenge the status quo, and embrace the unknown. For those willing to look, in this book, you’ll find a beacon of wisdom that shines a light on our path ahead in these uncertain times.

    If you want to have a greater impact on our growth as a leader, improve your ability to guide others, and make operational and strategic decisions, this book will be your trusted compass on this journey!"

    Nunzio Giurastante, National Manager, Grow Fit Fund, Australia

    "Sit down with a good cup of coffee and prepare to challenge yourself and your thinking.

    Mike takes us on a journey through concepts that challenge our thinking and our beliefs. A couple of times I had to stop, scratch my chin, sit back and ponder before… ping… the idea hit me between the eyes.

    He adds enjoyable stories along the way to demonstrate how to bring these concepts to life. This book isn’t one to pick up if you are looking for a 5 minute how-to guide. This is a book to explore, ponder and grow with."

    Michelle T Holland, Author of the international bestseller, Culture Inc and Founder & Director of SynergyIQ, Organisational Consulting Firm, Adelaide, Australia

    "Mike has a deep understanding of people, organisations and how they both tick; the reasons why they struggle, and how to help them to thrive.

    The pages of this book contain a blueprint & roadmap for doing precisely that. Immerse yourself in his gentle wisdom, and watch your results, and your experience of creating them, transform."

    Jonny Bowden, Executive Coach, Swindon, UK

    "In this rapidly evolving digital and dynamic environment that continues to disrupt how we conduct business, I see it as crucial for any leader to approach leadership with an open mind and develop an adaptable mindset.

    ‘VANTAGE POINT’ challenges conventional thinking and urges us to question our beliefs and assumptions. 

    It's not for everyone, but if nothing else, it encourages us to step back and take an elevated perspective through which we can rise above the noise that clouds our judgment and see the world with greater clarity."

    Peter Nicolaidis, Managing Director, Grandeur Wellington, McLaren Flat, South Australia

    "In this book, Mike Schwarzer opens the door, with wisdom and grace, to inside-out leadership, a concept that posits our experiences, perceptions, and leadership capabilities are generated from within, rather than being influenced primarily by external factors.

    With empathy and kindness, he invites and guides the reader on the path to understanding that our feelings, actions, and leadership styles are a reflection of our internal thought processes and state of consciousness. The reader thus comes to view leadership as an internal, personal journey rather than just a set of external strategies and skills.

    The essential message of hope that this book brings is that if leaders focus on the inner workings of their mind and their consciousness, they can become better equipped to create sustainable, innovative, and empathetic solutions, leading to more effective and humane organizations and communities, and, ultimately, a better world."

    Paula Anastasiade, Organizational Change Manager, Bucharest, Romania

    VANTAGE POINT is a personal invitation to embark on a journey of fresh perspectives and an elevated mindset. It calls on leaders to question limitations, operate in the sweet spot between chaos and order, and ignite transformation.

    Mike’s insights challenge the status quo, embracing a new era of leadership in a changing world. His book invites active participation in awakening our consciousness and shifting from problem-solving to creating. This transformative shift opens doors to innovation beyond conventional boundaries. You’ll find clarity and insight to navigate the labyrinth of complexity, leaving the shackles of stale thinking behind. Through wisdom, inspiration, and heightened awareness, Mike beckons readers to explore the uncharted territories of their own potential and absorb and embody the principles shared. Storytelling and practical examples illuminate the path to a VANTAGE POINT; transcending the ordinary to stand at the intersection of vision and action. Mike encourages a profound conversation with our own potential.

    VANTAGE POINT is an immersive experience, a compass for those ready to transcend the ordinary and lead with audacity.

    Rich Liotta PhD, Psychologist, New York, USA 

    "Mike's book, Vantage Point, takes a bold approach in cutting through the bullsh*t of a complex world, offering a refreshing perspective. In an environment where complexity reigns and traditional leadership paradigms fall short, his message is simple: 'think less, see clearer, lead wiser.' This philosophy encourages readers to rise above the noise rather than getting bogged down by it.

    Reading through Vantage Point is like putting on a new pair of glasses that provides a clear view beyond boundaries and limitations uncovering hidden gems of truth. The book's practical value extends beyond mere teaching; it transforms, equipping leaders to confront today's challenges with simplicity, fostering easy connections, and helping them identify blind spots without overthinking.

    In a world that demands wiser leadership, Vantage Point serves as a guiding light. It's not just relevant; it's indispensable for navigating the uncertainties that organizations face today."

    Patrik Fordell, Unit Manager, Aged Care, Stockholm, Sweden


    The information in this book is based on the author's knowledge, experience, and opinions. The approaches and methods described in this book are not intended to be a definitive set of instructions. You may discover other methods and materials to accomplish the same end result. Your results may differ.

    Copyright © 2023 Mike Schwarzer

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review.

    For more information contact:

    Book cover design by book_maker1 on Fiverr

    Book cover graphic by LoganArt on Pixabay


    How to get most from this book!


    So, what is wrong with this paradigm?

    Focusing on the NATURE of things!

    Doing the Right things!

    Wisdom is real time, here and now!

    Yeti Wisdom Metaphor

    What’s in it for you?

    Learning Opportunity: Creating Possibilities!

    What this book will cover



    Chapter 1. The journey, how did we get here?

    Did you deliver the package or did the package deliver you?

    Good leaders help people to grow … period!

    The key to the kingdom!

    Transitioning from a Mastery Model to an Insight Model

    What if you have found the TERRITORY?

    A higher-level eco-system of consciousness

    Maneuvering life through the ego mind

    Navigating life through the deeper mind

    Capacity for Insight – Your Ultimate Leverage Point

    Chapter 2. The Foundation of Inside-Out Leadership

    What is Inside-Out Leadership

    A New Way of Thinking about Leadership

    The Inside-Out Understanding

    The Path of Least Resistance

    Intention versus Attention

    The 3 Principles

    The Domain of Living Adaptive Systems

    Inside-Out Distinctions

    Your Organisation – A Living ‘Adaptive’ System

    Chapter 3. Why Inside-Out Leadership?

    Little Mind does not have an Innate ‘Bullsh*t’ Detector!

    Divine Intervention to the rescue … stepping beyond the realm of the ego mind!

    A Question of Integrity and Ecology

    Little Mind’s other Important Role

    Chapter 4. Who do You Choose to Be for this Time?

    Chapter 5. The Path of the Soul

    People are not broken; they work perfectly well!

    As leaders and facilitators of change …

    3 paths that guide our beingness in the world

    The path of the soul is our natural state … it’s our default setting

    But something happens when we walk the path of the soul

    What OFF moments will tell us

    So, what about the ON moments?

    Learning with Curiosity, Playfulness and Knowing Nothing

    When the soul does the heavy lifting

    Where did the insight come from?

    How do we know when we are online?

    The Orientation of the Inside-Out Leader

    How can we observe this intelligence at work?

    Thought-created world

    Wisdom-created world

    The Raft & the Roller Coaster Metaphor

    Chapter 6. Look at what is doing the creating, not what is created!

    What is doing the creating versus What is created



    Chapter 7. Complexity through the eyes of the deeper mind!

    Expanding perception

    Opening the door for insight to emerge

    The extended Iceberg Model showing the Deeper Mind

    What level of consciousness and intention drives the system?

    Chapter 8. Navigating at the level of Mental Models and the Deeper Mind

    Mental Models – Intellect

    The Web of the Mind Model

    Making the Invisible Visible

    Seeing more than meets the eye!

    A word of caution

    Learning and seeing the map, gives us leverage

    Conceptual versus embodied understanding

    Deeper Mind – Universal Intelligence

    The Deeper Mind - Web of Mind Model

    The Biggest Little Farm

    Three dots aligned

    Chapter 9. Implication followed by Application in Action

    Seeing with fresh eyes

    Living systems don’t always follow the rules of the rational mind

    What I learned about systems from my chiropractor

    Natural Range of Movement

    Study of Wellness versus the Study of Disease

    Our role as Inside-Out Leaders

    Matching and mismatching count in leading and coaching change

    Chapter 10. Being a Creative Force

    Are you advancing or oscillating?

    How does structural tension work?

    What’s a rubber band got to do with anything?

    Becoming a creative force

    Advancing versus Oscillating – Implication versus Application

    Structural tension is a perpetual process

    Conception – Assimilation – Completion

    Creative versus reactive-responsive orientation

    Chapter 11. Building better lives, better organisations, and a better world

    Missed Opportunity – The New Manager

    A serious case of ‘bullsh*t’

    What I saw from the top of my hill



    Chapter 12. Being more effective and impactful in the world

    The secret is in what you SEE

    How can we be more effective and impactful in the world?

    Listen to life beyond what you already know!

    Emerging Insights, Implications and Transformational Change

    Higher Vantage Point and Leverage – ‘Insight-Implication-Transformation’ Process

    3 Levels of Inside-Out Leadership Transformation

    Focus on grounding and implication

    Germ Theory: from Insight to Implication to Transformation

    Hanging out in the space and appreciation of ‘nothingness’

    Our natural state and self-correcting system

    Snow Dome Metaphor

    Selling from a space of nothingness

    Chapter 13. The Premise of the Art and Skill of Inside-Out Leadership

    The Captain and the Ocean Metaphor

    Rising above and transcending what we see as problems

    Navigating VUCA from the Inside-Out Perspective!

    Words have no meaning

    A different question when we see VUCA with inside-out eyes

    Countering VUCA with Vision, Understanding, Clarity and Agility

    Foresight, Insight, Clarity, and Flexibility

    The rock, the playdough, and the boundless space

    The four pillars as a function of our Deeper Mind

    Wise words from Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella

    Slow down, to speed up

    Learning Opportunity: Creating Possibilities – Revisited

    Chapter 14. The Art and Skill - Grounding & Impact

    The power of deep listening

    Moving beyond technical leadership

    Where does your energy flow?

    Mind Tachometer Metaphor

    As a transformation leader, what is your intention?

    Vantage Point Exercise: What’s your highest WHY?

    When you see the world with clearer perception

    Be mindful of what you think and wish for

    The Chef and the General Manager

    Expanding your perceptual bandwidth

    Vantage Point Exercise: Seeing Things Others Don’t’ See

    Seeing the genius in your people

    Rock solid confidence in your people’s capacity for insight

    The role of seeing the genius in your people and in each other

    How to look beyond external characteristics

    The genius in me recognises the genius in you

    Vantage Point Exercise: Unleashing universal genius

    Creating the space for quiet conversation and insight

    Be aware of the matrix

    We need all perspectives, not just a few

    The role of the wise leader

    Listening deeply and pointing awareness

    Holding the space for each other

    Why hold the space, listen deeply, and point awareness?

    A vantage point of clarity and wisdom

    Vantage Point Exercise: Creating the space for insightful conversations

    Chapter 15. Building wise, fluid, and human-centric entities

    Transforming into a wise, fluid, and human-centric organisation

    Pointing your attention toward the deeper nature of the system

    The Invisible Threads: Understanding the organisational genetic code

    Naturally emerging culture: collaboration, experimentation, and learning

    Your Business, A Living ‘Adaptive’ System

    What does a wise and fluid organisation look like?

    The Model: Your Business, A Living ‘Adaptive’ System

    Vantage Point Exercise: Wise and fluid mind, wise and fluid organisation

    (Part 1 – The Wisdom of the Ecosystem)

    (Part 2 – Universal Wisdom Alignment)

    Learning Opportunity: Creating Possibilities – Final Revision

    Epilogue: Beyond the Bullsh*t of Complexity: A Wise Leader’s Vantage Point for Clarity!


    About the Author


    How to get the most from this book!

    You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink, nor can you make it SEE the water! Mike Schwarzer

    Welcome to VANTAGE POINT, a book about leadership guided by a higher ground of clarity, wisdom, and insight.

    It explores a fresh new way of thinking about leadership that will allow you to ‘cut through the bullsh*t’ of today’s complex, disruptive, and turbulent world and focus your energies on the things that count.

    This book will expand your perceptual possibilities and allow you to see the world and its complex problems with new eyes. You will see things that you have never seen before!

    It will give you the means to Think Less, See Clearer, and Lead Wiser!

    What it is pointing to underpins everything you are and everything you do as a leader and as a human being.

    Depending on the depth of your understanding, it has the potential to profoundly change the quality of your life, the way you think and do things, and your impact on the lives of others in meaningful and enriching ways.

    A word of caution: The direction I am pointing you in may not be suitable for everyone, particularly those of us accustomed to reading, comprehending, and making intellectual sense of things, and drawing comparisons to what we think we already know and currently understand.

    If you prefer to stick with what you already know and are content with the status quo, this book may not resonate with you, and that's perfectly fine.

    However, …

    The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into awareness. Lao Tzu

    As you embark on this journey, I want to direct your attention beyond the surface-level words and content.

    While you may find the information interesting, useful, or entertaining, the true essence lies not in the words themselves but in the direction they point.

    As Alexandra Trenfor famously said, they guide you to where to look, but not what to see!

    What I'm presenting in the book is not a conventional subject, nor one typically appreciated solely on an intellectual level in written form. It often finds expression through stories, metaphors, analogies, and thought-provoking questions.

    In many ways, it reveals itself in moments when we're not actively seeking it. It is in these unassuming moments that what we seek becomes apparent, hidden in the very spaces between the letters and words.

    Ultimately, my goal is to challenge you to look beyond the surface and discover the profound messages tucked away within.

    Therefore, read it, as best as you can, with nothing on your mind.

    I encourage you to approach this book with an open mind and without preconceptions. Don't get lost in the words or try to intellectually decipher everything. Instead, focus on grasping the essence.

    This is not an academic or instructional book; it's about tuning into a deeper common sense.

    With that in mind, I invite you to explore the concepts I present and put them to the test for yourself.

    All you need to do is be present and open to whatever thoughts arise in your mind.

    You may hear some noise from mental interference come and go … just stay engaged in the process, stay in the game.

    As the opening quote and its implied metaphor suggests, you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink nor see the water.

    Implication versus Application

    Metaphorically, this book is less about drinking the water (the application) and more about pointing you to the water and its fundamental nature (the implication).

    Once you truly see the water, you'll instinctively know what to do with it.

    There is not always something to do, but there is always something fresh to be seen! Michael Neill

    The aim of the game is to take you beyond the limitation of intellectual and mechanistic thinking and beyond what you already know. Where you can see the world and the way you operate with fresh eyes, experience deep insights, and have profound shifts in your understanding of how life and the human experience works.

    It's worth mentioning that I've had insights after revisiting something multiple times.

    Therefore, I encourage you to read this book, or specific sections, more than once.

    As you can see in the content pages, I have broken down each chapter with subheadings as reference markers, to make it easier for you to navigate back to the areas of interest to you.

    If reading an entire book is not your preferred approach, pick the headings that speak to you and explore from there.

    At times, I will reiterate some of the key messages across several chapters. Partially in the context of what is being discussed. But also, as an opportunity to see a little deeper in where the words are pointing.

    Furthermore, I have included signposts at various chapter sections that link forward to other chapters exploring related topics in greater depth.

    There's no need to jump ahead and then backtrack. Simply read on, knowing that there is more to come.

    Enjoy your journey through VANTAGE POINT, and may it provide you with the insights and wisdom you seek.


    The world has changed Mrs Jones. If we play by old rules, we lose new battles! Quote from the Alex Rider TV Series, Prime Video

    The world is changing ... okay, that is nothing new. But climate change, global health threats, the constant risk of war, technological advancements, and the resulting social, political, and economic disruptions are occurring at an unprecedented pace.

    These factors significantly impact the ability of leaders, organisations, institutions, and communities to keep up with their operating environments.

    The global pandemic, the rise of digitisation, and artificial intelligence have revealed our vulnerabilities and our limited capacity to respond and adapt to the uncertainties and complexities we face.

    Many of our organisational structures, thought processes, and ways of operating still rely on linear, mechanical, and hierarchical thinking, often referred to as the Newtonian or 'cause and effect' paradigm.

    While this approach may have served us well in the past, it is no longer sufficient in the face of rapid change. As the above quote says, "... If we play by old rules, we lose new battles!"

    So, what is wrong with this paradigm?

    Paradigms are useful for making sense of the world … but not to be confused as absolute truth! Mike Schwarzer

    In his book ‘One From Many: VISA and the Rise of Chaordic Organisation’ (2005), Dee Hock, the founder and first CEO of VISA, …

    … recognised that our relentless pursuit of command and control, coupled with our inability to process the increasing volume, speed, and complexity of information from a rigid mindset, threatens not only our ability to sustain businesses and livelihoods but also humanity's very existence as we know it.

    As Hock points out, in bygone centuries, the world moved much slower.

    The speed and volume of data (collection of raw and unorganised facts) and information (facts that are organised and put into a context) that societies and their ‘powers that be’ were exposed to was significantly less than today.

    Hock categorises data and information as lower cognitive forms.

    This slower pace allowed people the time to digest and process the data and information they encountered. Gradually, they would transform it into knowledge by integrating it with other information.

    They would then develop an understanding of that knowledge in relation to other knowledge. Ultimately, they would gain deeper insight or wisdom about that understanding.

    Hock categorizes knowledge, understanding, and wisdom as higher cognitive forms.

    In other words, people in the past had a thorough understanding of what they knew because they had the luxury of time to acquire this understanding, and, more importantly, wisdom.

    As the following description illustrates, the fundamental characteristics of the opposite ends of the spectrum¹ are starkly different:

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