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ON EAGLES' WINGS: God’s Call, Your Response, Your Life Journey, through the Tribulation, until the Rapture
ON EAGLES' WINGS: God’s Call, Your Response, Your Life Journey, through the Tribulation, until the Rapture
ON EAGLES' WINGS: God’s Call, Your Response, Your Life Journey, through the Tribulation, until the Rapture
Ebook441 pages7 hours

ON EAGLES' WINGS: God’s Call, Your Response, Your Life Journey, through the Tribulation, until the Rapture

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This book was written with much prayer and study of God’s word, and with love and honor for the word of God in Christ.

The author observes that today’s churches lead away from sincere humility and repentance. In fact, they diminish the praise, honor, and glory owed the King of kings and Lord of lords in the church.

He also reveals the dangers of believing in the pre-tribulational rapture tradition, which many churches teach. Find out what Scripture actually says as opposed to the traditions of men, who make God’s word of no effect, Mark 7:8, 13.

Rather than fearing the seven-year tribulation, this book shows that Christ has a place of safety and provision for watchful, prepared believers at the start of the great tribulation, the last 1,260 days of this present age.

Prepare yourself to endure to the end as Jesus taught us in Mattew 24:13, and to be like the five wise virgins of Matthew 25:1–13.
Release dateNov 23, 2023
ON EAGLES' WINGS: God’s Call, Your Response, Your Life Journey, through the Tribulation, until the Rapture

Marlin J. Yoder

Marlin J. Yoder was part of the organized evangelical church for more than forty years before he left about nine years ago. He served as the chair of a capital campaign to build a new church building, served two terms as an elected deacon, and was an adult Bible teacher for twenty years. He is an ordained nondenominational minister with the National Association of Christian Ministers.


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    ON EAGLES' WINGS - Marlin J. Yoder










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    Chapter 1     Primed for the Tribulation

    Chapter 2     Identity of a Christian: A True Jew

    Chapter 3     Remaining in the Christian Faith

    Chapter 4     Believing the Authority of Jesus Christ

    Chapter 5     The Carrot-and-Stick vs. Parables to Believe

    Chapter 6     Discerning the Witness of the Holy Spirit

    Chapter 7     Discerning the Identity of the Free Woman

    Chapter 8     Preachers in Sackcloth and the Falling Away

    Chapter 9     The Majority versus the Minority

    Chapter 10   Israel: An End-Time Clock

    Chapter 11   End-Time Beast: The Apostate Harlot

    Chapter 12   Where There Is No Vision

    Chapter 13   The Testimony of Jesus Christ

    Chapter 14   On Eagles’ Wings

    Author’s Note


    The path of least resistance is the one most traveled, the path requiring the least preparation is the one most pursued, and the path of traditions of men has replaced much of the it is written testimony of God in Christ for the end of this present age and the gathering of Christ’s elect. In these matters, we have important decisions to make. What path will we choose? Are we willing to make vital investments in study and preparation for what we cherish the most? And what exactly is it that we cherish above all else? And most importantly, whom will we believe, men or God?

    Let every professing Christian be reminded that in this life, we are called to represent God in Christ. In fact, this is what the Holy Spirit says: "Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God" (2 Corinthians 5:20). Being reconciled to God in Christ means that we protect and validate the testimony of Christ, never yielding to those who circumvent, discount, or silence His words of authority.

    Are you a true Christian, meaning that your once-unregenerate spirit, the unregenerate spirit with which you came into this world, has been regenerated by the work of the Holy Spirit to new-birth faith in Jesus Christ by the circumcision of your heart? Did that circumcision of heart inspire you to love, study, and trust the it is written Word of God? And do you ever get the sense that just maybe, what you believe is the result of being told what to believe by your parents, your peers, the culture, or your church and not what the it is written Word of God actually says? Do you know of Christ’s warning about traditions of men? Who is your voice of authority, men or God? With new birth faith in Christ comes the indwelling gift and power of the Holy Spirit who guides us into not only the elementary, but also deeper truths and revelations of God’s Word and His nature.

    Consider that God in Christ does not change (Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8), nor does His testimony confuse, nor show partiality. And if you have been born again, your first love will be for Christ and His testimony, but traditions of men deceptively subvert His truths. Yet God’s Word is not subject to any man, nor subject to man’s dreams, his visions, or his traditions, nor is it subject to angels (Galatians 1:8). Christ is our soul source of truth, beginning with the elementary principles of Christ … of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, of the doctrine of baptisms, of laying on of hands, of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment (Hebrews 6:1–2).

    God’s spirit by Moses said, "I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; that you may love the LORD your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days" (Deuteronomy 30:19–20).

    God’s spirit by Joshua said, "Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD (Joshua 24:15). The gods ancient Israel more often than not served were false gods and traditions of men that caused unbelief and rebellion among the very people who God said were a special treasure to Me … And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation" (Exodus 19:5–6), but were repeatedly led into captivity and bondage because of their unbelief and rebellion against God.

    Ancient Israel’s religious leaders were an elite group called the Pharisees. They grossly abused their limits of authority and made hundreds of their own laws to uphold the Ten Commandments God gave them at Mount Sinai. Religious elites forced their laws and traditions on the people; that is, if the people wanted to remain in good standing. And it’s no different today. Elite theologians and religious academics make the rules of what will or will not be approved as truth by the local organized church, and Lord Jesus Christ called it traditions of men … making the word of God of no effect through your traditions which you have handed down. And many such things you do (Mark 7:8, 7:13). Religious men subjecting God’s authority to men remain to this very day.

    But Jesus said, If you love Me, keep My commandments (John 14:15), not men’s. Jesus also said, But because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me (John 8:45). And when you read the teachings of Christ, especially for the end-times, do you get an unshakeable sense that there’s a great gulf between what you’ve been told to believe by church pastors and teachers versus what Jesus said? If not, you should because every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. Do not add to His words, Lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar (Proverbs 30:5–6). Yet churches are rife with religious officials who tell you to believe them and not the testimony of Jesus Christ, especially His testimony of the end-time gathering of saints.

    Though Jews of ancient Israel were called a special treasure to Me … And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation, through rebellion, unbelief, and man-made traditions, the wrath of God often broke out against them as they were carried off by enemy nations to captivity and slavery. As a result, God gave Israel a certificate of divorce (Jeremiah 3:8). And for this reason, God’s spirit teaches the post-Calvary church that it is a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy (1 Peter 2:9–10).

    This author is now seventy years old and was raised in the dispensational pretrib rapture tradition. I believed it because that’s what I was told to believe, which is the case with millions of Evangelical Christians. Rather than studying God’s Word free of others’ influence, it’s much easier just to believe what one is told to believe; and we do so because we’re told that we can trust our PhDs, our credentialed pastors, and teachers, be they secular or religious. That’s what Western cultures do. That’s what our parents did, and their parents, and their parents, for many decades, way back to about the year AD 1830 when dispensational theology first began.

    In June 2007, God’s spirit compelled me to expose the deceitful errors and spiritual dangers of the dispensational pretrib rapture. Separating the it is written truth from the traditions, I was told to believe, was the key to discovering the resurrection rapture truth. Rejecting traditions and using Christ’s overcoming example wherein it is written approach, it became abundantly clear how deceptively wrong the pretrib rapture really was. But how could I begin to convince people in the evangelical church in which I was a Bible teacher that they had been deceived to believe error? A few accepted the truth with gladness, but more gave swift backlash for opposing church traditions, and I was publicly rebuked and mocked for holding to the testimony of Jesus Christ.

    Dispensational theology literally requires that one throw out voluminous amounts of scripture because that’s what’s required to sustain and uphold its pretrib rapture tradition while avoiding the testimony of Christ—and it was absolutely shocking to see the number of professing Christians who were ready, willing, and eager to literally forsake the testimony of Jesus in order to defend the traditions of men that made the it is written Word of God of no effect. Religious elites took the testimony of Jesus and made it of no effect for the end-time gathering of His elect. In this, they deceive believers by giving them a false pretrib rapture hope, turning their hearts away from even examining the warning of Christ that for laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men … making the word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down. And many such things you do (Mark 7:8, 7:13).

    I challenge you in the love of Christ Jesus, if you will set aside your predisposed ideas about a pretrib rapture that you have, in fact, been told to believe, you will find that not only is there not a single verse of scripture in the entire Holy Bible that speaks of a pretrib rapture, but you will also find hundreds of verses and biblical passages that speak explicitly to the truthful posttrib resurrection rapture taught by God in Christ and His Holy Spirit. The truth will change your life, and it will change the way you see the end-times and Christ’s gathering of His elect. Giving the it is written Word of God its rightful place, the truth will be revealed, and the truth will set you free. Christ’s truths will urge you to prepare and compel your reason to endure to the end just as Jesus taught in Matthew 24:13. Don’t you owe yourself and your loved ones those truths?

    If you love and pay close attention to scripture, it’s stunning how that various traditions of men force God’s Word to say the exact opposite of what it actually says. This book reveals several of those traditions that oppose God’s Word. The truth of scripture is often explained away. This is how traditions of men gain acceptance and mandate regardless of the fact that those traditions depart entirely from the written texts. In pharisaical hubris then, those traditions of men, and not God’s explicit Word, form the guidelines and basis of what denominational believers are told to believe and, more often than not, form the covenant agreement to which those desiring ministry credentials or membership must adhere. And after one gains credentials or membership, should one’s eyes then be opened to the truth and try to reverse the lies of the traditions of men for the truth, suffice it to say that individuals’ credentials, membership, or position of good standing in that church is in grave jeopardy. Church elites have devised ways to protect their deceptions.

    There’s a wedding on the near horizon of glorious and eternal proportions and it’s been planned for millennia. In this earthly realm when a man and woman are betrothed they are engaged to be married. When that engagement is announced plans are immediately set in motion in preparation of the wedding event. In context to that wedding on the near horizon, the Bridegroom is the Lord Jesus Christ, and we, true, prepared, believers are His Bride. Preparations to attend that wedding are of no small consequence. The Bridegroom suffered rejection, mockery, and shed His blood for all who would believe Him. The Bride, prepared in the Bridegroom’s terms, will be married to the Bridegroom for eternity. But preparations must be made. You are invited to that wedding.

    Do you want to know when the resurrection of the dead and rapture of believers really occurs? Not the day or hour that no one knows in Matthew 24:36, but the general season thereof. Do you want to know if you’ll be on earth for Antichrist’s seven years of tribulation and if God made special provisions for His people who believe His Son’s testimony? Do you give God’s Word preeminence over words and traditions of men, or do you deceptively believe that it makes no difference whether you believe pre, mid, prewrath, or posttribulation rapture teachings? Does true faith in Christ necessarily believe and prepare in the testimony of God’s Son?

    Answers to these questions and much more are in this book. My sincere prayer is that this book will call to attention believers and nonbelievers to discover our great need to believe and trust in the testimony of Christ—to hear God’s call and invitation to believe the it is written testimony of Christ unto true salvation faith, allow Christ to order our steps in life, and endure the seven-year tribulation to the end as Christ taught. And finally that your heart and mind would be open to receiving these truths with joy in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. God bless you!



    Take heed that no one deceives you.

    —Matthew 24:4

    Now brother will betray brother, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death.

    —Mark 13:12

    And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.

    —Luke 21:11

    For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.

    —Romans 1:18

    For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased [KJV reprobate] mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, back-biters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents.

    —Romans 1:26–30

    Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving; for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

    —1 Timothy 4:1–5

    T oday, deceptions and lies have largely overtaken global societies. Deceptions are lies made to appear as truth with the intent of defrauding one to believe falsehoods. It’s become the way of every nation. It’s become the way of local, state, and federal governments. It’s become the way of most politicians, the way of our military, educational academia, religions, and churches. It’s the way of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Department of Justice (DOJ), the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), the World Economic Forum (WEF), and other national and global alphabet agencies. And any time someone exposes those deceptions and lies, the backlash and vitriol are certain and swift.

    The world has entered the birth pangs of the end-times, yearning for the Prince of Peace and the theocratic rule of the Almighty God in Christ Jesus and the restoration of all things, which occurs with Christ’s Second Coming. Many genealogical Jews from around the world returned to the land of Israel after Israel once again became a nation in May 1948. Orthodox Jews await the advent of their messiah, believing that he will imminently be revealed. But because Orthodox Jews vehemently reject the truth that Jesus Christ was and is the Messiah when He came two thousand years ago, the messiah for whom they wait will be none other than Antichrist who subjects the world to seven years of tribulation. Muslims of Islam expect their twelfth imam or Mahdi, while true Christians expect the soon return of the true Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Powerful politicians fiercely divide not only America but also other nations. In America, open borders under the Biden-Harris regime fuel massive illegal immigration, murder, rape, and fentanyl and other deadly illegal drugs that are now killing tens of thousands. Violence and hatred is ripping apart the once more-gentle fabric of societies. Many cities descend into lawlessness; swift justice is a distant memory, and the rule of law is ever increasingly meaningless. Racism and historical revisionism fuels the rage and intolerance in religious and secular academia. Radical liberalism and the rejection of the knowledge of God demands infanticide or abortion. All these things and more fulfill Christ’s prophecy that because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved (Matthew 24:12–13).

    It is an undisputed fact that today, lawlessness abounds because the love of many has grown cold. The family unit is being ripped apart now for decades by godless authority figures who have been indoctrinating children and students in public schools and universities. It’s been satanically planned that public authority figures pit children against their parents because that’s a necessary component to the destruction and dissolution of the family unit. From preschool to college and university, students are being radicalized to believe that they can have whatever they want or demand at no cost to them. Godly love for fellowmen is increasingly a distant memory.

    Wholesome contributions of faith in Christ and His word, familial love, hard work, faithfulness, perseverance, and true concern for others in society today has indeed grown cold. We’re largely now a society where concern is only self-centered and not for one’s near or distant neighbor. It’s one of the many signs that Christ gave us that truly identifies the times of the end of this present age. In the very near future, the prophetic words of Jesus will become very true: Now brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death (Mark 13:12). End-time signs have spread to many other fields.

    The world of high finance suffers the simultaneous implosion of multiple banks and institutions. Banks, mortgage, auto, and credit card debt together with the US government are all collapsing under the weight of unsustainable debt. By late August 2023, the United States’ national debt was $32,823,330,000,000. That’s insane, and the government’s answer? Print more money, and more money, and then yet more! If an American citizen or business conducted business like the federal government by printing more money to cover its untenable debt, the citizen who acted with such overt disregard for fiscal solvency would be tried in a court of law and jailed! Yet government officials, having no term limits, conveniently recuse themselves of national fiscal responsibility.

    Inflation is skyrocketing, setting the stage for the total collapse of world currencies, making way for a soon-coming global biometric digital currency that will be nefariously used to trace and track every financial transaction and every person making those purchases and sales. Leaders in our government, whether Republican, Democrat, Socialist, or independent, by demonstration of fiscal inaction, agree to simply kick the can of fiscal responsibility and solvency down the road for another generation to fix. But there won’t be another generation to repair anything because, believe it or not, our present generation is the last and final generation of this present age.

    With the 2020 onset of the COVID-19 pandemic with its economy-destroying lockdowns, socially destructive social distancing, psychologically destructive face masking, and illegal and untested vaccine mandates that have been proven to kill and injure many, the world is now literally being overtaken by a select few wicked elites enforcing their agendas and desires for their creation of the UN’s New World Order (NWO), in lockstep with the WEF’s Great Reset.

    Elite globalists already know what the next global pandemic will be. They create the problem then purport to also have its solution, and in the near term, their agenda is the depopulation of earth. Globally, government-mandated COVID-19 vaccines have already killed hundreds of thousands, if not millions, and maimed many more; but the elite-controlled CDC and national media hide the truth. It’s Satan’s agenda to kill people because they’re created in the image of God with the possibility of eternal life by grace through faith in the shed blood of Christ Jesus.

    These increasing evils are the result of God’s restraint on Satan being increasingly withdrawn; it’s why the world is descending into unprecedented lies, deceptions, chaos, sexual perversions, hatred, divisions, wars, and rumors of wars. Pestilences (diseases) will increase as will natural disasters (e.g., hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanoes, and storms of increasing ferocity). Many weather-related calamities are created by governments having weaponized the weather. If you don’t think that’s the reality, I invite you to do your own research because it’s the truth. But in your search, whether it’s COVID-19 vaccine deaths or injuries, or geoweather modifications, natural health alternatives, holistic and herbal health care, and dis- or misinformation, you will find that much information has been and continues to be purged from internet search engines.

    You need to understand that globalist governments, many of their alphabet agencies, with their increasing mandates, Big Pharma, big tech, big banks, especially central banks, the liberal media, Hollywood, and more are all arrayed against you and your family. The crushing of freedoms and free will is now all the rage. Elite globalists under Satan’s control will soon mandate that people in all sectors of life bow the knee to their utopian agenda of the NWO whether we like it or not.

    Not only the United States but also the whole world now suffers under the totalitarian rule of the elite. The few superwealthy and powerful are not merely projecting but are also mandating their agenda onto world citizens. People are increasingly being subjected to surveillance, censorship, intimidation, and unjust detention. George Orwell’s 1984 is increasingly becoming nonfiction. International corruption of government controls and mandates is robbing people of freedoms.

    Elite globalists are with great intentionality dividing world citizens, ideologically, economically, socially, religiously and politically. Here in the United States we see those divisions as the rich and powerful become increasingly rich and powerful while the middle class and poor become increasingly poor. Many are losing their homes to foreclosures due to joblessness, spawning, homeless tent camps with the scourge of illegal drugs, filth, human feces, drug needles and squalor of unimaginable proportions now rampant in many major US cities.

    There’s an overt global agenda for the denial of the almighty God in Christ, the Creator of all things. That denial is being foisted on humanity by increasingly unrestrained evil spirits. The weight of sin, rebellion, and lawlessness against God and His Christ is more than the world can bear. There is indeed a very real physical component to forces of evil and their effects on this physical world. God even decreed that in these perilous end-times, the earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall totter like a hut; its transgression shall be heavy upon it, and it will fall, and not rise again (Isaiah 24:20). Therefore, even this natural world, with great anticipation, awaits the restoration of all things as the apostle said by the Holy Spirit, For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now (Romans 8:22).

    Wars are engulfing nations. The Middle East will erupt in a major war in the very near future as many nations yet hate Israel. Many cities in Ukraine lie in ruins after Russia’s invasion, and I’m not here to argue the merits for or against Russia’s reasoning for that invasion, which would be a book unto itself given the geopolitical corruption of Ukraine’s history. But the facts are clear; the Western media are highly partisan and biased and do not pursue truth. Powerful elites instigated the war in Ukraine, and they will instigate more wars over the world in the near future. It’s what the elite do as part of their plan to subjugate the world to their evil dictates in creating the NWO.

    Then there’s artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and biometrics, and the integration of human DNA and AI. Robots programmed with AI are now able to perform functions of language and math and science skills thousands of times faster than people with the highest IQ. Robotics and AI are replacing people’s jobs, and that’s the point—to make people readily dispensable. AI is even being used to rewrite portions of the Bible that doesn’t align with the LGBTQ+ agendas. With the rapid increase of knowledge in AI, robotics, and biometrics, the world will soon make an image of the beast [of Antichrist] who was wounded by the sword and lived. He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed (Revelation 13:14–15).

    All the technological advancements of AI, robotics, human DNA, and biometric integration seek an ultimate goal of transhumanism, where humans will allegedly upgrade themselves to become gods. Sound familiar? It should because that’s what Satan promised Eve in the garden, seducing her to ignore God’s Word to not eat of the tree which is in the midst of the garden (Genesis 3:3). But Satan replied with the lie that for God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil (Genesis 3:5). That deceit of the serpent now proliferates throughout humanity in renewed measure as God increasingly withdraws His restraint of evil (2 Thessalonians 2:7) and allows the spirits of Antichrist their final end-time efforts.

    The ultimate trajectory of transhumanism is to become individual gods. This is being promoted by men like Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum and one of his best-known advisors, Yuval Noah Harari, together with many New World Order leaders working to bring about the Great Reset. As believers, we should be reminded that God’s spirit promised, That which has been is what will be, that which is done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). Yuval Harari specifically and forcefully says the days of free will are over! The WEF also said the day is soon coming when You will own nothing and be happy.

    You will find that Ecclesiastes 1:9–11 often recurs throughout this book, and that’s because it is vitally important to understand that truly there is nothing new under the sun. This is true because God does not change, nor does unrepentant, proud humanity change unless one’s heart is changed by conversion new-birth faith in Christ Jesus. That which was in the violent and wicked days of Noah and the evil LGBTQ+ abominations of Lot’s days are once again finding global prophetic fulfillment, indeed, the very signs Jesus said would accompany the end-times.

    Anti-Christian rhetoric is ramping up across the world. And right here in America, the place where one would expect freedom of religion to flourish, it’s no better. If one espouses Christian or conservative values and truths, he is subject to mockery and ridicule, most prominently from the radical left that thrives on crushing any opposing voices to their own darkly mired humanist opinions based on self-serving hypocrisy rather than truth. This is more than just a short-lived trend; it’s the way of the end of this present age. Christians and conservatives are increasingly being shut out of public, religious, social, educational, professional, and business venues.

    For example, a May 25, 2023, Fox News headline said, Bombshell report claims Biden admin using taxpayer money to wage covert war on conservative, Christian groups. In part, the article makes clear that the Biden regime says, ‘You’re a terrorist, I’m a terrorist,’ Bozell told host Maria Bartiromo Thursday. ‘Anybody with the RNC is a terrorist. Anyone supporting or reading Breitbart, the Christian Broadcasting Network, for the love of God, the Heritage Foundation, the most prestigious conservative think tank in America, all have now been targeted as associated to one degree or another with terrorism.’ Global governments, through wicked-minded men and women, want to destroy conservative and Christian voices, and they’re winning. This shouldn’t surprise any believer who knows the prophetic teachings of Jesus Christ for the end-times. It’s true, in the short term, elite globalists will win; but about seven years after the wicked establish their NWO, the Day of the Lord comes when God destroys the wicked and their evil ways.

    Globally, persecution of Christians is now commonplace. And we cannot dismiss the fact that false religions do not get attacked like Christianity. For example, Islam and Christianity reject homosexuality; true Christians call it out for what it is, sin, with prayers for repentance and deliverance from it by new birth faith in Christ. But Islamists mandate death for those living a homosexual lifestyle. True Christians, however, would never condemn anyone to death for the sin of homosexuality, but Islam institutes death for any Muslim living a homosexual lifestyle. Yet the media have no condemnation of Islam for its abhorrent human rights abuses but will in an instant vehemently and baselessly attack Christianity for its faith and Bible-based positions.

    There’s a very good reason why we see this egregious religious dichotomy. Islam and every other false religion are no threat to Satan’s kingdom because in all their tenets, false religions advance Satan’s rule, for those false religions were created by demonic spirits. False religions deny the Son of God, Jesus Christ, that the Son of God died and rose again for the salvation of all who will by faith believe. False religions are no threat to Satan’s kingdom, but Christianity, suffice it to say, is the greatest threat to Satan’s lying kingdom of darkness and death. This is why the unbelieving world pursues war with the Holy Bible and all true believers and followers of Jesus Christ. This is why Jesus said, If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you (John 15:18–19).

    Jesus Christ promised, But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be (Matthew 24:37). We’re nearly there. If one reads the scriptures regarding Noah’s day, it’s clear that violence filled the earth and that all flesh had corrupted its way before God. Today, human degradation once again mandates God’s divine intervention, or else man will destroy himself with violence, wars, homosexuality, genetic corruptions, artificial intelligence, transhumanism, and spiritual apostasy. People-destroying lifestyles and agendas fully describe Noah’s day, but God intervened by His judgment, and we are nearing the time when God will intervene once again. And we believers must ensure that we are on God’s side of truth.

    Not very long ago, who would have thought that we would actually enter a time when leading professional doctors, legislators, schoolteachers, college professors, and government officials from the US, the UN, and many other nations defend a man identifying as a girl and a woman identifying as a man and then allow the genital mutilation of our young and otherwise confused as gender-affirming care! It’s wildly insane. This, in truth, demonstrates a hatred for humanity. It’s of the devil and his evil spirits that have flooded the world in these end-times. Today, unless one celebrates the antinatural laws of biology, he or she is branded intolerant and hateful by truth deniers. The rabid chaos of diversity, equity, and inclusion are perpetrated by the evil spirits of Antichrist. Not long ago, men who identified as women and women who identified as men or either sex identified as nonbinary, multigendered, or identified as animals (yes, that’s a real thing) would have been admitted to mental institutions for psychiatric evaluation and help. But not so in these demonically enlightened days of the end-times. Gender deniers are instead honored and defended as government, medical, and religious leaders bow to LGBTQ+ crowds.

    Recently, Ketanji Brown Jackson, a woman, was appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States by President Joe Biden. During her senate judiciary confirmation hearing, she was asked by Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Can you provide a definition for the word ‘woman’? The SCOTUS nominee answered, Can I provide a definition? No, I can’t, not in this context, I’m not a biologist (Source: Fox News report dated March 23, 2022). And now she, with her sick and twisted ideology will pass judgment on her fellow Americans! Try to get your mind around the supreme, defiant, arrogant, and leftist ideology of Ketanji Brown Jackson’s inability, or rather blatant, refusal to answer truthfully with biological facts. But today, truth is no longer worthy of defense, at least not to the radical globalist agendas that are now sweeping the world.

    The unrestrained sexual abominations and perversions of Lot’s day when God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah are now canvasing the world. In the US, those perversions are now being glorified by many in public services. LGBTQ+ wickedness is now defended in our public school systems. Many so-called Christian churches have yielded to men and women of evil and corrupt LGBTQ+ heart and mind. Drag queens parade their perversions for children in schools and other

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