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Unhooked: 40 - Days To Breaking The Chains of Addiction
Unhooked: 40 - Days To Breaking The Chains of Addiction
Unhooked: 40 - Days To Breaking The Chains of Addiction
Ebook209 pages1 hour

Unhooked: 40 - Days To Breaking The Chains of Addiction

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About this ebook

Embark on a life-altering journey with "Unhooked: 40 Days to Breaking the Chains of Addiction," birthed from a transformative experiment led by the author. Over a hundred participants battled diverse addictions, documenting daily struggles and triumphs. This guide unveils a specific 40-day process observed through this experiment, revealing a profound pathway to surrender addiction and reclaim your life. Inside, discover:

Tested Protocol: Follow proven protocol that guides participants through gracefully surrendering addiction, leading to a powerful shift in consciousness.

Seven Points of Liberation: Explore the revolutionary concept of releasing addiction from the seven points in the body where trauma resides, unleashing true freedom.

Vanished Cravings: Witness the disappearance of cravings as participants progressed through the 40-day journey, experiencing a profound transformation in all areas of life.

Thought Management Mastery: Gain insights into managing thoughts, fostering spiritual growth, and cultivating resilience. Daily journal prompts guide you to understand and unhook yourself from coping mechanisms.

Nutritional Support: Follow daily meal plans designed to nourish your body, aid in detoxification, and support your journey, recognizing the integral role nutrition plays in overcoming addiction.

Step-by-Step Challenge Overcoming: Navigate a step-by-step process for overcoming any challenge you face in life, empowering you with the tools to triumph over adversity.

"Unhooked" isn't just a book; it's a roadmap to liberation. If you're ready to break free from the chains of addiction, this guide offers the tools, guidance, and community support essential for your transformation. Your journey to lasting change and freedom begins now.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 26, 2023
Unhooked: 40 - Days To Breaking The Chains of Addiction

Kendra Mattingly

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    Unhooked - Kendra Mattingly


    40 - Days To Breaking The Chains of Addiction

    Kendra Mattingly

    Copyright © 2023 by Kendra Mattingly.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Getty Images.

    Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

    Rev. date: 11/24/2023









    Chapter 1     Day 1 – Acknowledging Powerlessness

    Chapter 2     Day 2 - Igniting the Flame of Hope

    Chapter 3     Day 3 – Surrendering to Higher Power

    Chapter 4     Days 4-5 - Reflecting in the Mirror of Truth

    Chapter 5     Days 6-7 - Sharing Truth: The Catalyst for Change

    Chapter 6     Days 8-9 - Making Heartfelt Amends

    Chapter 7     Days 10-11 - Progress Under the Spotlight

    Chapter 8     Days 12-13 - Gratitude Unleashed

    Chapter 9     Days 14-15 - Mindful Self-Care: Nourishing Your Soul

    Chapter 10   Days 16-17 - Cultivating Healthy Connections

    Chapter 11   Days 18-19 - Rediscovering the Joy Within

    Chapter 12   Days 20-21 – Building Resilience

    Chapter 13   Days 22-23 - Awakening Mindful Awareness

    Chapter 14   Days 24-25 - Celebrating Milestones

    Chapter 15   Days 26-27 - Embracing the Gift of Forgiveness

    Chapter 16   Days 28-29 – Renewed Strength

    Chapter 17   Days 30-31 - Crafting New Life Intentions

    Chapter 18   Days 32-33 - Self-Care as a Sacred Ritual

    Chapter 19   Days 34-35 - Harmonizing Mind and Body

    Chapter 20   Days 36-37 - Unleashing Creative Expression

    Chapter 21   Days 38-39 – Nurturing Spirituality

    Chapter 22   Day 40 – Celebration of Transformation

    Chapter 23   Conclusion

    Chapter 24   Appendices

    Chapter 25   Nutritional Support: Herbs and Vitamins for Wellness

    Chapter 26   Additional Resources

    Works Cited


    I would like to dedicate this book to my brother Andre who committed suicide days after I finished the first draft of this book. I pray that this book provides a beacon of light for anyone who is ready to break the chains of addiction.

    Secondly, I would like to dedicate this book to my daughter Megan Belle. May this book guide you if you ever find yourself lost in the darkness.

    These chapters provide a structured and comprehensive guide for readers as they embark on their 40-day journey of recovery and transformation. Each day offers insights, prayers, practices, journal prompts, spiritual guidance, and nourishing meal plans.


    This book, Unhooked: 40 Days to Breaking the Chains of Addiction, offers general information for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical, mental health, or legal advice.

    1. Health: For personalized medical or mental health guidance related to addiction or other health concerns, consult a qualified healthcare provider.

    2. Legal: For specific legal advice regarding addiction, recovery, or related matters, seek assistance from a licensed attorney or legal expert in your jurisdiction.

    The author and publisher are not liable for any consequences resulting from the use or misuse of the information provided in this book. Your choices and actions are your responsibility. Please consult professionals for individualized assistance.

    Jesus says to you today as you begin this process: When you do your work in dependence on Me, I can use it powerfully for My purposes. Delight in what we accomplish together but find your utmost Joy in Me—your eternal Treasure.

    ~Jesus Calling

    Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence.

    —Psalm 42:5 NASB


    In this world, a pressing need exists to cope, especially in these challenging times and degree of separation. Never have we experienced a population more divided and fragmented from our tribal nature.

    Unsurprisingly, our most sensitive, free-thinking, creative minds, who have come to this planet to shift it, often find themselves entangled in addictions, harmful behavioral patterns, and unhealthy styles of relating.

    In 2022, 110,000 people died from drug overdoses in the United States—a new high —fueled by synthetic opioids. Dealing with withdrawal is traumatic. Imagine the worst case of the flu you have ever had and multiply by one hundred. Detoxing is the number one barrier to people not getting into treatment.

    The government must take more concrete action to address substance use disorder and withdrawal. The same strategies have been employed for over two decades, yet the problem has only worsened.

    Addiction is an unyielding spirit that entwines both the heart and soul, emerges when any being finds itself isolated, trapped in the throes of unrelenting pain, and is offered only meager coping mechanisms to endure the ceaseless cycles of trauma. Yet, true resources for healing and completing these trauma cycles remain elusive. We become slaves to addiction because we bear the weight of pain, suffer in isolation, and feel powerless in the face of it.

    Within these pages, I offer a sanctuary, a lifeline to emancipation. This book is your dedicated resource, a guiding light on the path to breaking free from the shackles of addiction and reclaiming your Sovereign Divine Power.

    May The Source Be with You.

    Who Are You Without Your Pain:

    Deep within each of us resides a story, shaped by the experiences we’ve endured. We have all faced trauma that has shaped us into the people we are today. While some say that what does not kill us makes us stronger, I beg to differ. Life is not solely about surviving struggles; it is about learning. Pain is not some form of Divine punishment; it’s a teacher, guiding us forward. If we shift our perspective from viewing pain as undeserved suffering, to recognizing it as a lesson, we can break free from perpetual cycles of darkness. The choice is ours – either holding onto our pain as a burden or learning from it, allowing our minds to understand what the pain was there to teach us.

    Every superhero has an origin story, typically involving trials and tribulations of how they got their superpowers. What distinguishes individuals who inspire us and serve as mentors is their ability to swiftly learn not to resist negative experiences and shift on the moment after impact. Pick up the pieces and do something greater than the pain from what remains.

    ~It is not our circumstances that cause our suffering. It is our resistance to our circumstances that causes our suffering.


    I was born extrasensory, or as Western medicine diagnoses it, sensory integration disorder. This condition signifies that all of my senses are intricately intertwined, granting me an elevated realm of sensitivity. I perceive the vibrational frequencies of everything around me, as if the world were perpetually set to a higher volume than it appeared to be for others. Every sensation was amplified, intensifying my own experiences and those of others.

    For years, I regarded these heightened senses as a flaw, unwittingly steering myself down a treacherous path of depression and complex trauma. However, my life took a dramatic twist when I received a life-altering diagnosis at the tender age of twenty-five: Lupus. This unexpected revelation turned my world upside down.

    I had long considered my own mind an adversary, and now, my body seemed to concur. My immune system waged a relentless battle against my own organs and tissues, subjecting me to excruciating pain and incapacitation. This unrelenting agony left me incapable of even the simplest daily tasks, a daunting challenge for a single mother with a one-year-old daughter.

    Despite my inherently high energy and outgoing nature, I found myself trapped within the confines of my own bed. Sleep became my nemesis, as I once slept from Wednesday after work until Sunday night. The sense of powerlessness over my own body was paralyzing. Morning dread eclipsed my existence, and my recollection of a pain-free existence faded into obscurity.

    The weight of hopelessness bore down on me, and I yearned for respite from the ceaseless pain. I struggled to recall the sensation of a pain-free existence, while a panic disorder further confined me to the walls of my own home, necessitating medication simply to step outside.

    Road to Dependency:

    My therapist suggested I carry Xanax for emergencies. I began taking it at the slightest discomfort, fearing the return of a panic attack. In my quest for control, I became dependent on anxiety medication. Doctors informed me that I would need this medication for life due to the trauma I had experienced and the escalating severity of my panic disorder. Fear became the defining element of my life. I feared even the simplest tasks, and my life began to freeze. I desperately wanted my life back, to trust myself

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