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Caught in Stone
Caught in Stone
Caught in Stone
Ebook29 pages19 minutes

Caught in Stone

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About this ebook

When Kalara the troll girl finds herself sent to Australia as a statue, she is sure she will never see her family in England again.

Ro lives with her grandparents. She still feels odd and isolated after the death of her parents, and finds it hard to trust people.

So she knows exactly how scared and alone Kalara feels, lost among strangers.

Ro is determined to help Kalara get back to England – but it's not going to be easy…

Release dateJul 2, 2017
Caught in Stone

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    Book preview

    Caught in Stone - Jessi Hammond

    About this book

    When Kalara the troll girl finds herself sent to Australia as a statue, she is sure she will never see her family in England again.

    Ro lives with her grandparents. She still feels odd and isolated after the death of her parents, and finds it hard to trust people.

    So she knows exactly how scared and alone Kalara feels, lost among strangers.

    Ro is determined to help Kalara get back to England – but it’s not going to be easy…

    Caught in Stone


    Awareness came back to Kalara little by little.

    First it was the rustling of leaves and the clean, fresh scent of vegetation all around her… except those scents were not quite familiar. That alone set her instincts on alert, and the seconds that passed before she could peel open her eyelids seemed endless.

    It was dark, but she’d guessed that already, otherwise she’d still be caught in her stone form. She was standing, ready to run, her head turned away from the sudden searing purple-white light. One arm was shielding her eyes and the other was flung out defensively.

    Except now there was nothing to defend against. The harsh light was gone, replaced by the soothing glow of moonlight beyond the lush plants crowded around her. But even in the darkness she could see they were nothing like the plants she knew.

    And she was stiff all over, as if she’d been caught in stone for a long time.

    The humans’ light – it must have triggered the change. But how? She’d never heard of any human-made light being as powerful as the sun…

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