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Cassidy's Fleet: Interstellar Online, #2
Cassidy's Fleet: Interstellar Online, #2
Cassidy's Fleet: Interstellar Online, #2
Ebook315 pages4 hours

Cassidy's Fleet: Interstellar Online, #2

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They ripped her binary-code baby out of her hands. Now, she's the only one who can protect them all from its fatal flaw.


Cassidy Delgado's anger burns with the fire of a thousand virtual suns. Forced out of her dream job, the architect of Interstellar Online resorts to sneaking into her own gaming software to find her old crewmates. But when a crucial millionaire investor at her new gig goes missing in-game, she launches after him to save her own future.


Using each spare minute to hunt through the digital world, the hair on the back of her neck raises when AIs begin contacting her IRL. And her fears multiply when she discovers a critical vulnerability in the sensual suit's design that puts every single gamer across the globe at risk.


Can this determined RPG pioneer plug an exploit before millions of player's brains are turned into Swiss cheese?


Cassidy's Fleet is the stat-heavy second book in the immersive Interstellar Online LitRPG series. If you like clandestine missions, spicy scenes, and jaw-dropping twists, then you'll love D. B. Goodin's soaring story.


Buy Cassidy's Fleet to join the battle today!

Authors Note: Contains content that is intended for mature readers.

Release dateJun 5, 2024
Cassidy's Fleet: Interstellar Online, #2

D. B. Goodin

D. B. Goodin has had a passion for writing since grade school. After publishing several non-fiction books, Mr. Goodin ventured into the craft of fiction to teach Cybersecurity concepts in a less intimidating fashion. Mr. Goodin works as a Principal Cybersecurity Analyst for a major software company based in Silicon Valley and holds a Masters in Digital Forensic Science from Champlain College.

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    Cassidy's Fleet - D. B. Goodin


    Ms. Titillation awoke to bright light and movement. She tried to get away from the men. Her body was lifeless and wouldn’t respond, but she could move her mouth. Groups of men were tossing AIs into various ships, and she was passed around like a hot potato between the groups until a man dressed in a silver suit with a matching silver helmet instructed her captors to put her in the royal shuttle.

    Two minutes before the game resets, the man in the silver suit said. He removed his helmet, revealing a sweaty, bald head.

    Where is the commander? Who is this guy?

    The other players are leaving and so should we, another man said.

    Stan wants his prize intact. She’s special, not procedurally generated.

    One of a kind?

    You could say that. Now move. I’ll pilot the emperor’s shuttle.

    Stan thinks he’s the emperor now; that’s rich, one of the men said.

    A few minutes later, the man in the silver suit was piloting the ship off the ground and into Viverian’s orbit. Ms. Titillation could see the reddish dust-ball of a planet below them, one that held one of Zart’s many homes across the galaxy.

    There’s no way you’re going to get us out of here in time, Ms. Titillation said.

    That may be true for most, but I have something special that the other players don’t have.

    What’s that?

    A Schlimmazel Core Drive. I won’t bore you with the technical details, but it can open a portal and get us to the Alpha Proxima System in less than thirty seconds.

    I hate to break it to you, Ms. Titillation said, but there are twenty seconds left on the clock. I’m afraid that both of us will be as dead as a cold solder joint before we can get out of the planet’s orbit, let alone the galaxy.

    The man in the silver suit began swiping at the controls. Not if I can slow time and space first.

    Activating Chronology skill ‘Slow Time,’ the computer said.

    Engage, the man in the silver suit said.

    Ms. Titillation couldn’t move her limbs, but her internal interface functions still worked. From her vantage point, she could see most of the ship’s controls, and she smiled to herself when she noticed their position. They were almost out of the Nupertian System. She still had one chance to send a message to the commander. She encoded the message using the commander’s code Zulu Delta Six, then sent her pre-programmed distress call through the shuttle’s transponder. She hoped that Cassidy would be able to get the message in time. If the rumors about Alpha Proxima were to be believed, then Ms. T was in for a rough ride. She preferred it not to be on some pirate’s lap.

    A nanosecond before the virtual universe of Interstellar Online shut down for good the portal opened, a massive pool of quicksilver that allowed the vessel to penetrate the unknown blackness within. Ms. Titillation gasped at the mesmerizing vista of stars whisking past her. Some objects like planets moved very slowly, but the stars were as quick as lightning.

    The stars are fading, the man in the silver suit said.

    Looking at the screen, Ms. Titillation noticed that a wireframe grid was being formed around them. The only exception was the pool of stars; it almost appeared as though all the stars in the universe were being collected in front of them.

    What is this place? Ms. Titillation asked.

    It’s the Star Nexus.

    What’s that?

    It’s where everyone comes from in the universe. Today, you AIs will be reborn as something new. I will simply log out, the bald man said.

    I can live with that. I just hope I can be reunited with the commander. Being part of her adventures was the most fun I’ve ever had.

    It was Ms. Titillation’s last thought before being assimilated into the Nexus. And she, and the online universe known as Interstellar Online, were no more.


    Cassidy entered the rear entrance of Quartus Systems in Fremont, California. Sweat rolled off her skin and onto her jogging outfit. A tall man in a suit with salt and pepper hair opened the door for her.

    Hello, Cassidy. I trust you are settling in nicely, the man said.

    Yes sir, I just got my five miles in. Going to go shower, then get started, Cassidy said.

    You can call me Rex—

    Cassidy peeled off the outer layer of her jogging outfit. It snagged and pulled up her T-shirt to just below the band of her bra. What were you saying?

    Rex pulled at his collar and shifted around a bit. Wait. I think the plumbers are working on this level. The water will be turned off for at least another hour.

    She blushed, suddenly aware of the public space they were occupying.

    I was just saying that we’re not that formal around here. If you want to wear your running outfit around the office, you be my guest.

    Speak for yourself, Cassidy said, pointing to his suit.

    Rex laughed. I have a breakfast meeting at one of our angel investors’ offices in an hour. I have to dress the part.

    Damn, I don’t have time to go home before the staff meeting. Is there a gym or another bathroom I can use to freshen up? I don’t want to be all sweaty at work. Cassidy still maintained her house in Palo Alto, which she insisted on keeping until she and Joe were married, but it would take too long to drive there and back.

    No, but you’re free to use my private bathroom on the second floor. Let me show you where it is.

    Rex led Cassidy to a gigantic corner office. It was sparsely decorated, and only a few pictures, diplomas, and awards hung on the walls. Cassidy noticed the prototypes of the new male and female sensual suits placed on stands near the bathroom.

    He pointed her toward the bathroom and then left the room. Cassidy stripped naked and adjusted the shower. After ten minutes, she stepped out of the shower, wrapped herself in a towel, then realized that in her haste she’d forgotten her duffel bag in the downstairs locker room.

    Dammit! Cassidy said.

    The sensual suit was the first thing she saw as she left the bathroom. After a cursory glance around the empty room, she dropped her towel and put on the suit. She was about halfway dressed when she realized she’d forgotten to put her underwear back on.

    Oh well, those are dirty, too.

    She heard a familiar click; the door opened and Rex entered. He didn’t make any move to leave, though she heard him gasp and make some moaning sounds. She turned and thought she noticed a bulge in his trousers.

    Do you mind? Cassidy said.

    Oh . . . I’m sorry, Rex said, smiling.

    After lingering for a few seconds longer than necessary, he left and she finished putting the suit on. She was about to try out the slippers when a reflection caught her eye. Behind Rex’s desk, out of sight of the door, stood a small statue about twelve inches tall. It resembled a sex toy. It was metallic and looked like a twisting penis. A small plaque on the stand read: Winner: Going in Dry Award—Most Realistic Suit Concept. Cassidy couldn’t see who the award was from without getting closer.

    Impressive; there’s more to Rex than I thought. Which gaming convention gives awards shaped like sex toys, anyway?

    She left the office. Rex was just outside, speaking with his assistant.

    The suit fits you well; it’s almost as if it was made for your body. I approve, Rex said to Cassidy, smiling.

    Cassidy examined the suit she was wearing as best she could without a mirror. I guess this does fit well enough, but I think it makes my ass look too large.

    Rex’s assistant coughed loudly. Cassidy shot her a glance. She was a matronly woman who pursed her lips with displeasure.

    I’ll be out of it soon enough. I just need to get my duffel from the lockers.

    Janice, can you get Cassidy’s duffel for her, please? Rex asked.

    The woman said something that Cassidy couldn’t quite make out, then stormed out of the room.

    Now, let’s go back into my office. I want a personal demonstration, Rex said, urging Cassidy to follow.

    What the hell does that mean?

    She quickly found out. For the next fifteen minutes, Cassidy demonstrated the sensors of the suit and how it interfaced with the VR headset. Rex appeared to watch with great interest until her smartwatch chimed. The staff meeting was in five minutes, and she was still in the sensory suit.

    Where are my clothes? This is the first meeting of the month, and the entire R&D team is expected to be there. I’d better get to the conference room, Cassidy said.

    My breakfast was canceled. Why don’t I join you? Rex suggested as Cassidy made her way to the door.

    Five minutes later, Cassidy and Rex entered the conference room, with gigantic windows which faced a wetlands refuge.

    Wow, Cass, how’s the new suit treating you? a short man with curly hair asked.

    It fits great, Cassidy said.

    A few chuckles emitted from the room.

    What’s so funny, Marv? Cassidy asked the closest laugher.

    Well, for starters, you look like Galaxy Slut.

    Excuse me?

    Oh, not you . . . the streamer, Marv said.

    Who is that?

    Let me show you, a younger man named Jon said. After a few swipes of his tablet, he showed Cassidy a video of a woman dressed in a costume that resembled the sensual suit, posing with sex toys. The only obvious difference between her and Cassidy was that this woman had blue hair. You could be sisters, Jon pointed out.

    She heard murmurs of agreement, even from the women.

    Alright, enough of the shenanigans. Since this is an R&D meeting, I asked Cassidy to model the suit. Not many in this room have seen the new model in action, Rex said.

    Thanks for the save, boss!

    Let’s get the meeting started, Cassidy said, opening her laptop and putting on her new AR glasses. Joe had bought her a pair of enhanced reading glasses that would supply her with additional information from her tasks app. That was a useful tool, since she was always forgetting one task or another. This model took pictures and transcribed conversations as well. The glasses were also supposed to reduce eyestrain, but that function didn’t seem to work. She felt just as tired after using them as she always did after a long working session.

    Where are we on corporate sponsorship deals? Cassidy asked.

    "Lush Games is the only sponsor right now. Other companies have expressed interest, but Lush’s Interstellar Online is the only game to have fully adapted the suit. But I think we’re close to signing Parkour Online."

    What if we get this ‘Galaxy Slut’ to stream her experiences with the game? How many followers does she have? Cassidy asked.

    That would be awesome. I would love to work with her, but she only has about ten thousand followers, Marv said.

    They are dedicated followers, however, Jon said, smiling.

    Some of our other sponsors have pulled out because of the sexual potential of the sensual suit, Rex added.

    That’s silly. Just about every game out there has some kind of sexual potential. What about those sexy elves in most fantasy MMOs? Cassidy asked.

    "I think it was our relationship with Lush Games that squashed the deal with Gomorrah Games. Its CEO called Interstellar Online a ‘sinner’s den of delight.’ He accused Lush of peddling sex to minors."

    Did you guys know that Gomorrah is the only gaming company with their own church? Jon winced.

    Really? That’s different.

    "Yeah, you wouldn’t think that religious games would be that popular. I think they just got lucky with Templar Online. It’s a medieval MMO with heavy religious undertones; on Sundays, the only thing to do in-game is go to church," Marv said.

    That’s crazy!

    We do have other interested parties that may provide funding. Nothing confirmed, but I’m hoping to get a deal wrapped up soon, Rex said.

    Cassidy made some notes about the model of the suit she had tested with Joe. She sucked on the cap of her pen, a nervous habit she had been trying to break, then flushed when she noticed Marv giving her a look like lustful hunger.

    I think I’ve picked up on a problem with the new auditory systems in the suit, Cassidy said.

    I think Johan is working on some experimental features, but I didn’t know he had a working prototype. What problem did you experience? Rex asked.

    "I forgot to remove the earplugs and later, as I was trying to sleep, an NPC from Interstellar Online tried contacting me."

    Far out! Marv said.

    Imagine if you could take the game with you, Jon said, as he scribbled something in his notepad.

    Did the NPC offer any bedtime suggestions—or positions? Marv asked, grinning.

    Haha, hilarious, guys. Well—maybe . . . I might try to find more undocumented features with my boyfriend tonight, she joked, winking. Cassidy looked at her watch. It’s too late to talk to Johan today; I’ll come in early tomorrow.

    It’s a nine-hour time difference, so be sure to contact him before dawn, Rex said.

    The meeting concluded with Cassidy having more tasks than when she’d started. And after answering some questions from Marv and Jon, she convinced Rex to allocate more funding for expanded testing. She wanted to make sure that this time around, the technology was solid.

    Later that day, when Cassidy arrived at the apartment she shared with Joe, a courier was there and waiting with a delivery from Quartus Systems, Cassidy’s new employer. As Cassidy opened the door, she could feel the delivery man’s eyes on her body. She lingered in the doorway without speaking for a moment longer than necessary, just for effect.

    Where do you want these set up? the courier asked.

    The bedroom will be fine.

    As he set the boxes up on the custom rack, Cassidy removed her coat and opened the door to the balcony to get some fresh air. The chilly breeze made her nipples harden.

    Joe, when are you coming home? I’m dying to play with you. And the suit.

    Cassidy smiled at the thought of testing an even newer version of the prototype.

    As she stepped back inside the apartment, the delivery man was waiting just inside the balcony door. A quick glance at his crotch revealed that he was aroused.

    I need a signature, the man said.

    She bent over to sign the electronic pad.

    Thank you, Ms. Delgado, the man said as he made his way to the door.

    Moments later, the door rattled again. She was about to open it when Joe stumbled in. Hey, what’s the delivery? On second thought, don’t tell me, I hate to ruin surprises.

    Cassidy took Joe by the hand and led him to the bedroom.

    Oh, I like where this is going, Joe said.

    You’ll get your fun, but first let me show you my homework for this evening. Cassidy looked back at Joe. He looked like a teenage boy with fantasies of his teacher. "Here they are! They’re both the latest version of the sensual suit. This model will work with Interstellar Online, as well as any other games that are sensual-ready."

    So, companies are working on other compatible games? Joe asked.

    Yes, but IO is the first to take full advantage of the suit.

    "There’s that sexy Magma game. It’s been reported to be the online equivalent of the sexual revolution."

    "Forget Magma. From what I gather, the new expansion to IO is supposed to add a host of new sexual activities," Cassidy said. She opened the box, which had the words Full Sensory Enhancement embossed on its lid. Let’s try them out, shall we? Cassidy said, winking.

    Oh, I’m game.

    Cassidy and Joe removed their clothes as they prepared to experience the full effects of the improved sensual suits.

    How hard does your boss want these suits tested? Joe said.

    I want you to go full-bore on me, baby.

    I like the sound of that.

    I wonder what sex will feel like with the new suits?

    Whoa, you’re not wearing any clothes. Is it better without them? Joe asked.

    Yes, but they should be clean since we’re the first ones using them. Besides, the female version of the suit has a special absorbent crotch, so I can come all night, Cassidy said, giggling.

    I like the sound of that, too, but I’d rather make that happen in person.

    Indulge me, and I’ll give you some cream pie to eat, Cassidy said as she handed Joe a set of earplugs.

    What are these? Joe asked.

    They’re supposed to enhance the experience. I wore a pair last time, but Rex—my new boss—and the team need more use data. So now we both get to try them.

    "I restored your character level from the Interstellar Online alpha tests, so you shouldn’t need to start fresh."

    Will I have my AIs back? Cassidy asked excitedly.

    I’m not sure. Jackson, Stan’s new hire, put extra locks on all systems, so we need to be careful.

    Extra locks? What does that mean?

    It means that Stan will be notified immediately if anyone tries accessing the master asset table without his permission.

    That figures. Stan always was a little bitch, Cassidy said.

    Couldn’t agree more, my love, Joe said.

    Cassidy put on her VR immersion gear and connected to the game. An enhanced-looking character creation menu appeared with two options: Reload and Restart.

    What’s the difference between reload and restart? Cassidy asked.

    Please tell me you didn’t choose restart, Joe said.

    I haven’t selected anything yet!

    Normal players don’t get those options when logging in for the first time. I preloaded your profile with your last known good configuration, so you should have the same stats as when you left off.

    Cassidy tapped the reload option. Nothing seemed to happen, so she tapped on it again. It’s frozen . . . or has bugs.

    Hold on, let me try—

    The world morphed and distorted as Joe was speaking. Cassidy was transported to an in-game living room, containing a sofa and an ancient-looking black-and-white television with metal rabbit ears.

    Joe? Can you hear me? Cassidy called. She waited several moments and was about to call out again when a knocking sound came from the door. The television turned on, and an image of a puppet with strings attached appeared on the screen.

    This looks like a show my dad would watch as a kid.

    She found a numbered dial on the outside of the television and turned it. Each click brought up either static or a wavy line that danced around the screen like a possessed snake. Finally an image appeared, one of someone she recognized. It was Ms. Titillation.

    Commander, I’ve been captured by one of Zart’s men. Please look for me.

    The image was gone as quickly as it appeared, and only static remained.

    The knocking got louder. Cassidy stood up and was about to answer the door when another image appeared on the staticky television. She was disgusted to see her old nemesis—Zart.

    Well, hello there. Fancy meeting you here, Zart said. The pounding on the door stopped.

    What the hell are you doing in there?

    I’m here to help guide you through the character creation process, Commander.

    What? The last time we met, I squashed you like a bug. Why would you help me? Stan! She accused, using the name of Zart’s real-life alter ego.

    The image of Zart looked unsure of himself for a moment. Let’s forget about that silliness. I miss you, Cass. You were a gas! Besides, you were the only player to beat me at my own game.

    I smell a rat. Something’s not right about this. Cassidy frowned. I don’t know if I should trust you.

    If you don’t trust me, why don’t you press the reset button instead? Are you worried about losing your progress?

    I don’t mind starting over as long as I get my AIs back. I’m going to press that reload button . . . if I can find it.

    I have one better. Why be level one with no starting gear, ship, or AIs when I can restore them all for you?

    What’s the catch? she asked, suspicious.

    No catch. You just sign on the dotted line, then we’re square.

    Zart snapped his fingers, and a moment later he was standing before her in the living room, wearing a cheap suit and holding out a contract with an oversized fountain pen, like some creepy cartoon character. She began to read the fine print on the contract.

    No, don’t read it! I mean, we don’t have a lot of time. Don’t you want your green dude with that tasty schlong? Zart said, grinning.

    Cassidy’s heart skipped a beat when Zart described Devron. Even though Devron was an AI, a construct of the game, she missed him. She missed all of her AIs.

    "Give me back my AIs, my ship,

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