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Everything You Need To Know About Taurus: Zodiac Series, #2
Everything You Need To Know About Taurus: Zodiac Series, #2
Everything You Need To Know About Taurus: Zodiac Series, #2
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Everything You Need To Know About Taurus: Zodiac Series, #2

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Welcome to "Everything You Need to Know About Taurus." 


Within these pages, I have fully documented the captivating nature of the wonderful souls born under this dynamic and somewhat assertive sign., called Taurus. From a multitude of chapters on character traits, to luck, lucky charms, birthdate analysis and compatibility, you will be able to reference everything you need to know about the Taurus zodiac sign. Read, remember, learn, and have fun analyzing friends, family and strangers.


I never set out to write astrology books but the more I read, the more fascinated I became. In the last year alone, I have spoken with a dozen so-called experts to get their opinions and I quickly learned that the vast majority were nothing but con artists and that's why I decided to write these books. The believers as well as the curious must have a valid reference book so that they can call bulls-t when one of these charlatans tries to sell them fifteen minutes of advice for thirty-nine dollars.


Astrology, without the thieves, is a beautiful subject or art form that has to be fully represented to be appreciated. You're about to read analyses from hundreds of years of established astrological charts and forecasting. Paying ten dollars for a seventy-page e-book on any astrology subject is absurd. My goal with these books is to end the theft and finish the career charlatans who prey on people who need assistance with their lives.


Sixty-six chapters and 300 pages of information about Taurus that you can reference forever. Enjoy your new astrology reference book!

Release dateNov 29, 2023
Everything You Need To Know About Taurus: Zodiac Series, #2

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    Book preview

    Everything You Need To Know About Taurus - Robert J Dornan


    Everything You Need to Know About Taurus

    Robert J Dornan

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    This book is protected by copyright laws and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this work, in whole or in part, constitutes a violation of the author's rights and is punishable by law.

    Copyright © 2023 Robert J Dornan



    1.Taurus in Astrology

    2.Taurus and the Planet Venus

    3.Taurus and the Element Earth

    4.Layers of Taurus: Beyond the Zodiac Sun Sign

    5.Taurus in Retrograde

    6.Positive Traits of Taurus

    7.Negative Traits of Taurus

    8.The Taurus Woman

    9.The Taurus Man

    10.When Taurus is Luckiest

    11.Taurus and Career

    12.Taurus and Family

    13.Taurus and Relationships:

    14.Taurus Lucky Numbers

    15.Taurus Lucky Colors

    16.Taurus Lucky Charms

    17.Taurus and Friendships

    18.Taurus Challenges and Growth

    19.Taurus and Health

    20.Taurus and Creativity

    21.Famous Taurus

    22.Taurus and Gemstones

    23.Taurus Birthstone

    24.Taurus Association with Symbols and Rituals

    25.Taurus' Lucky Plants

    26.Taurus and Personal Style: Fashion, Beauty, and Self-Expression

    27.Taurus and Spirituality

    28.Taurus Financial Attitudes and Wealth Management

    29.Spells that are excellent for Taurus

    30.Compatibility Between Taurus and Aries

    31.Compatibility Between Taurus and Taurus

    32.Compatibility Between Taurus and Gemini

    33.Compatibility Between Taurus and Cancer

    34.Compatibility Between Taurus and Leo

    35.Compatibility Between Taurus and Virgo

    36.Compatibility Between Taurus and Libra

    37.Compatibility Between Taurus and Scorpio

    38.Compatibility Between Taurus and Sagittarius

    39.Compatibility Between Taurus and Capricorn

    40.Compatibility Between Taurus and Aquarius

    41.Compatibility Between Taurus and Pisces

    42.Similarities Throughout the Born on Chapters

    43.Born on April 20

    44.Born on April 21

    45.Born on April 22

    46.Born on April 23

    47.Born on April 24

    48.Born on April 25

    49.Born on April 26

    50.Born on April 27

    51.Born on April 28

    52.Born on April 29

    53.Born on April 30

    54.Born on May 1

    55.Born on May 2

    56.Born on May 3

    57.Born on May 4

    58.Born on May 5

    59.Born on May 6

    60.Born on May 7

    61.Born on May 8

    62.Born on May 9

    63.Born on May 10

    64.Born on May 11

    65.Born on May 12

    66.Born on May 13

    67.Born on May 14

    68.Born on May 15

    69.Born on May 16

    70.Born on May 17

    71.Born on May 18

    72.Born on May 19

    73.Born on May 20


    Welcome to Everything You Need to Know About Taurus. I have sided with continuity and will keep a variation of the Preface for each new zodiac sign book.

    Within these pages, I have fully documented the captivating nature of the wonderful souls born under this dynamic and somewhat assertive sign., called Taurus. From a multitude of chapters on character traits, to luck, lucky charms, birthdate analysis and compatibility, you will be able to reference everything you need to know about the Taurus zodiac sign. Read, remember, learn, and have fun analyzing friends, family and strangers.

    I never set out to write astrology books but the more I read, the more fascinated I became. In the last year alone, I have spoken with a dozen so-called experts to get their opinions and I quickly learned that the vast majority were nothing but con artists and that's why I decided to write these books. The believers as well as the curious must have a valid reference book so that they can call bulls-t when one of these charlatans tries to sell them fifteen minutes of advice for thirty-nine dollars.

    Astrology, without the thieves, is a beautiful subject or art form that has to be fully represented to be appreciated. You're about to read analyses from hundreds of years of established astrological charts and forecasting. Paying ten dollars for a seventy-page e-book on any astrology subject is absurd. My goal with these books is to end the theft and finish the career charlatans who prey on people who need assistance with their lives.

    Sixty-six chapters and 300 pages of information that you can reference forever. Enjoy your new astrology reference book!

    Chapter one

    Taurus in Astrology

    Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac and is ruled by Venus. Individuals born between April 20 and May 20 fall under the Taurus sun sign. The following describes Taurus within astrology and how it differs from other zodiac signs.

    Taurus Traits:

    Element: Taurus belongs to the Earth element, along with Virgo and Capricorn. This makes Taurus grounded, practical, and focused on the tangible aspects of life.

    Modality: Taurus is a Fixed sign, indicating stability and a preference for consistency. Taurus individuals are known for their reliability and determination.

    Ruling Planet: Venus, the planet of love and beauty, governs Taurus. This connection with Venus bestows Taurus with a strong appreciation for aesthetics, romance, and the pleasures of life.

    Symbol: The symbol for Taurus is the Bull, representing strength, determination, and a somewhat stubborn nature. Taurus individuals are often associated with persistence and a steady pace.

    Personality Traits:

    Patient and Reliable: Taurus individuals are patient and reliable, making them dependable friends and colleagues.

    Practical and Sensual: They have a practical approach to life and often enjoy sensory pleasures, appreciating good food, art, and music.

    Strong Work Ethic: Taurus individuals are hardworking and dedicated, valuing security and stability in their careers.

    Possessive: Due to their fixed nature, Taurus individuals can be possessive, especially in relationships and with material possessions.


    Resistance to Change: Taurus individuals can be resistant to change, preferring the familiar and established.

    Stubbornness: The fixed nature of Taurus can sometimes lead to stubbornness, making it challenging for them to adapt to new ideas or perspectives.

    Risk-Aversion: Taurus individuals may be cautious and risk-averse, which can limit their willingness to step out of their comfort zones.

    How Taurus Differs from Other Zodiac Signs

    From Aries (March 21 - April 19)

    Taurus tends to be more patient and deliberate compared to the impulsive and energetic Aries.

    Taurus values stability and consistency, while Aries is more focused on initiating new experiences.

    From Gemini (May 21 - June 20):

    Taurus is more grounded and practical, whereas Gemini is curious, adaptable, and enjoys mental stimulation.

    Taurus values routine, while Gemini seeks variety and change.

    From Cancer (June 21 - July 22):

    Taurus is more focused on material security and practical concerns, whereas Cancer is emotionally driven and values nurturing connections.

    Taurus tends to be more stoic, while Cancer is highly sensitive and expressive.

    From Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22):

    Taurus is reserved and pragmatic, while Leo is outgoing, expressive, and seeks attention.

    Taurus values material stability, while Leo often seeks recognition and admiration.

    From Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22):

    Taurus and Virgo share a practical nature, but Taurus is more relaxed, while Virgo is detail-oriented and analytical.

    Taurus enjoys sensory pleasures, whereas Virgo is more concerned with efficiency and organization.

    From Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22):

    Taurus is more focused on individual comfort and stability, while Libra values harmony and interpersonal relationships.

    Taurus can be possessive, whereas Libra seeks balance and fairness in relationships.

    From Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21):

    Taurus and Scorpio both value loyalty, but Taurus is more straightforward, while Scorpio is intense and secretive.

    Taurus seeks material security, whereas Scorpio delves into emotional and transformative experiences.

    From Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21):

    Taurus is grounded and practical, while Sagittarius is adventurous and seeks new experiences.

    Taurus values stability, while Sagittarius values freedom and exploration.

    From Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19):

    Taurus and Capricorn share an earthy practicality, but Taurus is more laid-back, while Capricorn is ambitious and disciplined.

    Taurus enjoys life's pleasures, while Capricorn is often focused on long-term goals.

    From Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18):

    Taurus is more traditional and grounded, while Aquarius is unconventional and values intellectual pursuits.

    Taurus may resist change, whereas Aquarius embraces innovation and progress.

    From Pisces (Feb. 19 - Mar. 20):

    Taurus is practical and focused on the material world, while Pisces is intuitive and attuned to the emotional and spiritual.

    Taurus seeks stability, while Pisces is adaptable and may be more idealistic.

    These comparisons highlight the diverse qualities within the zodiac, showcasing how each sign contributes unique traits to the astrological tapestry. Individual variations within each sign further emphasize the complexity of human personality.

    Chapter two

    Taurus and the Planet Venus

    The deep bond shared between Taurus and Venus is undeniable, as Venus holds the esteemed position of ruling planet for the zodiac sign Taurus. This connection brings forth a wealth of influences and energies that shape the character, values, and approach to life for those born under Taurus' celestial influence.

    Venus, renowned as the celestial embodiment of love, beauty, and harmony, aligns perfectly with Taurus' inherent appreciation for aesthetics and the delights of the senses. Taurus shares a profound connection to the physical realm, and Venus beautifully complements this aspect of their nature, accentuating their profound affinity for beauty and the finer aspects of existence. They own a discerning eye for art, design, and all forms of indulgence that engage the senses.

    The impact of Venus on Taurus becomes particularly evident in their love for comfort and their yearning to surround themselves with luxury. Taurus finds immense satisfaction in material possessions and takes pride in crafting environments that emanate beauty and harmony. Venus enhances their ability to create spaces that are visually pleasing, inspiring them to seek the highest quality in all that they possess.

    Moreover, Venus bestows upon Taurus an intensified sensuality and a natural inclination toward pleasure. They have a heightened sensitivity to physical experiences, whether it's relishing exquisite cuisine, luxuriating in the touch of sumptuous fabrics, or marveling at the wonders of the natural world. This cosmic connection with Venus amplifies Taurus' pursuit of sensory gratification, reinforcing their quest for comfort and self-indulgence.

    Venus' influence on Taurus extends to matters of the heart and relationships. Taurus is revered for their unwavering loyalty, devotion, and steadfast commitment in matters of love. Venus, the planet of love itself, deepens these qualities, underscoring Taurus' dedication to fostering stable and harmonious connections. Taurus holds trust and loyalty in the highest regard, seeking enduring and profound bonds with their beloved companions.

    Furthermore, Venus enhances Taurus' capacity for emotional expression and nurtures their ability to create a warm and nurturing atmosphere for their partners. Taurus possesses a natural charm and alluring presence that effortlessly draws others toward them. They possess a special talent for cultivating deep emotional connections and strive to maintain balance and tranquility within their relationships.

    Chapter three

    Taurus and the Element Earth

    Taurus, as an earth sign, embodies the essence of stability and practicality. The element of earth deeply influences the characteristics, values, and approach to life of Taurus individuals, shaping their unique and remarkable traits.

    The earth element imparts a solidity and reliability to Taurus that is desperately needed. They are known for their unwavering nature, determination, and ability to weather life's challenges with resilience. Taurus have a remarkable stability that allows them to maintain a consistent and steady presence in both personal and professional settings.

    Like the solid earth itself, Taurus value security and strive to establish a solid foundation in all aspects of their lives. They seek stability and predictability in their relationships, careers, and financial matters. Taurus are practical decision-makers who carefully analyze their options, considering the tangible and realistic aspects of any situation. They have an innate sense of responsibility and can be relied upon to provide a steady and grounded presence for their loved ones.

    The earth element also influences Taurus' connection to the physical world. Taurus have a deep appreciation for material comforts and the tangible aspects of life. They have a keen eye for quality and craftsmanship and derive great satisfaction from surrounding themselves with beautiful objects, luxurious fabrics, and indulging in sensory pleasures. Taurus find solace and comfort in creating harmonious environments that exude a sense of abundance and beauty.

    Moreover, the earth element instills Taurus with a deep connection to nature. They often own a green thumb and a natural affinity for gardening or outdoor activities. Taurus find solace and rejuvenation by immersing themselves in the tranquility and grounding energy of the natural world. They have a profound appreciation for the earth's beauty, taking immense pleasure in beautiful objects, luxurious fabrics, and textures.

    The earth element also influences Taurus' approach to relationships. Taurus individuals are renowned for their loyalty, devotion, and steadfastness in their connections. They cultivate deep emotional bonds with their loved ones and place a high value on trust and reliability. Taurus are dependable and committed companions, always ready to provide a helping hand or a listening ear.

    The above being said, the earth element can also present challenges for Taurus. Their strong attachment to stability and routine can sometimes make them resistant to change. They may struggle with adapting to new circumstances or exploring unfamiliar territory. Additionally, their practical and grounded nature may lead to a reluctance to take risks or step out of their comfort zones, potentially hindering personal growth and exploration of new opportunities.

    In summary, the influence of the earth element on Taurus is profound and far-reaching. Taurus embody stability, practicality, and reliability, providing a solid foundation in all areas of their lives. Their deep appreciation for the physical world and their connection to nature reflect their grounded and sensual nature. By embracing their earthy traits while remaining open to growth and change, Taurus can navigate life's challenges with grace and tenacity, finding profound fulfillment and creating harmonious environments that reflect their practical and nurturing spirit.

    Chapter four

    Layers of Taurus: Beyond the Zodiac Sun Sign

    Exploring the sun sign provides insight into the core nature of a person. Further examination of Taurus' moon sign, rising sign, and additional astrological elements reveals a more detailed composition of their personality. This is probably my favorite chapter because each facet in the astrological chart contributes its distinctive shade to the portrait of a Taurus, introducing subtlety, depth, and complexity to their cosmic blueprint.

    Taurus' Moon Sign: The moon sign reflects one's emotional terrain and inner world. For a Taurus, the moon sign introduces an additional layer of emotional intelligence and receptivity. Should the moon be in a sign like Pisces, Taurus

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