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Pets Make People Better: The LIFE BOOK SERIES
Pets Make People Better: The LIFE BOOK SERIES
Pets Make People Better: The LIFE BOOK SERIES
Ebook64 pages50 minutes

Pets Make People Better: The LIFE BOOK SERIES

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In his work "Pets Make Better People," Kevin B DiBacco reveals that the companionship of pets has remarkable healing power, reducing stress and anxiety while boosting overall happiness. Petting an animal releases oxytocin which alleviates symptoms of anxiety, depression and loneliness, DiBacco explains. Pets offer a soothing presence and unconditional support, enhancing our emotional stability and combating isolation. Interacting with pets lowers blood pressure and diminishes stress hormones, creating a sense of calm. Their joyful and loving natures infuse our lives with laughter, motivation and purpose. Pets act as empathetic companions that are attuned to our moods, nurturing our mental and emotional health.

Release dateDec 13, 2023
Pets Make People Better: The LIFE BOOK SERIES

Kevin B DiBacco

    Kevin's lifelong passion for powerlifting and fitness has been nothing short of remarkable. Though the journey has been marked by numerous injuries and surgeries, Kevin has persevered with unwavering determination. His medical history reads like an orthopedic textbook - 6 knee operations, 2 major back surgeries, 2 hip replacements, brain surgery and brain radiation. But no amount of adversity could extinguish Kevin's inner fire and drive.   At the age 62, Kevin undertook a monumental fitness journey to shed 60 pounds, proving that age is just a number. His passion for health and fitness remained undimmed by the passing years. Through all the ups and downs, Kevin persevered with an indomitable spirit.   He now aims to share his hard-won wisdom with others who are facing adversity. Drawing from his own experiences, Kevin developed "ISO QUICK STRENGTH," a program designed to help people rebound after setbacks. He recognized that overcoming difficulties requires both physical and mental strength.   Kevin spreads his message of resilience and determination through a blog, books, and his personal mantra: "Those who quit will always fail." These simple yet powerful words encapsulate his incredible journey. After 37 remarkable years as a filmmaker, Kevin now uses his gifts as an author to share inspirational stories.   Earning the moniker "Life Warrior," Kevin stands as a shining example of the human capacity to overcome any adversity. His unwillingness to ever quit or back down, no matter the obstacles faced, is a testament to the motto he lives by: "A Life Warrior is willing to do whatever it takes to overcome life's challenges."   Kevin's journey has not been linear or easy. But through perseverance, inner strength, and an unbreakable warrior spirit, he has overcome obstacles that would have defeated lesser men. Though battered and bruised, Kevin stands tall as a shining example of human potential. His story is one of courage, resilience and the power of embracing life's challenges with an open heart.

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    Book preview

    Pets Make People Better - Kevin B DiBacco

    Chapter 1:

    The Healing Power of Pets

    The Connection Between Pets and Health

    Subchapter: The Connection Between Pets and Health

    Welcome to the enlightening subchapter of Pets Make Better People: Unlocking the Health Benefits of Pet Companionship. Whether you are a lifelong pet lover or someone considering bringing a furry friend into your life, this chapter aims to shed light on the profound connection between pets and health. Brace yourselves for an exploration of how life truly becomes better when you have pets!

    The Healing Power of Pets:

    Pets, in all their adorable and unconditional love, have a remarkable impact on our mental well-being. Numerous studies have shown that pet companionship can alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. The simple act of petting a dog or stroking a cat can release oxytocin, a hormone responsible for reducing stress and promoting feelings of happiness. Pets offer a soothing presence, lending a listening ear without judgment, and providing comfort during challenging times.

    Boosting Overall Happiness:

    The presence of pets in our lives can significantly enhance our overall happiness. They bring joy and laughter, infuse our routines with purpose, and motivate us to stay active and engaged. Pets provide a sense of belonging and companionship, helping us combat feelings of isolation. Whether it's a wagging tail, a purr, or a chirp, their unique ways of communicating fill our lives with immense love and joy.

    Reducing Stress and Anxiety:

    Stress and anxiety have become all too common in our lives. However, studies have revealed that petting or interacting with animals can lower blood pressure, reduce heart rate, and diminish stress hormones. Pets create a calming environment, promoting a sense of tranquility and mindfulness. They offer a distraction from daily worries, allowing us to focus on the present moment and find solace in their company.

    Supporting Emotional Well-being:

    Pets also play a crucial role in supporting our emotional well-being. They act as empathetic companions, sensing our moods and offering unconditional love and support. For individuals struggling with health issues, pets can provide a sense of purpose, responsibility, and routine. They offer a source of emotional stability and help us develop empathy and compassion.


    Overall, the connection between pets and health is a profound and transformative one. Pets have an incredible ability to heal, bring happiness, reduce stress, and support our emotional well-being. Whether it's a wagging tail, a gentle purr, or a playful chirp, pets remind us that life truly is better when we have them by our side. So, embrace the wonders of pet companionship and unlock the countless health benefits that come with it.

    The History of Pet Therapy

    Humans have always had a special bond with animals, and throughout history, this bond has been recognized and harnessed for its therapeutic benefits. The concept of pet therapy, also known as animal-assisted therapy, is not a recent phenomenon. In fact, its roots can be traced back to ancient

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