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Okay, Boomer: A Boomerotica Story of Generational Disgust
Okay, Boomer: A Boomerotica Story of Generational Disgust
Okay, Boomer: A Boomerotica Story of Generational Disgust
Ebook34 pages20 minutes

Okay, Boomer: A Boomerotica Story of Generational Disgust

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Okay, Boomer is an erotica parody about generational divides. The phrase is conceived as a disparaging retort against the traditions and mindsets of the Baby Boomer generation. It is how McKenna, a spoiled Gen Z sorority girl, feels about her Friday night fling. Dick, the Boomer, possesses the same overall disdain for his looming conquest, part of a Chicken Little generation of faux-catastrophe, where every swipe on tik tok leads to a new imminent loom of doom and gloom. Thankfully, they have some things in common. For instance, they're both spoiled narcissists versed in a remarkable litany of vapid current events bullet points. And they hate each other.

It's a romance for the ages! Really disparate ages.

PublisherDick Midnight
Release dateOct 27, 2023
Okay, Boomer: A Boomerotica Story of Generational Disgust

Dick Midnight

Dick Midnight is a badass.He is also the master of pseudo-biographical mythological erotica, or mytherotica, for short. His stories have been must reads among an established cult following that discovered the works in the recesses of the deep internet. Now, for the first time, the extensive Dick Midnight catalog is gradually being made available in more accessible online venues.For centuries, eons even, artists like Dick Midnight have warned of the dangers of the creatures of our mythology, looming in the shadows, on the fringes of civilization. But as science and academia have taken hold and proclaimed Gods and beasts as little more than figments of our active imaginations, we have let down our guard. When an unexplained abduction occurs, and Dick Midnight's services are requested, his double duty begins. He is at once monster slayer, damsel rescuer, and entertaining, engrossing, erotica wordsmith.A complex personality with his own inner demons, Dick Midnight can be aloof and distant, intense and quippy, and often seemingly on the verge of spinning out of control.But damn, can he write.

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    Book preview

    Okay, Boomer - Dick Midnight

    Okay, Boomer

    A Boomerotica story of generational disgust

    Necessary legal mumbo and jumbo:

    Author’s note: All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

    Necessary legal mumbo and jumbo complete. Now onto our yarn…

    Dick Braggerton, Brags as his buddies called him, was in the midst of his seasonal purge. That meant cleansing the two-car garage of its contents. Not in a spring cleaning sort of way. More in the It’s time to lease a new crotch rocket way.

    Brags leased. He didn’t buy.

    He learned important tricks like that as an investor for multi-million dollar conglomerates he cultivated as a result of years of sweat equity earned through being the lone offspring in the Braggerton consortium, an entity created from actual sweat equity, and a few fortuitous palm greasing sessions with willing politicians, during the Great Depression.

    Dad belonged to the Greatest Generation. He cultivated that business through endless hours in the office.

    The world never sleeps, he said. That was about all the offspring ever heard. Pops was never home. Work was the office. And occasionally business getaways with the secretary. Mom raised the child.

    Dick was born in the early 50s, in America’s heartland at the time of the Boomer explosion. His family even gave him a fitting Boomer era name. It’s true. Dick, Richard to some, was the seventh most popular name of the era.

    Lots of Boomers are Dicks.

    It was Saturday, and Dick had just dropped

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