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Where the Worm Never Dies
Where the Worm Never Dies
Where the Worm Never Dies
Ebook96 pages36 minutes

Where the Worm Never Dies

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About this ebook

Within these pages, you'll encounter spine-tingling tales of unrelenting dread, where men and monsters lurk in the shadows side by side. This collection is a harrowing journey into the unknown, where the eternal chill of the grave is a constant companion.

PublisherSwann Bedlam
Release dateJun 1, 2024
Where the Worm Never Dies

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    Book preview

    Where the Worm Never Dies - Quinn Hernandez


    The Strangers

    The strangers held hands

    and formed a circle

    around the ancient texts

    scrawled upon the floor

    Encased in their own

    protective circle

    they chanted dead words

    previously foreign to them

    Learned through desperation

    and driven by a need

    by default, they put their faith

    in this blasphemous last resort

    Despite previous skepticism

    the dead man before them

    opened his eyes, and

    breathed in forgotten air

    The strangers chant ceased

    some smiled, others cried

    the dead man’s mouth gagged

    his hands and feet bound

    He was tied to a chair, where

    he blinked his confusion

    searching strange faces for

    answers that would soon come

    The group had wasted no time

    their weapons were in hand

    and when they encircled him

    recognition found his eyes

    The previously dead man

    tried to scream through his gag

    he tried to beg, to barter

    his body remembered how to sweat

    These faces surrounding him

    were in fact, familiar to him

    their photos were in the paper

    their sobs he heard on television

    He thought he’d escaped

    having to face them

    the day he was found

    he had taken his own life

    But they would not be denied

    the murderer of their children

    would not get away this time

    The grimoire had come through

    This group of strangers

    united in their shared hatred

    devoid of guilt, their regret

    now dead with their loves

    They stabbed and beat

    the monster who took

    from them more than

    their collective children

    When they had finished

    the body was returned

    to the robbed grave

    reburied with their sin

    Left, still, with their pain

    hopes of justice still dead

    they return to the world

    monsters of their own making

    Breaking the Cycle

    I am duct taped to a wooden chair

    as my three sons surround me

    each has a wooden baseball bat

    my oldest does all the talking

    You know, he says, as he crouches down

    to meet my eyes

    "Everything we hate about ourselves

    are the traits we got from you

    we were given no tools; no wisdom;

    no blueprint to be successful adults

    we were—and still are—ill-prepared

    for the harsh realities of our world

    all you had to offer us was impatience

    and apathy and selfishness

    you slept-walked through life

    and couldn’t be bothered to offer more

    the things your father taught you

    you uncaringly passed down to us

    if we don’t stop it now

    we’ll pass your baggage down

    to our children, and we will not fail them

    as you failed us

    someone has to be strong enough

    to escape heredity

    it’s up to us to break the cycle"

    he had said

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