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Love on a Holy Night: Honor Valley Holidays, #6
Love on a Holy Night: Honor Valley Holidays, #6
Love on a Holy Night: Honor Valley Holidays, #6
Ebook73 pages1 hour

Love on a Holy Night: Honor Valley Holidays, #6

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When love and lights collide, two wounded souls find their way through the darkness.


Clove Evergreen is the queen of Christmas in Honor Valley. Passionate about community and connection, she has her eyes set on winning the neighborhood Christmas Light competition—earning nationwide acclaim and prize money for military families' programs. There's just one problem; the darkened, lightless, soulless house across the street where her nemesis lives. 


Miles Winston, a military sniper haunted by a life-altering mistake, lives across the street from the brightest house in the neighborhood. He wants no part in the light show when he'd prefer to remain shrouded in darkness. Too bad his neighbor is determined to cast him in the spotlight, pinning him with those enigmatic eyes of hers and stealing his breath with those shining smiles. But Miles isn't prepared to let go of the shame that has made him cling to the shadows. Not even while Clove keeps showing up trying to drag him into the light. 


Despite their growing attraction, the friction between Clove's luminescent optimism and Miles' muted sorrow creates an emotional tug-of-war. Clove believes that light and love can heal all wounds, while Miles wrestles with the notion that some scars are too deep for any brightness to reach. Their contrasting worldviews reach a boiling point when Clove's well-intentioned attempts to include Miles in the neighborhood festivities backfire, risking their burgeoning relationship and forcing them to confront whether they can ever truly reconcile their differences. Will they find a way to merge their worlds, or will they remain prisoners of their past, one bathed in light, the other in perpetual shadow?

Love on a Holy Night is a part of the Honor Valley Holiday romances; a heartwarming, small town, military romance series that explores the power of love, growth, and healing set during the most magical time of the year! These stories are short and sweet -the perfect length for an afternoon pick me up or an evening escape before bedtime!

Release dateDec 1, 2023
Love on a Holy Night: Honor Valley Holidays, #6

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    Book preview

    Love on a Holy Night - Shanae Johnson


    In the heart of Honor Valley, the first snowflakes of December began to drift down from the slate-gray sky, dotting the ground like sprinkled sugar on a frosted cake. The crisp winter air was filled with the scents of pine, cinnamon, and the faintest hint of wood smoke. Clove Evergreen stood in the frost-kissed front yard of her childhood home, her breath visible in the cold winter air.

    The house was a kaleidoscope of lights and festivity. Twinkling strands of white and colored lights adorned the eaves, snaked around the porch columns, and traced the shape of every window, while glowing reindeer and a rotund Santa stood sentinel on the lawn. It was her first Christmas back in the house she had inherited from her parents, the house that had been rented out for years after their passing. Now, as she marveled at the holiday wonderland she'd created, Clove felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment and emotional connection to her roots.

    From the glow-in-the-dark icicles that hung like tiny chandeliers to the elaborate nativity scene on the front lawn, each decoration felt like a tribute not just to the season but to her parents as well. Clove could almost hear her mother's delighted laughter and see her father's eyes crinkle with joy, just as they had every Christmas season.

    Her parents had always gone all out for the holidays, filling their home with magic and wonder for all who entered. The memories were as vivid as the lights themselves: her mother stringing popcorn to hang on the tree, her father climbing the ladder to put up lights while singing off-key carols.

    The air smelled like a mix of pine and fireplace smoke, mingled with the aroma of freshly baked cookies wafting from a neighbor's house. Even the stars above seemed to twinkle a little brighter, as if applauding her efforts. It was a sensory feast that wrapped around her like her mother’s old knit blanket; warm, comforting, and incredibly familiar.

    Tears of happiness blurred Clove's vision for a moment, and she brushed them away with the back of her gloved hand. She knew her parents were with her, smiling down from what she fondly referred to as Christmas heaven.

    It wasn't just her house that was festively decorated. Rows of houses illuminated with twinkling lights stretched on either side of her, like a glittering pathway to a winter wonderland. Clove stood on her porch, a steaming mug of hot chocolate clutched in her hands, absorbing the electric spectacle that was her street in Honor Valley.

    As she marveled at the shimmering lights, Mrs. Henderson, her lifelong neighbor and unofficial street historian, ambled over. Mrs. Henderson was wrapped in a puffy coat that made her look like a bundled-up garden gnome, her eyes twinkling with merriment.

    It's just magical, isn't it? Mrs. Henderson beamed, joining Clove on the porch. Feels like we're in a Christmas card.

    It truly does, Clove agreed, sipping her cocoa and reveling in the blend of chocolate and peppermint mixing with the chilly air. We've outdone ourselves this year, haven't we? I think we have a real shot at the top three in the national competition.

    Oh, I'm sure of it, my dear. That prize money would mean so much for the military families. Bless their hearts. Mrs. Henderson sighed wistfully.

    Clove nodded, her eyes lingering on the radiant homes. She heard laughter from some of her other neighbors; their voices harmonizing with the distant melodies of holiday tunes, creating an enchanting winter soundscape.

    But then her gaze fell upon the one patch of darkness. The Winston house.

    Clove had memories of that house shining brightly during this time of year. Today it was like an empty stage in a theater of luminosity, disturbing and noticeable.

    Mrs. Henderson followed her gaze. Ah, yes, the younger Mr. Winston. Not quite in tune with our holiday symphony, is he?

    Clove had never met the Winston boy. Or if she did, she didn't remember him. She knew he'd just returned from a long tour in the military. But she hadn't once seen him on his porch, on the lawn, or even on the driveway. She couldn't even remember seeing the lights on in the living room.

    It's like a skipped note in a carol, Clove sighed. He just moved in; maybe he doesn't understand how big of a deal this is for us.

    Or maybe he's just a grinch, Mrs. Henderson offered.

    Either way, Clove mused, setting her empty mug on the porch table, that house needs to be lit. Not just for the competition, but for us—for what this neighborhood stands for.

    Community, unity, and a good dose of holiday spirit, Mrs. Henderson said.

    Exactly, Clove affirmed. I'll talk to Mr. Winston. He needs to know what's at stake.

    What was at stake was money to fill the Honor Valley military base's coffers. Many of the programs there for families and children had been gutted due to budget cuts.

    Mrs. Henderson patted her arm affectionately. "You've got

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