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Cherry Locked: The Dark Desire, #1
Cherry Locked: The Dark Desire, #1
Cherry Locked: The Dark Desire, #1
Ebook457 pages6 hours

Cherry Locked: The Dark Desire, #1

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A modern day virgin redefines the definition and entraps two men, an average guy and a billionaire. Madison Hart is outspoken, determined, and set on marriage despite her sexual curiosity. The young adult is sought after by both men, who desire her. Maddy is rushed into a new world of lust, temptation, pain, emotion, cluelessness, and fame. 

PublisherChrissy Queen
Release dateDec 1, 2023
Cherry Locked: The Dark Desire, #1

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    Cherry Locked - Chrissy Queen





    Copyright © 2022 Chrissy Queen

    All rights reserved

    The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

    ASIN: B0BSZ5SS88

    Cover design by: Stock Image

    Library of Congress Control Number: 1-12019832401

    Printed in the United States of America

    for romance lovers who enjoy drama, suspense, and steam.


    Title Page








































    I kick off my shoes after a long day serving drinks at the country club. I groan and reach down to press on the red areas of my feet. Damn it...I need new shoes...or I need to stop standing for so long. I'm sure they're swollen. I close the hotel room door, which is where I live since it's closer to my job and cuts rent in half. $30 a night beats $950 any day. That's not even including bills. At my last place, a one-room apartment, my rent was $1250. I'm saving $350, which is nice.I can use it on necessities. I even save transportations fees by walking to the club, which is five miles away. I don't mind the morning exercise to keep my stomach flat. I stride barefoot on wood floors, wincing each time they flop. My soles are killing me! I open a glass door of a shower-tub combo in a white bathroom. Then I lean to clog the tub and run cool water. I turn to the vanity, where a bowl sink and tall mirror are.

    An olive-skinned, blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl stares back at me in the mirror. Hmm...I'm breaking out. I move closer to examine the pimples all over my forehead. Ugh! I need to cut out sugar. My light voice pouts, then sighs. My hands open a bottom cabinet on the vanity to retrieve Epsom salt. My fingers curl up the bottom of the high-waisted jeans I have on. I walk back to the tub and pour the salt in. I sit on the wide ledge and swing my feet over to submerge them into the steaming water. I exhale in pleasure. Ahh...that's so much better! A buzz from my back pocket makes me smirk. I slide it out, face unlock my phone, and click on Tinder. Nine messages wait. I reply to each.

    Your eyes are so big and beautiful -Thank you, I'm flattered.

    Are you free tonight? - I'm not free tonight. I just got back from work. I'm exhausted.

    You're so fucking hot!! -  I wonder how much hotter you can make me

    Hello beautiful, can we FaceTime? - Maybe tomorrow.

    Hi there, how's your night going? I hope it's as fine as you - Lol, nice pickup. My night was busy. How's yours?

    I want u in my bed. - I want to suckle ur nipples

    Can I ask you something? - Sure, what is it?

    Bring that pussy, baby; u'll love what I'll do to it -

    - I hope that's not all talk... 

    Hi, I'm Mark. What are you looking for on here? - Hi, I'm Madison. I'm looking to sext. What about you?

    I rub my sore back as I view 3k matches and swipe right on a dozen. Each of the guys are Cali 10s and could even be models. But I know looks don't always mean the guy will be the one.Hot guys are whores, not husband material. They're good to toy with and nice to look at, but that wears off after a while. Beautiful men don't seem to settle down until they've sown their oats as much as possible.I need someone who's hubby material. I'm not dumb. I know I won't find that on Tinder. I'm just on the app to pass the time while I wait for Mr. Right 

    Some people think men don't want virgins. But I think men find it hotter than any fast girl or cam girl. Judging by all the men in my inbox, which has to be close to one hundred, I found that this surprises and arouses them. I haven't had one guy get turned off; instead, they wonder how tight I am. I love telling them I'm completely untouched. No insertion of any kind has gone inside me. Sex toys aren't for everyone. Some guys ask if I don't have experience, then how would I be good at sex? I study technique books for erotic positions…both for the body and mouth. Their stunned replies always amuse me.I guess they think virgins are still living in the 1950s. They probably think I don't masturbate...I do. I'm not entirely insane! All I know is that I won't be unprepared. Whoever my future husband is will be screaming on our wedding night. And yes, the honeymoon will be traditional. No sex beforehand...yet fooling around will be allowed.

    In the morning, I wake with my hair all over my head and the sheets in a twist around my body. The alarm from my phone blares the air-raid siren. The only sound that works for me. I shower with watermelon body wash and rinse my hair with it too. I'm sure to use feminine soap thoroughly and even squat to get the hard-to-reach places. I scrub and rinse myself three times, then bend to do the same below. The setting of the showerhead is on sprinkler mode to line my butt crack, much like douching without the ball tool.

    I wash the suds from my hair, flip it back, then get out. I take two towels from a rack and wrap one around my head, then one around my breast. Breasts that are a 24b cup, I'd like them bigger and higher. This is one of my flaws. If only I had money to throw away on my insecurities. The FaceTime tone vibrates my phone. I rush to the counter and read the screen. Who is JohnnyB, and why is he FaceTiming me? I ignore it and dress. I snap on a dream angels bra from Victoria's Secret, slip into black jeans and a cream shirt, and plop my feet into work shoes. My hands rub the towel across my head, then lower it to wring out the bottom strands. On the way out, I slide the phone into my back pocket and tie my hair into a bun. The weather outside is scorching. The sun is working overtime, and the wind is nonexistent. Oh god, why didn't I grab a bottled water?!

    My legs power walk the busy streets of downtown California. Gas stations, restaurants, banks, theaters, libraries, and cafes line the way to the Santa Rosa Country Club. I work at a private estate that resembles a mansion full of oval windows. It has the greenest grass ever. The gold and gray roof shingles give it a feel of a beach house on steroids. The balconies and pillars which connect the bottom foundation are classy and enormous. The acres of land that enclose the estate hold ponds and golf resorts as far as the eye can see. I've been working here for three years now and enjoy the favoritism from my boss. I offered to take double shifts only if I could ditch dress pants. Slacks don't look good on everyone...I look disproportioned in them.The little hips I have disappear, and my butt flattens like an old woman's. I couldn't look like that at a fancy ass country club! My future husband could be here and get turned off! Although, that’s a pipe dream.

    It's not that easy to snag a rich man. My friend Lily and I have been trying, but the wives always cock block. Either them or their children. Sometimes the husbands visit without their family wanting a booty call. It's crazy how men think women are all hoes. Hard pass. However, it was fun flirting with the dudes. Us girls need to strengthen our dirty talk game somehow. I reach the lobby of the clubhouse and am relieved when the central air hits me when the double doors open. I gasp as a shuddering sensation jolts my entire body. I wonder if that's what it feels like when a guy cums inside a woman. If so, yes, please. A wide staircase on dark pink walls trimmed with white greets me. On each side of the large room sit two check-in desks. I step to the one on the left.

    The receptionist, a brown-haired guy a bit older than me, smiles maliciously. It's pretty hot, huh?

    Don't... I chuckle.

    You’re sweating. Maybe I should cool you off? He cocks a brow.

    Just check me in, Sam.

    Oh nice, will you stay the night or do a walk of shame before morning? The pretty guy leans forward and supports his head with his hand. Okay, that's adorable...he knows what he's doing.

    Keep dreaming.

    Oh, I will.

    I pick up a stack of letters and whack him with it. You play too much.

    Maybe you should join me. It'll be fun with two players. Come on; you're single; I'm single. Why aren't we banging? He puts on a smooth tone to animate his deep voice.

    Only after the wedding.

    Ahhh... He mumbles dejectedly. You gotta be the only woman doing it that way. He types on a computer and then hands over my ID.

    I'm pretty sure I'm not. I wink and blow him a kiss before ascending the stairs. I do so with my waist thrusted, so my booty is more pronounced as I climb the steps. My blue eyes teasingly peer back at Sam.

    You're not being fair at all. He groans.

    I have no clue what you mean. I smile to one side and bat my lashes. Upstairs is a carbon copy of downstairs. The only difference is the dining area and bar stations. Sets of French doors lead out to a real-life paradise. A few workers wipe tables, sweep, wash dishes, and dust chandeliers in the empty hall.

    Hey, boo. Lily, my bestie, who rocks midnight blue hair, waves. She has a pie face, unlike my slim one, and her eyes are golden in the harsh sunlight.

    Ready for the day?

    Yeah, I love nothing more than snobby rich assholes sending food back.

    I help her wash the dishes, wine glasses, and silverware. The best customers ever, especially when they don't tip.

    The cheapness of it all, I swear. We can't save up for college this way.

    We can work on our credit and take out a loan?

    Then we'll have to pay it back, though, Lily grumbles. I wish our parents had a savings instead of just throwing us out after graduation.

    Me too...this sucks. The one job we thought we'd be racking up with is a letdown.

    It's never too late to be a stripper. Lily winks.

    We got the moves. I dance with my shoulders.

    Speaking of moves, wanna hit a real club tonight?

    Um...I don't want to go alone....and be the third wheel again. I mumble.

    Invite one of your Tinder boos.

    I could, but I don't know. The guy might think we're dating.

    Girl, you’re on a dating site. Lily's light voice chimes with annoyance.

    I know...but I don’t want to imply too fast.

    You're dramatic. Lily splashes me with bubbly water. Try out dating. How are you gonna know a guy is worth it if you don't date him first??

    My mouth drops to the floor. You did not just- I splash Lily back.

    Don't be a square. Find the cutest guy and ask him out. You could be missing the one by not doing that. Just open the mystery box take a peek and see what you get.

    Maybe you're right...

    I am.

    "Don't get cocky."

    I bet you I'm right.

    Dude, picking a random guy won't lead to a ring on my finger,

    Lily rolls her eyes. Have some faith...surprises happen. Just make sure his package looks big. She sticks out her tongue.

    I'll size him up. I grin widely.


    I serve orange juice to breakfast goers at the beginning of the day, since it's too early to mix alcohol. Lily works the room as a waitress, setting down plates of hot cakes, sausages, eggs, and oatmeal. I always wanted to taste the decorative plate of food, but I'd rather not waste $80. I'm in no condition to splurge. The food here must light the tastebuds on fire by how the guests savor it. I guess I'll never know for sure. Classy jazz music circulates the room and sets a mellow vibe...more like a rich vibe. The men's wives wear the silkiest dresses I've ever seen, and the husbands' sport suede...or velvet, I can't tell from this far. Even the children rock lavish fabric. Material that I'm sure makes them feel like royalty. It must be amazing to dress like a prince and princess. Their childhood must be a dream world.

    The dining area is packed, as always. The same table finishes early and heads out back to the golf course. I think they're businessmen, there's always four of them, and the exact routine plays out. A dark-haired one holds a French door open for the lot and waits patiently. This one has taken my breath away every Sunday. His broad shoulders, green eyes, jet black hair, full lips, and height draw me in. Of course, he never notices me. He must have a wife. I shyly watch him, adoring his bushy eyebrows and long lashes. He has a silver suit jacket around one shoulder, slacks, and a white dress shirt with the first three buttons loosened. I can see chest hair.

    I gawk at this beautiful man who would never go for a girl like me. Who would never pay attention to the help unless paying a bill. My eyes scale his bottom half; he has thick legs and an impressive ass for a guy. Ogling again? Lily whispers from behind me.

    I jump and blush. When I say blush, I mean it. My cheeks flush red. No...

    I don't get why you haven't made a move.

    Because he never notices me.

    Well, of course not, not with you being this far away. She scoffs. We both watch him stroll out of the door. Our eyes go to his bubble ass. You know you want that juicy booty.

    I snort and turn away to hush her as a wife nears the counter. Five orange juices, sugar. The short lady demands conceitedly.

    Yes, ma'am. I pull a tray from below, add five glasses to it, and pour liquid into each spilling nothing. I lift the heavy tray with ease. My balance is perfect as I hand it over to Lily.

    Where to, ma'am? The woman leads my friend away. I'm thankful for this. It means the subject is dropped. That guy wants nothing to do with me. It's been about a year of playing a one-sided peep show. He's out of my league and most likely dates models with flawless skin or the athletic type. I'm neither. I peer through the doors and watch the dreamy guy cover the green grass with a firm stride. The ripples of his shirt flare between his muscles, revealing curved lines. Still spying?

    I jump. Stop doing that!

    He-he-he...I will if you talk to him.

    Lil, he's just eye candy.

    You don't know that for sure, Maddy.

    Did I not say he never pays me any, I'm not pretty enough for him. Let's be real.

    You're hot, babe. Stop lying to yourself.

    But I'm an acne face.

    Then wear makeup.

    You know I'm not into that.

    Then cut out sugar. How about we make a pact? Let's do a detox. Trust me; it’s the number one cause of acne. Once it clears up, you'll have enough confidence to make a move. We can buy the good shit. I used proactive once, omg! My skin was brand new.

    I have dark circles. I point under my eyes where another flaw of mine is.

    There’s a cream for that.

    But my-

    No more buts...unless it belongs to your boo thang. Let's do it! She holds out her pinky.

    Fine. I sigh and close the swear with mine.

    When nighttime hits, the grounds outside shine. There are circular lights along the pathways. The beige tint reminds me of how a night wedding would look. The grand hall, the music, even the four-tier strawberry cake for dessert takes my mind to a fantasy. I've had my wedding planned out for years. I kind of went crazy over it after my prom. I have the theme picked out, the songs, the place, a tent wedding, and even the ring. Of course, my younger self went overboard, but I've always been a girl who would rather wait. I never had a boyfriend because of how the boys at school turned me off. They were so adolescent and rude. They never knew boundaries when it came to their hands, so I kicked their nuts.

    Guys my age have been alienated from my attraction radar. Men in their mid-twenties are my preference. I'm not so sure about going any older than that. I'm 22 and would like someone who is no older than 25. The crowds outside load away golfing equipment into caddies and flood back inside. I unlock a glass cabinet of bottles, selecting liquors and wines. I load the counter with glasses, then fix my hair; the bun is starting to wear out.

    A line forms before the bar. The first customer is an old man who eyes me up and down. My skin crawls at how licentious his stare becomes. Hello, sir. What drink would you like?

    Something sweet, like you, honey. Surprise me.

    I pick out booze, two rums, grenadine and mix it in a cocktail shaker. I shake for ten seconds, then pour the yellow drink into a tall glass, topped by a lemon and cherry on the straw. Enjoy.

    Thank you, sweetheart. He winks.

    The next customer is another older guy. He orders a Brandy Alexander. I use cognac, white creme de cacao, a heavy cream and shake it up. As I pour it, the man with black-gray hair says, you have beautiful hands.

    Thank you. I pass him his glass. Enjoy your drink.

    The line grows onward from here. Every adult requests a drink, to the point that all the servers come to assist me. They set up their stations the same as mine, then accept customers. I move faster than them. For every one of their customers, I do three. I have a record set here for the fastest served drinks. Lily hands off to her last customer, then looks my way. He might come up.

    No, it's always the blonde guy who gets the drinks, not him. When everyone in the room is seated, I take my break. The breakroom is down the hall and around the corner, next to the restrooms. I didn't pack lunch, so I'll have to get a vending machine salad, which might be a good thing. My skin needs healthy food. I buy the meal, along with a water, and sit alone at a table. I pass the time by snacking while reading my tinder messages.

    JohnnyB: I FaceTimed you. Why didn't you pick up?

    Me: Because you didn't ask first. I go to read our texts to refresh my memory. Oh...I get it. He did the video call to show off his skills since I told him: I hope that's not all talk...

    JohnnyB: Well, I'm asking now.

    Me: That isn't asking

    JohnnyB: I don't like your attitude...

    Me: oh, go cry a river. Odd that you took that much offense; it seems like you’re all talk, after all. He unmatches with me. I laugh and chew on my salad. Bye. I sort through my other messages. I have fifteen new ones atop fifty others. I should try out Lily's suggestion and choose a cute guy. I browse my matches tab until I find one who looks nice personality-wise, not just look-wise. One guy is cute enough. He walks dogs as a job and plays hockey. His bio reads: Looking for good conversation and nice times out, please don't ask me to cash app you for nudes. I'm a respectful guy. I'm surprised I'm even on here. Hmm...maybe I can ask him out. He's 24, just in my range, and has a contagious smile. That's cute. I text his profile to Lily and then lay my phone down. I hope tonight won't be a disaster...and I hope Lily stops being optimistic about me landing that rich man.

    Lily and I catch an Uber to my place and raid my closet. I have a lot of skimpy clothing to be a virgin. Lil dared me to step out of my comfort zone before I was dressing too safe. Not gonna lie; my fashion showed that I was sexually lacking. I browse short ruched dresses. One is deep red and has a slit down the side. Oh, yess! That is the one. she exclaims. But you gotta do your eyes and lips right. She holds up the makeup bag she got from her girlfriend's house. Let me hook you up, gurl.

    Not too much.

    I know, I know, I'm going to do it lightly. People won't even notice.

    Okay, good.

    Have you asked him out yet? She sits on my messy bed.

    No...I feel low asking him out this fast.

    Chill, you don't have to sleep with him! Lil unpacks the makeup bag. Just do it; challenge yourself. Now, get into that dress so I can color coordinate.

    I do as she says and undress on the spot. Push up, or no?

    Hmm... She examines my boobs wrapped in a sports bra. Depends. Do you want to go with the saggy look or not?

    I don't know, let me see. I pull the dress over my head and adjust it in the front, which has a low cleavage line. Hmm...I don't know.

    Lily's eyeballs my boob area. I say no push-up. He can't get your goodies that fast. Come sit. She pats a spot on the bed.

    I hurry over. What color shoes? Black is too dark, right?

    She smudges a wipe across my face before adding primer. Do silver. She pats my face with one hand while smearing concealer under my eyes with the other. I'm doing smoky eye; that’ll go perfect with the dress. I close my eyes at her soft touch. It feels like I'm getting a facial at a spa. The makeup under my eye is blended by her warm fingers. The liquid is dotted across my cheeks, chin, lip area, and forehead. It takes about two minutes of her batting at my face before adding stainer. The thick substance coats my lips.

    What color is it? I mutter, barely moving my mouth to ask.

    Dark black-red, like a black cherry.


    You're gonna cause a lot of heartbreak tonight. The last thing Lil does is my eyes. She lines them, brushes them with powder, and uses mascara. When everything is blended, she guides me to the bathroom. Ready?

    Ahhh, no. I wiggle in excitement.

    Too bad, open, miss hottie.

    I open my eyes and inhale sharply. My skin is flawless. The bumps on my forehead are barely visible. Lil must have used something extra there. My semi-plumped lips are black-red, and my eyes are mesmeric. The smoky powder and swooped tails on each end, liven them up. My lashes are longer too. Damn, I wonder how bad I look at work. I don't even want to think about least I have good brows. Whoa!

    Uh-huh, say it again.


    Put your hair down for the full effect.

    I untie my hair from the top-notch. Since it was wet when I wrapped it, it falls to my shoulders in long, finger wave curls. Oh, fuck!

    Ok, I look badass!

    You look like a me second-guessing dating Jessica.

    I throw my head back and hackle. Is she coming tonight?

    Yep, she's meeting us there. Let me find something to wear, be ready in three minutes.

    That's fast, even for you.

    My makeup is already done. She says, while holding her hands to her face of perfection. Lil has gone dark with her makeup. I'm wearing all black. She leaves the bathroom to raid my closet. Text him!

    I scratch the back of my head before going to the clothes on the floor and pulling out my phone. I click on his profile in the matches tab. His name is Brad. I type: Hey, cutie, are you busy tonight? It takes us a few minutes to put on our shoes, dangling accessories, and perfume. When my phone dings with the Tinder app notification, Lil hands it to me with flashing speed. Brad: Hey pretty, I don't have any plans tonight. What do you have in mind?

    Me: I'm going to the club with my friend.

    Brad: Oh, that sounds cool. Can I tag along?

    Me: Sure.

    Brad: Alright, text me the address.  

    I still feel like I'm going too fast. I cover my eyes and sigh.

    Hey, you're not. You're just nervous about putting yourself out there. You have to do that if you want a man. You can't sext forever. Think of this as practice for the rich booty guy.

    Please stop trying to make that happen. I whine.

    Never, you want him. I'm never gonna drop it. She offers me her hand. Let's go.

    I bite my lip before taking it. Okay, I can do this. Lil is right. I can't have cold feet if I want to be with Mr. Right. I have to do this. I can't stay on an app all my life and wonder where my dream guy is. I have to go out. It's a big step, but it has to be done. We walk down the street to a nightclub lit up purple and red on the outside. The line is long, but it seems to be moving rather quickly. I spy Jessica in a glittery blue dress with her black hair in a half-up, half-down style. She is beyond pretty; she reminds me of the actress Megan Fox. I always wondered if she ever tried to model. I'm sure she has an Instagram that's blowing up. Hi, baby. Lil tiptoes to smooch her; she's the short one in the relationship.

    Hi, hon, you look tasty.

    I know; you'll see how much I am later. Lil flirts.

    Hmm mm, I can't wait. Jessica looks at me and double takes. Maddy is that you?!

    Yep. I twist my waist like a shy schoolgirl.

    No way.

    Yes, way. She leveled up, right? Lil cheeses.

    I'll say. Jessica gives me an intense, racy gaze. How about a threesome?

    I second that. The two bursts into laughter.

    You two play too much. I chortle.

    Ahh, it's best we accept rejection, babe. She has a hot piece already.

    Oh, really? Tell me.

    Lil, don't.


    No buts.

    She side-eyes Jess with cheeks that puff out with giggles. Unless it's his butt.

    I'm gonna go stand over there. I walk away.

    Sorry, sorry! Lily grabs me around the neck in a hug. I'll drop it.

    Good. I halt in place and pry her arms from around my neck.

    Who's this? Jessica says in utter confusion.

    Oh fuck, it's him, I whisper to Lil, who circles around me to fix my hair before turning me around. His dirty blonde hair is nicely tucked behind his ears, and his outfit is sexy casual. Black from head to toe.

    Hey, I'm Lily, her bestie. This is my girlfriend, Jessica. She hustles away. I'll give you two some privacy.

    Hi. Brad, whose chocolate eyes did him no justice in his photos, waves at the two before focusing on me.

    Hi. I stare up at his dimpled cheeks and thick lips.

    You look great. I'm shocked I wasn't catfished.

    Oh, don't get me started on that. I roll my eyes.

    Uh oh, you're a victim too? He chuckles.

    I'm more like a test subject.

    He laughs in short waves, kind of like snorts but far more adorable. Test subject, that's funny. I like his voice. It's not too deep, yet not too light. It’s warm. I grin sweetly. You're really pretty; you're like the prettiest girl I've seen on Tinder.

    Oh, stop it. I wave a hand.

    No, I mean it. Either they're in too much makeup or have insane filters. It's nice to see a natural woman.

    Is my makeup that light?? If so, bravo to Lil. Thank you.

    Hey, lovebirds, it's time to par-ty! Lily beckons from the doorway.


    The club is smoky and dark inside. The strobing lights make it hard to see anyone in the darkness. I'm surprised the bartenders can produce drinks in such scarce visibility—props to them! I'd break everything if that were me up there. The dance floor is massive, and the bar station covers the entire circumference. There are at least ten workers shaking drinks. The place is jammed with partiers who form a pit in the middle of the floor. The trap music booms and rattles the walls, and giant speakers line the ceiling. As we pass down into the pit, I admire how straightforward the women are.

    I spot a few who basically have sex with clothes on. Full-on hump and thrust right in public. How can they be so wild without there being something more behind it? Their sensual expressions and moans entice me. Oh, I'm being dumb. It's obviously for pleasure, the same thing I get from sexting. But typing is nowhere near that explicit...nor does it bring heavenly lust. Jessica gets us a round of drinks; she's the designated orderer. Lil sways to the music and curves her body and hips. Her serious expression cracks me up. I join her in the belly dance, starting at our hips on up. My body seamlessly imitates a sexy snake, shifting fluidly as if I have no bones.

    I sense Brad's eyes on me. I peer at him and call him over with my finger. I want to play a little and get the same sensation those other women are getting. It'd be nice to know what that feels like. Dance with me. I waver my body before him, going closer than I planned. There are only a few inches between us. I work my hips and swing my hair. I spin around in front of him. Will he get the hint that I want some touching? My hands move upwards and reach back to wring around his neck.  

    Brad holds me by the waist. Oh! I respond to his hot breaths beating down on my neck and his lips on my ear. Is this okay?

    Yeah, I sigh at the feel of his palm squeezing my hips. My skin electrifies and tingles. My downstairs stirs awake and throbs up a fire. When he kisses my neck, I lean my head back and sigh softly.

    Every cell in my body is set ablaze. And that shuddering feeling I had before maximizes. My gut heats like a furnace; this shocks me so much that I stumble into him. I feel Brad’s bulge on the lining of my ass. I gasp and close my eyes. My sighs are louder now. He trails his hands up my dress and stops below my breasts. Brad nibbles at my ear while clutching the skin under my boobs. All the spicy euphoria, on top of his breathing on my neck, makes me quiver all over. Every part of me is sensitive, as if I have no skin. As if my veins are exposed. His dick hardens against my ass. I tremble again, expecting more to come. It doesn't. Why isn't he moving it around?? Can you move it around? I ask breathlessly.

    Are you sure?

    I am...but it's just for fun. No sex.

    Alright. His large hands slide to my abdomen. My blood boils where his hands rest. I huff and swallow. Brad presses me against him and drifts his waist forward. I breathe longingly. My eyes roll to the back of my head. Oh my! I stiffen; this only adds more pressure to where his dick is. I gently rock into him. A shrill moan escapes my lips. My mouth waters. So, this is what it feels like? What the hell does it feel like with clothes off?!

    Umm...Madi??! Lily’s voice sounds before me. I need to borrow her real quick.

    I open my eyes to find my friend watching me scoldingly. Sure, Brad says, clearing his throat and catching his breath.

    Come here! She yanks me by the arm and leads me to the restroom.

    Why are you so mad?!

    Are you serious???!! Lil bellows.


    She pushes the women's room door open and turns on me with her arms crossed. I said go out with the guy, not to oil him up with foreplay?!

    It's fine. I told him there wouldn't be any sex.

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