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Textile and Fabric Arts Dictionary: Grow Your Vocabulary
Textile and Fabric Arts Dictionary: Grow Your Vocabulary
Textile and Fabric Arts Dictionary: Grow Your Vocabulary
Ebook277 pages2 hours

Textile and Fabric Arts Dictionary: Grow Your Vocabulary

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1st Edition of the "Textile and Fabric Arts Dictionary", covers various of topics and has over 2400 words.

This book delves into the intricate world of textiles, offering detailed explanations and insights into various techniques, materials, and practices.


Dyeing: The dictionary provides an in-depth look at the art of dyeing, covering traditional and modern techniques, types of dyes, and processes for various fabrics. It offers practical guidance and historical context, making it an invaluable resource for both beginners and experienced dyers.


Tapestry: This section explores the rich history and techniques of tapestry weaving. It includes detailed descriptions of methods, materials, tools, and styles from different cultures and time periods. The dictionary serves as a guide for creating tapestries, from conceptualization to execution.


Felting: The felting section covers the transformation of wool into dense fabric through various techniques like wet felting, needle felting, and nuno felting. It provides insights into the materials, tools, and creative possibilities within the felting process.

PublisherBlake Pieck
Release dateDec 2, 2023
Textile and Fabric Arts Dictionary: Grow Your Vocabulary

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    Textile and Fabric Arts Dictionary - Blake Pieck

    Dyeing Dictionary


    Abrasion Fastness   -   Dye Property   -   The ability of dyed textiles to retain color when subjected to abrasive actions. 

    Absorbance Spectrum   -   Dye Analysis   -   A graph showing how a dye absorbs light across different wavelengths, indicative of its color and hue. 

    Acetate Dyeing   -   Material-Specific Dyeing   -   Process specifically for dyeing acetate fibers, often with disperse dyes. 

    Acetate Scrooping   -   Dyeing Behavior   -   The characteristic rustling sound of dyed acetate textiles, influenced by dyeing processes. 

    Acid Donors   -   Dyeing Additive   -   Compounds that release acid during dyeing, helping to control the pH of the dye bath for certain dyes. 

    Acid Dyes   -   Dye Type   -   A class of dyes that are water-soluble and produce bright and vibrant colors, mainly used for protein-based fibers like wool and silk. 

    Acid Exhaustion   -   Dyeing Behavior   -   The process where acid dyes are completely absorbed by the fiber from an acidic dye bath. 

    Acid Fixing Agents   -   Dyeing Additives   -   Chemicals that improve the washfastness of acid dyes on fibers. 

    Acid Leveling Agents   -   Dyeing Additive   -   Chemicals that ensure even distribution of acid dyes on fibers, preventing streaks or uneven shades. 

    Acid Release Agents   -   Dyeing Additive   -   Chemicals that slowly release acid in the dye bath, controlling pH during dyeing. 

    Acid Wash   -   Dyeing Technique   -   A process where garments, particularly denim, are washed in a mixture containing pumice stone and acid, achieving a distressed look. 

    Acrylic Dyeing   -   Material-Specific Dyeing   -   The process of dyeing acrylic fibers, often with basic or cationic dyes. 

    Adsorption   -   Dyeing Behavior   -   The process where dye molecules adhere to the surface of the fiber. 

    Adsorption Isotherm   -   Dye Behavior   -   A curve describing how dye adsorption varies with dye concentration at constant temperature. 

    Adsorptive Dyeing   -   Dyeing Process   -   Dyeing method where dyes are applied in the form of a colloidal dispersion and adsorbed onto fibers. 

    Affinity   -   Dyeing Behavior   -   Refers to the attraction between the dye and the fiber, determining how well a dye is absorbed. 

    After-Blotting   -   Dyeing Defect   -   Stains or spots that occur post-dyeing, often due to improper drying or rinsing. 

    Afterchrome Dyeing   -   Dyeing Process   -   A two-step process involving the use of mordant and then dye to achieve improved fastness. 

    Aftertreatment   -   Dyeing Process   -   A subsequent process after dyeing to improve the durability, washfastness, or appearance of the dyed material. 

    Aging   -   Dyeing Behavior   -   The period after dyeing where some dyes, especially indigo, develop and fix their final color. 

    Agitation   -   Dyeing Process   -   The movement in the dye bath, ensuring even distribution and penetration of dye into fibers. 

    Airflow Dyeing Machine   -   Dyeing Equipment   -   A machine that uses air to transport and agitate textiles during dyeing, ensuring even color application. 

    Alizarin   -   Natural Dye Source   -   A red dye extracted from the root of the madder plant, historically used for centuries in textile dyeing. 

    Alkali Clearing   -   Dyeing Process   -   The removal of unfixed or hydrolyzed reactive dyes using alkaline solutions. 

    Alkali Drop   -   Dyeing Behavior   -   A sudden drop in pH during dyeing, which can affect dye uptake and evenness. 

    Alkali Sensitivity   -   Dye Property   -   A measure of how a dye reacts or fades when exposed to alkaline conditions. 

    Alkaline Dyeing   -   Dyeing Ph   -   Dyeing conducted in a basic or alkaline pH environment, often used for certain reactive dyes. 

    Alligatoring   -   Dyeing Defect   -   Uneven dyeing leading to a pattern that resembles alligator skin. 

    All-Over Dyeing   -   Dyeing Pattern   -   A dyeing process that applies color uniformly over the entire fabric or garment. 

    Alum Mordanting   -   Dyeing Preparation   -   Using alum salts to treat fibers before dyeing to improve dye uptake and fastness. 

    Alumina Effects   -   Dyeing Behavior   -   Variations in dye uptake due to the presence of alumina in fibers, often seen in regenerated cellulose fibers. 

    Ambient Dyeing   -   Dyeing Process   -   Dyeing conducted at room temperature without the need for external heat. 

    Aminofunctional Silicones   -   Dyeing Additive   -   Silicones that enhance the softness and handle of dyed textiles. 

    Ammonia Treatment   -   Dyeing Process   -   Using ammonia post-dyeing to change color shades or improve washfastness. 

    Amorphous Areas   -   Dye Behavior   -   Regions in fibers that are less ordered, often having higher dye uptake than crystalline areas. 

    Aniline Dyes   -   Synthetic Dyes   -   First synthetic dyes made from coal tar, known for their bright colors and revolutionizing the textile industry in the 19th century. 

    Aniline Fastness   -   Dye Property   -   Indicates a dye’s resistance to color change when exposed to aniline, an organic compound used in dye production. 

    Aniline Point   -   Dye Property   -   The minimum temperature at which a dye dissolves in a mixture of aniline and a specified solvent, indicating solubility properties. 

    Anionic Dyes   -   Dye Type   -   Water-soluble dyes that have a negative charge, commonly used for natural fibers. 

    Anodized Aluminum   -   Dyeing Application   -   Aluminum that’s treated to create an anodic oxide layer, allowing it to be dyed in vibrant colors. 

    Anthraquinone Dyes   -   Dye Type   -   Organic compounds derived from anthraquinone, producing a wide range of colors. 

    Antichlor   -   Dyeing Additive   -   Chemical used to neutralize the residual chlorine post-bleaching, before dyeing. 

    Anti-Dusting Agents   -   Dyeing Additive   -   Chemicals added to powdery dyes to prevent dust formation during handling. 

    Anti-Foaming Agents   -   Dyeing Additive   -   Chemicals added to the dye bath to reduce foam formation during dyeing. 

    Antimigrant   -   Dyeing Additive   -   A substance added to prevent dyes from spreading or migrating during the dyeing process. 

    Aqueous Dyeing   -   Dyeing Medium   -   Dyeing conducted in a water-based medium or solution. 

    Atmospheric Steaming   -   Dye Fixation   -   A method of setting dyes by exposing them to steam at atmospheric pressure. 

    Atomized Spray Dyeing   -   Dyeing Technique   -   Using fine sprays of dye solutions to achieve specific patterns or effects on textiles. 

    Auxiliaries   -   Dyeing Additives   -   Chemicals added to the dye bath to enhance dyeing properties, such as level dyeing or improving fastness. 

    Auxiliary Bath   -   Dyeing Technique   -   A separate bath containing chemicals or auxiliaries used alongside the main dye bath. 

    Auxochrome   -   Dye Component   -   A group in dye molecules that increases the color intensity by interacting with metal ions or fiber sites. 

    Azo Coupling   -   Dye Formation   -   The chemical reaction forming azo dyes by combining diazonium salts with coupling agents. 

    Azo Reduction   -   Dye Behavior   -   The breakdown of azo dyes under reducing conditions, which can lead to color change or fading. 

    Azo-Free   -   Dye Property   -   Textiles dyed without the use of azo dyes, which can break down into carcinogenic amines. 

    Azoic Dyes   -   Dye Type   -   Colorless compounds that form colorful azo dyes when combined with coupling components, primarily used for cotton dyeing. 


    Back Staining   -   Dyeing Behavior   -   The transfer of dye from one fabric to another during processes like washing, especially common in denim. 

    Ballooning   -   Dyeing Behavior   -   Expansion of yarn or fabric during dyeing due to trapped air or steam. 

    Barre   -   Dyeing Defect   -   Horizontal streaks or bands of different shades appearing on dyed fabric. 

    Base Color   -   Dyeing Specification   -   The primary color achieved during dyeing, onto which other shades or patterns may be added. 

    Basic Dyes   -   Dye Type   -   Water-soluble dyes that are attracted to acidic sites on fibers, especially acrylics; known for their vibrant colors. 

    Batch Dyeing   -   Dyeing Process   -   Dyeing process where fabric and dye are combined in one batch, ensuring consistent color across the batch. 

    Batchwise Dyeing   -   Dyeing Process   -   A discontinuous dyeing process where fabric is dyed in separate batches. 

    Bath Exhaustion   -   Dyeing Behavior   -   The extent to which dye is absorbed from the dye bath by the fabric. 

    Bath Ratio   -   Dyeing Specification   -   The ratio of water volume to the weight of fabric in a dyeing machine, influencing dye uptake and evenness. 

    Batik   -   Dyeing Technique   -   An ancient method where wax is applied to fabric to resist dye, creating intricate patterns once the wax is removed. 

    Beck Dyeing   -   Dyeing Technique   -   A method for dyeing long fabric lengths by moving them through a dye bath in a rope form. 

    Bellowing   -   Dyeing Behavior   -   The oscillating movement of fabric in a dye bath, ensuring even dye penetration. 

    Benzene Fastness   -   Dye Property   -   Indicates a dye’s resistance to fading or color change when exposed to benzene. 

    Benzene Ring   -   Dye Structure   -   A fundamental structure in many dye molecules, contributing to color and dye properties. 

    Benzidine-Based Dyes   -   Dye Type   -   Once popular dyes derived from benzidine, now restricted due to carcinogenic properties. 

    Benzoyl Peroxide   -   Dyeing Additive   -   An initiator for polymerization reactions in dye synthesis. 

    Bicarbonate Buffer   -   Dyeing Additive   -   Using bicarbonates to stabilize the pH of the dye bath. 

    Bichromate Mordanting   -   Dyeing Preparation   -   Using bichromate salts to treat fibers for improving dye uptake and colorfastness. 

    Bichromate Sensitivity   -   Dye Property   -   Indicates how a dye reacts or fades when exposed to bichromate compounds. 

    Bichromate Staining   -   Dye Defect   -   Yellow or brown stains on textiles due to the presence of bichromate residues. 

    Bifunctional Dyes   -   Dye Type   -   Reactive dyes with two reactive groups, offering better fixation to fibers. 

    Bifurcated Hydrolysis   -   Dyeing Behavior   -   A situation where reactive dyes undergo hydrolysis in two stages, affecting fixation. 

    Binary Dyeing   -   Dyeing Technique   -   Using two different dyes together to achieve a desired shade or hue. 

    Binder   -   Dyeing Additive   -   A substance used to improve the adhesion of pigment dyes to fabric surfaces. 

    Binding Agents   -   Dyeing Additive   -   Chemicals that enhance the bond between the dye and fiber, improving washfastness. 

    Bisazodyes   -   Dye Type   -   Dyes containing two azo groups, often producing intense colors. 

    Bisulfite Additives   -   Dyeing Additive   -   Compounds added to modify the pH and redox potential of dye baths, affecting dyeing behavior. 

    Bisulphite Test   -   Dye Analysis   -   A test to distinguish between vat dyes and sulfur dyes based on their reaction with bisulfite. 

    Blackening   -   Dyeing Defect   -   Dark patches appearing on dyed fabric, often due to metal contamination. 

    Blanket Dyeing   -   Dyeing Technique   -   A method where large fabric pieces, like blankets, are dyed uniformly. 

    Bleach Fastness   -   Dye Property   -   The ability of dyed textiles to retain color when exposed to bleaching agents. 

    Bleaching Agents   -   Dyeing Preparation   -   Chemicals used to whiten or prepare textiles for dyeing by removing natural colorants. 

    Bleachworks   -   Dyeing Facility   -   An area or establishment where textiles are bleached before dyeing. 

    Bleeding   -   Dyeing Defect   -   The unwanted transfer of dye from one area of fabric to another, often during washing. 

    Blends Dyeing   -   Material-Specific Dyeing   -   The dyeing of blended fibers, requiring dyes and conditions suitable for each fiber type. 

    Blinding   -   Dyeing Defect   -   Loss of luster or brightness in dyed textiles, often due to surface residue or poor dye fixation. 

    Blotchiness   -   Dyeing Defect   -   Uneven dyeing leading to areas of varied shades on fabric. 

    Bluescale   -   Dye Analysis   -   A standard scale for evaluating the blue tint of white or dyed textiles. 

    Boiling Off   -   Dyeing Preparation   -   The process of boiling fabric in alkaline solutions to remove natural impurities before dyeing. 

    Boil-Off Liquor   -   Dyeing Waste   -   The alkaline wastewater generated from the boiling off process. 

    Bolt Printing   -   Dyeing Technique   -   Applying dye patterns to fabric as it rolls off a bolt, allowing for continuous pattern replication. 

    Bordeaux Mixture   -   Dye Preparation   -   A combination of copper sulfate and lime, historically used as a mordant. 

    Branding   -   Dyeing Pattern   -   A defect where bands or stripes of different shades appear on dyed fabric. 

    Breakage   -   Dyeing Behavior   -   Uneven dyeing, where lighter shades appear before the intended exhaustion point. 

    Bridging   -   Dyeing Behavior   -   When dye molecules link two or more fibers together, sometimes causing stiffness. 

    Brighteners   -   Dyeing Additive   -   Chemicals added to enhance the brightness or vibrancy of dyed textiles. 

    Brine Solution   -   Dyeing Preparation   -   A saltwater solution used in the dyeing of certain textiles to enhance dye uptake. 

    Bromophenol Blue   -   Dye Type   -   A pH indicator dye changing from yellow to blue, used in textile testing. 

    Brush Dyeing   -   Dyeing Technique   -   Application of dye using brushes, giving artists control over specific areas and intensities. 

    Buffer   -   Dyeing Additive   -   A substance that stabilizes the pH of the dye bath, ensuring consistent dyeing conditions. 

    Buffering Agents   -   Dyeing Additive   -   Chemicals that stabilize the pH of dye baths, ensuring even and consistent dyeing. 

    Bumping   -   Dyeing Defect   -   A mechanical fault during dyeing where fabric accumulates, leading to uneven coloration. 

    Burst Dyeing   -   Dyeing Defect   -   Spots or areas where dye has been overly applied, leading to concentrated color. 

    Bursting   -   Dyeing Defect   -   When the fiber or yarn ruptures during dyeing due to high pressure or temperature. 

    Butadiene-Based Dyes   -   Dye Type   -   Synthetic dyes derived from butadiene, offering certain unique color hues. 


    Cadmium Yellow   -   Dye Color   -   A brilliant yellow pigment made from cadmium sulfide, used in various dye applications. 

    Calender Dyeing   -   Dyeing Technique   -   Using heated rollers or calendars to apply dyes to fabrics. 

    Capsule Dyeing   -   Dyeing Innovation   -   Encapsulating dyes in microcapsules, which release the dye under certain conditions for dynamic color effects. 

    Carrier   -   Dyeing Additive   -   Chemicals that aid the diffusion of disperse dyes into synthetic fibers at lower temperatures. 

    Cationic Dyes   -   Dye Type   -   Dyes with a positive charge, suitable for dyeing acrylic and some other synthetic fibers. 

    Cationic Fixing Agents   -   Dyeing Additive   -   Chemicals that improve the washfastness of direct dyes on cellulosic fibers. 

    Cationic Pretreatment   -   Dyeing Preparation   -   Treating textiles with cationic agents to improve their affinity for certain dyes. 

    Causticizing   -   Dyeing Preparation   -   Treating fibers with caustic soda before dyeing, often enhancing dye uptake or modifying hand. 

    Cellulose Acetate Dyeing   -   Material-Specific Dyeing   -   Techniques and dyes specific to cellulose acetate fibers, often involving disperse dyes. 

    Chain-Scouring   -   Dyeing Preparation   -   Using specific chemicals to remove waxes or oils from fibers before dyeing, improving dye penetration. 

    Chelating Agents   -   Dyeing Additive   -   Chemicals that bind metal ions, preventing them from interfering with the dyeing process. 

    Chemical Resistance   -   Dye Property   -   The ability of a dye to resist fading or changing when exposed to chemicals. 

    Chlorine Bleaching   -   Dyeing Preparation   -   Using chlorine-based compounds to bleach and prepare fabrics for dyeing. 

    Chlorine Fastness   -   Dye Property   -   Indicates a dye’s resistance to fading when exposed to chlorine, especially important for swimwear. 

    Chlorine Retention   -   Dye Property   -   The ability of dyed fabric to retain its color after exposure to chlorinated water, crucial for fabrics intended for pool use. 

    Chlorotriazine   -   Dye Chemistry   -   A reactive group present in some dyes, allowing covalent bonding to cellulosic fibers. 

    Chroma   -   Dye Property   -   The purity or vividness of a color, as opposed to its lightness or hue. 

    Chromatography   -   Dye

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