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Ebook36 pages22 minutes


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Successful rock star Conor MacDonald is craving a new challenge so when his uncle asks him to run his hotel in the Scottish Highlands whilst he's away overseas, he jumps at the chance of a well needed sabbatical. There he meets the beautiful Lilla and the sparks fly. Could Lilla be the one to tame his wild rock star ways? A sexy, erotic short story with adult themes 18+

PublisherM L Smith
Release dateOct 11, 2023

M L Smith

M. L. Smith is an author of erotic thrillers and erotic romances. Short, dark and Northern, she was born in Edinburgh in the 70's - well, 1970 to Shetland heritage. After a family move down to the North East Coast of England, not far from Whitby as a baby, she has remained there ever since. Married with 2.4 children, she has been an avid reader for as long as she can remember. Growing up, Enid Blyton was her thing, then she progressed to an obsession with crime thrillers, then onto her next obsession... Erotica! When she writes, she likes her males 100% alpha, with a generous dollop of vulnerabilities, and her heroines curvy, ballsy and sassy. She also enjoys reading and writing sensual poetry. She loves her family, Italy and Spain - where she can converse in food and alcoholic drinks related matters, Bloody Mary's and of course, writing. Catch her on her blog!

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    Conor - M L Smith



    Copyright © by M.L. Smith

    This book contains adult content and is

    recommended for ages eighteen and over.

    'Author's note: All characters depicted in sexual acts in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.'

    This book is purely fiction and any resemblances to

    names, characters, and places are coincidental.  The

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    Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Other work by M. L. Smith

    Beautifully Irresistible

    Feel The Need


    The Art Class

    One Summer

    Feel The Need

    Obey The Need

    Lost To The Blue

    The Journey

    Rescue Me

    Lessons With Louis

    Beautifully Mine

    One Night

    Remember Me

    Free Falling


    The Pact

    Beautifully Yours

    Xmas At Blue Cove

    The Promise Of You


    Wild Soul

    My Valentine’s Wish

    * * *

    ~ Prologue ~

    He took a final bow to the deafening screams of adoring fans.

    Conor, Conor, Conor! they screamed over and over.

    He loved the guys in the band.

    They were his family.

    He also

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