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Christmas Passed
Christmas Passed
Christmas Passed
Ebook32 pages25 minutes

Christmas Passed

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About this ebook

A penniless young couple move into their first home in the run up to Xmas. It’s nothing special, but it’s a home, and with a new baby on the way it’s more than they could possibly have hoped for.

But the home holds a secret.

A dark angry presence watches them and will force them to discover the dark secret of the house and of themselves.

PublisherEdgar Million
Release dateNov 18, 2023
Christmas Passed

Edgar Million

Edgar Millions books are mostly sci-fi, with a dash of fantasy, horror and contemporary fiction thrown in.I have numerous stories available on Smashwords all free of charge and one short novel, A Button To Save the World (available for a miniscule fee - or for free to anyone who follows me on Twitter and asks for it).I grew up in London and studied Art and Animation at Central St Martins and Surrey Institute of Art and Design, and thanks to Smashwords have finally found something to do with all the short stories I write to distract me from the novel I'm now attempting to edit.The novel, my first full length book, is going to be called “Ordinary” and would have published already if I didn't keep being interrupted by regularly having to attend a day job to earn money.

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    Christmas Passed - Edgar Million

    Christmas Passed

    Edgar Million

    Christmas Passed

    Edgar Million

    Published by Edgar Million at Smashwords

    Copyright 2023 Edgar Million

    "Reflect upon your present blessings—of which every man has many—not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some."

    ~ Charles Dickens


    He has been alone for so long.

    They left him there, so lonely in the darkness. He hates them, but doesn't possess a vocabulary which contains the word hate.

    The darkness is eternal, but he has no concept of the word eternity. He is perched in the dark and cold at the top of the stairs. A hint of light just finding its way through the closed-door window caked with dirt and dust.

    He listens to the empty house.

    They deserted him.

    There is a noise downstairs, and he shifts his position a little to see if the source is visible, but then winces in pain as he adjusts himself. Pain rifles down his arm each time he moves it, just like it always does. He never gets used to the pain.

    He never gets used to the loneliness, but he is always alone.

    They left him all alone.


    Time passes. So much time passes, although he has no word for it; time without end and he is still alone, still with the dull pain in his arm which waits to turn electric at the slightest provocation.

    His only words are MumMum and Da, and Duck Duck, but MumMum and Da went and he doesn’t know where Duck Duck is anymore either.

    He just sits at the top of the stairs and watches for them to come back, but they never do.

    Except, today there is something different. A change in the light, a movement in the dust.

    Some noise behind the door.

    A splinter of sunlight and a shadow behind the smudgy glass and then a wide crack of light down one side, as

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