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The next Chapter: If we were turning pages, #1
The next Chapter: If we were turning pages, #1
The next Chapter: If we were turning pages, #1
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The next Chapter: If we were turning pages, #1

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At the age of fourteen, she didn't understand the meaning of love, but she thought herself in love. Meet Adira,  Love enthusiast , she find love after a long harrowing experience, in unexpected places and with unexpected person.

Release dateDec 8, 2023
The next Chapter: If we were turning pages, #1

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    The next Chapter - Elizabeth Odero

    The Next Chapter

    A Love Story

    Elizabeth Odero

    Elizabeth Odero

    Copyright © 2023 Elizabeth Odero

    All rights reserved

    The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

    ISBN 9798870071640

    A first of its kind goes to all the men and women I have loved.

    There was a time when I never thought that immense and overwhelming love existed. Now I live it.


    Title Page





    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7


    Chapter 9

    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    About The Author


    In the serene embrace of Kajok, a tranquil village cradled within undulating hills and ancient woods, the poignant tale of youthful desire and unblemished innocence quietly unfurls. At the tender age of fourteen, Adira, an enchanting and resolute young soul, found herself ensnared by a love that shimmered with the promise of authenticity. However, her family's humble existence failed to satiate the yearnings of her adventurous heart, propelling her toward a momentous decision. Driven by an impassioned bond with Ochieng, her seventeen-year-old paramour hailing from one of the village's affluent clans, Adira embarked on a daring odyssey that would irrevocably reshape the tapestry of her destiny.

    In this tight-knit hamlet, where the fabric of tradition tightly wove child marriages into the very essence of communal existence, Adira's daring flight from the confines of her family's abode to reunite with Ochieng appeared, on the surface, as an unremarkable act. Little did she fathom that, in her relentless pursuit of love, she was careening from the perceived safety of one predicament into the depths of another, far more treacherous. While the village maintained an ancient embrace of these unions, Adira remained blissfully ignorant that her fervent quest for love was propelling her headlong into a tempest rife with danger and intrigue, a maelstrom she had yet to fathom.

    As the fiery orb of the sun gracefully sank beneath the horizon, painting the sky in hues of crimson that seemed to whisper untold secrets, Ochieng materialized from the comforting shelter of his parents' hut, blissfully ignorant of the impending whirlwind set to sweep through the canvas of his existence. The unfolding drama began as Adira, burdened with bags that hinted at a journey of significance, entered his field of vision. Stirred by the instinctive pull of gallantry, Ochieng hastened to her side, a cascade of inquiries escaping his lips in sync with the genuine surprise etched across his countenance.

    Adira, what has transpired? Why do you stand here, burdened with bags and wearied resolve? Ochieng's voice, a symphony of astonishment and genuine concern, quivered in the quietude of the moment.

    In the wake of Ochieng's heartfelt inquiries, Adira, momentarily caught in the web of conflicting emotions, hesitated. Yet, the fire that fueled her departure from her family's abode had not extinguished. Gathering the remnants of her shaken resolve, she met his gaze with a steely determination.

    I could no longer stay, she confessed, the weight of her decision echoing in the hushed revelation.

    The words lingered in the charged atmosphere, Adira's voice weaving through the air with a delicate dance of audacity and uncertainty. Ochieng's immediate response cut through the stillness like a sudden gust of wind; disbelief etched across his face compelled him to seek confirmation in a hushed tone.

    You did what?

    In the quietude that followed, Adira's response resonated with an unwavering resolve, each word carrying the weight of her daring decision.

    I ran away from home, she declared, the firmness in her voice revealing a determination that echoed through the shadows of the evening.

    Ochieng's emotions surged like a storm on the horizon, his shock and anger echoing through the air as he grappled with the unexpected twist of fate. Under different circumstances, Adira's confession might have been met with laughter, but in the charged atmosphere of the moment, it was far from a trivial matter.

    I am tired of living with them, Adira declared, her voice carrying an impassioned plea, the undercurrent of frustration bubbling to the surface. The weight of her words hung in the air, the tension palpable.

    You don't understand, Ochieng, she continued, a raw honesty in her eyes. I feel suffocated, having to be told everything. I want to live my life with you. The vulnerability in her tone revealed the depth of her longing for freedom, and the complexity of their entwined destinies unfolded in the fading light of the day.

    Ochieng stood there, a mixture of disbelief and concern etched across his features as he grappled with the recklessness of Adira's decision. He endeavored to reason with her, to impress upon her the gravity of her actions, but Adira, true to her headstrong nature, remained resolute and resistant to the sway of reason. This unexpected turn down an uncharted path left Ochieng questioning not only her choices but also the foundations of their relationship, casting shadows of doubt over the emotions that had once seemed so certain. In the fading light of the day, the dynamics between them shifted, and the air became charged with the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

    The evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, amber glow over the village, yet the serenity of the moment was shattered by the discordant notes of Adira's cries. The commotion reached the ears of Ochieng's parents, drawing them out of their home. As they emerged, the expressions on their faces mirrored the perplexity that enveloped the entire scene.

    What is going on here? Ochieng's mother inquired, her voice carrying a blend of concern and bewilderment, as they confronted the unexpected arrival of the young girl, Adira.

    The old man, Ochieng's father, peered at Adira with a mix of disbelief and disdain, his demeanor suggesting she was an unwelcome specter invading his sacred space. The air was thick with tension, and any amusement that might have sprouted from their reactions was stifled by the severity of Adira's predicament. It was a dire circumstance, and Adira's apparent audacity didn't elicit laughter; it demanded attention.

    Ochieng, caught between the expectations of his family and the fervor of Adira's plea, attempted to navigate the tumultuous waters of explanation. However, Adira, fueled by a potent combination of exasperation and desperation, refused to be relegated to the background. In an act of defiance that mirrored the bold heroines of Nigerian dramas that often graced the local cinemas, she interrupted Ochieng's explanations.

    I'm staying, she declared, her words hanging in the air with an unyielding certainty. Tradition and the promise of a future as Ochieng's wife were her rallying cries, a script borrowed from the melodramatic narratives that captivated the

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