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Daniella is a young, optimistic businesswoman who comes from money.  She loves her friends, her family, her toy poodle Eska, and her boyfriend.  As she grows as an entrepreneur, a woman and a person, she tries her best to deal with problems when they arise the best way she can.  When all else fails, she at the very least wants closure.  Just like anyone else.

Release dateJan 1, 2024

Robert Lovelle Rooks

Robert Lovelle Rooks is an American writer, aviation professional and veteran hailing from Texas. Father of six, he has made it his life goal to write books, travel to every country on earth, be a good son, man and father.

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    Closure - Robert Lovelle Rooks


    I just wanted to know why. Daniella stopped and looked around before continuing, You'd probably look at me and think that I was crazy. Daniella paused while chuckling lightly. I even feel crazy when I think back on it.

    Daniella sighed, then extinguished her Paul Mall Orange King butt on the bottom of her shoe, flicked it over her shoulder onto the deck. A man dressed in all white, including his orthopedic shoes rushed over from where he stood, just out of ear-shot to pick up the butt. He held it in his hand then rushed back to his post.

    Even this! Smoking! I'm a goddamn nutritionist for fucks sake! She laughed hysterically. I just…I-I don't think they—men—in general, understand how their actions affect us sometimes! And in this case, I really…I just really needed to understand. And I needed them to understand. My time. My money. My home, my love and my family- A single tear fell abruptly from Daniella's eye as she pursed her lips together and wrinkled her forehead, trying to continue unfazed. My heart! They're all valuable!

    The waves created a rhythmic and contrasting backdrop to Daniella's heartfelt sentiments. The sun, unshielded by clouds or haze, shone down on Eska's Soul in a way that one felt their doubts and cares melt away. Daniella wore one of her typical sundresses that day—orange, reaching down to her ankles, where only her ninety-nine cent shower shoes and orange-polished toenails could be seen. The largest, and most floppy white sunhat one had ever seen on someone under fifty years of age covered her Cartier sunglasses. And those sunglasses, all but covered her eyes, which, though they were beautiful, appeared vacant—defeated, lost, capable of telling an entire lifetime of sadness in just one glance.

    I just wanted to know why.

    Part I


    Chapter 1

    Alright, Mom, I'll see you guys this weekend! Love you, Dad! Daniella yelled over her shoulder while closing the screen door to her parents' house—a house Daniella knew of all her life as home.

    The Cartwright's owned this home for generations. It was an 1886 Greek Revival-Style home in-between Kennessaw and Marrietta, better known as Cobb County, Georgia. Their family’s wealth had outgrown this homes’ monetary value, but it was more of a keepsake at this point. Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright never saw the reason to permanently relocate to any of their other properties. This was their home.

    While walking with a spritely step through the courtyard to the driveway in her favorite denim shorts and a tank top, Daniella looked to her right and remembered the old swing set on the west side of their estate. She recalled frolicking with her cousins on their heavily wooded property in long white dresses, white stockings and pigtail braids on warm, early-summer days—days much like this one. There wasn't a single sad memory from her childhood.

    By the time she reached her car, a silver 2015 Audi A4 she had just purchased on her own a few weeks prior, her cheeks hurt from smiling at the reminiscence of earlier days. Though it still was big, the manor didn't seem quite as big as it did when she was little.

    Daniella looked down at her car while holding to the door handle, smiling still at the first vehicle she had ever bought without her parents' help: a monumental occasion for her. While her now-grown cousins, aunts and uncles, and other friends and family—some subtly and some not so subtly—kept their hands out to the Cartwrights, Daniella made it her goal to do things independently as often as possible. Mr. Cartwright took pictures of his Little Azalea and her baby Audi as he joked when she first brought the car home from the dealership. Daniella’s parents were proud of her. She was proud of herself.

    Not a second after she started her car, her phone rang over the vehicle's Bluetooth multimedia system. Daniella was still trying to figure out how to operate it; her last car didn’t have that feature.

    Babe! Babe? Daniella called out into the air, while fumbling her phone out of her Tory Burch handbag.

    Hey, Dani. You on your way to work? Amos asked.

    Yea, babe, I can tell you're working on a head right now, Daniella chuckled.

    Yea, yea, I know, I'm working on getting some quieter clippers. Those things are expensive ya know? Amos replied as if routine.

    No! Daniella knew what her boyfriend was hinting at. She always wanted him to have the best, in his personal and professional life. It wouldn’t have been the first time she’d politely suggested Amos upgrade his equipment. I can just tell you have the phone wedged between your shoulder and your ear right now, Daniella said while pulling off from the Cartwright's manor.

    Oh wow. That's borderline creepy.

    Shut up, Daniella chuckled.

    But you're right. As always, babe. See you tonight?

    Of course! I just have to make sure I stick around Trefo late enough to sign for that shipment of Odwalla before I leave this evening and I’ll be on the way, babe.

    Cool. See you then. Love you.

    Love you too.

    Chapter 2

    You still messing around with them white girls I see, the customer in Amos' chair with a massive beard and Black Lives Matter t-shirt said, referencing the background picture displayed on Amos' now-illuminated cell phone screen. He glanced at it only with his eyes, keeping his head still at the risk of clippers coming too close.

    Bro, you're killing me, Amos said, rubbing his forehead. "Why you all up in my phone anyway?

    I'm just sayin' man. Ain't you seen that movie 'Obsessed'? With fine-ass Beyonce? Came out a few years ago?

    Whoowoo! A customer seated in the waiting area exclaimed. I'm still having nightmares about that flick! I broke up with my girl when I saw that shit!

    Wait, you've been coming here for a while, playboy. I ain't never seen you with a white girl, Amos said.

    Naw, she wasn't white. She was just real light skinned. I figured that was close enough, so I let the bitch go!

    Everyone in the barber shop laughed. Including Amos. He opened King Kutz at the age of twenty-nine. Since then, the barbershop in a storefront in Eastpoint had become heart and soul.

    It shared a door, which usually remained open, with a neighboring beauty shop; he and the woman who owned it shared the rent for the property and often collaborated when appropriate.

    He got his G.E.D. and Barber's license from Atlanta Technical College three years prior. He then managed to get a business loan with Daniella's help when they first met at Lenox Mall where her health foods store was located—a kiosk, mostly serving healthy beverages at the time.

    Headmaster's, a barbershop in the mall was Amos' first place of employment after receiving his license. One day after work, he saw Daniella serving smoothies. He knew she was in charge because she never wore the uniform like the other workers did. They frequently locked eyes in the days leading up to their first encounter. Amos bought a smoothie from her, not knowing or caring what the smoothie was. He just figured it was a good way to get close to her. He flirted, and made her smile during the transaction. He thought then that he'd love to see her smile more often. He made his move and left with a large chocolate, protein infused smoothie and Daniella's phone number.

    Better watch out, Amos! Them white girls ain't no joke! Amos' seated customer said after the commotion died down. They'll getcha!

    Mhmm, a fellow barber named Magic chimed in, pointing his scissors at Amos.

    Ya'll need to chill, Amos said seriously, but still with a smile on his face.

    Standing six-foot-one, with a mocha-colored complexion and medium build, Amos always received a certain amount of respect from pretty much anyone around. His mild and calm manner also helped his stature in all of his dealings. If it weren't for that white girl I would still be up at Lenox, paying booth rent. And none of ya'll asses would even be in here.

    Chapter 3

    No, honey. I don't actually drink Starbucks; I just work here. I actually don't drink coffee at all, Louis said between sips from a cup of ice water.

    Oh, okay. But you do meet a lot of cute guys working here I bet? The girl with the plain blue shirt reading 'G.T.' asked.

    Why would you think I'm interested in meeting guys? Louis looked over at the random girl who insisted on bugging him on his break.

    Oh. Em. Gee. I am so sorry; I had no idea why I just assumed you were gay. I don't mean anything by it. The random girl held her hands out in front of her, pushing the air between them.

    It's okay, I get it all the time. If it makes you feel better, I meet a lot of men here, and everywhere else I go. Women too. I honestly thought you were cute until - Louis' iPhone rang its signature ring from his back pocket. He threw his now-empty cup in the trash can he was leaning on.

    Hey, Yella. What's up? Wait, hold on. Louis diverted his attention back to the random girl who was still standing there with her triple, venti, soy, non-fat latte, which he served her himself.

    You can go now, bye, Louis managed to say to her in an astonishingly polite fashion as he walked towards the back door of his place of employment and returned his attention to the phone. What's up, what are we doing tonight?

    Wait, who were you talking to just now? Daniella asked over the phone.

    Ugh, just some lonesome little Georgia Tech random.

    Oh, was she cute? Daniella smiled.

    Okay, I can tell you're smiling, first of all, and second, yes! She was all sorts of cute, but she assumed I was gay and I just couldn't with her.

    Right, babe…but you are gay? Daniella chuckled.

    Honey, how many times do we have to go over this? Louis sighed, sitting on a stool next to the back door of the building. The area smelled terrible, due to the fact that the employees used it to smoke, the lid-less dumpster was just outside of the door and apparently homeless and drunk people loved to use the area as a bathroom at night. I'm not gay.

    Sweetheart, screwing a random female every now and then does not make you straight! Daniella said laughing out loud at this point.

    I never said I was straight either.

    Right, but you hate the concept of bi-sexuality. You've called them confused, greedy idiots who don't know what they want. I have the text message saved in my phone!

    Yella, I know…bitch. Why did you call me? Louis rolled his eyes.

    I'm sorry, you know I have to bug you, my love-

    Yea, yea. I know. What do you want? Are we going out tonight? Atlanta Opera is gonna be off the hook tonight! I just know it! Louis danced with himself while talking.

    "I'm sure it will be! Filled with you and all your fabulous friends in Midtown! But Amos and I have a date tonight. Maybe tomorrow?

    Aw, you and Barber-Boy going out tonight? Is he taking you out for a candle-lit dinner at Chick-Fil-A?

    My GOD! If only! Daniella said sarcastically after an intentional gasp. I just called to see if you would go over and check on Eska.

    Wait…didn't you spend the night at your parents' house last night?

    Yea, why?

    So, you're going to take your stanking ass out on a date with your boyfriend after being out at work all day without a shower and change of clothes? You so nasty!

    Louis! Daniella cranked out an enormous laugh and couldn't regain her composure for nearly an entire minute. You are so stupid! I don't stink! I'll just…shower at his place, Daniella said suggestively after finally calming down.

    Oh, okay. I see what you're doing, you little slut. No problem. You know I'll do anything for you and that stupid little mutt. I got you, boo. Louis said smiling, finally opening the back door which led to the back of the bar.

    Thanks, sweetheart. Later.

    Chapter 4

    Can't Feel My Face, by The Weekend played at a generous volume over the wireless speaker system inside Trefo, Daniella's health foods store, conveniently located inside the Lenox Square shopping mall in the uptown portion of Atlanta. Her store had come a long way from its humble beginnings as a smoothie stand in the middle of the walkway, sitting between a bank of massage chairs and a mobile phone accessories kiosk.

    I have a- Clarissa held on to the last word as she stopped to read the label on the cup, carrot cake smoothie for Jacob! And a rich dark chocolate for Isaiah.

    Thank you.

    Thank you, ma'am.

    Oh, Isaiah! Rich dark chocolate indeed! Ouch! Clarissa exclaimed just before seeing Daniella walk into the large store entrance. Clarissa stood, mouth now wide open trying to avoid eye contact.

    Daniella watched the male customer walk out of her store. He was shaking his head and smiling while locking eyes with Daniella. He wasn't abnormally tall for an average man, however he was a dark, handsome and well-dressed man indeed, Daniella thought. He sported blue slacks which broke just above the ankle to display decorative dress-socks and shiny Oxford's. On top, he wore a fitted, light blue, button-up shirt which was buttoned all the way to the top. He had large biceps and a matching ass. But still, as a taken woman and a manager, she looked over at her employee, who was now blushing, ready to be the boss she was.

    Clarissa- Daniella started, over a sigh.

    I'm sorry, boss. I know that was unprofessional. But come on! Did you see him? Clarissa said, trying to take gum out of her mouth discretely.

    Really? Daniella shifted her weight, and let her bag drop from her shoulder to her hand.

    Boss, I'm sorry! I can do better. I promise.

    Stop flirting with the customers! Daniella urged quietly.

    Yes, ma'am, Clarissa said seriously, with a smile on her face that made her entire attitude seem sarcastic.

    And stop chewing gum in front of our customers.

    Yes ma'am, Clarissa said, still smiling.

    It's called integrity. You need to behave the same way all the time! Whether I'm in the store or not! Daniella raised her voice a little, while stepping closer to the smoothie counter which sat just inside of the entrance and off to the side. Next to it, there were a couple of open, cold displays. One was for bottled, franchised health drinks like Vitamin Water, Naked juice, and Bolthouse. The other was just for bottled water. Big name-brand water only such as FIJI, Evian and Smart Water. Can you handle that, Clarissa? I really don't have an issue with you enjoying your job, but…the flirting. It's got to stop, if it's creepy when men do it, it's gotta be the same for us.

    Does it, though?

    Yes- Oh my GOD. I can't believe I even hired you here. Daniella started to walk away from her young, fun-loving and busty, red-headed cousin Clarissa.

    You don't mean that! Trefo wouldn't be the same without me! Clarissa called out, wiping her hands on her navy blue, thigh-length apron which sported the company logo.

    Yes, I wouldn't be on the verge of being sued for sexual harassment without you, darling. Thanks, Daniella said, stopping to pick something up off the floor.

    By the way, what's Trefo even mean? Someone asked me today and I told them it was Spanish for 'three men' but I'm sure that's not right.

    Fuck me, Daniella whispered to herself with her head down. It's Greek, for 'Nourish'. I told you that when I gave you the job! Daniella called out behind her back while walking back to her office.

    Maybe you did! Clarissa started loudly, then quietly under her breath continued, And maybe I was high that day- Oh hi! Welcome to Trefo! Would you like to try our Apple Crisp smoothie today?

    Chapter 5

    Okay, let me google it.

    Please do, because I didn’t know what the word meant before the movie, and I sure as hell don’t know after watching that shit. Amos opened the rear passenger door to their Lyft for Daniella outside of the movie theatre.

    Okay, here it is. Daniella stepped into the car, scooting over to sit behind the driver. Revenant: A person who has returned, especially supposedly from the dead, Daniella read after Amos entered the car and shut the door behind himself.

    Oh. Well yea, I guess that makes sense now. He said looking at Daniella. She giggled and kissed him lightly on his mouth. Where are we going anyway? Your place or mine? Amos asked with his hand on Daniella’s leg.

    Yours. Daniella smiled.

    Damn, I was hoping you'd say yours, so we could chill by the chiminea.

    You know, sometimes I think that’s the only reason you ever come over. Daniella nudged Amos’ shoulder. You never show any interest in visiting other than that damn chiminea!

    That’s not true, Babe. I show interest in your chiminea. Amos kissed Daniellas forehead. I show interest in your kitchen pantry. Amos kissed Daniella’s forehead again. And, I show a serious interest in your bed. Another forehead kiss.

    It is a nice bed, isn’t it? Daniella, still smiling, looked up to receive her kiss on the lips this time. It's not cold enough for the chiminea anyway.

    Daniella loved Atlanta. Every part of it. At least every part of it she'd seen, anyway. Their Lyft driver took the couple, both still in what they wore to work, from the theatre to Amos' apartment in East Point via IH-85, five miles per hour under the speed limit. Daniella kept her hand in Amos' as she noticed the driver’s frequent glances in the rear-view mirror. Even though she loved her city, it wasn't lost on her that not everyone liked to see them together. Amos always seemed oblivious, but Daniella noticed it quite often. She couldn't pinpoint what exactly the problem was when she was with him. She felt she was attractive enough, but no one looked at her this way when she was alone. It was a different kind of look. It didn't bother her, because she truly only cared whether their difference in skin color mattered to Amos. It obviously didn't or at least he never brought it up or showed it. And she felt safe with him. No matter where they went, Amos carried himself confidently enough for Daniella to know, or at least feel, he would protect her just in case those looks turned to actions one day.

    Honestly, Amos began, while Daniella let herself into

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