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The Secret of Paradisegate
The Secret of Paradisegate
The Secret of Paradisegate
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The Secret of Paradisegate

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At bedtime, Tommy, a seven-year-old boy, enjoys his father's tale of the Hebrews and their plight in Egypt. For several nights, his dad continues the story. When Tommy falls asleep, to his amazement, he finds himself transported to an unknown land, Paradisegate. As he begins to explore, he meets a young man that will become his companion and guide.

He awakens in the morning and finds on his dresser a bronze key with the words "Treasure Awaits" emblazoned on its shaft. He wonders how the key got there. Is there a connection between the story his dad is telling him and this land he discovered?

As he falls asleep for the next several nights, he realizes he is back in Paradisegate The quest and the mystery continue as he discovers that this land is much more than what it seems at first glance. His curiosity is triggered. Will this bronze key he has discovered reveal the secret of Paradisegate?

Release dateDec 5, 2023
The Secret of Paradisegate

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    The Secret of Paradisegate - Jim Miller


    The Secret of Paradisegate

    Jim Miller

    ISBN 979-8-89043-683-2 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-89043-684-9 (digital)

    Copyright © 2023 by Jim Miller

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Edward U. Cater

    Chapter 2

    Shakeshore Lodge

    Chapter 3

    Lovelost Manor

    Chapter 4


    Chapter 5


    Chapter 6


    Chapter 7

    Bear Cave

    Chapter 8

    Return to Paxford

    Chapter 9

    Dad Finishes His Story

    Chapter 10

    The Secret Revealed

    Chapter 11

    Tommy's Mission

    About the Author

    Chapter 1

    Edward U. Cater

    Tommy Tremble was the seven-year-old son of John and Bonnie Tremble. He was a rather inquisitive lad with an active imagination and a definite love for adventure. His parents were loving Christians who read the Bible daily and shared their faith with all they have met. John had a definite gift of storytelling, which he often did with Tommy and his friends. The opportunities John had to share his gift were many since the Trembles lived in the Cascade mountains, some thirty miles from the nearest town, and had no Internet.

    The adult Sunday school class at church had just concluded the book of Exodus. John and Bonnie had been encouraged by all they had learned. On Sunday afternoon, as the family drove home, John had been musing on a thought that he would like to take the next week to retell the story of the Hebrews' flight from Egypt with Tommy. After parking the car, John discussed his idea with Bonnie, who urged him to begin tonight.

    At dinner, Tommy's dad suggested that instead of reading a novel before bed, he would like to tell the story of Moses and the Hebrews' flight from Egypt. Tommy was somewhat discouraged since his dad had said a week ago that he would read Shipwrecked. Disheartened somewhat, he agreed to the week-long plan.

    After Tommy brushed his teeth and put on his pajamas, his dad entered the bedroom, carrying his Bible. Tommy adjusted the pillows behind his head as his dad settled down on the end of the bed. His dad began the story by telling how the Hebrews arrived in Egypt in the first place. He related the story of Joseph and Joseph's dad, Isaac. He described the years that Joseph was betrayed by his brothers and held captive in Egypt. This appeared to be devastating to Joseph but ultimately led to him becoming second in command in that great nation.

    Of course, Tommy had heard some of this at church on various Sundays, but he was enjoying his dad's version. Besides, he could ask his dad about the things that might be puzzling to him.

    Mr. Tremble continued, During a severe famine throughout Egypt, Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, who came to Egypt to buy grain from Pharaoh. Subsequently, Pharaoh encouraged Joseph to bring his whole family to Egypt. Joseph did this, and his family relocated there. Sometime later, another Pharaoh ruled the land. He knew nothing of Joseph's history, and the Hebrews appeared as a threat to his authority and control.

    John's dad had totally mesmerized his son, but Tommy's eyes were growing heavy with sleep. His dad lovingly hugged Tommy and told him that he would continue the story the next night. Tommy woke somewhat and asked for more, but his dad assured him there would be even more adventures the next few nights. As Tommy snuggled down in his bed, drawing the covers close under his chin, his mother entered the room and gave him a warm kiss good night. As she left the room and wished him sweet dreams, she turned out the lights, and Tommy was soon fast asleep… Or was he?

    Soon he found himself in a beautiful land. Amazingly, he was no longer seven but fifteen and quite a bit taller. As he walked down the street, he was overwhelmed by the beauty of this place. As he took in the view, there were mountains in the distance and trees in abundance. Only two buildings could be seen from Tommy's vantage point. Proceeding up the street, he noticed a sign with the words Welcome to Paradisegate. He continued walking, and he encountered a delightfully friendly young man.

    Hello, I'm Tommy Tremble. This place is amazing.

    Hi, I am Edward U. Cater, Ed U. Cater for short.

    Tommy was so pleased to meet someone here. They struck up a conversation, and Ed asked Tommy how he found Paradisegate. Tommy mentioned he was not quite sure but that the last thing he remembered was his dad telling him a Bible story.

    Ed offered to show Tommy around and introduce him to the people and buildings there. Tommy was delighted with this offer. Ed described many details of Paradisegate, which included five buildings that were magical in one sense, as Tommy would soon discover. Ed mentioned the true authority in this land and finished by informing Tommy that Paradisegate overall was very wicked.

    Why would you even come here? Ed asked.

    I don't have a clear answer to that question, but my heart tells me that the reason will be revealed to me in time.

    The young men stopped in the street and talked about the land, its origin, and its residents. Tommy inquired how Ed came to live in Paradisegate.

    As Ed turned to Tommy to answer his question, Tommy awoke and sat up in his bed. Wow, what a vivid dream he had just experienced. When he got up to find some fresh clothes to put on, he noticed a bronze skeleton key on his dresser. Picking it up to examine it, he turned it over to find engraved on its shaft, Treasure Awaits. He wondered who put it on his dresser because it wasn't there when he went to bed the night before. Intrigued, he decided he would place it under his pillow; and maybe in the days to come, he would find out its meaning.

    He quickly dressed and headed for breakfast. As they lived so far from town, his mother and father had decided to homeschool Tommy. Therefore, each morning was spent reading, spelling, doing math, studying history, and exploring science. He sat at the dining room table and launched into his studies.

    All too soon, lunch was at hand; and after eating, Tommy was engaged in a science project that involved him spending most of the afternoon outside. His mother had given him an assignment to gather leaves and cones from conifer and deciduous trees and identify the differences. Tommy loved this because a stream ran through their property where Tommy could fish and play. A couple of years back, Tommy's dad built a treehouse for him. Tommy called it his castle. He dreamed up many adventures up there. He was the brave knight of Castle Keep.

    Chapter 2

    Shakeshore Lodge

    That evening, at dinner, John asked Tommy what his day was like. Tommy told his dad about the science project he had been doing. He had to collect samples from conifer and deciduous trees and explain the differences between these types of trees. Soon dinner was over; the dishes were done, and the family's evening games had concluded. Mrs. Tremble told Tommy to get ready for bed.

    As Tommy started toward the stairs, his father reminded him that he would soon be up to continue part 2 of the story of Israel's flight from Egypt. Tommy decided not to tell his parents of his dream the previous night; he wanted to see what was in store for him this night. Would his dream continue? Would the mystery of the key be solved?

    After Tommy had settled in his bed, his father entered the room and asked if he was ready to continue the story. Mr. Tremble picked up his Bible, read a few verses, and began the story afresh. He told Tommy that Pharaoh was afraid that the Hebrews were becoming too strong for the Egyptians; therefore, he made them slaves in Egypt. Because of the rigorous work they had to do each day, they came into conflict with their captors; and because of the many children born to the Hebrews, Pharaoh commanded that all the male babies be put to death. Moses, a son of one of the Hebrews, had been born in Egypt and was saved from Pharaoh's death sentence after his mother put him in a basket and set it in the river. Pharaoh's daughter saw the basket and rescued Moses. He was then raised in Pharaoh's house as an Egyptian.

    Sometime after Moses had grown into a young man, one of the Egyptians got into a fierce argument with a Hebrew. The fight escalated, which Moses observed. He engaged the Egyptian, killing him to protect the Hebrew. A couple of days later, another argument began, but it was between two Hebrews. Moses saw this fight also, and he went and tried to settle the disagreement. One of the men asked Moses if he planned to kill a Hebrew like he did the Egyptian before. Moses knew then that the murder he had committed a few days before was not hidden. Moses fled Egypt so that he would not be punished.

    Before Tommy's dad could go on, Tommy was sound asleep. Mr. Tremble pulled up the covers under Tommy's chin, gently kissed him, and turned out the lights before leaving the room and closing the door. Little did Tommy's dad realize that

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