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Community: A Bimbo Transformation Novella
Community: A Bimbo Transformation Novella
Community: A Bimbo Transformation Novella
Ebook88 pages1 hour

Community: A Bimbo Transformation Novella

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About this ebook

Starting a diner in the middle of the desert might not have been the best choice for Cassidy, Danielle, and Olivia. Their dream is about at an end, but when two people pay them a visit, they get a lifeline.

Spending a month at Oasis Ranch in exchange for the funds necessary to keep operating the diner seems like a perfect deal. Except the three friends know their hosts will try to recruit them into the Oasis cult. Cassidy is intrigued by this. Danielle hates it. And no one is quite sure how Olivia will react. But if Jenny is any indication of their future, they could all find themselves turning into bimbos.

Will the three friends last the month? Will they join Oasis in the end? Will their actions save the diner? Find out in Community.

This novella is a bimbo transformation story. It is the second book in the Bimbo Cult Series.

Release dateNov 23, 2023
Community: A Bimbo Transformation Novella

Sadie Thatcher

Sadie Thatcher grew up in a small conservative town (think Footloose). Spending all that time in a sexually repressed place has led Sadie to need to explore her sexuality through prose. Sadie has been a long time writer, but has now become confident enough to share the explorations of her deepest and darkest sexual fantasies. Enjoy.

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    Community - Sadie Thatcher







    Copyright © 2023 by Sadie Thatcher

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    All characters are 18 years of age or older.

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    About the Author

    Also by Sadie Thatcher


    I 'll have that order out for you as soon as possible, I said, setting a cup of coffee on the table next to our only current customers. The man smiled up at me warmly as I did, but it was the woman he was with who drew his and my attention.

    In most situations, with the few customers who came into the Oasis Diner, couples sat across from each other. Not them. They sat side by side, with the woman practically pinned to the man, pressing nubile body against him with her hands exploring him casually as if it were a common occurrence, which maybe it was. I didn't know.

    To be honest, their level of affection surprised me. It was so raw and open. I was a little envious of their public display of attraction. With each movement or change of position, the woman's breasts swayed tantalizingly under her loose tank top. She kept readjusting her top, hiking up the straps, tugging the hem up, lifting her breasts so that they pressed together creating a cleavage that made me lick my lips, but I wouldn't get anywhere with them. At least I assumed not.

    After all, they were obviously a couple, and I was just a server to them. They had no idea that I also owned a third of the diner, teaming up with my two best friends, Danielle and Olivia. They were both stationed in the kitchen, ready to get to work as soon as I gave the word.

    The woman giggled playfully at something the man said, nuzzling against his cheek, dragging her lips along his skin while staring straight at me. The hunger in her gaze sent shivers racing up and down my spine. It wasn't often that I got to feel such desire aimed at me. She whispered in the man's ear and he glanced at me, his eyes slowly roaming down my body before returning to my eyes.

    Did you need something else? I asked, keeping my voice steady, fighting the urge to flee from the situation. Whatever had gotten into these two was making me feel more than a little aroused.

    I didn't mind their intimate behavior, but they seemed to be zeroing in on me with that energy. Part of me was flattered. But I also knew such behavior was inappropriate. Not that it mattered. The Oasis Diner was on its last legs. If we didn't start getting a regular influx of customers, we would have to shut down by the end of the month. In some ways, I could do whatever I wanted, legally speaking, because the end was so near. But I had enough morals that I couldn't justify behaving inappropriately with a customer, at least not yet.

    The man's grin widened and he said, We might, but don't worry about it.

    Um, okay, I said. I'll be back in a bit to check on you.

    I walked away, taking the order ticket toward the kitchen door. Pushing it open, I stepped inside and handed the order to Olivia. She scanned it quickly and added the order to the tickets already on the wheel. Then she turned back toward me and asked, You doing okay, Cassidy?

    I think so, I replied. These guys just seem... intense.

    Oh? Like dangerous?

    No, nothing like that. I shook my head. I don't understand it. They're sitting together, so they have to be a couple. But I feel like they're trying to seduce me or something.

    Olivia blinked, then turned and looked through the pass-through window to look over at the couple.

    Danielle moved beside us, stepping behind Olivia as she tried to see what we were looking at. I saw her turn toward me. They look pretty normal from here, she commented.

    I turned to look at my friends. I wasn't sure I knew what normal really was anymore, but that was how I felt. Look closer, I suggested.

    All right, Danielle agreed.

    I watched as she peered intently toward the pair of customers, her brow wrinkling in concentration. After several seconds, her frown deepened and her eyes narrowed suspiciously. Her expression suddenly changed into surprise and confusion. I glanced at Olivia and saw that she had begun studying the couple, too.

    Both of my friend's faces turned bright red before they abruptly looked down toward the ground. I looked out at the couple, but I only saw the man still there. The woman had disappeared. That was strange, but I wondered if I'd missed her heading to the bathroom.

    Get cooking, I said to Olivia, who nodded quickly, refusing to make eye contact. Then I returned to the dining area. The woman was nowhere to be seen, but that didn't necessarily mean anything. Perhaps she'd gone to the bathroom or perhaps she'd left altogether.

    However, when I walked by the couple's table, the man leaned back in the booth with his eyes closed, a blissful look on his face. And if I didn't know better, I thought I heard sucking sounds as well. Of

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