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Hope & Abby Find Their Furever Home
Hope & Abby Find Their Furever Home
Hope & Abby Find Their Furever Home
Ebook288 pages4 hours

Hope & Abby Find Their Furever Home

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This heartwarming series offers a fast-paced read about a close-knit pair of hearing impaired, canine sisters who can teach us humans a thing or two about resiliency, generosity, sacrifice, forgiveness, sibling rivalries and unconditional love. The Adventures of Hope and Abby takes you from their births and eventual placements with their human families in the first installment of the series, Hope & Abby Find Their Furever Home. The big personalities of these little pups will melt your heart and give us an example of how we humans should behave.

Release dateNov 30, 2023
Hope & Abby Find Their Furever Home

Catherine Quinn-Boroski

Catherine is a retired finance manager. In that position, she wrote many reports and instructional manuals, but was never able to find fulfilment with professional writing. She had a business, CQB Written Solutions, which offered several different writing services, including business plans and I.S.O. documentation for individuals and businesses. Catherine has embraced retirement and has finally written her first novel about her inspirational deaf dogs, Hope and Abby. This has been a lifetime in the making, and a dream come true. Catherine felt writing this was cathartic in many ways, and helped her through some very dark and challenging times. A favourite quote of hers is: "Take your broken heart and make it into art" by Carrie Fisher, a suggestion that Catherine has taken to heart.

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    Hope & Abby Find Their Furever Home - Catherine Quinn-Boroski

    Hope & Abby

    Find Their Furever Home

    Adventures of Hope & Abby

    Catherine Quinn-Boroski

    Hope & Abby Find Their Furever Home

    Copyright © 2023 by Catherine Quinn-Boroski

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real life is strictly coincidental.

    Tellwell Talent


    978-1-77941-196-9 (Hardcover)

    978-1-77941-195-2 (Paperback)

    978-1-77941-197-6 (eBook)

    This book is dedicated to my big sister, Jamie Quinn. Without her kindness and support this book would not have been possible.

    I would also like to give my sincere thanks and appreciation to Deaf Dogs Rock ( for all their help and information I obtained from their website.

    I would also like to thank my good friend, Linda Scheer for her never-ending help and support throughout this process.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. The Puppies Arrive

    Chapter 2. Life in the Litter

    Chapter 3. And Then There Were Twelve

    Chapter 4. Another Surprise

    Chapter 5. The Surprise Arrival

    Chapter 6. The Road to Recovery

    Chapter 7. The Big Snip

    Chapter 8. The Clever Negotiation

    Chapter 9. Puppies for Sale

    Chapter 10. Down to Two

    Chapter 11. The Big Surprises

    Chapter 12. Taking a Gamble

    Chapter 13. Trying To Understand My Mother

    Chapter 14. The Dreaded Day of Reckoning

    Chapter 15. And Then There Was Three

    Chapter 16. Last But Not Least

    Chapter 17. Abby Arrives at Her Furever Home

    Chapter 18. Falling on Deaf Ears

    Chapter 19. Baby Come Back

    Chapter 20. Hope Finds Her Furever Home

    Chapter 1

    The Puppies Arrive

    It was a dark and blustery January night. Although it had been lovely earlier with big snowflakes gently falling, the wind had kicked up and the snow was piling into drifts up to the dogs’ chins. Eddie and Addie had just come in from outside. They shook their bodies sending the tiny snowballs that were stuck to their fur everywhere.

    Addie took two steps off the mat, let out a yip, and was now standing in a puddle. Sharon bent down to see what was wrong. Addie started to whimper, and Sharon realized the puppies were coming!

    She called to her husband, John, come quick . . . the puppies are coming! And wake Tiffany please. She’ll want to see this.

    John was heading to Tiffany’s room to wake her, when suddenly her bedroom door burst open and out, she bounded.

    Dad did Mom say the puppies were coming? asked Tiffany excitedly.

    Yes, she did. If you are quiet and stay out of the way, you can come downstairs and watch. But remember, you cannot touch the puppies until they are quite a bit older, replied John.

    Really, are you sure about that dad? I promise I’ll be gentle and not break them. Please! begged Tiffany.

    Sorry sweetie. No can do! said John.

    As they came downstairs, Sharon called to John, Can you lift Addie onto the towels I put down in her whelping area?

    John gently picked up Addie and moved her a few steps away, out of the draft of the doorway and into her gated whelping area. Formerly known as the family room.

    I need some hot water, towels, and some paper towels please. Oh, and grab that red gym bag with the birthing kit in it.

    Tiffany slowly crept into the room and stood next to her mom who was sitting on the floor with Addie.

    Sit down here near Addie’s head. You can pet her head gently to reassure her and help her stay calm. But you need to sit still, stay out of the way, and be quiet.

    Tiffany slowly sat down on the floor and began to stroke Addie’s head. Addie began to cry more loudly, and Tiffany was getting scared.

    What’s wrong Mom? Why is she crying? Is she going to be, okay? she asked.

    Sharon explained, When babies come it is often painful and difficult for the mother when she is delivering the baby, but then the pain subsides once the baby is born.

    Suddenly, Addie stood up, arched her back, and stopped crying. Sharon put her hands out and caught the first-born puppy in mid-air.

    Wow, it’s a girl! exclaimed Sharon. She sure popped out quickly! John make a note that puppy number one was born at 11:48 p.m., January 30th. She is primarily white with some tan patches and absolutely perfect.

    Tiffany leaned forward to get a better look at her just as Sharon put the puppy down in front of Addie for her to clean off.

    Mom how come you can hold the puppies, but I can’t? asked Tiffany.

    I will only handle them if necessary, at this stage. Besides, I am Addie’s birthing coach. She trusts me with her life and that of her puppies. You, my dear are too young and unpredictable for her to have that level of trust in you. Trust must be earned, and you will earn it when you are older and have a puppy of your own, said Sharon in her motherly tone.

    John reiterated, Okay, so Uno was born at 11:48 p.m., January 30th. If none of the others are born till after midnight, then Uno gets her very own birthday!

    Huh, I never thought about that, said Sharon. She will truly be the alpha dog of the litter! Let us hope dear Uno is a benevolent leader.

    Tiffany looked puzzled. What do you mean Mom? she asked.

    Well, the alpha dog of any pack is the leader of the pack. As leader of the pack, they are responsible for the safety of the pack, for keeping order, for ensuring there are enough resources, and for dividing those resources evenly to all. The health and welfare of the pack illustrates the success of the pack leader. Canine families are not very different from our own. After all, every species on earth desires their own to thrive. And to do so, they require benevolent leaders. Those who are capable of ignoring selfish endeavours and are capable of self-sacrifice for the greater good of all, replied Sharon.

    Wow. That is a lot of pressure for a tiny puppy! Tiffany exclaimed.

    Well, I have a feeling she is going to be up to the task. Look! cried Sharon pointing at Uno. There she was, not ten minutes old starting to wriggle over her mom’s legs and licking her nose. Little Uno was already showing what a strong and charismatic character she was. Addie lifted her head and licked Uno’s head too. Uno cuddled up to her mom’s neck, curled up, and went to sleep.

    Aren’t they sweet. John get a picture, said Sharon softly. John scarcely had time to get his phone from the charger upstairs before Sharon called, John, come quickly . . . Dos is coming!

    Sure enough when John returned Dos was being licked off by Mom Addie. Meanwhile, Uno looked on and gave her new brother a sniff.

    So, Eddie old boy. You have a healthy son and a daughter so far. Congratulations Dad! said John, looking over at the gate in the doorway where Eddie was posed like a statue, quietly watching the events of the evening unfold from the hallway.

    Okay John, pencil ready, said Sharon Dos, puppy number two born 12:10 a.m., January 31st is a boy and is mainly chocolate brown with a few white patches, and perfect like his sister. But quite a bit bigger than her. Poor Addie! Try to get some rest sweetie. That was a big boy!

    Addie stretched out and laid her head back. Little Uno clumsily made her way over to her brother. She gave him a kiss and nuzzled up next to him to keep them both warm. All was quiet for about twenty minutes when suddenly Addie jumped up and yelped. She began to arch her back and another puppy began to emerge. Tres, puppy number three was born, another big boy. And not long after, Cuatro, puppy number four appeared. A girl this time. She was primarily white with just a couple brown spots, but as big as her brothers. As Addie licked off each new puppy, Uno would make her way over to them and introduce herself with a kiss and a nuzzle. A trait that would endear her to many throughout her life.

    Addie laid quietly with her four puppies close by, still under her watchful eye. She was able to get some rest before Cinco arrived. Cinco, puppy number five was another girl. She was smaller, but like her big sister Uno, was mainly tan with chocolate spots. Another beautiful pup! Not long after came Seis, puppy number six. A beautiful chocolate brown boy with a white chest and socks. Addie cleaned him off but was clearly exhausted. She laid her head down to rest.

    Poor Addie. I know you’re tired, but you have six beautiful babies. I do hope for your sake this is it! said Sharon.

    Mom why don’t you want any more puppies? asked Tiffany, upset, and confused by her mother’s statement.

    Well, Addie only has six nipples to feed her puppies. So, that means if she has more than six puppies it will be hard on her to produce enough milk for all of them. We will need to keep really good records of which puppies eat and when. And we will need to move them around to make sure all the puppies are fed enough to grow big and strong. I don’t mean that we don’t want any more puppies, just that it is safer for both Addie and her puppies if there aren’t anymore. She had five beautiful pups the last time and everything went perfectly, replied Sharon in a whispered voice.

    Addie got up and walked away from her puppies. She began to pace back and forth across the room. Little Uno always curious tried to make her way over to her mom. She was scooped up by Sharon and placed back with her siblings, safely out of their mother’s path.

    Oh no you don’t little Uno. Your mom needs a break from you for the time being. She has to stretch her legs, said Sharon. Uno settled in. She too needed a break from the night’s excitement.

    Tiffany was drifting off to sleep with the six beautiful puppies curled up together not a metre away. She was in bliss! Over an hour had passed since puppy number six was born. But Addie was still restless and took to bouts of howling, and pacing. Suddenly she let out a loud, piercing cry and began to shake. Eddie jumped up on the gate, beginning to cry and getting agitated. Clearly, he was concerned about Addie and what was happening. Violet, their cat and her two daughters, Sunny and Stormy appeared and surrounded Eddie as if to loan their support to him and his new family. John immediately looked over at him.

    It’s okay old boy. Addie is going to be fine, John said reassuringly.

    Is she really, Mom? asked Tiffany, on the brink of tears.

    She is distressed, but we need to focus on what we can do to help her Tiff, said Sharon calmly.

    What is that? What can I do to help her? asked Tiffany confused.

    You can continue to do what you are doing. Staying quiet and out of the way. It also includes staying calm and positive. That is what Addie needs from you right now. You can also keep an eye on the puppies while Dad and I take care of Addie. Okay? Keep a close eye on Uno. She is a mover and a shaker, that one.

    Tiffany sat up straight and wiped her eyes and primed herself to keep a watchful eye on her adorable, new litter of puppies. She was intent on helping Addie.

    John moved in toward Addie and Sharon effectively blocking Eddie and Tiffany’s view of Addie.

    Good move, said Sharon in a whispered voice.

    What do you think is going on? John mouthed to Sharon, ensuring Tiffany was unaware of their conversation.

    Her labour is not over yet would be my guess, replied Sharon in a whispered voice.

    Should we call the vet? asked John.

    Not yet, said Sharon. Let’s see how it goes for a bit.

    Addie stood up and started arching her back and whimpering loudly. Out popped two legs but nothing more. Siete was on her way, but it was not to be a smooth arrival for this little one. Sharon jumped up on her knees and bent over to get a close-up view of the situation. John shone a light from his phone onto Siete’s legs and Addie. Sharon rotated between gently pulling on Siete’s legs and massaging Addie’s belly.

    It’s okay Addie, honey. You are doing great, just keeping pushing this one last time, sweetie! Sharon said gently, trying to soothe Addie.

    If it is the last one! said John under his breath.

    Shh, said Sharon.

    Several minutes passed before Siete was born. She came out quite weak and unresponsive compared to her six siblings. Addie had lost a lot of blood and was also in a weakened condition. She licked Siete only twice before giving up and laying her head down for some much-needed rest.

    Sharon finished cleaning off Siete, but she was so small and frail. Sharon hoped she would make it but was not sure if she would. She was a beautiful little thing with fur that looked like she was wearing a white shirt and dark brown, tie-dyed pants, with a big chocolate patch over her left eye and ear. Sharon stroked her back gently, trying to mimic what Addie had done with the others after they were born. Little Siete’s breathing began to get stronger. She was finally responding to Sharon’s touch. Sharon breathed a sigh of relief and placed her next to Uno in the pile of puppies. Uno stirred and licked her new little sister’s head several times, as if she knew her mom didn’t have the strength, so the responsibility fell to her. Uno was shaping up to be the benevolent leader of the pack that Sharon had hoped she would be.

    Chapter 2

    Life in the Litter

    Addie awoke after a brief nap to the whimpering of her new puppies. It was feeding time, and no one cried louder than, guess who. . .Uno. Under Sharon’s watchful eye, Addie got up and made her way over to the pile of puppies and gracefully navigated a safe place to lay down, being mindful not to misstep.

    She was clearly feeling better after the trauma of Siete’s birth, as was Siete. The puppies all lined up along Addie’s belly and started suckling. All except for Siete. She was unlucky number seven. There was no nipple for her to suckle as Addie only had six. Poor little Siete was whimpering as her siblings all ate happily. Sharon began to stroke her back to soothe her. It worked to distract her temporarily but a few minutes later she started to cry again. This time quite a bit louder, and her whole body was trembling. She was hungry, and sad that her mom didn’t seem to notice that she was not included in the feast. She couldn’t understand why her mom didn’t feed her too. Why couldn’t she eat too, she must be thinking. Uno stretched her leg out and touched Siete’s trembling back. She immediately stopped eating and turned to see what was up with her sister.

    Oh Uno, you are the brightest, kindest, and most generous little thing I have ever seen! You are making room for your little sister Siete to eat. You are truly a benevolent leader! said Sharon smiling, as she picked up Siete, and positioned her comfortably so she could eat. Don’t worry little Siete, your big sister Uno will make sure you eat! Siete happily suckled with her other siblings, and in fact long after they had all fallen asleep, she continued to eat.

    John walked into the room and commented, Siete is still eating! Wow, she’s going to grow fast if this keeps up. That’s good! She needs it.

    Yeah, I think she is making up for lost time. I just hope Addie can keep up. We’ll have to make sure she eats a lot to keep up with the puppies’ needs without depleting her body, replied Sharon.

    Tiffany stirred from her curled up position on the floor and stretched, as if it were morning.

    Sharon looked over and said, Tiff, back to bed now. The excitement is over. Addie has seven beautiful puppies that you can eventually play with. But for now, nighty-night sweetheart.

    John moved toward Tiffany and put his hand out to help her up. Come on kiddo, I’m heading to bed too. That is if you don’t need me? John said, looking to Sharon for her reply.

    No, go ahead and tuck Tiff in. I’m sleeping here on the couch with Addie and the puppies, just in case, Sharon said. John nodded and walked away. He returned a moment later with Sharon’s phone and handed it to her.

    Call me if you need me, he said.

    Thanks honey. Night, replied Sharon.

    Come on Eddie, bedtime, called John. Eddie raised his head, looked at John, and then back to his new family, and his beloved Addie. He put his head down on his paws as if to say, thanks buddy, but I’m staying here to watch over them.

    Tiffany and her dad climbed the stairs to the second floor where their bedrooms were. She felt as though it was the longest climb she had ever made. She didn’t realize how truly tired she was from all the excitement of the evening, but she knew she would be asleep before her head hit the pillow, and she could not let that happen. She had questions for her dad that she needed to be answered. Questions better asked when her dad was alone.

    Night Tiff, said John.

    Dad, can we please keep the puppies? Please, please, please! begged Tiffany.

    No Tiff, we can’t. You know this! There are people who have already been promised puppies. They will go to good homes. Mom will make sure of that. Now go to sleep and dream of your beautiful new puppies. Soon you will be able to play with them. Good night, sweetie, replied John in a cheerful tone, while gently closing Tiffany’s bedroom door.

    John crossed the hall to his and Sharon’s bedroom and closed the door. He leaned up against it and let out a deflated sigh. He too was saddened at the prospect of selling the puppies, but Sharon had done this before, and all had gone to plan. Heck, they went out west with the profits. So, he had promised her that he would go along with her venture once again, seeing as how it was an accidental pregnancy. What could he do. The option was even worse. Even though he missed the puppies terribly last time too. But this time Tiffany was nearly eight years old and quite precocious. Old enough to understand what was about to happen. He also knew the reality of being able to keep nine Miniature Australian Shepherds in the city, in a house the size of theirs was not possible.

    He had been both excited for this night and dreading it as this was the beginning of a bittersweet journey for all concerned. John pondered how he was going to navigate the difficult time ahead. He knew why his daughter was begging him to keep the puppies, and he also knew his wife would not hear of it. Sharon had already been challenged by Tiffany several times about keeping the puppies but to no avail. Sharon, finally worn thin by Tiffany’s months of importuning had warned Tiffany that if she did not stop bothering her, she would not allow Tiffany to have anything to do with the puppies or Addie until the puppies were gone to their new homes. She would not even be allowed to meet them. Devasted at the thought of not even meeting the puppies Tiffany had agreed and had stopped bugging her mother about it. But that didn’t mean she had truly given up.

    John was not looking forward to being the monkey in the middle, even if his heart was with his daughter. Sharon was not a pushover. In fact, John was usually the pushover, especially when it came to their daughter.

    So, now what, he thought. His wife was quite stubborn and had passed that trait on to their daughter. So, compromise would be no easy feat, even if it was the only way to solve this. Perhaps if I suggest that we keep one of the puppies, thought John. Then Tiff will be satisfied. They’d have enough space for just one more dog, and Addie, Eddie, and he would also be happy. A smile came across John’s face. Now all I need is a plan, he thought.

    Tiffany laid in her bed and began to cry at the thought of all those cute puppies being sold to strangers. She couldn’t understand how her mother could be so cold-hearted about this. Tiffany had been told by her mother not to talk to strangers, not to go anywhere with strangers, never to get into a car with strangers, and never to take candy from strangers her whole life. But now strangers could take their puppies and that was okay!? If strangers could not be trusted to take candy from them, how could they possibly be trusted with the care of a puppy? This made no sense to her at all! Determined to make her case to her dad, Tiffany took out her notepad and jotted down her thoughts about what she had always been told about children not trusting strangers, but for some reason puppies could trust strangers. Why is that, Mom? she wrote. Feeling satisfied that she could build a case to save the puppies with her dad, she rolled over and went to sleep.

    Sharon gave some fresh, cold water to Addie, who drank like she had never drank before.

    Boy you were a thirsty girl, she said to Addie while refilling her dish. When Addie had finished drinking, she went over and sniffed her sleeping babies, as if she was counting them to make sure they were all there. She circled round them and laid down nearby. Sharon waited patiently for Addie to settle in and go to sleep. Then, she laid down on the couch herself. It had been a long, stressful, and eventful night and everyone needed their sleep, especially Addie.

    Sharon woke a few hours later to the whimpering of hungry puppies. It was early in the morning. The sun was just coming up and peeking through the opening between the curtains. Sharon got up and drew open the curtains and turned to the source of the whimpering. There they lay, a pile of puppies. Mouths open. Each one crying louder than the next, with lead vocals coming from none other than Uno of course, followed closely by Siete. Addie was making her way over to the puppies and Sharon assisted her by clearing her a spot to lay amongst them. All the puppies lined up as they had the first time they had eaten, which meant poor little Siete would once again be the odd man out. Sensing the injustice of this, Siete began to cry very loudly, but no one seemed to hear her.

    Then, she felt Sharon pick her up and cuddle her. She was quieted by the warmth, and liked Sharon’s touch, but this distraction would not last long. She began to cry, louder and louder, until she was shaking and screaming at ear piercing volumes. Suddenly Uno raised her head, feeling her sister’s shaking, and desperation to eat, she backed away to let Siete eat once again. Sharon

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